import ava from 'ava' import { napiVersion } from './napi-version' const bindings = require('../index.node') const test = napiVersion >= 6 ? ava : ava.skip test('should get arraybuffer length', (t) => { const fixture = Buffer.from('wow, hello'), fixture.buffer.byteLength) }) test('should be able to mutate Uint8Array', (t) => { const fixture = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2]) bindings.mutateUint8Array(fixture)[0], 42) }) test('should be able to mutate Uint16Array', (t) => { const fixture = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2]) bindings.mutateUint16Array(fixture)[0], 65535) }) test('should be able to mutate Int16Array', (t) => { const fixture = new Int16Array([0, 1, 2]) bindings.mutateInt16Array(fixture)[0], 32767) }) test('should be able to mutate Float32Array', (t) => { const fixture = new Float32Array([0, 1, 2]) bindings.mutateFloat32Array(fixture) t.true(Math.abs(fixture[0] - 3.14) <= 0.0001) }) test('should be able to mutate Float64Array', (t) => { const fixture = new Float64Array([0, 1, 2]) bindings.mutateFloat64Array(fixture) t.true(Math.abs(fixture[0] - Math.PI) <= 0.0000001) }) test('should be able to mutate BigInt64Array', (t) => { const fixture = new BigInt64Array([BigInt(0), BigInt(1), BigInt(2)]) bindings.mutateI64Array(fixture) t.deepEqual(fixture[0], BigInt('9223372036854775807')) })