#ifndef SMS_H #define SMS_H #include #include #include #define PRESS_START 0x1000 #define PRESS_B 0x0200 #define PRESS_A 0x0100 #define PRESS_Z 0x0010 #define PRESS_X 0x0400 #define PRESS_Y 0x0800 #define PRESS_DU 0x0008 #define PRESS_DD 0x0004 #define PRESS_DL 0x0001 #define PRESS_DR 0x0002 #define PRESS_L 0x0040 #define PRESS_R 0x0020 #define MARIOFLAG_ALIVE 0x00000001 #define MARIOFLAG_INVISIBLE 0x00000004 #define MARIOFLAG_ALLDEAD 0x00000F00 #define MARIOFLAG_GAMEOVER 0x00000400 #define MARIOFLAG_SLIP 0x00000080 #define MARIOFLAG_HASHELMET_FOLLOWCAMERA 0x00001000 #define MARIOFLAG_HASHELMET 0x00002000 #define MARIOFLAG_HASFLUDD 0x00008000 #define MARIOFLAG_SPLASH 0x00010000 #define MARIOFLAG_PUDDLE 0x00020000 #define MARIOFLAG_SHIRT 0x00100000 #define MARIOFLAG_GONE 0x00200000 #define STATE_NUMBER 0x0000000F #define STATE_AIRBORN 0x00000800 #define STATE_DOJUMP 0x00000080 #define STATE_AIRBORN 0x00000800 #define STATE_CUTSCENE 0x00001000 #define STATE_STUNNED 0x00002000 #define STATE_RUNNING 0x04000440 #define STATE_IDLE 0x0C400201 #define STATE_STOP 0x0C00023D #define STATE_SPIN 0x00000441 #define STATE_JUMPSPIN 0x00000890 #define STATE_JUMPSPIN1 0x00000895 #define STATE_JUMPSPIN2 0x00000896 #define STATE_JUMP 0x02000880 #define STATE_D_JUMP 0x02000881 #define STATE_TRIPLE_J 0x00000882 #define STATE_JMP_LAND 0x04000470 #define STATE_HVY_LAND 0x04000473 #define STATE_D_LAND 0x04000472 #define STATE_T_LAND 0x0800023A #define STATE_JUMPSIDE 0x00000880 #define STATE_SIDESTEP 0x0C008220 #define STATE_SIDE_FLIP 0x00000887 #define STATE_FALL 0x0000088C #define STATE_SWIM 0x000024D7 #define STATE_DIVE 0x0080088A #define STATE_DIVEJUMP 0x02000889 #define STATE_DIVESLIDE 0x00800456 #define STATE_CLIMB 0x18100340 #define STATE_CLIMBUP 0x10100343 #define STATE_WALLJUMP 0x02000886 #define STATE_WALLSLIDE 0x000008A7 #define STATE_HANG 0x3800034B #define STATE_HANGCLIMB 0x3000054F #define STATE_SLAMSTART 0x008008A9 #define STATE_SLAM 0x0080023C #define STATE_SPRAY 0x0C008220 #define STATE_THROWN 0x000208B8 #define STATE_HOVER 0x0000088B #define STATE_STUCK 0x0002033C #define STATE_TALKING 0x10001308 #define STATE_TURNING 0X00000444 //add new #define STATE_SHINE_C 0x00001302 // Collected Shine Sprite #define STATE_DEATH 0x00020467 #define STATE_DOOR_F_O 0x00001321 // Door open fail #define STATE_WALL_S_L 0x04000471 #define STATE_WALL_SLD 0x000008A7 #define STATE_F_KNCK_H 0X000208B0 // hard knockback from front (bumping into a wall from dive) #define STATE_KNCK_LND 0X00020462 // Landing from front knockback #define STATE_KNCK_GND 0x00020466 // Front knockback while grounded #define STATE_FIRE_HIT 0x000208B7 #define STATE_FIRE_RVR 0x08000239 // Recover from fire on ground #define STATE_HOVER_F 0x0000088D // Falling from hover #define STATE_SLIDE_R1 0x000008A6 // Recover from slide by flipping #define STATE_SLIDE_R2 0x00000386 // Recover from slide by getting up #define STATE_R_SPRAY 0x0C008220 // Recover from spray #define STATE_G_POUND 0x008008A9 // Ground pounding //#define #define BGM_DOLPIC 0x80010001 #define BGM_BIANCO 0x80010002 #define BGM_MAMMA 0x80010003 #define BGM_PINNAPACO_SEA 0x80010004 #define BGM_PINNAPACO 0x80010005 #define BGM_MARE_SEA 0x80010006 #define BGM_MONTEVILLAGE 0x80010007 #define BGM_SHILENA 0x80010008 #define BGM_RICCO 0x80010009 #define BGM_GET_SHINE 0x8001000A #define BGM_CHUBOSS 0x8001000B #define BGM_MISS 0x8001000C #define BGM_BOSS 0x8001000D #define BGM_MAP_SELECT 0x8001000E #define BGM_BOSSPAKU_DEMO 0x8001000F #define BGM_MAIN_TITLE 0x80010010 #define BGM_CHUBOSS2 0x80010011 #define BGM_EXTRA 0x80010012 #define BGM_DELFINO 0x80010013 #define BGM_MAREVILLAGE 