| target | --target,-t | string | false | | Build for the target triple, bypassed to `cargo build --target` |
| cwd | --cwd | string | false | | The working directory of where napi command will be executed in, all other paths options are relative to this path |
| jsBinding | --js | string | false | | Path and filename of generated JS binding file. Only works with `--platform` flag. Relative to `--output_dir`. |
| noJsBinding | --no-js | boolean | false | | Whether to disable the generation JS binding file. Only works with `--platform` flag. |
| dts | --dts | string | false | | Path and filename of generated type def file. Relative to `--output_dir` |
| dtsHeader | --dts-header | string | false | | Custom file header for generated type def file. Only works when `typedef` feature enabled. |
| noDtsHeader | --no-dts-header | boolean | false | | Whether to disable the default file header for generated type def file. Only works when `typedef` feature enabled. |
| strip | --strip,-s | boolean | false | | Whether strip the library to achieve the minimum file size |
| crossCompile | --cross-compile,-x | boolean | false | | [experimental] cross-compile for the specified target with `cargo-xwin` on windows and `cargo-zigbuild` on other platform |