/* <> are external libs, "" are files we include */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "inc/sms.h" /* Super Mario Sunshine Disassembly example */ /* This code is always running, and is constantly updating. */ J2DTextBox textbox; bool inAir; int timesjumped; int glasstimer; bool eqip; int timemilli; int time; int timerx; int timery; int OnUpdate(MarDirector* director) { int (*GameUpdate)(MarDirector* director) = (void*)*(void**)((int)*(int*)director + 0x64); /* We simply keep track of Mario's jumping amount. He needs to stop jumping, or else he'll have an effect! */ /* is he jumping? */ bool jumping = IsMarioJumping(); timemilli--; timery++; if (timemilli <=0) { time--; timemilli=30; } if (ControllerOne->buttons & PRESS_DU) { MarioActor* mario = GetMarioHitActor(); SetMarioAnim(1.0, mario, 109); } JUTRect rect; JUTRect_Set(&rect, timerx, timery, 800, 512); //Update return GameUpdate(director); } void OnDraw2D(J2DOrthoGraph* graphics) { /* Here are his states that we read. If Mario is doing said action, the return should be 1. */ snprintf(J2DTextBox_GetStringPtr(&textbox), 128, "Time x %d", time); //Run replaced branch J2DGrafContext_Setup2D((J2DGrafContext*)graphics); J2DScreen_Draw((J2DScreen*)&textbox, 0, 0, (J2DGrafContext*)graphics, 0x81); GXSetScissor(0, 0, 0x0280, 0x01c0); JUTRect rect; JUTRect_Set(&rect, timerx, timery, 800, 512); } /* This code gets ran once. */ void OnSetup(MarDirector* director) { MarioActor* mario = GetMarioHitActor(); WearGlasses(mario); timemilli=30; time=300; timerx=440; timery=-420; JUTRect rect; MarDirector_SetupObjects(director); //Run replaced branch JUTRect_Set(&rect, timerx, timery, 800, 512); //textbox = (J2DTextBox*)malloc(sizeof(J2DTextBox)); J2DTextBox_Create(&textbox, 0, &rect, GameFont, GameStrTable, 2, 0); char* info; info = (char*)malloc(128); J2DTextBox_SetString(&textbox, info); void (*TestNull)(void) = 0x80247fa4; TestNull(); info = (char*)malloc(128); } void *TestNull() { asm( "blr ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); }