extern crate cfg_if; use std::process::Command; use cfg_if::cfg_if; cfg_if! { if #[cfg(windows)] { use std::fs::{create_dir, metadata, write}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::io::Read; fn get_node_version() -> std::io::Result { let output = Command::new("node").arg("-v").output()?; let stdout_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); // version should not have a leading "v" or trailing whitespace Ok(stdout_str.trim().trim_start_matches('v').to_string()) } fn download_node_lib(dist_url: &str, version: &str, arch: &str) -> Vec { // Assume windows since we know we are building on windows. let url = format!("{dist_url}/v{version}/win-{arch}/node.lib", dist_url = dist_url, version = version, arch = arch); let response = ureq::get(&url).call(); if let Some(error) = response.synthetic_error() { panic!("Failed to download node.lib: {:#?}", error); } let mut reader = response.into_reader(); let mut bytes = vec![]; reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes).unwrap(); bytes } pub fn setup() { // Assume nodejs if not specified. let dist_url = std::env::var("NPM_CONFIG_DISTURL") .unwrap_or("https://nodejs.org/dist".into()); // Try to get local nodejs version if not specified. let node_version = std::env::var("NPM_CONFIG_TARGET") .or_else(|_| get_node_version()) .expect("Failed to determine nodejs version"); // NPM also gives us an arch var, but let's trust cargo more. // We translate from cargo's arch env format into npm/gyps's. // See https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#target_arch for rust env values. // Nodejs appears to follow `process.arch`. // See https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/process.html#process_process_arch for npm env values. let arch = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH") .map(|arch| match arch.as_str() { "x86" => "x86", // TODO: x86 appears to also be called ia32 in npm_config_arch sometimes. What is the right value? "x86_64" => "x64", "mips" => "mips", "powerpc" => "ppc", "powerpc64" => "ppc64", "arm" => "arm", "aarch64" => "arm64", arch => panic!("Unknown Architecture: {}", arch), }) .expect("Failed to determine target arch"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=NPM_CONFIG_DISTURL"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=NPM_CONFIG_TARGET"); let mut node_lib_file_dir = PathBuf::from(String::from_utf8(Command::new("node").arg("-e").arg("console.log(require('os').homedir())").output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap().trim_end().to_owned()); node_lib_file_dir.push(".napi-rs"); match create_dir(&node_lib_file_dir) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(err) => { if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists { panic!("create {} folder failed: {}", node_lib_file_dir.to_str().unwrap(), err) } }, } let link_search_dir = node_lib_file_dir.clone(); node_lib_file_dir.push(format!("node-{}.lib", node_version)); if let Err(_) = metadata(&node_lib_file_dir) { let node_lib = download_node_lib(&dist_url, &node_version, &arch); write(&node_lib_file_dir, &node_lib).expect(&format!("Could not save file to {}", node_lib_file_dir.to_str().unwrap())); } println!( "cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", &node_lib_file_dir.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() ); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", link_search_dir.to_str().unwrap()); println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=delayimp.lib"); println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=/DELAYLOAD:node.exe"); setup_napi_feature(); } } else if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { /// Set up the build environment by setting Cargo configuration variables. pub fn setup() { println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=-Wl"); println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=-undefined"); println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=dynamic_lookup"); setup_napi_feature(); } } else { pub fn setup() { setup_napi_feature(); } } } pub fn setup_napi_feature() { let napi_version = String::from_utf8( Command::new("node") .args(&["-e", "console.log(process.versions.napi)"]) .output() .unwrap() .stdout, ) .expect("Get NAPI version failed"); let napi_version_number = napi_version.trim().parse::().unwrap(); if napi_version_number < 2 { panic!("current napi version is too low"); } if napi_version_number == 2 { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=napi{}", napi_version_number); } else { for version in 2..(napi_version_number + 1) { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=napi{}", version); } } }