import { readFileSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import test from 'ava' import { napiVersion } from '../napi-version' const bindings = require('../../index.node') const filepath = join(__dirname, './example.txt') test.serial('should execute future on tokio runtime', async (t) => { if (napiVersion < 4) {, undefined) return } const fileContent = await bindings.testExecuteTokioReadfile(filepath) t.true(Buffer.isBuffer(fileContent)) t.deepEqual(readFileSync(filepath), fileContent) }) test.serial('should reject error from tokio future', async (t) => { if (napiVersion < 4) {, undefined) return } try { await bindings.testTokioError(filepath) throw new TypeError('Unreachable') } catch (e) { as Error).message, 'Error from tokio future') } }) test.serial('should be able to execute future paralleled', async (t) => { if (napiVersion < 4) {, undefined) return } const buffers = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 50 }).map((_) => bindings.testExecuteTokioReadfile(filepath), ), ) for (const fileContent of buffers) { t.true(Buffer.isBuffer(fileContent)) t.deepEqual(readFileSync(filepath), fileContent) } })