0x80010014 #define BGM_CORONA 0x80010015 #define BGM_KAGEMARIO 0x80010016 #define BGM_CAMERA 0x80010017 #define BGM_MONTE_ONSEN 0x80010018 #define BGM_MECHAKUPPA 0x80010019 #define BGM_AIRPORT 0x8001001A #define BGM_UNDERGROUND 0x8001001B #define BGM_TITLEBACK 0x8001001C #define BGM_MONTE_NIGHT 0x8001001D #define BGM_CASINO 0x8001001E #define BGM_EVENT 0x8001001F #define BGM_TIME_IVENT 0x80010020 #define BGM_SKY_AND_SEA 0x80010021 #define BGM_MONTE_RESCUE 0x80010022 #define BGM_MERRY_GO_ROUND 0x80010023 #define BGM_SCENARIO_SELECT 0x80010024 #define BGM_FANFARE_CASINO 0x80010025 #define BGM_FANFARE_RACE 0x80010026 #define BGM_CAMERA_KAGE 0x80010027 #define BGM_GAMEOVER 0x80010028 #define BGM_BOSSHANA_2ND3RD 0x80010029 #define BGM_BOSSGESO_2DN3RD 0x8001002A #define BGM_CHUBOSS_MANTA 0x8001002B #define BGM_MONTE_LAST 0x8001002C #define BGM_SHINE_APPEAR 0x8001002D #define BGM_KUPPA 0x8001002E #define BGM_SPACEWORLD 0x80011030 #define SND_PIPE 9598 //#define GFX_OFF 0x09A4 - E3 #define GFX_OFF 0x07F4 #define AIRPORT 0 #define DOLPIC0 1 #define BIANCO0 2 #define RICCO0 3 #define MAMMA0 4 #define PINNABEACH0 5 #define SIRENA0 6 #define DELFINO0 7 #define MONTE0 8 #define MARE0 9 #define NONE0 10 #define SCALE0 11 #define TEST10 12 #define PINNAPARCO0 13 #define CASINO0 14 #define GFX_OFF 0x09A4 typedef float Mtx[3][4]; typedef float Mtx44[4][4]; enum GXProjectionType { GX_PERSPECTIVE = 0, GX_ORTHOGRAPHIC = 1 }; typedef struct { float x, y, z; } Vec, *VecPtr, Point3d, *Point3dPtr; typedef struct { Point3d position; Point3d target; Vec up; float fovy; float znear; float zfar; Mtx viewMtx; Mtx44 projMtx; } Camera; typedef struct { int xorg; int yorg; int width; int height; } ViewPort; typedef struct{ int u1; } WaterGun; typedef struct{ uint16_t buttons; // 0x0 int8_t lanalogx; // 0x4 int8_t lanalogy; // 0x8 int8_t ranalogx; // 0xC int8_t ranalogy; // 0xA uint8_t ltrig; // 0xE uint8_t rtrig; // 0x12 uint8_t status; //0x16 uint8_t u2; uint8_t u3; uint8_t u4; } __attribute__((packed)) Controller; typedef struct{ void* type; void* u1[55]; int u2; int u3[7]; } MarioGamePad; // MarDirector* mardirector = (MarDirector*)(r13 + 0x9FB8) typedef struct{ int u1; } MarDirector; typedef struct{ float x; float y; float z; } Vector; typedef struct { int flag1; int flag2; int flag3; int flag4; int flag5; int flag6; int flag7; int flag8; int flag9; int flag10; } NormalSoundData; typedef struct { float u1; float u2; float u3; float u4; } HitTable; typedef struct{ char* colKey; int flag; } ColData; typedef struct AnimData_t{ char* modelKey; int unk1; int unk2; int unk3; int unk4; int unk5; int unk6; int unk7; int unk8; int unk9; char* animModel; char* animKey; int unk10; int unk11; int unk12; } AnimData; typedef struct { int info1; AnimData* aData; } AnimInfo; typedef struct { int flag1; int flag2; int flag3; HitTable* hitData; } HitInfo; typedef struct { int flag1; ColData* cData; } ColInfo; typedef struct { int flag1; NormalSoundData* normSoundData; // okay what? } SoundInfo; typedef struct ObjectData_t { char* modelKey; float unknown1; char* shiftJis; char* shiftJis2; AnimInfo* aInfo; HitInfo* hInfo; ColInfo* cInfo; SoundInfo* sInfo; int unused1; int unused2; int unused3; int unused4; float unknown2; int flag1; int flag2; } ObjectData; struct HitActor_t; struct EMario_t; struct EnemyMario_t; struct WaterGun_t; struct Yoshi_t; struct ObjectData_t; struct AnimData_t; typedef struct PolarSubCamera_t { void* Type; void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; int u5; void* u6; int u7; Vector u8; float u9; int u10; Vector rotation; Vector u11; int u12[51]; MarioGamePad* gamepad; } PolarSubCamera; typedef