import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs' import os from 'os' import { join, parse } from 'path' import { promisify } from 'util' import { Command } from 'clipanion' import toml from 'toml' const readFileAsync = promisify(readFile) const writeFileAsync = promisify(writeFile) export class BuildCommand extends Command { static usage = Command.Usage({ description: 'Copy native module into specified dir', }) @Command.String(`--name`) name!: string @Command.Boolean(`--platform`) appendPlatformToFilename!: boolean @Command.Boolean(`--release`) isRelease = false @Command.Boolean('--musl') isMusl = false @Command.String() target?: string @Command.Path('build') async execute() { let tomlContentString: string let tomlContent: any let moduleName: string try { tomlContentString = await readFileAsync( join(process.cwd(), 'Cargo.toml'), 'utf-8', ) } catch { throw new TypeError(`Could not find Cargo.toml in ${process.cwd()}`) } try { tomlContent = toml.parse(tomlContentString) } catch { throw new TypeError('Could not parse the Cargo.toml') } if (tomlContent.package ?? { moduleName =, '_') } else { throw new TypeError('No field in Cargo.toml') } const platform = os.platform() let libExt let dylibName = moduleName // Platform based massaging for build commands switch (platform) { case 'darwin': libExt = '.dylib' dylibName = `lib${moduleName}` break case 'win32': libExt = '.dll' break case 'linux': dylibName = `lib${moduleName}` libExt = '.so' break default: console.error( 'Operating system not currently supported or recognized by the build script', ) process.exit(1) } const targetDir = this.isRelease ? 'release' : 'debug' if (this.isMusl && !this.appendPlatformToFilename) { throw new TypeError(`Musl flag must be used with platform flag`) } const platformName = this.appendPlatformToFilename ? !this.isMusl ? `.${platform}` : `.${platform}-musl` : '' let distModulePath = ?? join('target', targetDir, `${moduleName}${platformName}.node`) const parsedDist = parse(distModulePath) if (! || === '.') { distModulePath = moduleName } if (!parsedDist.ext) { distModulePath = `${distModulePath}${platformName}.node` } const pos = __dirname.indexOf('node_modules') const dylibContent = await readFileAsync( join( __dirname.substring(0, pos), 'target', targetDir, `${dylibName}${libExt}`, ), ) await writeFileAsync(distModulePath, dylibContent) } }