# markdown-it-inline A [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) plugin to write inline tag. ## Syntax `%tag[inline]` is parsed as `inline`, where `inline` is parsed as markdown text. ## Usage ```js const md = require('markdown-it')(); const mia = require('@sup39/markdown-it-inline-tag'); console.log(md.use(mia).render(` 1 %div[2 %span[ab] c*d*e 3] 4 `)); ``` Expected output: ```html


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``` ### Alias You can also set alias for `tag`. For example, ```js const md = require('markdown-it')(); const mit = require('@sup39/markdown-it-inline-tag'); console.log(md.use(mit, { alias: { 's': 'span', '@': 'div', }, }).render(` 1 %@[2 %s[ab] c*d*e 3] 4 `)); ``` Expected output: ```html


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``` ### Extension: attributes You can use [@sup39/markdown-it-attr](https://github.com/sup39/markdown-it-attr) plugin to add attributes to inline tags. ```js const md = require('markdown-it')(); const mia = require('@sup39/markdown-it-attr'); const mit = require('@sup39/markdown-it-inline-tag'); console.log(md.use(mia).use(mrt).render(` 1 %div[2 %span[ab]{.a} c*d*{.b}e 3]{.c} 4 `)); ``` Expected output: ```html


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``` Also, you can omit `%tag` if there is `{attrs}` right after `[...]`. In this case, the tag name will be `alias['']` or `span` if not assigned. ```js const md = require('markdown-it')(); const mia = require('@sup39/markdown-it-attr'); const mit = require('@sup39/markdown-it-inline-tag'); console.log(md.use(mia).use(mrt, {'': 'summary'}).render(` 1 [2 %span[ab]{.a} c*d*{.b}e 3]{.c} 4 `)); ``` Expected output: ```html


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