renovate[bot] 642cecc759
chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (major) (#1947)
[![Mend Renovate](](

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( ([source]( | [`^6.20.0` -> `^7.0.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@typescript-eslint/parser]( ([source]( | [`^6.20.0` -> `^7.0.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |


### Release Notes

<summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)</summary>

### [`v7.0.1`](

[Compare Source](

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** update peer dep for parser

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   Tim Dorr

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

### [`v7.0.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### 🚀 Features

-   ⚠️  bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

-   add support for flat configs

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-find] stop throwing type errors when converting symbols to numbers

##### ⚠️  Breaking Changes

-   ⚠️  bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   StyleShit
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.21.0 (2024-02-05)

##### 🚀 Features

-   export plugin metadata

-   allow `parserOptions.project: false`

-   **eslint-plugin:** add rule prefer-find

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] don't report on types referenced in export assignment expression

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] better support for intersections, infinite types, non-union values

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] dont report on types used in export assignment expressions

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle left-hand optional with exactOptionalPropertyTypes option

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] allow getter when same key setter exists

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] provide valid fixes for assertions with extra tokens before `as` keyword

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   Pete Gonzalez
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.20.0 (2024-01-29)

##### 🚀 Features

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] allow easy reuse of the default ordering

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] incorrect bigint autofix result

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat any/unknown as non-nullable

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] report Infinity & NaN

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] disable checking accessors

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   Alex Parloti
-   auvred
-   James Browning
-   StyleShit
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.19.1 (2024-01-22)

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **type-utils:** preventing isUnsafeAssignment infinite recursive calls

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive for type variable

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.19.0 (2024-01-15)

##### 🚀 Features

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-promise-reject-errors] add rule

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-array-delete] add new rule

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] add fix suggestions

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] detect unnecessary non-null-assertion on a call expression

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecesary-type-assertion] treat unknown/any as nullable

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Brad Zacher
-   Josh Goldberg 
-   Joshua Chen
-   LJX
-   Steven
-   StyleShit

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.18.1 (2024-01-08)

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-non-null-assertion] provide valid fix when member access is on next line

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] improve checking optional callee

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] support modifiers of unions and intersections

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] fix new allowDefaultCaseForExhaustiveSwitch option

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   James
-   Josh Goldberg 
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.18.0 (2024-01-06)

##### 🚀 Features

-   **typescript-estree:** throw on invalid update expressions

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-var-requires, no-require-imports] allow option

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Joshua Chen

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

### [`v6.21.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### 🚀 Features

-   export plugin metadata

-   allow `parserOptions.project: false`

-   **eslint-plugin:** add rule prefer-find

##### 🩹 Fixes

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] don't report on types referenced in export assignment expression

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] better support for intersections, infinite types, non-union values

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] dont report on types used in export assignment expressions

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle left-hand optional with exactOptionalPropertyTypes option

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] allow getter when same key setter exists

-   **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] provide valid fixes for assertions with extra tokens before `as` keyword

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   Pete Gonzalez
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.


<summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser)</summary>

### [`v7.0.1`](

[Compare Source](

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

### [`v7.0.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### 🚀 Features

-   ⚠️  bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

-   add support for flat configs

##### ⚠️  Breaking Changes

-   ⚠️  bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   StyleShit
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.21.0 (2024-02-05)

##### 🚀 Features

-   allow `parserOptions.project: false`

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   Pete Gonzalez
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.20.0 (2024-01-29)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.19.1 (2024-01-22)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.19.0 (2024-01-15)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.18.1 (2024-01-08)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

#### 6.18.0 (2024-01-06)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.

### [`v6.21.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### 🚀 Features

-   allow `parserOptions.project: false`

##### ❤️  Thank You

-   auvred
-   Brad Zacher
-   Kirk Waiblinger
-   Pete Gonzalez
-   YeonJuan

You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website.



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.


 - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here](
2024-02-13 12:31:38 +08:00

102 lines
3.1 KiB

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