struct MapObjBase_t{ void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; } __attribute__((packed)) MapObjBase; typedef struct HitActor_t{ void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 struct HitActor_t** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 void* u21[0x2F]; ObjectData* objData; // 130 } __attribute__((packed)) HitActor; typedef struct { void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 struct HitActor_t** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 void* u21; //74 void* u22; //78 int snd1; //7C int snd2; //80 char* bas; //84 int status; //88 int init; //8c int status_timer; //90 int temp6; //94 int temp7; //98 int temp8; //9c int temp9; //a0 int temp10; //a4 int temp11; //a8 int temp12; //ac float dirY; //b0 int current; //b4 float u23; //b8 float u24; //bc float u25; //c0 void* u26; //c4 float u27; //c8 float u28; //cc int reserved1; //d0 int u29; // Used - d4 int analogX; //d8 int analogY; //dc int reserved4; //e0 int reserved5; //e4 void* u30[18]; ObjectData* objData; // 130 } __attribute__((packed)) MultiActor; typedef struct { void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 struct HitActor_t** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 void* u21; void* u22; int u23; int isFlipped; int flipTimer; } __attribute__((packed)) flipBlockActor; typedef struct{ void* Type; void* u2; int u3; int hitCount; Vector position; int u5; void* u6; Vector scale; Vector direction; void* u7; void* u8; void* u9; int u10; int collision; float u12; float u13; float u14; float u15; float u16; int u17; int u18; int u19; void* u20; } BlockActor; typedef struct { void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 struct HitActor_t** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 void* u21; void* u22; int u23; int isDown; int isRot; } __attribute__((packed)) hexActor; typedef struct{ void* Type; //0 void* u2; //4 int u3; //8 int u4; //c Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 HitActor** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 int u21; int u22; uint32_t status; uint32_t laststatus; //80 int statustime; void* u23; //88 void* u24; //8c void* u25; //90 uint16_t rotx; //94 uint16_t roty; //96 uint16_t rotz; //98 uint16_t roty2; //9a void* u26; //9c void* u27; //a0 Vector speed; //a4 void* u28[26]; //b0 int flags; //118 void* u29[178]; //11c WaterGun* watergun; //3e4 void* u31; //3e8 void* u32; //3ec struct Yoshi_t* yoshi; //3f0 void* u33[40]; //3f4 MarioGamePad* gamepad; //4f4 } __attribute__((packed)) MarioActor; typedef struct EnemyMario_t{ void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 HitActor** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 int u21; int u22; uint32_t status; uint32_t laststatus;//80 int statustime; void* u23[36]; //88 int flags; //118 void* u24[64]; char name[16]; //218 void* u25[180]; //228 MarioGamePad* gamepad; //4fc void* u26[3940]; uint16_t emarioflags; uint16_t emariodamage; //4294 uint16_t emariohealth; //4296 uint16_t u27; //4298 int u28; int u29; struct EMario_t* emario; int u30; int u31; float u32; float u33; uint16_t u34; uint16_t u35; uint16_t u36; uint16_t hpmetertimer; } __attribute__((packed)) EnemyMario; typedef struct EMario_t{ void* Type; //0 void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; //10 int u5; void* u6; //20 Vector scale; Vector direction; //30 void* u7; void* u8; //40 HitActor** colarray; uint16_t colcount; uint16_t colarraysize; int colsettings; float bound1; //50 float bound2; float bound3; float bound4; float bound5; //60 int colflags; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //70 