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2020-05-20 05:54:19 +09:00

319 lines
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import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import {Config, ConfigUser, configDefault} from './Config';
import {
apiFunctionsOf, OpenAPI, APIFunctions as APIFuncs,
ELParameterIn, SchemaType, Schemas, isObjectSchema,
} from './OpenAPI';
import {CodePrinter} from './CodePrinter';
function codegenIHandler(funcs: APIFuncs, config: Config, cp: CodePrinter) {
const {
schemasName, utilsTSPath, clientOnly,
} = config;
// import
cp.writeln(`import * as Schemas from './${schemasName}'`);
cp.writeln('import {FullDate, StrictTypeParser as STP, APIPromise} ' +
`from '${utilsTSPath}'`);
if (!clientOnly) {
cp.writeln('import {RouterContext as CTX} from \'@koa/router\'');
cp.writeln('import {AxiosResponse} from \'axios\'');
// api req, res types
cp.writeln(`export type TAPI = {`, 1);
for (const [funcName, func] of Object.entries(funcs)) {
const {reqTypes, resTypes, method} = func;
cp.writeln(`${funcName}: {`, 1);
// req
// req.path, ...
cp.writeln(`req: {`, 1);
for (const _in of ELParameterIn) {
const paras = reqTypes[_in];
if (paras == null) continue;
cp.writeln(`${_in}: {`, 1);
for (const [propName, schemaType] of Object.entries(paras)) {
cp.writeln('};', -1);
// body
const {body} = reqTypes;
if (body != null) {
// PATCH's req body: Partial
let {typeName} = body;
if (method == 'patch') typeName = `Partial<${typeName}>`;
cp.writeln(`body${body.required ? '' : '?'}: ${typeName};`);
cp.writeln('}', -1); // req END
// res
cp.writeln(`res: {`, 1);
for (const [status, schema] of Object.entries(resTypes)) {
cp.writeln(schema.required ?
`${schema.forProp(status)};`: `${status}: void;`);
cp.writeln('}', -1); // res END
// operation END
cp.writeln('}', -1);
cp.writeln('}', -1);
// export IServerAPI
if (!clientOnly) {
cp.writeln('type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];');
cp.writeln('type RServerAPI<T> = ValueOf<', 1);
cp.writeln('{[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends void ? [K, any?] : [K, T[K]]}>;',
-1, false);
cp.writeln('export type IServerAPI<IState=any> = {[K in keyof TAPI]:', 1);
cp.writeln(`(req: TAPI[K]['req'], state: IState, ctx: CTX) =>`, 1);
cp.writeln(`Promise<RServerAPI<TAPI[K]['res']>>}`, -2, false);
// return
return cp.end();
function codegenRouter(funcs: APIFuncs, config: Config, cp: CodePrinter) {
const {
schemasName, IHandlerName, ServerAPITSPath, utilsTSPath,
} = config;
// import
cp.writeln(`import * as Schemas from './${schemasName}'`);
cp.writeln(`import {IServerAPI} from './${IHandlerName}'`);
cp.writeln(`import * as Router from '@koa/router'`);
`import {FullDate, StrictTypeParser as STP} from '${utilsTSPath}'`);
cp.writeln(`import * as bodyParser from 'koa-body'`);
// api
cp.writeln(`\nimport api from '${ServerAPITSPath}'`);
cp.writeln(`type IState = typeof api extends IServerAPI<infer T> ? T : any;`);
// router
cp.writeln(`type CTX = Router.RouterContext<IState>;`);
cp.writeln(`\nconst router = new Router<IState>();`);
// function
const gcGetParams = {
path: (attr: string) => `ctx.params['${attr}']`,
query: (attr: string) => `ctx.query['${attr}']`,
header: (attr: string) => `ctx.headers['${attr}']`,
