# coc-tsserver Tsserver language server extension for [coc.nvim](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim). Most code from `typescript-language-features` extension which bundled with VSCode. ## Install In your vim/neovim, run command: ``` :CocInstall coc-tsserver ``` ## Features Almost same as VSCode. * Support javascript & typescript and jsx/tsx. * Install typings automatically. * Commands to work with tsserver. * Code completion support. * Go to definition. * Code validation. * Document highlight. * Document symbols of current buffer. * Folding and folding range of current buffer. * Format current buffer, range format and format on type. * Hover for documentation. * Implementations codeLens and references codeLens. * Organize imports command. * Quickfix using code actions. * Code refactor using code actions. * Find references. * Signature help. * Rename symbols support. * Rename imports on file rename. * Search for workspace symbols. ## Configuration options * `tsserver.enable` set to `false` to disable tsserver language server. * `tsserver.trace.server` trace LSP traffic in output channel. And many more, which are same as VSCode, trigger completion in your `coc-settings.json` to get full list. ## License MIT