#Written by JoshuaMK 2020 import sys import os import time import re try: import argparse import chardet except ImportError as IE: print(IE) sys.exit(1) try: import colorama from colorama import Fore, Style colorama.init() TRESET = Style.RESET_ALL TGREEN = Fore.GREEN TGREENLIT = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN TYELLOW = Fore.YELLOW TYELLOWLIT = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW TRED = Fore.RED TREDLIT = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED except ImportError: TRESET = '' TGREEN = '' TGREENLIT = '' TYELLOW = '' TYELLOWLIT = '' TRED = '' TREDLIT = '' def resource_path(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) def geckoParser(geckoText, parseAll): geckoMagic = '00D0C0DE00D0C0DE' geckoTerminate = 'F000000000000000' with open(geckoText, 'rb') as gecko: result = chardet.detect(gecko.read()) encodeType = result['encoding'] with open(geckoText, 'r', encoding=encodeType) as gecko: data = gecko.readlines() geckoCodes = '' for line in data: if parseAll.lower() == 'all': geckoLine = re.findall(r'[A-F0-9]{8}\s[A-F0-9]{8}', line, re.IGNORECASE) elif parseAll.lower() == 'active': geckoLine = re.findall(r'\*\s[A-F0-9]{8}\s[A-F0-9]{8}', line, re.IGNORECASE) else: geckoLine = re.findall(r'\*\s[A-F0-9]{8}\s[A-F0-9]{8}', line, re.IGNORECASE) geckoLine = ''.join(geckoLine) geckoLine = re.sub(r'\s+', '', geckoLine) geckoCodes = geckoCodes + geckoLine.replace('*', '') geckoCodes = geckoMagic + geckoCodes + geckoTerminate geckoSize = '{:08X}'.format(len(bytes.fromhex(geckoCodes))).lstrip('0') return [bytes.fromhex(geckoCodes), geckoSize] def build(gctFile, dolFile, size, isText): with open(resource_path('sme-code.bin'), 'rb') as code, open(r'{}'.format(dolFile), 'rb') as dol, open(r'{}'.format(gctFile), 'rb') as gecko, open(resource_path('codehandler.bin'), 'rb') as handler, open('tmp.bin', 'wb+') as tmp, open(os.path.join('BUILD', os.path.basename(dolFile)), 'wb+') as final: if int(get_size(dol).hex(), 16) < int('0x100', 16): os.remove('tmp.bin') parser.error('DOL header is corrupted. Please provide a clean file') dol.seek(0) '''Initialize the new DOL file''' final.write(dol.read()) '''Initialize the sme-code loader''' tmp.write(code.read()) code.seek(0, 0) tmp.seek(0, 0) '''Search for main entry of loader''' entryIndex = 0 sample = tmp.read(4) while sample: if sample == ENTRY: tmp.seek(-4, 1) tmp.write(bytes.fromhex('7C0802A6')) break entryIndex += 4 sample = tmp.read(4) tmp.seek(0) '''Get BSS section for insert''' final.seek(int('D8', 16)) BSS = int(final.read(4).hex(), 16) BSS_length = int(final.read(4).hex(), 16) dump_address = '{:08X}'.format(int(BSS + (BSS_length / 2)))[:-2] + '00' _START = bytes.fromhex('{:08X}'.format(int(dump_address, 16) + entryIndex)) cLoader = bytes.fromhex(dump_address) '''Get address split for later''' upperAddr, lowerAddr = dump_address[:int(len(dump_address)/2)], dump_address[int(len(dump_address)/2):] '''Get code initialize address''' final.seek(int('E0', 16)) _init = [final.read(2), final.read(2)] '''Patch the values for the addresses and such''' heaped = False sized = False fsized = False gUpperAddr = bytes.fromhex(upperAddr) if isText == True: geckoCheats = geckoParser(gctFile, args.txtcodes) while heaped == False or sized == False or fsized == False: try: sample = tmp.read(4) if sample == HEAP: #Found keyword "HEAP". Goes with the resize of the heap if not heaped: tmp.seek(-4, 1) gInfo = tmp.tell() if int(lowerAddr, 16) + gInfo > int('7FFF', 16): #Absolute addressing gUpperAddr = bytes.fromhex('{:04X}'.format(int(upperAddr, 16) + 1)) if size == '0' or size == '': if isText == False: size = get_size(gecko).hex().upper() else: size = geckoCheats[1] tmp.write(bytes.fromhex('{:08X}'.format(int(size, 16)))) heaped = True elif sample == LOADERSIZE: #Found keyword "LSIZ". Goes with the size of the loader if not sized: tmp.seek(-4, 1) tmp.write(get_size(code)) sized = True elif sample == FULLSIZE: #Found keyword "FSIZ". Goes with the size of the loader + codes if not fsized: tmp.seek(-4, 1) code.seek(0, 2) gecko.seek(0, 2) if isText == True: tmp.write(get_size(code, int(geckoCheats[1], 16))) else: tmp.write(get_size(code, gecko.tell())) fsized = True except Exception as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) '''Patch all load/store offsets to data''' tmp.seek(0) sample = tmp.read(2) while sample: if sample == GH: tmp.seek(-2, 1) tmp.write(gUpperAddr) elif sample == GL: tmp.seek(-2, 1) tmp.write(bytes.fromhex('{:04X}'.format(int(lowerAddr, 16) + gInfo))) elif sample == IH: tmp.seek(-2, 1) tmp.write(_init[0]) elif sample == IL: tmp.seek(-2, 1) tmp.write(_init[1]) sample = tmp.read(2) tmp.seek(0) gecko.seek(0) dol_handler_offset = get_size(final) final.write(handler.read()) time.sleep(0.01) dol_sme_offset = get_size(final) final.write(tmp.read()) time.sleep(0.01) if isText == False: final.write(gecko.read()) else: final.write(geckoCheats[0]) final.seek(0, 0) status = False i = 0 while i < 6: textOffset = int(final.read(4).hex(), 16) if textOffset == 0: status = True offset = i * 4 '''Write offset to each section in DOL file header''' final.seek(-4, 1) final.write(dol_handler_offset) final.write(dol_sme_offset) final.seek(int('48', 16) + offset) '''Write in game memory addresses for each section in DOL file header''' final.write(bytes.fromhex('80001800')) final.write(cLoader) final.seek(int('E0', 16)) '''Write game entry in DOL file header''' final.write(_START) '''Get size of GeckoLoader + gecko codes, and the codehandler''' handler_size = get_size(handler) tmp.seek(0, 2) gecko.seek(0, 2) if isText == True: sme_code_size = get_size(tmp, int(geckoCheats[1], 16)) else: sme_code_size = get_size(tmp, gecko.tell()) '''Write size of each section into DOL file header''' final.seek(int('90', 16) + offset) final.write(handler_size) final.write(sme_code_size) break else: i += 1 if status == False: os.remove('tmp.bin') parser.error(TREDLIT + 'Not enough text sections to patch the DOL file! Potentially due to previous mods?\n' + TRESET) if isText == False: if int(size, 16) < int(get_size(gecko).hex(), 16): print(TYELLOW + '\n :: WARNING: Allocated codespace was smaller than the given codelist. The game will crash if run' + TRESET) else: if int(size, 16) < int(geckoCheats[1], 16): print(TYELLOW + '\n :: WARNING: Allocated codespace was smaller than the given codelist. The game will crash if run' + TRESET) if args.quiet: return if int(size, 16) > int('70000', 16): print(TYELLOW + '\n :: WARNING: Allocations beyond 70000 will crash certain games. You allocated 0x{}'.format(size) + TRESET) elif int(size, 16) > int('40000', 16): print(TYELLOWLIT + '\n :: HINT: Recommended allocation limit is 0x40000. You allocated 0x{}'.format(size) + TRESET) if isText == False: codelistSize = get_size(gecko).hex().upper().lstrip('0') else: codelistSize = geckoCheats[1] if args.verbose >= 2: print('') info = [TGREENLIT + ' :: GeckoLoader set at address 0x{}, start of game modified to address 0x{}'.format(dump_address.upper(), _START.hex().upper()), ' :: Game function "_init_registers" located at address 0x{}{}'.format(_init[0].hex(), _init[1].hex().upper()), ' :: Code allocation is 0x{}; codelist size is 0x{}'.format(size.upper().lstrip('0'), codelistSize), ' :: Of the 6 text sections in this DOL file, {} were already used'.format(i) + TRESET] for bit in info: print(bit) elif args.verbose >= 1: print('') info = [TGREENLIT + ' :: GeckoLoader set at address 0x{}'.format(dump_address.upper()), ' :: Code allocation is 0x{} in hex; codelist size is 0x{}'.format(size.upper().lstrip('0'), codelistSize) + TRESET] for bit in info: print(bit) return def get_size(file, offset=0): """ Return a file's size in bytes """ file.seek(0, 2) return(bytes.fromhex('{:08X}'.format(file.tell() + offset))) if __name__ == "__main__": isText = False parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process files and allocations for GeckoLoader') parser.add_argument('file', help='First file') parser.add_argument('file2', help='Second file') parser.add_argument('--alloc', help='Define the size of the code allocation: --alloc hex') parser.add_argument('-tc', '--txtcodes', help='What codes get parsed when a txt file is used.\n"ALL" makes all codes get parsed,\n"ACTIVE" makes only activated codes get parsed.', default='active') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Print nothing to the console', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Print extra info to the console', default=0, action='count') args = parser.parse_args() if args.alloc: size = args.alloc.lstrip('0x') try: int(size, 16) except: parser.error('The allocation was invalid\n') else: size = '0' if os.path.splitext(args.file)[1].lower() == '.dol': dolFile = args.file elif os.path.splitext(args.file2)[1].lower() == '.dol': dolFile = args.file2 else: parser.error('No dol file was passed\n') if os.path.splitext(args.file)[1].lower() == '.gct': gctFile = args.file isText = False elif os.path.splitext(args.file)[1].lower() == '.txt': gctFile = args.file isText = True elif os.path.splitext(args.file2)[1].lower() == '.gct': gctFile = args.file2 isText = False elif os.path.splitext(args.file2)[1].lower() == '.txt': gctFile = args.file2 isText = True else: parser.error('Neither a gct or gecko text file was passed\n') time1 = time.time() HEAP = bytes.fromhex('48454150') LOADERSIZE = bytes.fromhex('4C53495A') FULLSIZE = bytes.fromhex('4653495A') ENTRY = bytes.fromhex('454E5452') GH = bytes.fromhex('4748') GL = bytes.fromhex('474C') IH = bytes.fromhex('4948') IL = bytes.fromhex('494C') try: if not os.path.isdir('BUILD'): os.mkdir('BUILD') if not os.path.isfile(dolFile): parser.error(dolFile + ' Does not exist') if not os.path.isfile(gctFile): parser.error(gctFile + ' Does not exist') build(gctFile, dolFile, size, isText) os.remove('tmp.bin') if not args.quiet: print('\n :: Compiled in {:0.4f} seconds!\n'.format(time.time() - time1)) except FileNotFoundError as err: parser.error(err) sys.exit(1)