Fork 0

Finished formatting, added section type to tuple

This commit is contained in:
JoshuaMKW 2020-09-28 13:54:19 -05:00
parent 6f9d6141c9
commit 6c8d2c464d
2 changed files with 74 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ class AddressOutOfRangeError(Exception): pass
class DolFile(object):
class SectionType():
Text = 0
Data = 1
def __init__(self, f=None):
self.fileOffsetLoc = 0
self.fileAddressLoc = 0x48
@ -40,9 +44,9 @@ class DolFile(object):
data = BytesIO(f.read(size))
if i < self.maxTextSections:
self.textSections.append((offset, address, size, data))
self.textSections.append([offset, address, size, data, DolFile.SectionType.Text])
self.dataSections.append((offset, address, size, data))
self.dataSections.append([offset, address, size, data, DolFile.SectionType.Data])
self.bssAddress = read_uint32(f)
@ -59,31 +63,27 @@ class DolFile(object):
return "Nintendo DOL format executable for the Wii and Gamecube"
# Internal function for
def resolve_address(self, gcAddr, raiseError=True) -> tuple:
'''Returns the data of the section that houses the given address
If raiseError is True, a RuntimeError is raised when the address is unmapped,
otherwise it returns None'''
def resolve_address(self, gcAddr) -> tuple:
""" Returns the data of the section that houses the given address\n
UnmappedAddressError is raised when the address is unmapped """
for offset, address, size, data in self.textSections:
for offset, address, size, data, sectiontype in self.textSections:
if address <= gcAddr < address+size:
return offset, address, size, data
for offset, address, size, data in self.dataSections:
return offset, address, size, data, sectiontype
for offset, address, size, data, sectiontype in self.dataSections:
if address <= gcAddr < address+size:
return offset, address, size, data
return offset, address, size, data, sectiontype
if raiseError:
raise UnmappedAddressError(f"Unmapped address: 0x{gcAddr:X}")
return None
def seek_nearest_unmapped(self, gcAddr, buffer=0) -> int:
'''Returns the nearest unmapped address (greater) if the given address is already taken by data'''
for _, address, size, _ in self.textSections:
for _, address, size, _, _ in self.textSections:
if address > (gcAddr + buffer) or address+size < gcAddr:
gcAddr = address + size
for _, address, size, _ in self.dataSections:
for _, address, size, _, _ in self.dataSections:
if address > (gcAddr + buffer) or address+size < gcAddr:
gcAddr = address + size
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class DolFile(object):
def sections(self) -> tuple:
""" Generator that yields each section's data """
for i in self.textSections:
yield i
for i in self.dataSections:
@ -100,43 +101,47 @@ class DolFile(object):
def get_final_section(self) -> tuple:
""" Returns the last section in the dol file as sorted by internal offset """
largestOffset = 0
indexToTarget = 0
targetType = "Text"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Text
for i, sectionData in enumerate(self.textSections):
if sectionData[0] > largestOffset:
largestOffset = sectionData[0]
indexToTarget = i
targetType = "Text"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Text
for i, sectionData in enumerate(self.dataSections):
if sectionData[0] > largestOffset:
largestOffset = sectionData[0]
indexToTarget = i
targetType = "Data"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Data
if targetType == "Text":
if targetType == DolFile.SectionType.Text:
return self.textSections[indexToTarget]
return self.dataSections[indexToTarget]
def get_first_section(self) -> tuple:
""" Returns the first section in the dol file as sorted by internal offset """
smallestOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF
indexToTarget = 0
targetType = "Text"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Text
for i, sectionData in enumerate(self.textSections):
if sectionData[0] < smallestOffset:
smallestOffset = sectionData[0]
indexToTarget = i
targetType = "Text"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Text
for i, sectionData in enumerate(self.dataSections):
if sectionData[0] < smallestOffset:
smallestOffset = sectionData[0]
indexToTarget = i
targetType = "Data"
targetType = DolFile.SectionType.Data
if targetType == "Text":
if targetType == DolFile.SectionType.Text:
return self.textSections[indexToTarget]
return self.dataSections[indexToTarget]
@ -144,35 +149,35 @@ class DolFile(object):
# Unsupported: Reading an entire dol file
# Assumption: A read should not go beyond the current section
def read(self, _size) -> bytes:
_, address, size, data = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr)
_, address, size, data, _ = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr)
if self._currLogicAddr + _size > address + size:
raise RuntimeError("Read goes over current section")
raise UnmappedAddressError("Read goes over current section")
self._currLogicAddr += _size
return data.read(_size)
# Assumption: A write should not go beyond the current section
def write(self, _data):
_, address, size, data = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr)
_, address, size, data, _ = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr)
if self._currLogicAddr + len(_data) > address + size:
raise RuntimeError("Write goes over current section")
