import { mkdirSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { Command, Option } from 'clipanion' import * as chalk from 'colorette' import { getNapiConfig } from './consts' import { debugFactory } from './debug' import { PlatformDetail } from './parse-triple' import { writeFileAsync, pick } from './utils' const debug = debugFactory('create-npm-dir') export class CreateNpmDirCommand extends Command { static usage = Command.Usage({ description: 'Create npm packages dir for platforms', }) static paths = [['create-npm-dir']] static create = async ( config: string, targetDirPath: string, cwd: string, ) => { const pkgJsonDir = config debug(`Read content from [${chalk.yellowBright(pkgJsonDir)}]`) const { platforms, packageName, version, binaryName, content } = getNapiConfig(pkgJsonDir, cwd) for (const platformDetail of platforms) { const targetDir = join( targetDirPath, 'npm', `${platformDetail.platformArchABI}`, ) mkdirSync(targetDir, { recursive: true, }) const binaryFileName = `${binaryName}.${platformDetail.platformArchABI}.node` const targetPackageJson = join(targetDir, 'package.json') debug(`Write file [${chalk.yellowBright(targetPackageJson)}]`) const packageJson: { name: string libc?: string[] } = { name: `${packageName}-${platformDetail.platformArchABI}`, version, os: [platformDetail.platform], cpu: platformDetail.arch !== 'universal' ? [platformDetail.arch] : undefined, main: binaryFileName, files: [binaryFileName], ...pick( content, 'description', 'keywords', 'author', 'authors', 'homepage', 'license', 'engines', 'publishConfig', 'repository', 'bugs', ), } // Only works with yarn 3.1+ // if (platformDetail.abi === 'gnu') { packageJson.libc = ['glibc'] } else if (platformDetail.abi === 'musl') { packageJson.libc = ['musl'] } await writeFileAsync( targetPackageJson, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2), ) const targetReadme = join(targetDir, '') debug(`Write target [${chalk.yellowBright(targetReadme)}]`) await writeFileAsync(targetReadme, readme(packageName, platformDetail)) } } targetDir: string = Option.String('-t,--target')! config = Option.String('-c,--config', 'package.json') async execute() { await CreateNpmDirCommand.create( this.config, join(process.cwd(), this.targetDir), process.cwd(), ) } } function readme(packageName: string, platformDetail: PlatformDetail) { return `# \`${packageName}-${platformDetail.platformArchABI}\` This is the **${platformDetail.raw}** binary for \`${packageName}\` ` }