void* u21[55]; EnemyMario* enemymario; } __attribute__((packed)) EMario; #define ITEMFLAG_STATIC 0x00000010 typedef struct{ void* Type; void* u2; int u3; int u4; Vector position; int u5; void* u6; Vector scale; Vector direction; void* u7; void* u8; void* u9; int u10; int itemtype; float u12; float u13; float u14; float u15; float u16; int u17; int u18; int u19; void* u20; //0x74 int pad1[14]; Vector velocity; int pad2[14]; int flags; } __attribute__((packed)) ItemActor; typedef struct{ uint8_t u1; //00 uint8_t u2; uint8_t u3; uint8_t u4; int u5; //04 int u6; //08 int u7; //0c MarioActor* mario; } __attribute__((packed)) Yoshi; typedef struct{ void* u1[6]; int count; //18 void* u1_2[21]; Vector position; //70 void* u2[11]; //7c float u3; //a8 void* u4[4]; //7c float u5; //bc void* u6[4]; //c0 float u7; //d0 void* u8[9]; //d4 float u9; //f8 void* u10[13]; uint16_t u11; //134 uint16_t u12; } __attribute__((packed)) WaterEmitInfo; typedef struct { int u1; float u2; } Sound; typedef struct { int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; } JUTRect; typedef struct { void* type; int content[64]; } J2DGrafContext; typedef struct { void* type; int content[64]; } J2DOrthoGraph; typedef struct { void* type; int content[9]; } J2DPrint; typedef struct { void* type; } JUTResFont; typedef struct { } ResFONT; typedef struct { void* type; int pad1[2]; int flags; JUTRect bounds; int content[100]; } J2DTextBox; typedef struct { void* type; int content[64]; } J2DPaneO; typedef struct { void* type; int content[64]; } J2DScreen; typedef struct { int charIndex; int unk1; uint8_t voice; } JMSMesgEntry; typedef struct { int unk1; char* textBuf; JMSMesgEntry* entry[10]; } TalkMesEntry; typedef struct { void* type; void* data[596]; TalkMesEntry* msgEntry; } Talk2D; typedef struct { void* type; } GCConsole; typedef struct { void* type; } PollutionManager; typedef struct { void* type; } ItemManager; typedef struct { void* type; void* u1; int flags1; int flags2; int timer; } TrembleModelEffect; typedef struct { float a1[4]; float a2[4]; float a3[4]; } A3_A4_f; typedef struct { int x; int y; int w; int h; } Rect; typedef struct { void* type; int type2; int id; int isVisible; int pane_id; JUTRect rect; JUTRect cRect; JUTRect clipRect; JUTRect scissorBounds; void* unk1[0x4A]; long* tmem; } J2DPane; typedef struct CARDFileInfo { int chan; int fileNo; int offset; int length; int iBlock; } CARDFileInfo; const int32_t testObjectVTable[119] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x801C4580, 0x80007D70, 0x801AF750, 0x802FA6F4, 0x801B2FF0, 0x802FA6FC, 0x801B3364, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x801C4918, 0x803370C0, 0x8033720C, 0x80337214, 0x8033721C, 0x80337220, 0x80337228, 0x8033722C, 0x80337230, 0x80337234, 0x80007FA8, 0x80007FA0, 0x80007F98, 0x80007F90, 0x80007F88, 0x80007F80, 0x803370E0, 0x803370E8, 0x803370EC, 0x803370F4, 0x803370F8, 0x80337100, 0x80337104, 0x802F7004, 0x802F7020, 0x802F703C, 0x802F7058, 0x802F7074, 0x802F7090, 0x801B305C, 0x800C6E9C, 0x801B4194, 0x80007D40, 0x800C6E94, 0x80218CC0, 0x801AFA4C, 0x802187D0, 0x801B345C, 0x801AFF74, 0x801B35F8, 0x801B36B8, 0x8021818C, 0x80218020, 0x80217FC8, 0x80217DE4, 0x801AFA80, 0x801B4114, 0x80217D88, 0x80217D6C, 0x80217CC8, 0x80217B30, 0x80217990, 0x801B401C, 0x801B0430, 0x801B0738, 0x801B12F8, 0x801B1368, 0x801B9C24, 0x801B1058, 0x801B118C, 0x800C6ED0, 0x801B17DC, 0x800C6F08, 0x801B238C, 0x801B1D64, 0x801B12F0, 0x801AEBEC, 0x800C6F0C, 0x800C6F10, 0x800C6F14, 0x801B02D0, 0x801C42E4, 0x801B43D0, 0x801B03B8, 0x801B03F4, 0x801B08F4, 0x800C6F18, 0x800C6F20, 0x801AEBE4, 0x801B1764, 0x801B4F30, 0x801B3F2C, 0x801B4580, 0x801B4528, 0x801B4644, 0x801B46C4, 0x801B48F8, 