raise UnmappedAddressError("Write goes over current section")
self._currLogicAddr += len(_data)
def seek(self, where, whence=0):
if whence == 0:
_, address, _, data = self.resolve_address(where)
_, address, _, data, _ = self.resolve_address(where)
data.seek(where - address)
self._currLogicAddr = where
elif whence == 1:
_, address, _, data = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr + where)
_, address, _, data, _ = self.resolve_address(self._currLogicAddr + where)
data.seek((self._currLogicAddr + where) - address)
self._currLogicAddr += where
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported whence type '{whence}'")
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported whence type '{whence}'")
def tell(self) -> int:
return self._currLogicAddr
@ -184,12 +189,12 @@ class DolFile(object):
for i in range(self.maxTextSections + self.maxDataSections):
if i < self.maxTextSections:
if i < len(self.textSections):
offset, address, size, data = self.textSections[i]
offset, address, size, data, _ = self.textSections[i]
if i - self.maxTextSections < len(self.dataSections):
offset, address, size, data = self.dataSections[i - self.maxTextSections]
offset, address, size, data, _ = self.dataSections[i - self.maxTextSections]
@ -212,25 +217,35 @@ class DolFile(object):
align_byte_size(f, 256)
def get_full_size(self) -> int:
offset, _, size, _ = self.get_final_section()
return (0x100 + offset + size + 255) & -256
offset, _, size, _, _ = self.get_final_section()
return (offset + size + 255) & -256
def get_section_size(self, index: int, section: SectionType) -> int:
""" Return the current size of the specified section\n
section: DolFile.SectionType """
if section == DolFile.SectionType.Text:
return self.textSections[index][2]
return self.dataSections[index][2]
def get_section_size(self, sectionsList: list, index: int) -> int:
return sectionsList[index][2]
def append_text_sections(self, sectionsList: list) -> bool:
""" Follows the list format: [tuple(<Bytes>Data, <Int>GameAddress or None), tuple(<Bytes>Data... """
'''Write offset/address/size to each section in DOL file header'''
for i, dataSet in enumerate(sectionsList):
if len(self.textSections) >= self.maxTextSections:
raise SectionCountFullError(f"Exceeded max text section limit of {self.maxTextSections}")
fOffset, _, fSize, _ = self.get_final_section()
_, pAddress, pSize, _ = self.textSections[len(self.textSections) - 1]
fOffset, _, fSize, _, _ = self.get_final_section()
_, pAddress, pSize, _, _ = self.textSections[len(self.textSections) - 1]
data, address = dataSet
if not isinstance(data, BytesIO):
if not hasattr(data, "getbuffer"):
if hasattr(data, "read"):
data = BytesIO(data.read())
data = BytesIO(data)
offset = fOffset + fSize
@ -246,21 +261,24 @@ class DolFile(object):
if address < 0x80000000 or address >= 0x81200000:
raise AddressOutOfRangeError(f"Address '{address:08X}' of text section {i} is beyond scope (0x80000000 <-> 0x81200000)")
self.textSections.append((offset, address, size, data))
self.textSections.append((offset, address, size, data, DolFile.SectionType.Text))
def append_data_sections(self, sectionsList: list) -> bool:
""" Follows the list format: [tuple(<Bytes>Data, <Int>GameAddress or None), tuple(<Bytes>Data... """
'''Write offset/address/size to each section in DOL file header'''
for i, dataSet in enumerate(sectionsList):
if len(self.dataSections) >= self.maxDataSections:
raise SectionCountFullError(f"Exceeded max data section limit of {self.maxDataSections}")
fOffset, _, fSize, _ = self.get_final_section()
_, pAddress, pSize, _ = self.dataSections[len(self.dataSections) - 1]
fOffset, _, fSize, _, _ = self.get_final_section()
_, pAddress, pSize, _, _ = self.dataSections[len(self.dataSections) - 1]
data, address = dataSet
if not isinstance(data, BytesIO):
if not hasattr(data, "getbuffer"):
if hasattr(data, "read"):
data = BytesIO(data.read())
data = BytesIO(data)
offset = fOffset + fSize
@ -276,9 +294,14 @@ class DolFile(object):
if address < 0x80000000 or address >= 0x81200000:
raise AddressOutOfRangeError(f"Address '{address:08X}' of data section {i} is beyond scope (0x80000000 <-> 0x81200000)")
self.dataSections.append((offset, address, size, data))
self.dataSections.append((offset, address, size, data, DolFile.SectionType.Data))
def insert_branch(self, to: int, _from: int, lk=0):
""" Insert a branch instruction at _from\n
to: address to branch to\n
_from: address to branch from\n
lk: 0 | 1, is branch linking? """
write_uint32(self, (to - _from) & 0x3FFFFFD | 0x48000000 | lk)
@ -328,6 +351,7 @@ class DolFile(object):
def print_info(self):
print("|---DOL INFO---|".center(20, " "))
for i, (offset, addr, size, _) in enumerate(self.textSections):
header = f"| Text section {i} |"
print("-"*len(header) + "\n" + header + "\n" + "-"*len(header) + f"\n File offset:\t0x{offset:X}\n Virtual addr:\t0x{addr:X}\n Size:\t\t0x{size:X}\n")

View file

@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ def determine_codehook(dolFile: DolFile, codeHandler: CodeHandler, hook=False):
def assert_code_hook(dolFile: DolFile, codeHandler: CodeHandler):
for _, address, size, _, in dolFile.textSections:
for _, address, size, _, _ in dolFile.textSections:
sample = dolFile.read(size)