261 lines
8 KiB
261 lines
8 KiB
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { Range, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, InsertTextFormat, Position, TextEdit } from 'coc.nvim'
import { CompletionItemTag } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import * as Proto from '../protocol'
import * as PConst from '../protocol.const'
interface ParamterListParts {
readonly parts: ReadonlyArray<Proto.SymbolDisplayPart>
readonly hasOptionalParameters: boolean
export interface DotAccessorContext {
readonly range: Range
readonly text: string
export interface CompletionContext {
readonly isNewIdentifierLocation: boolean
readonly isMemberCompletion: boolean
readonly isInValidCommitCharacterContext: boolean
readonly enableCallCompletions: boolean
readonly dotAccessorContext?: DotAccessorContext
export function convertCompletionEntry(
tsEntry: Proto.CompletionEntry,
uri: string,
position: Position,
context: CompletionContext,
): CompletionItem {
let label = tsEntry.name
let sortText = tsEntry.sortText
let preselect = false
let detail: string
if (tsEntry.isRecommended) {
preselect = true
if (tsEntry.source && tsEntry.hasAction) {
// De-prioritze auto-imports https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/40311
sortText = '\uffff' + sortText
} else {
sortText = tsEntry.sortText
let kind = convertKind(tsEntry.kind)
let insertTextFormat = (
context.enableCallCompletions &&
(kind === CompletionItemKind.Function ||
kind === CompletionItemKind.Method)
) ? InsertTextFormat.Snippet : InsertTextFormat.PlainText
let insertText = tsEntry.insertText
let commitCharacters = getCommitCharacters(tsEntry, context)
let tags: CompletionItemTag[]
if (tsEntry.isImportStatementCompletion) {
insertText = label
insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet
if (tsEntry.isSnippet) {
insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet
let textEdit: TextEdit | null = null
if (tsEntry.replacementSpan) {
let { start, end } = tsEntry.replacementSpan
if (start.line == end.line) {
textEdit = {
range: Range.create(start.line - 1, start.offset - 1, end.line - 1, end.offset - 1),
newText: tsEntry.insertText || label
if (tsEntry.kindModifiers) {
const kindModifiers = new Set(tsEntry.kindModifiers.split(/,|\s+/g))
if (kindModifiers.has(PConst.KindModifiers.optional)) {
insertText = insertText ?? label
label += '?'
if (kindModifiers.has(PConst.KindModifiers.deprecated)) {
tags = [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated]
if (kindModifiers.has(PConst.KindModifiers.color)) {
kind = CompletionItemKind.Color
if (tsEntry.kind === PConst.Kind.script) {
for (const extModifier of PConst.KindModifiers.fileExtensionKindModifiers) {
if (kindModifiers.has(extModifier)) {
if (tsEntry.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(extModifier)) {
detail = tsEntry.name
} else {
detail = tsEntry.name + extModifier
return {
data: {
name: tsEntry.name,
data: tsEntry.data,
source: tsEntry.source || ''
function convertKind(kind: string): CompletionItemKind {
switch (kind) {
case PConst.Kind.primitiveType:
case PConst.Kind.keyword:
return CompletionItemKind.Keyword
case PConst.Kind.const:
return CompletionItemKind.Constant
case PConst.Kind.let:
case PConst.Kind.variable:
case PConst.Kind.localVariable:
case PConst.Kind.alias:
return CompletionItemKind.Variable
case PConst.Kind.memberVariable:
case PConst.Kind.memberGetAccessor:
case PConst.Kind.memberSetAccessor:
return CompletionItemKind.Field
case PConst.Kind.function:
case PConst.Kind.localFunction:
return CompletionItemKind.Function
case PConst.Kind.method:
case PConst.Kind.constructSignature:
case PConst.Kind.callSignature:
case PConst.Kind.indexSignature:
return CompletionItemKind.Method
case PConst.Kind.enum:
return CompletionItemKind.Enum
case PConst.Kind.module:
case PConst.Kind.externalModuleName:
return CompletionItemKind.Module
case PConst.Kind.class:
case PConst.Kind.type:
return CompletionItemKind.Class
case PConst.Kind.interface:
return CompletionItemKind.Interface
case PConst.Kind.warning:
case PConst.Kind.script:
return CompletionItemKind.File
case PConst.Kind.directory:
return CompletionItemKind.Folder
return CompletionItemKind.Variable
function getCommitCharacters(tsEntry: Proto.CompletionEntry, context: CompletionContext): string[] | undefined {
if (context.isNewIdentifierLocation || !context.isInValidCommitCharacterContext) {
return undefined
const commitCharacters: string[] = []
switch (tsEntry.kind) {
case PConst.Kind.memberGetAccessor:
case PConst.Kind.memberSetAccessor:
case PConst.Kind.constructSignature:
case PConst.Kind.callSignature:
case PConst.Kind.indexSignature:
case PConst.Kind.enum:
case PConst.Kind.interface:
commitCharacters.push('.', ';')
case PConst.Kind.module:
case PConst.Kind.alias:
case PConst.Kind.const:
case PConst.Kind.let:
case PConst.Kind.variable:
case PConst.Kind.localVariable:
case PConst.Kind.memberVariable:
case PConst.Kind.class:
case PConst.Kind.function:
case PConst.Kind.method:
case PConst.Kind.keyword:
case PConst.Kind.parameter:
commitCharacters.push('.', ',', ';')
if (context.enableCallCompletions) {
return commitCharacters.length === 0 ? undefined : commitCharacters
export function getParameterListParts(
displayParts: ReadonlyArray<Proto.SymbolDisplayPart>
): ParamterListParts {
const parts: Proto.SymbolDisplayPart[] = []
let isInMethod = false
let hasOptionalParameters = false
let parenCount = 0
let braceCount = 0
outer: for (let i = 0; i < displayParts.length; ++i) {
const part = displayParts[i]
switch (part.kind) {
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.methodName:
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.functionName:
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.text:
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.propertyName:
if (parenCount === 0 && braceCount === 0) {
isInMethod = true
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.parameterName:
if (parenCount === 1 && braceCount === 0 && isInMethod) {
// Only take top level paren names
const next = displayParts[i + 1]
// Skip optional parameters
const nameIsFollowedByOptionalIndicator = next && next.text === '?'
// Skip this parameter
const nameIsThis = part.text === 'this'
if (!nameIsFollowedByOptionalIndicator && !nameIsThis) {
hasOptionalParameters = hasOptionalParameters || nameIsFollowedByOptionalIndicator
case PConst.DisplayPartKind.punctuation:
if (part.text === '(') {
} else if (part.text === ')') {
if (parenCount <= 0 && isInMethod) {
break outer
} else if (part.text === '...' && parenCount === 1) {
// Found rest parmeter. Do not fill in any further arguments
hasOptionalParameters = true
break outer
} else if (part.text === '{') {
} else if (part.text === '}') {
return { hasOptionalParameters, parts }