2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::ToTokens;
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
use crate::{
2021-11-23 20:00:31 +09:00
codegen::{get_intermediate_ident, get_register_ident, js_mod_to_token_stream},
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
BindgenResult, CallbackArg, Diagnostic, FnKind, FnSelf, NapiFn, NapiFnArgKind, TryToTokens,
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
impl TryToTokens for NapiFn {
fn try_to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> BindgenResult<()> {
let name_str = self.name.to_string();
let intermediate_ident = get_intermediate_ident(&name_str);
let args_len = self.args.len();
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let ArgConversions {
args: arg_names,
} = self.gen_arg_conversions()?;
// The JS engine can't properly track mutability in an async context, so refuse to compile
// code that tries to use async and mutability together without `unsafe` mark.
if self.is_async && !mut_ref_spans.is_empty() && !unsafe_ {
return Diagnostic::from_vec(
.map(|s| Diagnostic::span_error(s, "mutable reference is unsafe with async"))
if Some(FnSelf::MutRef) == self.fn_self && self.is_async {
return Err(Diagnostic::span_error(
"&mut self is incompatible with async napi methods",
let arg_ref_count = refs.len();
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let receiver = self.gen_fn_receiver();
let receiver_ret_name = Ident::new("_ret", Span::call_site());
let ret = self.gen_fn_return(&receiver_ret_name);
let register = self.gen_fn_register();
let attrs = &self.attrs;
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let build_ref_container = if self.is_async {
quote! {
struct NapiRefContainer([napi::sys::napi_ref; #arg_ref_count]);
impl NapiRefContainer {
fn drop(self, env: napi::sys::napi_env) {
for r in self.0.into_iter() {
unsafe { napi::sys::napi_delete_reference(env, r) },
"failed to delete napi ref"
unsafe impl Send for NapiRefContainer {}
unsafe impl Sync for NapiRefContainer {}
let _make_ref = |a: ::std::ptr::NonNull<napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_value__>| {
let mut node_ref = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
2022-11-23 00:17:44 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::check_status!(unsafe {
napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_create_reference(env, a.as_ptr(), 0, node_ref.as_mut_ptr())
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
"failed to create napi ref"
2022-11-23 00:17:44 +09:00
Ok::<napi::sys::napi_ref, napi::Error>(unsafe { node_ref.assume_init() })
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let mut _args_array = [::std::ptr::null_mut::<napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_ref__>(); #arg_ref_count];
let mut _arg_write_index = 0;
for a in &_args_array {
assert!(!a.is_null(), "failed to initialize napi ref");
let _args_ref = NapiRefContainer(_args_array);
} else {
quote! {}
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
let native_call = if !self.is_async {
quote! {
2022-08-04 01:12:35 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::within_runtime_if_available(move || {
let #receiver_ret_name = {
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
} else {
let call = if self.is_ret_result {
quote! { #receiver(#(#arg_names),*).await }
} else {
quote! { Ok(#receiver(#(#arg_names),*).await) }
2021-10-01 02:37:45 +09:00
quote! {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::execute_tokio_future(env, async move { #call }, move |env, #receiver_ret_name| {
2021-10-01 02:37:45 +09:00
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2021-10-01 02:37:45 +09:00
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let function_call_inner = quote! {
napi::bindgen_prelude::CallbackInfo::<#args_len>::new(env, cb, None).and_then(|mut cb| {
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
let function_call = if args_len == 0
&& self.fn_self.is_none()
&& self.kind != FnKind::Constructor
&& self.kind != FnKind::Factory
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
&& !self.is_async
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
quote! { #native_call }
} else if self.kind == FnKind::Constructor {
quote! {
// constructor function is called from class `factory`
// so we should skip the original `constructor` logic
2022-05-10 18:29:18 +09:00
let inner = napi::__private::___CALL_FROM_FACTORY.get_or_default();
if inner.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
return std::ptr::null_mut();
2021-10-28 19:11:06 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
} else {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2022-08-20 00:36:36 +09:00
let function_call = if self.catch_unwind {
quote! {
std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { #function_call })
2022-12-09 19:37:10 +09:00
.map_err(|e| {
let message = {
if let Some(string) = e.downcast_ref::<String>() {
} else if let Some(string) = e.downcast_ref::<&str>() {
} else {
format!("panic from Rust code: {:?}", e)
napi::Error::new(napi::Status::GenericFailure, message)
2022-08-20 00:36:36 +09:00
.and_then(|r| r)
} else {
quote! {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
(quote! {
extern "C" fn #intermediate_ident(
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
env: napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_env,
cb: napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_callback_info
) -> napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_value {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
unsafe {
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
#function_call.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
impl NapiFn {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
fn gen_arg_conversions(&self) -> BindgenResult<ArgConversions> {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let mut arg_conversions = vec![];
let mut args = vec![];
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let mut refs = vec![];
let mut mut_ref_spans = vec![];
let make_ref = |input| {
quote! {
2022-11-23 00:17:44 +09:00
_args_array[_arg_write_index] = _make_ref(
.ok_or_else(|| napi::Error::new(napi::Status::InvalidArg, "referenced ptr is null".to_owned()))?
