2018-09-07 20:40:51 +08:00
# coc-tsserver
Tsserver language server extension for [coc.nvim](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim).
Most code from `typescript-language-features` extension which bundled with VSCode.
2019-03-27 19:02:33 +08:00
**Note:** if you're using nvm, you need configure `tsserver.npm` to your global
npm executable path.
2018-09-07 20:40:51 +08:00
## Install
In your vim/neovim, run command:
:CocInstall coc-tsserver
## Features
Almost same as VSCode.
2018-10-21 13:21:25 +08:00
- Support javascript & typescript and jsx/tsx.
- Install typings automatically.
- Commands to work with tsserver, including:
- `tsserver.reloadProjects`
- `tsserver.openTsServerLog`
- `tsserver.goToProjectConfig`
- `tsserver.restart`
- `tsserver.format`
- `tsserver.organizeImports`
- `tsserver.watchBuild`
- Code completion support.
- Go to definition.
- Code validation.
- Document highlight.
- Document symbols of current buffer.
- Folding and folding range of current buffer.
- Format current buffer, range format and format on type.
- Hover for documentation.
- Implementations codeLens and references codeLens.
- Organize imports command.
- Quickfix using code actions.
- Code refactor using code actions.
- Find references.
- Signature help.
- Rename symbols support.
- Rename imports on file rename.
- Search for workspace symbols.
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2018-10-14 10:06:11 +08:00
Tsserver module is resolved from local workspace, if not found, bundled tsserver
module would be used.
2018-09-07 20:40:51 +08:00
## Configuration options
2018-10-21 13:21:25 +08:00
- `tsserver.enable` set to `false` to disable tsserver language server.
- `tsserver.trace.server` trace LSP traffic in output channel.
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- `tsserver.orgnizeImportOnSave` orgnize import on file save, default `false`.
- `tsserver.formatOnType` run format on special character inserted.
- `tsserver.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators` enable experimentalDecorators for implicit project.
- `typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enable` enable update imports on file move, requires [watchman](https://facebook.github.io/watchman/) installed, default `true`.
- `typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enable` enable codeLens for
implementations, default `true`
- `typescript.referencesCodeLens.enable` enable codeLens for
references, default `true`
- `typescript.preferences.noSemicolons` remove semicolons on format for
- `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle` quote style of typescript, could be
`single` or `double`, default `"double"`
- `typescript.suggestionActions.enabled` enable suggestion actions for
typescript, default `true`
- `typescript.validate.enable` enable typescript validation, default `true`
- `typescript.suggest.enabled` enable typescript completion, default `true`
- `typescript.suggest.paths` enable suggest paths in import statement and
require calls, default `true`
- `typescript.suggest.autoImports` enable suggest for auto import, default
- `typescript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls` enable using snippet for method
- `javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enable` enable update imports on file move, requires [watchman](https://facebook.github.io/watchman/) installed, default `true`.
- `javascript.implementationsCodeLens.enable` enable codeLens for
implementations, default `true`
- `javascript.referencesCodeLens.enable` enable codeLens for
references, default `true`
- `javascript.preferences.noSemicolons` remove semicolons on format for
- `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` quote style of javascript, could be
`single` or `double`, default `"double"`
- `javascript.suggestionActions.enabled` enable suggestion actions for
javascript, default `true`
- `javascript.validate.enable` enable javascript validation, default `true`
- `javascript.suggest.enabled` enable javascript completion, default `true`
- `javascript.suggest.paths` enable suggest paths in import statement and
require calls, default `true`
- `javascript.suggest.autoImports` enable suggest for auto import, default
- `javascript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls` enable using snippet for method
And more, which are same as VSCode, trigger completion with `tsserver`, `typescript`
or `javascript` in your `coc-settings.json` to get full list.
2018-09-07 20:40:51 +08:00
2019-03-30 20:27:10 +08:00
## Related extensions
- [coc-tslint-plugin](https://github.com/neoclide/coc-tslint-plugin): enable [tslint](https://github.com/palantir/tslint)
plugin for tsserver.
- [coc-vetur](https://github.com/neoclide/coc-vetur): [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) extension.
- [coc-angular](https://github.com/iamcco/coc-angular): [angular](https://github.com/angular/angular) extension.
2018-10-21 13:21:25 +08:00
## Trouble shooting
- Add `"tsserver.log": "verbose"` to your `coc-settings.json` (opened by command
2018-11-18 22:40:30 +08:00
- To trace LSP communication, add `"tsserver.trace.server": "verbose"` to your
- Restart coc server by command `:CocRestart`
- Make the issue happen.
- Open tsserver log file by command `CocCommand tsserver.openTsServerLog`
- Open tsserver output channel by command `CocCommand workspace.showOutput tsserver`
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2018-09-07 20:40:51 +08:00
## License