use super::{check_status, sys}; use crate::{bindgen_prelude::ToNapiValue, type_of, Error, Result}; macro_rules! impl_number_conversions { ( $( ($name:literal, $t:ty as $st:ty, $get:ident, $create:ident) ,)* ) => { $( impl $crate::bindgen_prelude::TypeName for $t { fn type_name() -> &'static str { $name } fn value_type() -> crate::ValueType { crate::ValueType::Number } } impl $crate::bindgen_prelude::ValidateNapiValue for $t { } impl ToNapiValue for $t { unsafe fn to_napi_value(env: $crate::sys::napi_env, val: $t) -> Result<$crate::sys::napi_value> { let mut ptr = std::ptr::null_mut(); let val: $st = val.into(); check_status!( unsafe { sys::$create(env, val, &mut ptr) }, "Failed to convert rust type `{}` into napi value", $name, )?; Ok(ptr) } } impl $crate::bindgen_prelude::FromNapiValue for $t { unsafe fn from_napi_value(env: $crate::sys::napi_env, napi_val: $crate::sys::napi_value) -> Result { let mut ret = 0 as $st; check_status!( unsafe { sys::$get(env, napi_val, &mut ret) }, "Failed to convert napi value {:?} into rust type `{}`", type_of!(env, napi_val)?, $name, )?; ret.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::from_reason(concat!("Failed to convert ", stringify!($st), " to ", stringify!($t)))) } } )* }; } impl_number_conversions!( ("u8", u8 as u32, napi_get_value_uint32, napi_create_uint32), ("i8", i8 as i32, napi_get_value_int32, napi_create_int32), ("u16", u16 as u32, napi_get_value_uint32, napi_create_uint32), ("i16", i16 as i32, napi_get_value_int32, napi_create_int32), ("u32", u32 as u32, napi_get_value_uint32, napi_create_uint32), ("i32", i32 as i32, napi_get_value_int32, napi_create_int32), ("i64", i64 as i64, napi_get_value_int64, napi_create_int64), ("f64", f64 as f64, napi_get_value_double, napi_create_double), ); impl ToNapiValue for f32 { unsafe fn to_napi_value(env: crate::sys::napi_env, val: f32) -> Result { let mut ptr = std::ptr::null_mut(); check_status!( unsafe { sys::napi_create_double(env, val.into(), &mut ptr) }, "Failed to convert rust type `f32` into napi value", )?; Ok(ptr) } }