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
_arg_write_index += 1;
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
// fetch this
if let Some(parent) = &self.parent {
match self.fn_self {
Some(FnSelf::Ref) => {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
refs.push(make_ref(quote! { cb.this }));
2022-04-02 16:19:53 +09:00
arg_conversions.push(quote! {
let this_ptr = unsafe { cb.unwrap_raw::<#parent>()? };
let this: &#parent = Box::leak(Box::from_raw(this_ptr));
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
Some(FnSelf::MutRef) => {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
refs.push(make_ref(quote! { cb.this }));
2022-04-02 16:19:53 +09:00
arg_conversions.push(quote! {
let this_ptr = unsafe { cb.unwrap_raw::<#parent>()? };
let this: &mut #parent = Box::leak(Box::from_raw(this_ptr));
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
_ => {}
let mut skipped_arg_count = 0;
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
for (i, arg) in self.args.iter().enumerate() {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let i = i - skipped_arg_count;
let ident = Ident::new(&format!("arg{}", i), Span::call_site());
2022-05-22 14:43:11 +09:00
match &arg.kind {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
NapiFnArgKind::PatType(path) => {
if &path.ty.to_token_stream().to_string() == "Env" {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
args.push(quote! { napi::bindgen_prelude::Env::from(env) });
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
skipped_arg_count += 1;
} else {
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
let is_in_class = self.parent.is_some();
if let syn::Type::Path(path) = path.ty.as_ref() {
if let Some(p) = path.path.segments.last() {
if p.ident == "Reference" {
if !is_in_class {
bail_span!(p, "`Reference` is only allowed in class methods");
if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
args: angle_bracketed_args,
}) = &p.arguments
if let Some(syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Path(path))) =
2022-04-02 16:19:53 +09:00
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
if let Some(p) = path.path.segments.first() {
if p.ident == *self.parent.as_ref().unwrap() {
2022-08-17 22:28:01 +09:00
quote! { napi::bindgen_prelude::Reference::from_value_ptr(this_ptr as *mut std::ffi::c_void, env)? },
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
skipped_arg_count += 1;
2022-04-02 16:19:53 +09:00
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
} else if p.ident == "This" {
2022-08-17 18:49:22 +09:00
if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
args: angle_bracketed_args,
}) = &p.arguments
if let Some(syn::GenericArgument::Type(generic_type)) =
if let syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath {
path: syn::Path { segments, .. },
}) = generic_type
if let Some(syn::PathSegment { ident, .. }) = segments.first() {
if let Some((primitive_type, _)) =
crate::PRIMITIVE_TYPES.iter().find(|(p, _)| ident == *p)
"This type must not be {} \nthis in JavaScript function must be `Object` type or `undefined`",
quote! {
<#ident as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiValue>::from_napi_value(env, cb.this)?
