bl_info = { "name": "Export COL for Super Mario Sunshine", "author": "Blank", "version": (1, 0, 0), "blender": (2, 71, 0), "location": "File > Export > Collision (.col)", "description": "This script allows you do export col files directly from blender. Based on Blank's obj2col", "warning": "Runs update function every 0.2 seconds", "category": "Import-Export" } import random import bpy import bmesh import threading from enum import Enum from btypes.big_endian import * from bpy.types import PropertyGroup, Panel, Scene, Operator from bpy.utils import register_class, unregister_class from import persistent from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, FloatProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, IntProperty, PointerProperty, ) class Header(Struct): vertex_count = uint32 vertex_offset = uint32 group_count = uint32 group_offset = uint32 class Vertex(Struct): x = float32 y = float32 z = float32 def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z class Group(Struct): CollisionType = uint16 #Properties of collision. e.g. is it water? or what? triangle_count = uint16 __padding__ = Padding(1,b'\x00') #Group flags, set them to 0 here has_ColParameter = bool8 #Set 0x0001 to 1 if we have ColParameter values so the game doesn't ignore it __padding__ = Padding(2)#Actual padding vertex_index_offset = uint32 TerrainType_offset = uint32 # 0-18,20,21,23,24,27-31 unknown_offset = uint32 # 0-27 ColParameter_offset = uint32 # 0,1,2,3,4,8,255,6000,7500,7800,8000,8400,9000,10000,10300,12000,14000,17000,19000,20000,21000,22000,27500,30300 class Triangle: def __init__(self): self.vertex_indices = None self.ColType = 0 self.TerrainType = 0 self.unknown = 0 self.ColParameter = None @property def has_ColParameter(self): return self.ColParameter is not None def pack(stream,vertices,triangles): #pack triangles into col file groups = [] for triangle in triangles: for group in groups: #for each triangle add to appropriate group if triangle.ColType != group.CollisionType: continue #break out of loop to next cycle group.triangles.append(triangle) break else: #if no group has been found group = Group() #create a new group group.CollisionType = triangle.ColType group.has_ColParameter = triangle.has_ColParameter group.triangles = [triangle] groups.append(group) #add to list of groups header = Header() header.vertex_count = len(vertices) header.vertex_offset = Header.sizeof() + Group.sizeof()*len(groups) header.group_count = len(groups) header.group_offset = Header.sizeof() Header.pack(stream,header) stream.write(b'\x00'*Group.sizeof()*len(groups)) for vertex in vertices: Vertex.pack(stream,vertex) for group in groups: group.triangle_count = len(group.triangles) group.vertex_index_offset = stream.tell() for triangle in group.triangles: uint16.pack(stream,triangle.vertex_indices[0]) uint16.pack(stream,triangle.vertex_indices[1]) uint16.pack(stream,triangle.vertex_indices[2]) for group in groups: group.TerrainType_offset = stream.tell() for triangle in group.triangles: uint8.pack(stream,triangle.TerrainType) for group in groups: group.unknown_offset = stream.tell() for triangle in group.triangles: uint8.pack(stream,triangle.unknown) for group in groups: if not group.has_ColParameter: group.ColParameter_offset = 0 else: group.ColParameter_offset = stream.tell() for triangle in group.triangles: if triangle.ColParameter is not None: uint16.pack(stream,triangle.ColParameter) else: uint16.pack(stream,0) for group in groups: Group.pack(stream,group) def unpack(stream): header = Header.unpack(stream) groups = [Group.unpack(stream) for _ in range(header.group_count)] vertices = [Vertex.unpack(stream) for _ in range(header.vertex_count)] for group in groups: group.triangles = [Triangle() for _ in range(group.triangle_count)] for triangle in group.triangles: triangle.ColType = group.CollisionType for group in groups: for triangle in group.triangles: triangle.vertex_indices = [uint16.unpack(stream) for _ in range(3)] for group in groups: for triangle in group.triangles: triangle.TerrainType = uint8.unpack(stream) for group in groups: for triangle in group.triangles: triangle.unknown = uint8.unpack(stream) for group in groups: if not group.has_ColParameter: continue for triangle in group.triangles: triangle.ColParameter = uint16.unpack(stream) triangles = sum((group.triangles for group in groups),[]) return vertices,triangles class ImportCOL(Operator, ExportHelper): #Operator that exports the collision model into .col file """Import a COL file""" bl_idname = "import_mesh.col" bl_label = "Import COL" filter_glob = StringProperty( default="*.col", options={'HIDDEN'}, )#This property filters what you see in the file browser to just .col files check_extension = True filename_ext = ".col" #This is the extension that the model will have def execute(self, context): ColStream = open(self.filepath,'rb') CollisionVertexList = [] #Store a list of verticies Triangles = [] #List of triangles, each containing indicies of verticies CollisionVertexList,Triangles = unpack(ColStream) mesh ="mesh") # add a new mesh obj ="CollisionObj", mesh) # add a new object using the mesh scene = bpy.context.scene # put the object into the scene (link) = obj # set as the active object in the scene = True # select object mesh = bm = BMeshVertexList = [] for v in CollisionVertexList: BMeshVertexList.append(,-v.z,v.y))) # add a new vert for f in Triangles: try: #Try and catch to avoid exception on duplicate triangles. Dodgy... MyFace =[f.vertex_indices[0]],BMeshVertexList[f.vertex_indices[1]],BMeshVertexList[f.vertex_indices[2]])) for i in range(0,len( #Scan materials to find match mat =[i] if f.ColType == mat.ColEditor.ColType and f.TerrainType == mat.ColEditor.TerrainType and f.unknown == mat.ColEditor.UnknownField:#Equate unknowns ColParameterAreEqual = (f.ColParameter == mat.ColEditor.ColParameterField) ColParameterDontExist = f.ColParameter is None and mat.ColEditor.HasColParameterField is False #If the ColParameter doesn't exist we need to check for that case if ColParameterAreEqual or ColParameterDontExist: MyFace.material_index = i break #We assigned our material else: #We did not find a material that matched MaterialName = str(f.ColType) + "," + str(f.TerrainType) + "," + str(f.unknown) + "," + str(f.ColParameter) mat = random.seed(hash(MaterialName)) #Not actually random Red = random.random() Green = random.random() Blue = random.random() mat.diffuse_color = (Red,Green,Blue) mat.ColEditor.ColType = f.ColType#Set collision values mat.ColEditor.TerrainType = f.TerrainType mat.ColEditor.UnknownField = f.unknown if f.ColParameter is not None: mat.ColEditor.HasColParameterField = True mat.ColEditor.ColParameterField = f.ColParameter else: mat.ColEditor.HasColParameterField = False mat.ColEditor.ColParameterField = 0 #add material to our object MyFace.material_index = len( - 1 #Since material was just added it will be the last index except: continue bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update() return{'FINISHED'} class ExportCOL(Operator, ExportHelper): #Operator that exports the collision model into .col file """Save a COL file""" bl_idname = "export_mesh.col" bl_label = "Export COL" filter_glob = StringProperty( default="*.col", options={'HIDDEN'}, )#This property filters what you see in the file browser to just .col files check_extension = True filename_ext = ".col" #This is the extension that the model will have #To do: add material presets Scale = FloatProperty( name="Scale factor", description="Scale the col file by this amount", default=1, ) def execute(self, context): # execute() is called by blender when running the operator. VertexList = [] #Store a list of verticies Triangles = [] #List of triangles, each containing indicies of verticies IndexOffset = 0 #Since each object starts their vertex indicies at 0, we need to shift these indicies once we add elements to the vertex list from various objects for Obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: #for all objects bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')#Set mode to be object mode if Obj.type != 'MESH': continue bm = #Define new bmesh MyMesh = Obj.to_mesh(context.scene, True, 'PREVIEW')#make a copy of the object we can modify freely bm.from_mesh(MyMesh) #Add the above copy into the bmesh bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces[:], quad_method=0, ngon_method=0) #triangulate bmesh for Vert in bm.verts: VertexList.append(Vertex(*self.Scale,*self.Scale,*self.Scale)) #add in verts, make sure y is up for Face in bm.faces: MyTriangle = Triangle() MyTriangle.vertex_indices = [Face.verts[0].index + IndexOffset,Face.verts[1].index + IndexOffset,Face.verts[2].index + IndexOffset] #add three vertex indicies slot = Obj.material_slots[Face.material_index] mat = slot.material.ColEditor if mat is not None: MyTriangle.ColType = mat.ColType MyTriangle.TerrainType = mat.TerrainType MyTriangle.unknown = mat.UnknownField if mat.HasColParameterField == True: MyTriangle.ColParameter = mat.ColParameterField Triangles.append(MyTriangle) #add triangles del bm IndexOffset = len(VertexList)#set offset ColStream = open(self.filepath,'wb') pack(ColStream,VertexList,Triangles) return {'FINISHED'} # this lets blender know the operator finished successfully. class CollisionProperties(PropertyGroup): #This defines the UI elements ColType = IntProperty(name = "Collision type",default=0, min=0, max=65535) #Here we put parameters for the UI elements and point to the Update functions TerrainType = IntProperty(name = "Sound",default=0, min=0, max=255) UnknownField = IntProperty(name = "Unknown",default=0, min=0, max=255)#I probably should have made these an array HasColParameterField = BoolProperty(name="Has Parameter", default=False) ColParameterField = IntProperty(name = "Parameter",default=0, min=0, max=65535) class CollisionPanel(Panel): #This panel houses the UI elements defined in the CollisionProperties bl_label = "Edit Collision Values" bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" bl_context = "material" @classmethod def poll(cls, context):#stolen from blender mat = context.material engine = context.scene.render.engine return check_material(mat) and (mat.type in {'SURFACE', 'WIRE'}) def draw(self, context): mat = context.material.ColEditor column1 = self.layout.column(align = True) column1.prop(mat,"ColType") column1.prop(mat,"TerrainType") column1.prop(mat,"UnknownField") column1.prop(mat,"HasColParameterField") column2 = self.layout.column(align = True) column2.prop(mat,"ColParameterField") column2.enabled = mat.HasColParameterField #must have "Has ColParameter" checked def check_material(mat): if mat is not None: if mat.use_nodes: if mat.active_node_material is not None: return True return False return True return False classes = (ExportCOL,ImportCOL, CollisionPanel,CollisionProperties) #list of classes to register/unregister def register(): for i in classes: register_class(i) bpy.types.Material.ColEditor = PointerProperty(type=CollisionProperties) #store in the scene bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_export) #Add to export menu bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(menu_import) #Add to import menu def menu_export(self, context): self.layout.operator(ExportCOL.bl_idname, text="Collision (.col)") def menu_import(self, context): self.layout.operator(ImportCOL.bl_idname, text="Collision (.col)") def unregister(): for i in classes: unregister_class(i) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_export) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(menu_import) # This allows you to run the script directly from blenders text editor # to test the addon without having to install it. if __name__ == "__main__": register()