ClientAPI: use Axios ServerAPI: use @koa/router FullDate: wrapped Date only class APIPromise: enhanced Promise on api response application/json only(multipart/*, image/*, ... are not supported) get, post, put, delete, patch only
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import {StrictTypeParser as STP} from './utils/StrictTypeParser';
const warn = (x: any) => console.warn('\x1b[1;33mWarning: '+x+'\x1b[0m');
/* ==== type declaration ==== */
export interface OpenAPI {
paths: Paths;
components?: Components;
// path
interface Paths {
[path: string]: PathItem
interface PathItem {
get?: Operation;
put?: Operation;
post?: Operation;
delete?: Operation;
patch?: Operation;
[_: string]: any;
type EMethod = 'get' | 'put' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'patch';
const ELMethod: Array<EMethod> = ['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'patch'];
interface Operation {
responses: Responses;
parameters?: Parameter[];
requestBody?: RequestBody;
operationId?: string;
// response
interface Responses {
[status: string]: Response // | Reference;
interface Response {
// headers?: Header;
content?: TMediaTypes;
type TMediaTypes = {[contentType: string]: MediaType};
interface MediaType {
schema?: Schema | Reference;
example?: any;
examples?: {[_: string]: object};
// parameter
interface Parameter {
name: string;
in: EParameterIn;
description?: string;
required?: boolean;
deprecated?: boolean;
style?: string;
schema?: Schema | Reference;
type EParameterIn = 'query' | 'header' | 'path' | 'cookie';
export const ELParameterIn: Array<EParameterIn> = [
'path', 'query', 'header', 'cookie'];
// request body
interface RequestBody {
description: string;
content: {[contentType: string]: MediaType};
required?: boolean;
// components
interface Components {
schemas: {[_: string]: Schema | Reference};
// schemeType
export type Schemas = {[_: string]: Schema | Reference};
interface Schema {
type: string;
format?: string;
nullable?: boolean;
readOnly?: boolean;
maxSize?: number;
interface ArraySchema extends Schema {
items: Schema | Reference;
export function isArraySchema(x: any): x is ArraySchema {
return x.type === 'array';
interface ObjectSchema extends Schema {
properties: {[name: string]: Schema | Reference};
export function isObjectSchema(x: any): x is ObjectSchema {
return x.type === 'object';
interface Reference {
$ref: string;
maxSize?: string | number;
function isReference(x: any): x is Reference {
return typeof x.$ref === 'string';
// api
class APIFunction {
public method: string,
public url: string,
public reqTypes: TReqTypes,
public resTypes: TResTypes,
) {}
type TReqTypes = {
query?: {[name: string]: SchemaType};
header?: {[name: string]: SchemaType};
path?: {[name: string]: SchemaType};
cookie?: {[name: string]: SchemaType};
body?: SchemaType;
type TResTypes = {[status: string]: SchemaType};
/* ==== ==== */
function mediaTypes2type(content?: TMediaTypes, required?: boolean):
SchemaType {
const media = content?.['application/json']; // TODO
if (media == null) {
if (Object.keys(content ?? {}).length > 0) {
warn('only support application/json now');
return new SchemaType('any', false);
// schema
const {schema} = media;
return new SchemaType(schema ?? 'any', required ?? false);
export class SchemaType {
private _typeName?: string;
get typeName(): string {
return this._typeName ??