skipped_arg_count += 1;
} else if let syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference {
}) = generic_type
if let syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath {
path: syn::Path { segments, .. },
}) = elem.as_ref()
if let Some(syn::PathSegment { ident, .. }) = segments.first() {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
refs.push(make_ref(quote! { cb.this }));
2022-08-17 18:49:22 +09:00
let token = if mutability.is_some() {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
2022-08-17 18:49:22 +09:00
quote! { <#ident as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiMutRef>::from_napi_mut_ref(env, cb.this)? }
} else {
quote! { <#ident as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiRef>::from_napi_ref(env, cb.this)? }
skipped_arg_count += 1;
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
refs.push(make_ref(quote! { cb.this }));
args.push(quote! { <napi::bindgen_prelude::This as napi::NapiValue>::from_raw_unchecked(env, cb.this) });
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
skipped_arg_count += 1;
2022-04-02 16:19:53 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let (arg_conversion, arg_type) = self.gen_ty_arg_conversion(&ident, i, path);
if NapiArgType::MutRef == arg_type {
if arg_type.is_ref() {
refs.push(make_ref(quote! { cb.get_arg(#i) }));
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
args.push(quote! { #ident });
NapiFnArgKind::Callback(cb) => {
arg_conversions.push(self.gen_cb_arg_conversion(&ident, i, cb));
args.push(quote! { #ident });
2022-07-06 00:09:40 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
Ok(ArgConversions {
unsafe_: self.unsafe_,
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
/// Returns a type conversion, and a boolean indicating whether this value needs to have a reference created to extend the lifetime
/// for async functions.
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
fn gen_ty_arg_conversion(
arg_name: &Ident,
index: usize,
path: &syn::PatType,
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
) -> (TokenStream, NapiArgType) {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let ty = &*path.ty;
2022-08-06 22:55:35 +09:00
let type_check = if self.return_if_invalid {
quote! {
if let Ok(maybe_promise) = <#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::ValidateNapiValue>::validate(env, cb.get_arg(#index)) {
if !maybe_promise.is_null() {
return Ok(maybe_promise);
} else {
return Ok(std::ptr::null_mut());
} else if self.strict {
quote! {
let maybe_promise = <#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::ValidateNapiValue>::validate(env, cb.get_arg(#index))?;
if !maybe_promise.is_null() {
return Ok(maybe_promise);
} else {
quote! {}
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
match ty {
syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference {
mutability: Some(_),
}) => {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let q = quote! {
2022-08-06 22:55:35 +09:00
let #arg_name = {
<#elem as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiMutRef>::from_napi_mut_ref(env, cb.get_arg(#index))?
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
(q, NapiArgType::MutRef)
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem, .. }) => {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let q = quote! {
2022-08-06 22:55:35 +09:00
let #arg_name = {
<#elem as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiRef>::from_napi_ref(env, cb.get_arg(#index))?
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
(q, NapiArgType::Ref)
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
_ => {
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
let q = quote! {
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
let #arg_name = {
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
<#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiValue>::from_napi_value(env, cb.get_arg(#index))?
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
(q, NapiArgType::Value)
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
fn gen_cb_arg_conversion(&self, arg_name: &Ident, index: usize, cb: &CallbackArg) -> TokenStream {
let mut inputs = vec![];
let mut arg_conversions = vec![];
for (i, ty) in cb.args.iter().enumerate() {
let cb_arg_ident = Ident::new(&format!("callback_arg_{}", i), Span::call_site());
inputs.push(quote! { #cb_arg_ident: #ty });
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
quote! { <#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, #cb_arg_ident)? },
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let ret = match &cb.ret {
Some(ty) => {
quote! {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
let ret = <#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiValue>::from_napi_value(env, ret_ptr)?;
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
None => quote! { Ok(()) },
quote! {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::assert_type_of!(env, cb.get_arg(#index), napi::bindgen_prelude::ValueType::Function)?;