0x801B4D78, 0x801B47E4, 0x801B4DD0, 0x801B4950, 0x801B49A4, 0x801B4200, 0x801B4BDC, 0x801B49F8, 0x801B4CEC, 0x801B4274, 0x801B4D54, 0x801B4470, 0x801B44DC, 0x801B444C, 0x801B3938, 0x801B3ADC, 0x801B3B8C, 0x801B3DFC, 0x801B3EE4, 0x801B3D64, 0x801B3DF0, }; //For C++ inheritence #define GetObjectFunction( object, func ) (void*)*(void**)((int)*(int*)object + func) #define Director_GameUpdate 0x64 #define HitActor_TouchPlayer 0x0148 #define HitActor_ReceiveMessage 0xA0 //Only works with objects with vtables #define GetType( object ) *(int*)object #define TYPE_ENEMYMARIO 0x803aef24 #define TYPE_EMARIO 0x803ae404 #define TYPE_ITEMNOZZLE 0x803c942c //Free is done automatically on stage transition #define malloc(n) __nwa__FUl((n)) #define free(n) __dla__FUl((n)) void GXSetScissor(int x, int y, int x2, int y2); void GXSetViewport(float x, float y, float w, float h, float nearZ, float farZ); void GXSetProjection(float mtx[4][4], int projType); void GXFlush(); void C_MTXLookAt(Mtx mtx, Point3dPtr* camPos, VecPtr* camUp, Point3dPtr* target); void setSrcRect(int viewPortObj, int rect); void GXInvalidateTexAll(); void J2DOrthoGraph_Create(J2DOrthoGraph* targetaddr, JUTRect* view); void J2DGrafContext_Setup2D(J2DGrafContext* graphics); void J2DPrint_Create(J2DPrint* targetaddr, JUTResFont* font, int u); float J2DPrint_GetWidth(J2DPrint* j2dprint, char* text); void J2DPrint_Initiate(J2DPrint* j2dprint); void J2DPrint_Print(J2DPrint* j2dprint, int x, int y, char* text, int u1, int u2, int u3); void J2DPrint_Delete(J2DPrint* j2dprint, int mask); #define GameFont (*(ResFONT**)((*(int*)(SceneReference - 0x6038)) + 0x48)) #define GameStrTable (RTOC - 19304) void J2DTextBox_Create(J2DTextBox* targetaddr, int u1, JUTRect* bounds, ResFONT* font, void* table, int HBinding, int VBinding); void J2DTextBox_Draw(J2DTextBox* textbox); void J2DTextBox_Drawii(J2DTextBox* textbox, int a1, int a2); void J2DTextBox_DrawSelf(J2DTextBox* textbox, int a1, int a2, A3_A4_f* matrix); void J2DTextBox_SetString(J2DTextBox* textbox, char* string); char* J2DTextBox_GetStringPtr(J2DTextBox* textbox); void J2DTextBox_Delete(J2DTextBox* textbox); void J2DPane_Draw(J2DPane* pane, int a1, int a2, J2DGrafContext* graphics, int a3); void J2DPane_SetBasePosition(J2DPane* pane, int pos); void J2DPane_MakeMatrix(J2DPane* pane, int a1, int a2); void J2DScreen_Draw(J2DScreen* pane, int a1, int a2, J2DGrafContext* graphics, int a3); void JUTRect_Set(JUTRect* rect, int x, int y, int w, int h); void setTalkBox(Talk2D* tManager, char* textBuffer, JMSMesgEntry* entry); void MarDirector_SetupObjects(MarDirector* director); void Drama_PrepareUpdate(HitActor* this, int a1, void* drama, void* graphics, int obj); /* typedef ObjItemManager{ int a1; int a2; void (*__dt__)(); void (*GetType)(); void (*Load)(); void (*Save)(); void (*LoadAfter)(); void (*SearchF)(); void (*Perform)(); void (*CreateModelData)(); void (*CreateModelData)(); void (*CreateAnmData)(); void (*CreateModelDataArray)(); void (*ClipActors)(); void (*SetFlagOutOfCube)(); void (*CreateSpcBinary)(); bool (*HasMapCollision)(); }*/ register void* RTOC __asm ("r2"); register void* SceneReference __asm ("r13"); // math float cosf(float); float sinf(float); float sqrtf(float); // GC //static void (*GXSetBlendMode)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) = (void*)0x80361dd0; //static void (*GXBegin)(int a1, int a2, int a3) = (void*)0x8035df88; static const Controller* Controllers = (Controller*)0x80404454; static const Controller* ControllerOne = (Controller*)0x80404454; static const Controller* ControllerTwo = (Controller*)0x80404460; static const Controller* ControllerThree = (Controller*)0x8040446c; static const Controller* ControllerFour = (Controller*)0x80404478; static MarioGamePad* GamePads = (MarioGamePad*)0x8057738c; static MarioGamePad* GamePadOne = (MarioGamePad*)0x8057738c; static MarioGamePad* GamePadTwo = (MarioGamePad*)0x8057748c; static MarioGamePad* GamePadThree = (MarioGamePad*)0x8057758c; static MarioGamePad* GamePadFour = (MarioGamePad*)0x8057768c; void MarioGamePad_Read(); void MarioGamePad_Update(MarioGamePad* pad); void MarioGamePad_Reset(MarioGamePad* pad); static void* gpSystemFont = (void*)0x8040e188; static void* gpRomFont = (void*)0x8040e18c; // SMS static void* gpApplication = (void*)0x803e9700; static Talk2D** TalkManager = (Talk2D**)0x8040ddd8; static void** gpMarioParticleManager = (void**)0x8040e150; static void** gpModelWaterManager = (void**)0x8040e138; uint32_t* gModelWaterManagerWaterColor = (uint32_t*)0x803dd898; unsigned int CalcKeyCode(char* key); void Vector_Add(Vector* v1, Vector* v2, Vector* vo); void Vector_Subtract(Vector* v1, Vector* v2); void Vector_Normalize(Vector* vi, Vector* vo); void Vector_Scale(Vector* vi, float scale); float Vector_Magnitude(Vector* v); void Talk2D_OpenWindow(Talk2D* talkmanager, int a1, float f1); void openNormalTalkWindow(Talk2D* manager); void DrawWaterBackground(GCConsole* console); void StampPollution(PollutionManager* pollution, int stamp, float x, float y, float z, float r); void CleanPollution(PollutionManager* pollution, float x, float y, float z, float r); // Stage static MarDirector** gpMarDirector = (void*)0x8040e178; static void** gpItemManager = (void**)0x8040df10; static void** gpMap = (void*)0x8040de98; static PollutionManager** gpPollution = (void*)0x8040ded0; static void** gpStrategy = (void*)0x8040e080; static void** gpSunManager = (void*)0x8040d0c0; static HitActor** gpSunModel = (void*)0x8040d0c8; static uint8_t* ChangeScenario = (void*)0x003e9712; static uint8_t* ChangeEpisode = (void*)0x003e9713; void ChangeStage(MarDirector* director, uint32_t stageinfo); HitActor* SearchF(void* namereflist, int keycode, char* ref); #define SearchObjByRef(ref) SearchF((void*)*(((int*)*(int*)(SceneReference - 0x5db8)) + 1), CalcKeyCode((ref)), (ref)) int GetShineStage(uint8_t stageid); int IsPolluted(void); //Camera static HitActor** gpCamera = (void*)0x8040d0a8; void Camera_AddMultiPlayer(void* camera, Vector* position); void Camera_RemoveMultiPlayer(void* camera, Vector* position); void Camera_CreateMultiPlayer(void* camera, unsigned char players); void PolarSubCamera_UpdateMultiplayer(void* camera); // Mario static HitActor** gpMarioOriginal = (void*)0x8040e0e8; static HitActor** gpMarioAddress = (void*)0x8040e108; #define GetFludd(mario) (HitActor*)((mario) + 0x03E4) static Vector** gpMarioPos = (void*)0x8040e10c; static uint16_t** gpMarioAngleX = (void*)0x8040e110; static uint16_t** gpMarioAngleY = (void*)0x8040e114; static uint16_t** gpMarioAngleZ = (void*)0x8040e118; static float** gpMarioSpeedX = (void*)0x8040e11c; static float** gpMarioSpeedY = (void*)0x8040e120; static float** gpMarioSpeedZ = (void*)0x8040e124; static const uint16_t** gpMarioLightID = (void*)0x8040e128; static int** gpMarioFlag = (void*)0x8040e12c; static float** gpMarioThrowPower = (void*)0x8040e130; static const void*** gpMarioGroundPlane = (void*)0x8040e134; MarioActor* GetMarioHitActor(); HitActor* GetFLUDD(); HitActor* GetMarioYoshi(); int GetMarioHP(); int GetMarioStatus(); int GetMarioStatusFromHitActor(MarioActor* mario); void IncGoldCoinFlag(uint32_t coinptr, int stage, int amount); #define IncrementCoin(amount) incGoldCoinFlag(*(int*)(SceneReference - 0x6060), GetShineStage((*(int*)(gpApplication + 0x0E)) & 0xFF), (amount)) void GetMarioMapPosition(); void ThrowMario(void*, void*, float, float, float); void SetMarioAnim(float a1, int a2, int a3); int IsMarioJumping(); int SMS_IsMarioDashing(); void SetMarioStatus(MarioActor* mario, int a2, int a3, int a4); #define MarioDoJump(mario) SetMarioStatus((mario), 0x02000881, 0, 0) #define MarioDoThrow(mario) SetMarioStatus((mario), 0x000208B8, 0, 0) void EmitSweat(MarioActor* mario); void Fludd_Emit(WaterGun* fludd); void Mario_StartVoice(MarioActor* mario, int id); void Mario_SetGamePad(MarioActor* mario, MarioGamePad* gamepad); void Mario_CheckController(HitActor* mario, void* drama, void* graphics); void Mario_ReceiveMessage(MarioActor* mario, HitActor* other, unsigned long message); void Mario_PlayerControl(MarioActor* mario, void* drama, void* graphics); void Mario_CheckCollision(MarioActor* mario); void Mario_DamageExec(MarioActor* mario, HitActor* other, int u1, int u2, int u3, float f1, int u4, float f2, short u5); void Mario_IncHP(MarioActor* mario, int n); void Mario_DecHP(MarioActor* mario, int n); void EnemyMario_CheckController(HitActor* enemymario, void* drama, void* graphics); void SetMarioVelocity(MarioActor* mario, float vel); void StartTrembleEffect(TrembleModelEffect* effectmgr, float maxTremble, float minTremble, float damp, int timer); void Mario_WearGlasses(MarioActor* mario); void MapObjBase_RemoveMapCollision(MapObjBase* obj); void Mario_InitValues(MarioActor* mario); void Mario_Trample(MarioActor* mario, HitActor* other); void Mario_SetAnimation(MarioActor* mario, int id, float f1); void Mario_SetStatusToJumping(MarioActor* mario, long u1, long u2); void Mario_GetOffYoshi(MarioActor* mario); void Mario_WaterGunUpdate(MarioActor* martin); void mario_initModel(MarioActor* mario); void mario_initValues(MarioActor* mario); #define GetMarioTrembleEffect(mario) ((TrembleModelEffect*)*((void**)(mario) + 0x014F)) void Yoshi_Ride(Yoshi* yoshi); void WaterGun_Create(WaterGun* fludd, MarioActor* mario); void WaterGun_Init(WaterGun* fludd); void WaterGun_ChangeNozzle(void* this, int nozzletype, int nozzleslot); void WaterGun_Update(WaterGun*, int, void*); #define MARIOMSG_THROW 0x07 #define MARIOMSG_HURTFIRE 0x0a #define MARIOMSG_HURT 0x0e void SendMsgToMario(MarioActor* mario, int msg); // Objects #define OBJ_WATER 0x20000002 #define OBJ_ONEUP 0x20000006 #define OBJ_COIN 0x2000000E #define OBJ_BLUECOIN 0x20000010 #define OBJ_ROCKETNOZZLE 0x20000022 #define OBJ_HOVERNOZZLE 0x20000026 #define OBJ_TURBONOZZLE 0x2000002A HitActor* MakeObjAppear(ItemManager* itemManager, int id); HitActor* makeShineAppearWithDemo(ItemManager* itemManager, char* manager, char* mang2, float x, float y, float z); //Water void WaterEmitInfo_Create(WaterEmitInfo* this, const char* prm); void ModelWaterManager_EmitRequest(void* man, void* emitinfo); // Effects void GenerateEffectElectric(HitActor* pos); void emitGetCoinEffect(int unk1, MarioActor* mario); void emitGotEffect(MarioActor* mario); void objAppear(HitActor* actor); void destroyCol(HitActor* actor); void initModelData(HitActor* actor); void marioCanTake(MarioActor* mario, HitActor* actor); void marioStartVoice(MarioActor* mario, int soundIndex); void ParticleManager_EmitWithRotate(void* man, int particle, Vector* position, uint16_t yaw, uint16_t pitch, uint16_t roll, uint8_t u2, void const* u5); void MapObjBase_EmitSplash(MapObjBase* obj); void changeTexture(int gfx, int gfxtype, int amnt); void setPanePosition(J2DPane* plane, long speed, int unk2, int unk3, int unk4); void updatePane(J2DPane* pane); void updateBoundPane(J2DPane* pane); void updateBlendPane(J2DPane* pane); void