import { commands, diagnosticManager, CancellationToken, Diagnostic, Disposable, ServiceStat, Uri as URI, window, workspace } from 'coc.nvim' import { Range, TextEdit } from 'vscode-languageserver-types' import TsserverService from '../server' import { PluginManager } from '../utils/plugins' import * as Proto from './protocol' import TypeScriptServiceClientHost from './typescriptServiceClientHost' import { nodeModules } from './utils/helper' import { installModules } from './utils/modules' import * as typeConverters from './utils/typeConverters' export interface Command { readonly id: string | string[] execute(...args: any[]): void | Promise } export class ReloadProjectsCommand implements Command { public readonly id = 'tsserver.reloadProjects' public constructor( private readonly service: TsserverService ) {} public async execute(): Promise { let client = await this.service.getClientHost() client.reloadProjects() window.showMessage('projects reloaded') } } export class OpenTsServerLogCommand implements Command { public readonly id = 'tsserver.openTsServerLog' public constructor( private readonly service: TsserverService ) {} public async execute(): Promise { let client = await this.service.getClientHost() client.serviceClient.openTsServerLogFile() // tslint:disable-line } } export class TypeScriptGoToProjectConfigCommand implements Command { public readonly id = 'tsserver.goToProjectConfig' public constructor( private readonly service: TsserverService ) {} public async execute(): Promise { let client = await this.service.getClientHost() let doc = await workspace.document let { languageId } = doc.textDocument if (client.serviceClient.modeIds.indexOf(languageId) == -1) { throw new Error(`Could not determine TypeScript or JavaScript project. Unsupported file type: ${languageId}`) return } await goToProjectConfig(client, doc.uri) } } async function goToProjectConfig(clientHost: TypeScriptServiceClientHost, uri: string): Promise { const client = clientHost.serviceClient const file = client.toPath(uri) let res try { res = await client.execute('projectInfo', { file, needFileNameList: false }, CancellationToken.None) } catch { // noop } if (!res || !res.body) { window.showMessage('Could not determine TypeScript or JavaScript project.', 'warning') return } const { configFileName } = res.body if (configFileName && !isImplicitProjectConfigFile(configFileName)) { await workspace.openResource(URI.file(configFileName).toString()) return } window.showMessage('Config file not found', 'warning') } function isImplicitProjectConfigFile(configFileName: string): boolean { return configFileName.indexOf('/dev/null/') === 0 } const autoFixableDiagnosticCodes = new Set([ 2420, // Incorrectly implemented interface 2552, // Cannot find name 2304, // Cannot find name ]) export class AutoFixCommand implements Command { public readonly id = 'tsserver.executeAutofix' constructor(private service: TsserverService) { } public async execute(): Promise { if (this.service.state != ServiceStat.Running) { throw new Error('service not running') return } let client = await this.service.getClientHost() let document = await workspace.document let handles = await client.handles(document.textDocument) if (!handles) { throw new Error(`Document ${document.uri} is not handled by tsserver.`) return } let file = client.serviceClient.toPath(document.uri) let diagnostics = diagnosticManager.getDiagnostics(document.uri).slice() as Diagnostic[] let missingDiagnostics = diagnostics.filter(o => o.code == 2307) if (missingDiagnostics.length) { let names = => { let ms = o.message.match(/module\s'(.+)'\./) return ms ? ms[1] : null }) names = names.filter(s => s != null) if (names.length) { installModules(document.uri, names).catch(e => { console.error(e.message) // tslint:disable-line }) } } diagnostics = diagnostics.filter(x => autoFixableDiagnosticCodes.has(x.code as number)) if (diagnostics.length == 0) return diagnostics = diagnostics.reduce((arr, curr) => { if (curr.code == 2304 && arr.findIndex(o => o.message == curr.message) != -1) return arr arr.push(curr) return arr }, [] as Diagnostic[]) let edits: TextEdit[] = [] let command: string let names: string[] = [] for (let diagnostic of diagnostics) { const args: Proto.CodeFixRequestArgs = { ...typeConverters.Range.toFileRangeRequestArgs(file, diagnostic.range), errorCodes: [+(diagnostic.code!)] } const response = await client.serviceClient.execute('getCodeFixes', args, CancellationToken.None) if (response.type !== 'response' || !response.body || response.body.length < 1) { if (diagnostic.code == 2304) { let { range } = diagnostic let line = document.getline(range.start.line) let name = line.slice(range.start.character, range.end.character) if (nodeModules.indexOf(name) !== -1 && names.indexOf(name) == -1) { names.push(name) edits.push({ range: Range.create(0, 0, 0, 0), newText: `import ${name} from '${name}'\n` }) command = 'tsserver.organizeImports' } } continue } const fix = response.body[0] for (let change of fix.changes) { if (change.fileName != file) continue // change.fileName for (let ch of change.textChanges) { edits.push({ range: typeConverters.Range.fromTextSpan(ch), newText: ch.newText }) } } } if (edits.length) await document.applyEdits(edits) if (command) commands.executeCommand(command) } } export class ConfigurePluginCommand implements Command { public readonly id = '_typescript.configurePlugin' public constructor( private readonly pluginManager: PluginManager, ) {} public execute(pluginId: string, configuration: any): void { this.pluginManager.setConfiguration(pluginId, configuration) } } export function registCommand(cmd: Command): Disposable { let { id, execute } = cmd return commands.registerCommand(id as string, execute, cmd) }