# GeckoLoader **GeckoLoader is a command line tool, providing an easy way to have near unlimited code space, allowing thousands of lines of gecko code for every Wii/GCN game.** **Steps to prepare a codelist** 1. Download `Ocarina Manager` 2. Open `Ocarina Manager` and supply it with the codes you desire, checking the boxes of the codes that you want to be used in `GeckoLoader` 3. Save it as a txt file in your `current working directory` **Steps to prepare a .dol file** 1. Copy a clean `dol` file from your choice game into your `current working directory` **Steps to compile GeckoLoader** 1. Run the installer and choose to install `GeckoLoader` 2. In command prompt, input `GeckoLoader -h` for help on syntax and options 3. Run the command `GeckoLoader ` filling in the variables as needed Your new patched `dol` file will be in the folder `./geckoloader-build` by default *NOTE: can be an Ocarina formatted txt file, a gct, or a folder containing the previous mentioned files.