movePane(J2DPane* pane, int u1, int u2); int searchPane(long root, int id); void processAppearCoin(int GCConsole); void startAppearCoin(int GCConsole); void processDownCoin(int GCConsole, int u1, long u2, long u3); void getModel(HitActor* actor); void showAllShapePacket(void); void makeObjAppeared(HitActor* actor); void startMapObjAnim(HitActor* actor, int multi); void createMActor(int u1, int u2, int u3, int u4, int u5); void startAnimation(int objProp, int anim, int u1); void setUpMapCollision(HitActor* actor); void setFrameRate(long _0x74, int unk1, float speed); void changeCollision(HitActor* actor, int unk1, float unk2, float unk3); void EasyEmitParticle(int effect, Vector* position, HitActor* actor, Vector* u1); // Music / SFX void PlaySound(int rate, Sound* sfx, int nl1, int nl2, int nl3, int four); void startSoundSystemSE(int id, int unk1, int unk2, int unk3); void StartStageEntranceDemoSeq(int u1, int u2); void StartBGM(int u1); void StopBGM(int u1, int u2); void StopBGMs(int unk1, int unk2); void search(int id); void setAnimSound(HitActor* actor, char* bas); void initAnimSound(int mBuff, int BAS, float unk1, int unk2); //TEST LUMA static float* lumaX = (void*)0x810e21bc; static float* lumaY = (void*)0x810e21c0; static float* lumaZ = (void*)0x810e21c4; static float* lumaRotY = (void*)0x810e21e0; static float* lumaScaleX = (void*)0x810e21d0; static float* lumaScaleY = (void*)0x810e21d4; static float* lumaScaleZ = (void*)0x810e21d8; static float* CamRotX = (void*)0x812444e8; static float* CamRotY = (void*)0x812444ec; static float* CamRotZ = (void*)0x812444f0; static float* CoinHUD = (void*)0x80e2cfc4; void startCameraDemo(HitActor* cameraActor, int anim, float startrotation, int u1, long u2, int u3); void coinTaken(HitActor* coin, HitActor* mario); void redCoinTaken(HitActor* coin, HitActor* mario); void startAppearGo(long ConsoleStr); void startJAIStream(char* audioFile, int u1, void* u2); void loadToMainRAM(char* file, int unk1, int unk2, int unk3, long unk4, int unk5, int unk6, int unk7); void DVDOpen(char* file, long unk1); void DVDPrepareStreamASync(long finfo, int length, int offset, long callback); void DVDStopStreamAtEndAsync(long commandblock, long callback); void DVDCancelStreamAsync(long commandblock, long callback); void loadToARAM(char* file, int unk1, int unk2, int unk3, int unk4); void loadModelData(char* modelFile, int flags, char* directory); void setBuffer(void* constructor, void* buffer, int size); void JSURead(void* constructor, void* buffer, int amount); int readData(void* constructor, void* buffer, int size); int getGlbResource(char* file); void loadBCKDataBase(int bck); void setBTP(long objPtr, char* animFile); float getDistance(HitActor* object, Vector position); static uint32_t** key = (void*)0x80412fec; static const int* TGCCConsole2 = (void*)0x80902AB4; //static const int* TGCCConsole2 = (void*)0x80ea3804; const int* firstPane = (void*)0x80ea40e4; void StartSoundActorWithInfo(int, Vector*, Vector*, float, int, int, void**, int, uint8_t); //Other void PSMTXCopy(); void CLBPolarToCross(Vector* center, Vector* out, float rho, uint16_t theta ,uint16_t phi); void Application_Init(void* application); void CARDInit(void); int CARDMount(int channelNum, void* workArea, long cardCallBack); int CARDOpen(int channelNum, char* fileName, CARDFileInfo* fileInfo); int CARDCreate(int channelNum, char* fileName, int size, CARDFileInfo* fileInfo); int CARDRead(CARDFileInfo* fileInfo, void* bufferAddr, int length, int offset); int CARDWrite(CARDFileInfo* fileInfo, void* bufferAddr, int length, int offset); //80e2d0d4 - c_cu //80143a38 //80578988 //80426df0 //8117002c #endif