cookie: (attr: string) => `ctx.cookies.get('${attr}')`,
// route
for (const [funcName, func] of Object.entries(funcs)) {
const {
method, url, reqTypes,
} = func;
const isPartial = method === 'patch';
// TODO escape
const sURL = url.replace(/{(.*?)}/g, ':$1'); // {a} -> :a
let mid = '';
if (reqTypes.body) {
const {maxSize} = reqTypes.body; // TODO doc
const config = maxSize == null ? '' : `{jsonLimit: '${maxSize}'}`;
mid = `bodyParser(${config}), `;
cp.writeln(`router.${method}('${sURL}', ${mid}async ctx => {`, 1);
// req
if (Object.keys(reqTypes).length === 0) {
cp.writeln('const req = {};');
} else {
cp.writeln('let req;');
cp.writeln('try {', 1);
cp.writeln('req = {', 1);
// paras
for (const _in of ELParameterIn) {
const paras = reqTypes[_in];
if (paras == null) continue;
cp.writeln(`${_in}: {`, 1);
for (const [name, schema] of Object.entries(paras)) {
const pn = gcGetParams[_in](name);
const label = `req.${_in}`;
cp.writeln(`${name}: ${schema.stp(pn, label)},`);
cp.writeln('},', -1);
// body
const {body} = reqTypes;
if (body != null) {
`body: ${body.stp('ctx.request.body', 'req.body', isPartial)}`);
cp.writeln('}', -1);
cp.writeln('} catch(err) {', -1);;
cp.writeln('if (err instanceof STP.BadValueError)', 1);
cp.writeln('return ctx.throw(400, err.toString());');;
cp.writeln('throw err;');
cp.writeln('}', -1);
// call
cp.writeln(`const r = await api.${funcName}(req, ctx.state, ctx);`);
cp.writeln(`ctx.status = r[0];`);
cp.writeln(`ctx.body = r[1] ?? '';`);
// ctx END
cp.writeln('});', -1);
cp.writeln('\nexport default router;');
return cp.end();
function codegenClientAPI(funcs: APIFuncs, config: Config, cp: CodePrinter) {
const {IHandlerName, schemasName, utilsTSPath, validateStatus} = config;
// import
cp.writeln(`import {TAPI} from './${IHandlerName}'`);
cp.writeln(`import * as Schemas from './${schemasName}'`);
`import {APIPromise, StrictTypeParser as STP} from '${utilsTSPath}'`);
cp.writeln(`import axios from 'axios'`);
// type
cp.writeln(`type TSTP<T> = {[K in keyof T]: (data: any) =>`, 1);
cp.writeln(`T[K] extends void ? any : T[K]};`, -1, false);
// axios
cp.writeln('const $http = axios.create({', 1);
cp.writeln('validateStatus: ()=>true,');
cp.writeln('});', -1);
// function
cp.writeln('\nfunction urlReplacer(url: string, ' +
'rules: {[_: string]: any}): string {', 1);
cp.writeln('for(const [attr, value] of Object.entries(rules))', 1);
cp.writeln(`url = url.replace('{'+attr+'}', value)`);
cp.writeln('return url;', -1);
cp.writeln('};', -1);
// implementation
// export default
cp.writeln('\nexport default {', 1);
// set $baseURL
cp.writeln('set $baseURL(url: string) {', 1);
cp.writeln('$http.interceptors.request.use(async config => {', 1);
cp.writeln('config.baseURL = url;');
cp.writeln('return config;');
cp.writeln('}, err => Promise.reject(err));', -1);
cp.writeln('},', -1);
// functions
for (const [funcName, func] of Object.entries(funcs)) {
const gcReq = (_in: string) => `TAPI['${funcName}']['req']['${_in}']`;
const {method, url, reqTypes, resTypes} = func;
const {
query, header, path, body,
} = reqTypes; // TODO cookie
// name
cp.writeln(`${funcName}: (`, 1);
// paras
for (const _in of ELParameterIn) {
const paras = reqTypes[_in];
if (paras == null) continue;
let _required = false;
