# Version

> This file is generated by cli/codegen. Do not edit this file manually.

Update version in created npm packages

## Usage

napi version [--options]

// Programatically
import { NapiCli } from '@napi-rs/cli'

new NapiCli().version({
  // options

## Options

| Options         | CLI Options         | type   | required | default        | description                                                                                                        |
| --------------- | ------------------- | ------ | -------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
|                 | --help,-h           |        |          |                | get help                                                                                                           |
| cwd             | --cwd               | string | false    | process.cwd()  | The working directory of where napi command will be executed in, all other paths options are relative to this path |
| configPath      | --config-path,-c    | string | false    |                | Path to `napi` config json file                                                                                    |
| packageJsonPath | --package-json-path | string | false    | 'package.json' | Path to `package.json`                                                                                             |
| npmDir          | --npm-dir           | string | false    | 'npm'          | Path to the folder where the npm packages put                                                                      |