import { execSync } from 'child_process' import { join, parse, sep } from 'path' import { Instance } from 'chalk' import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import toml from 'toml' import { getNapiConfig } from './consts' import { debugFactory } from './debug' import { createJsBinding } from './js-binding-template' import { getDefaultTargetTriple, parseTriple } from './parse-triple' import { copyFileAsync, existsAsync, mkdirAsync, readFileAsync, unlinkAsync, writeFileAsync, } from './utils' const debug = debugFactory('build') const chalk = new Instance({ level: 1 }) export class BuildCommand extends Command { static usage = Command.Usage({ description: 'Build and copy native module into specified dir', }) static paths = [['build']] appendPlatformToFilename = Option.Boolean(`--platform`, false, { description: `Add platform triple to the .node file. ${ '[name].linux-x64-gnu.node', )} for example`, }) isRelease = Option.Boolean(`--release`, false, { description: `Bypass to ${'cargo --release')}`, }) configFileName?: string = Option.String('--config,-c', { description: `napi config path, only JSON format accepted. Default to ${chalk.underline('package.json'), )}`, }) cargoName?: string = Option.String('--cargo-name', { description: `Override the ${ 'name', )} field in ${chalk.underline(chalk.yellowBright('Cargo.toml'))}`, }) targetTripleDir = Option.String('--target', process.env.RUST_TARGET ?? '', { description: `Bypass to ${'cargo --target')}`, }) features?: string = Option.String('--features', { description: `Bypass to ${'cargo --features')}`, }) dts?: string = Option.String('--dts', 'index.d.ts', { description: `The filename and path of ${ '.d.ts', )} file, relative to cwd`, }) cargoFlags = Option.String('--cargo-flags', '', { description: `All the others flag passed to ${chalk.yellow('cargo')}`, }) jsBinding = Option.String('--js', 'index.js', { description: `Path to the JS binding file, pass ${chalk.underline( chalk.yellow('false'), )} to disable it`, }) cargoCwd?: string = Option.String('--cargo-cwd', { description: `The cwd of ${chalk.underline( chalk.yellow('Cargo.toml'), )} file`, }) destDir = Option.String({ required: false, }) async execute() { const cwd = this.cargoCwd ? join(process.cwd(), this.cargoCwd) : process.cwd() const releaseFlag = this.isRelease ? `--release` : '' const targetFlag = this.targetTripleDir ? `--target ${this.targetTripleDir}` : '' const featuresFlag = this.features ? `--features ${this.features}` : '' const triple = this.targetTripleDir ? parseTriple(this.targetTripleDir) : getDefaultTargetTriple( execSync('rustup show active-toolchain', { env: process.env, }).toString('utf8'), ) debug(`Current triple is: ${}`) const externalFlags = [ releaseFlag, targetFlag, featuresFlag, this.cargoFlags, ] .filter((flag) => Boolean(flag)) .join(' ') const cargoCommand = `cargo build ${externalFlags}` const intermediateTypeFile = join(__dirname, `type_def.${}.tmp`) debug(`Run ${}`) execSync(cargoCommand, { env: { ...process.env, TYPE_DEF_TMP_PATH: intermediateTypeFile, }, stdio: 'inherit', cwd, }) const { binaryName, packageName } = getNapiConfig(this.configFileName) let dylibName = this.cargoName if (!dylibName) { let tomlContentString: string let tomlContent: any try { debug('Start read toml') tomlContentString = await readFileAsync( join(cwd, 'Cargo.toml'), 'utf-8', ) } catch { throw new TypeError(`Could not find Cargo.toml in ${cwd}`) } try { debug('Start parse toml') tomlContent = toml.parse(tomlContentString) } catch { throw new TypeError('Could not parse the Cargo.toml') } if (tomlContent.package?.name) { dylibName =, '_') } else { throw new TypeError('No field in Cargo.toml') } if (!tomlContent.lib?.['crate-type']?.includes?.