BEGIN; DELETE FROM "migrations" WHERE name IN ( 'DropTimeZone1705691683091', 'AddReplyMuting1704851359889', 'EmojimodEnumRelabel1699658378432', 'Vervis1699302371683', 'Pgroonga1698420787202', 'TruncateChartTables1694921638251', 'EmojiModerator1692825433698' ); -- remove-nsfw-detection ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "autoSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "enableSensitiveMediaDetectionForVideos" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "setSensitiveFlagAutomatically" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; CREATE TYPE "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetectionsensitivity_enum" AS ENUM('medium', 'low', 'high', 'veryLow', 'veryHigh'); ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "sensitiveMediaDetectionSensitivity" "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetectionsensitivity_enum" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'medium'; CREATE TYPE "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetection_enum" AS ENUM('none', 'all', 'local', 'remote'); ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "sensitiveMediaDetection" "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetection_enum" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'; ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "maybePorn" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "maybeSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; COMMENT ON COLUMN "drive_file"."maybeSensitive" IS 'Whether the DriveFile is NSFW. (predict)'; -- drop-time-zone ALTER TABLE "webhook" ALTER "latestSentAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "webhook" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_security_key" ALTER "lastUsed" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_pending" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_note_pining" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_list_joining" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_list" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_ip" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_group_joining" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_group_invite" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_group_invitation" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user_group" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER "lastFetchedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER "lastActiveDate" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "used_username" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "signin" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "reply_muting" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "renote_muting" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "registry_item" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "registry_item" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "registration_ticket" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "promo_read" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "promo_note" ALTER "expiresAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "poll_vote" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "poll" ALTER "expiresAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "password_reset_request" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "page_like" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "page" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "page" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "notification" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note_watching" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note_thread_muting" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note_favorite" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note_edit" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "note" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "muting" ALTER "expiresAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "muting" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "moderation_log" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "messaging_message" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "instance" ALTER "latestRequestSentAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "instance" ALTER "latestRequestReceivedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "instance" ALTER "lastCommunicatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "instance" ALTER "infoUpdatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "instance" ALTER "caughtAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "gallery_like" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "follow_request" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "following" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "emoji" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "drive_folder" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "clip" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "channel_note_pining" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "channel_following" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "channel" ALTER "lastNotedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "channel" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "blocking" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "auth_session" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "attestation_challenge" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "app" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "antenna" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "announcement" ALTER "updatedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "announcement" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "ad" ALTER "expiresAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "ad" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "access_token" ALTER "lastUsedAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "access_token" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; ALTER TABLE "abuse_user_report" ALTER "createdAt" TYPE timestamp with time zone; -- reply-muting DROP TABLE "reply_muting"; -- vervis UPDATE meta SET "repositoryUrl" = ''; -- pgroonga DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f27f5d88941e57442be75ba9c8"; DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_065d4d8f3b5adb4a08841eae3c"; DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_fcb770976ff8240af5799e3ffc"; DROP EXTENSION pgroonga CASCADE; -- emoji-moderator ALTER TABLE "user" DROP COLUMN "emojiModPerm"; DROP TYPE "public"."user_emojimodperm_enum"; COMMIT;