#!/usr/bin/python3 """Check LF line ending and empty new line in the end""" from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, isdir, join import sys ignore = [ "build", "release", "node_modules", ".git", "__pycache__", ".vscode", "target", "binaryen-version_105", "pkg", "wasmlib", "docs" ] ignore_exts = [ "CNAME", ".png", ".gif", ".vsix", ".celer", ".ico", ".ps1", ".wasm", ".webp", ".tar.gz", ".otf", ".svg" ] ROOT = "." if len(sys.argv) > 1: VERBOSE = sys.argv[1] == "--verbose" else: VERBOSE = False def lint_path(rel_path): """Lint path (file or directory)""" if isfile(rel_path): lint_file(rel_path) elif isdir(rel_path): for subpath in listdir(rel_path): if should_lint_subpath(subpath): lint_path(join(rel_path, subpath)) def should_lint_subpath(subpath): """Check if a subpath should be processed or ignored""" if subpath in ignore: return False for ignore_ext in ignore_exts: if subpath.endswith(ignore_ext): return False return True bad_files = [] def lint_file(file_path): """Lint file""" if VERBOSE: print(f"Checking {file_path}") with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8", newline="") as file: last_line = None while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break if line.find("\r") != -1: bad_files.append(("Line Ending", file_path)) return last_line = line if last_line is not None: if last_line[-1] != "\n": if VERBOSE: print(f"lastline={last_line} length={len(last_line)}") bad_files.append(("Needs trailing new line", file_path)) elif last_line[0] == "\n": bad_files.append(("Too many trailing new lines", file_path)) lint_path(ROOT) if len(bad_files) > 0: for reason, path in bad_files: print(f"{path}: {reason}") sys.exit(1)