('cdylib')) { throw new TypeError( `Missing ${'create-type = ["cdylib"]')} in ${ '[lib]', )}`, ) } } debug(`Dylib name: ${chalk.greenBright(dylibName)}`) const platform = triple.platform let libExt debug(`Platform: ${chalk.greenBright(platform)}`) // Platform based massaging for build commands switch (platform) { case 'darwin': libExt = '.dylib' dylibName = `lib${dylibName}` break case 'win32': libExt = '.dll' break case 'linux': case 'freebsd': case 'openbsd': case 'android': case 'sunos': dylibName = `lib${dylibName}` libExt = '.so' break default: throw new TypeError( 'Operating system not currently supported or recognized by the build script', ) } const targetRootDir = await findUp(cwd) if (!targetRootDir) { throw new TypeError('No target dir found') } const targetDir = join( this.targetTripleDir, this.isRelease ? 'release' : 'debug', ) const platformName = this.appendPlatformToFilename ? `.${triple.platformArchABI}` : '' debug(`Platform name: ${platformName ||'[Empty]')}`) const distFileName = `${binaryName}${platformName}.node` const distModulePath = join(this.destDir ?? '.', distFileName) const parsedDist = parse(distModulePath) if (parsedDist.dir && !(await existsAsync(parsedDist.dir))) { await mkdirAsync(parsedDist.dir, { recursive: true }).catch((e) => { console.warn( chalk.bgYellowBright( `Create dir [${parsedDist.dir}] failed, reason: ${e.message}`, ), ) }) } const sourcePath = join( targetRootDir, 'target', targetDir, `${dylibName}${libExt}`, ) if (await existsAsync(distModulePath)) { debug(`remove old binary [${chalk.yellowBright(distModulePath)}]`) await unlinkAsync(distModulePath) } debug(`Write binary content to [${chalk.yellowBright(distModulePath)}]`) await copyFileAsync(sourcePath, distModulePath) const idents = await processIntermediateTypeFile( intermediateTypeFile, join(this.destDir ?? '.', this.dts ?? 'index.d.ts'), ) await writeJsBinding( binaryName, packageName, this.jsBinding && this.jsBinding !== 'false' ? join(process.cwd(), this.jsBinding) : null, idents, ) } } async function findUp(dir = process.cwd()): Promise { const dist = join(dir, 'target') if (await existsAsync(dist)) { return dir } const dirs = dir.split(sep) if (dirs.length < 2) { return null } dirs.pop() return findUp(dirs.join(sep)) } interface TypeDef { kind: 'fn' | 'struct' | 'impl' | 'enum' | 'interface' name: string def: string } async function processIntermediateTypeFile( source: string, target: string, ): Promise { const idents: string[] = [] if (!(await existsAsync(source))) { debug(`do not find tmp type file. skip type generation`) return idents } const tmpFile = await readFileAsync(source, 'utf8') const lines = tmpFile .split('\n') .map((line) => line.trim()) .filter(Boolean) let dts = '' const classes = new Map() const impls = new Map() lines.forEach((line) => { const def = JSON.parse(line) as TypeDef switch (def.kind) { case 'struct': idents.push( classes.set(, def.def) break case 'impl': impls.set(, def.def) break case 'interface': dts += `interface ${} {\n${indentLines(def.def, 2)}\n}\n` break default: idents.push( dts += def.def + '\n' } }) for (const [name, classDef] of classes.entries()) { const implDef = impls.get(name) dts += `export class ${name} {\n${indentLines(classDef, 2)}` if (implDef) { dts += `\n${indentLines(implDef, 2)}` } dts += '\n}\n' } await unlinkAsync(source) await writeFileAsync(target, dts, 'utf8') return idents } function indentLines(input: string, spaces: number) { return input .split('\n') .map((line) => ''.padEnd(spaces, ' ') + line.trim()) .join('\n') } async function writeJsBinding( localName: string, packageName: string, distFileName: string | null, idents: string[], ) { if (distFileName) { const template = createJsBinding(localName, packageName) const declareCodes = `const { ${idents.join(', ')} } = nativeBinding\n` const exportsCode = idents.reduce((acc, cur) => { return `${acc}\nmodule.exports.${cur} = ${cur}` }, '') await writeFileAsync( distFileName, template + declareCodes + exportsCode, 'utf8', ) } }