(this._typeName = SchemaType.typeNameOf(this.schema));
get required(): boolean {
return this._required;
get maxSize(): string | number | undefined {
return this.schema.maxSize;
forProp(prop: string): string {
return `${prop}${this.required ? '' : '?'}: ${this.typeName}`;
stp(prop: string): string {
const stp = SchemaType.gcStp(prop, this.schema);
return (this.required ? '' : `${prop}===undefined ? undefined : `)+stp;
private schema: Schema | Reference;
constructor(schema: Schema | Reference | string,
private _required: boolean) {
this.schema = typeof schema === 'string' ? {type: schema} : schema;
static typeNameOf(schema: Schema | Reference): string {
if (isReference(schema)) {
const {$ref} = schema;
const typeName = /^#\/components\/schemas\/(\w+)$/g.exec($ref)?.[1];
if (typeName == null) {
warn(`Invalid $ref, use any instead: ${$ref}`);
return 'any';
return `Schemas.${typeName}`;
const {
type, format, nullable, readOnly,
} = schema;
let sType = type;
if (isArraySchema(schema)) {
sType = `Array<${SchemaType.typeNameOf(schema.items)}>`;
} else if (isObjectSchema(schema)) {
sType = '{';
for (const [name, sub] of Object.entries( {
sType += `${name}: ${SchemaType.typeNameOf(sub)}, `;
sType += '}';
} else if (type === 'string') {
if (format === 'date-time') sType = 'Date';
else if (format === 'date') sType = 'FullDate';
else if (format === 'byte') sType = 'string'; // TODO Buffer
else if (format === 'binary') sType = 'string'; // TODO Buffer
else if (format) warn(`Unknown format ${format}, use string instead`);
} else if (type === 'integer') sType = 'number'; // TODO integer
if (nullable) sType = `${sType} | null`;
if (readOnly) sType = `Readonly<${sType}>`;
return sType;
static gcStp(para: string, schema: Schema | Reference): string {
const sPara = `'${para.replace(/'/g, '\\\'')}'`;
// object
if (isReference(schema)) {
return `new ${new SchemaType(schema, true).typeName}(${para})`;
// any
let code;
const {type, nullable, format} = schema;
if (type === 'any') return para;
if (isArraySchema(schema)) {
code = `STP._Array(${para}, ${sPara}).map(o=>${
SchemaType.gcStp('o', schema.items)})`;
} else if (isObjectSchema(schema)) {
code = '{';
for (const [name, sub] of Object.entries( {
code += `${name}: ${SchemaType.gcStp(para+'.'+name, sub)}, `;
code += '}';
} else {
let t;
if (type === 'string') {
if (format === 'date-time') t = 'Date';
else if (format === 'date') t = 'FullDate';
else if (format === 'byte') t = 'string'; // TODO
else if (format === 'binary') t = 'string'; // TODO
else {
if (format) warn(`Unknown format ${format}, use string instead`);
t = 'string';
} else if (type === 'integer') t = 'number';
else t = type;
if (!STP.supportTypes.includes(t)) {
warn(`Unknown type ${type}, use any instead`);
return para;
} else code = `STP._${t}(${para}, ${sPara})`;
// nullable
if (nullable) code = `${para}===null ? null : ${code}`;
return code;
export type APIFunctions = {[_: string]: APIFunction};
export function apiFunctionsOf(openAPI: OpenAPI): APIFunctions {
const {paths} = openAPI;
const functions: APIFunctions = {};
for (const [url, pathItem] of Object.entries(paths)) {
for (const method of ELMethod) {
const op = pathItem[method];
if (op == null) continue;
// operationId
const {
operationId, parameters, requestBody, responses,
} = op;
if (operationId == null) {
warn(`ignore operation in ${method} ${url}: ` +
'operationId should be given');
const name = operationId;
const reqTypes: TReqTypes = {};
const resTypes: TResTypes = {};
// reqParas
if (parameters != null) {
for (const para of parameters) {
const {
name, in: _in, required, schema,
} = para;
// add
if (reqTypes[_in] == null) reqTypes[_in] = {};
reqTypes[_in]![name] = new SchemaType(
schema ?? 'any', required ?? false);
// requestBody
if (requestBody != null) {
reqTypes.body = mediaTypes2type(
// responses
for (const [status, res] of Object.entries(responses)) {
resTypes[status] = mediaTypes2type(res.content, true);
// add to group
const saf = new APIFunction(method, url, reqTypes, resTypes);
functions[name] = saf;
return functions;