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let #arg_name = |#(#inputs),*| {
let args = vec![
let mut ret_ptr = std::ptr::null_mut();
2022-09-14 20:30:43 +09:00
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
&mut ret_ptr
2022-09-14 20:30:43 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
fn gen_fn_receiver(&self) -> TokenStream {
let name = &self.name;
match self.fn_self {
Some(FnSelf::Value) => {
2021-10-01 02:37:45 +09:00
// impossible, panic! in parser
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
Some(FnSelf::Ref) | Some(FnSelf::MutRef) => quote! { this.#name },
None => match &self.parent {
Some(class) => quote! { #class::#name },
None => quote! { #name },
fn gen_fn_return(&self, ret: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
let js_name = &self.js_name;
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
if let Some(ty) = &self.ret {
2021-11-25 23:31:11 +09:00
let ty_string = ty.into_token_stream().to_string();
let is_return_self = ty_string == "& Self" || ty_string == "&mut Self";
2021-09-24 15:45:27 +09:00
if self.kind == FnKind::Constructor {
2021-11-06 22:48:18 +09:00
if self.is_ret_result {
2022-05-06 18:40:46 +09:00
if self.parent_is_generator {
quote! { cb.construct_generator(#js_name, #ret?) }
} else {
quote! { cb.construct(#js_name, #ret?) }
} else if self.parent_is_generator {
quote! { cb.construct_generator(#js_name, #ret) }
2021-11-06 22:48:18 +09:00
} else {
quote! { cb.construct(#js_name, #ret) }
2021-11-05 19:31:36 +09:00
} else if self.kind == FnKind::Factory {
2021-11-06 22:48:18 +09:00
if self.is_ret_result {
2022-05-10 22:46:16 +09:00
if self.parent_is_generator {
quote! { cb.generator_factory(#js_name, #ret?) }
} else {
quote! { cb.factory(#js_name, #ret?) }
} else if self.parent_is_generator {
quote! { cb.generator_factory(#js_name, #ret) }
2021-11-06 22:48:18 +09:00
} else {
quote! { cb.factory(#js_name, #ret) }
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
} else if self.is_ret_result {
if self.is_async {
quote! {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
<#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, #ret)
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2021-11-26 00:35:50 +09:00
} else if is_return_self {
quote! { #ret.map(|_| cb.this) }
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
} else {
2021-11-26 00:35:50 +09:00
quote! {
match #ret {
Ok(value) => napi::bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue::to_napi_value(env, value),
Err(err) => {
2021-10-25 01:00:31 +09:00
2021-09-24 15:45:27 +09:00
2021-11-26 00:35:50 +09:00
} else if is_return_self {
quote! { Ok(cb.this) }
2021-09-24 15:45:27 +09:00
} else {
2021-11-26 00:35:50 +09:00
quote! {
<#ty as napi::bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, #ret)
2021-09-24 15:45:27 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
} else {
quote! {
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
<() as napi::bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, ())
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
fn gen_fn_register(&self) -> TokenStream {
if self.parent.is_some() {
quote! {}
} else {
let name_str = self.name.to_string();
2021-11-22 17:51:21 +09:00
let js_name = format!("{}\0", &self.js_name);
2021-09-29 21:18:29 +09:00
let name_len = js_name.len();
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
let module_register_name = get_register_ident(&name_str);
let intermediate_ident = get_intermediate_ident(&name_str);
2021-11-23 20:00:31 +09:00
let js_mod_ident = js_mod_to_token_stream(self.js_mod.as_ref());
2022-01-23 19:17:00 +09:00
let cb_name = Ident::new(&format!("{}_js_function", name_str), Span::call_site());
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
quote! {
2021-12-25 02:23:38 +09:00
2021-11-22 17:51:21 +09:00
unsafe fn #cb_name(env: napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_env) -> napi::bindgen_prelude::Result<napi::bindgen_prelude::sys::napi_value> {
let mut fn_ptr = std::ptr::null_mut();
#js_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
&mut fn_ptr,
"Failed to register function `{}`",
2022-03-05 15:14:32 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::register_js_function(#js_name, #cb_name, Some(#intermediate_ident));
2021-11-22 17:51:21 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2021-12-08 12:30:36 +09:00
#[cfg(all(not(test), not(feature = "noop")))]
2021-11-15 08:34:44 +09:00
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
fn #module_register_name() {
2021-11-23 20:00:31 +09:00
napi::bindgen_prelude::register_module_export(#js_mod_ident, #js_name, #cb_name);
2021-09-23 02:29:09 +09:00
2022-11-22 01:17:19 +09:00
struct ArgConversions {
pub args: Vec<TokenStream>,
pub arg_conversions: Vec<TokenStream>,
pub refs: Vec<TokenStream>,
pub mut_ref_spans: Vec<Span>,
pub unsafe_: bool,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum NapiArgType {
impl NapiArgType {
fn is_ref(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, NapiArgType::Ref | NapiArgType::MutRef)