for (const {required} of Object.values(paras)) {
if (required) {
_required = true; break;
cp.writeln(`${_in}: ${gcReq(_in)}${_required ? '' : '={}'},`);
// body
if (body != null) {
cp.writeln(`body${body.required ? '' : '?'}: ${gcReq('body')},`);
// return value;
cp.writeln(`) => APIPromise.init($http({`, 1);
// req
cp.writeln(`method: '${method}',`);
const sURL = `'${url}'`;
cp.writeln(`url: ${path ? `urlReplacer(${sURL}, path)` : sURL},`);
if (query) cp.writeln('params: query,');
if (header) cp.writeln('header: header,');
if (body != null) cp.writeln('data: body,');
cp.writeln('}), {', -1);;
// stp
for (const [status, schema] of Object.entries(resTypes)) {
const label = `ClientAPI[${funcName}][${status}]`;
cp.writeln(`${status}: x => ${schema.stp('x', label)},`);
cp.writeln(`} as TSTP<TAPI['${funcName}']['res']>,`, -1);;
// kRsv
Object.keys(resTypes).filter(validateStatus).join(', ')
}]),`, -1);
cp.writeln('}', -1);
return cp.end();
function codegenSchemas(schemas: Schemas, config: Config, cp: CodePrinter) {
const {utilsTSPath} = config;
// import
`import {FullDate, StrictTypeParser as STP} from '${utilsTSPath}'`);
// schema
for (const [typeName, schema] of Object.entries(schemas)) {
if (isObjectSchema(schema)) {
// interface
cp.writeln(`export interface ${typeName} {`, 1);
const propTypes: [string, SchemaType][] = [];
const requireds = new Set(schema.required ?? []);
for (const [propName, prop] of Object.entries( {
const propType = new SchemaType(prop, requireds.has(propName));
propTypes.push([propName, propType]);
cp.writeln('}', -1); // interface END
// const
cp.writeln(`export const ${typeName} = {`, 1);
// .from
cp.writeln(`from: (o: {[_: string]: any}): ${typeName} => ({`, 1);
for (const [n, t] of propTypes) {
cp.writeln(`${n}: ${t.stp(`o.${n}`, typeName+'.'+n)},`);
cp.writeln('}),', -1);
// Partial
`Partial: (o: {[_: string]: any}): Partial<${typeName}> => {`, 1);
cp.writeln(`const r: Partial<${typeName}> = {};`);
const locPartial = `Partial<${typeName}>`;
for (const [n, t] of propTypes) {
cp.writeln(`if (o.${n} !== void 0) r.${n} = ${
t.stp(`o.${n}`, locPartial+'.'+n)};`);
cp.writeln('return r;');
cp.writeln('},', -1);
// fields
cp.writeln(`fields: [`, 1);
cp.writeln( => `'${e[0]}',`).join(' '));
cp.writeln(`] as Array<keyof ${typeName}>`, -1);
// end of const
cp.writeln('}', -1);
} else {
cp.writeln(`export type ${typeName} = ${SchemaType.typeNameOf(schema)}`);
// return
return cp.end();
export default function codegen(openAPI: OpenAPI, configUser: ConfigUser) {
const config: Config = Object.assign({}, configDefault, configUser);
// prepare
fs.mkdirSync(config.outputDir, {recursive: true});
const apiFuncs = apiFunctionsOf(openAPI);
const gCP = (fn: string) => new CodePrinter(
fs.createWriteStream(path.join(config.outputDir, fn+'.ts')),
const ps: Promise<any>[] = [];
// write files
// handler
ps.push(codegenIHandler(apiFuncs, config, gCP(config.IHandlerName)));
// server
if (!config.clientOnly) {
ps.push(codegenRouter(apiFuncs, config, gCP(config.routerName)));
// client
ps.push(codegenClientAPI(apiFuncs, config, gCP(config.ClientAPIName)));
// schema
const schemas = openAPI.components?.schemas;
if (schemas != null) {
ps.push(codegenSchemas(schemas, config, gCP(config.schemasName)));
// return
return Promise.all(ps);