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{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Darcs
( readSourceView
, readWikiView
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
, readChangesView
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (strictDecode)
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Storage.Hashed.AnchoredPath
import Storage.Hashed.Darcs
import Storage.Hashed.Tree
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 (encode)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (find)
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
import qualified Data.Text as T (takeWhile, stripEnd)
import Darcs.Local.Hash.Codec
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Parser
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Read
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Types
import Darcs.Local.Patch.Types
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
import Darcs.Local.Repository
import Data.Either.Local (maybeRight)
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
import Data.EventTime.Local
import Data.Text.UTF8.Local (decodeStrict)
import Data.Time.Clock.Local ()
import Vervis.Changes
import Vervis.Foundation (Widget)
import Vervis.Readme
import Vervis.SourceTree
import Vervis.Wiki (WikiView (..))
dirToAnchoredPath :: [EntryName] -> AnchoredPath
dirToAnchoredPath = AnchoredPath . map (Name . encodeUtf8)
matchType :: ItemType -> EntryType
matchType TreeType = TypeTree
matchType BlobType = TypeBlob
nameToText :: Name -> Text
nameToText (Name b) = decodeUtf8With strictDecode b
itemToEntry :: Name -> TreeItem IO -> DirEntry
itemToEntry name item = DirEntry (matchType $ itemType item) (nameToText name)
findReadme :: [(Name, TreeItem IO)] -> IO (Maybe (Text, BL.ByteString))
findReadme pairs =
case F.find (isReadme . nameToText . fst) pairs of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (name, item) ->
case item of
File (Blob load _hash) -> do
content <- load
return $ Just (nameToText name, content)
_ -> return Nothing
itemToSourceView :: EntryName -> TreeItem IO -> IO (SourceView BL.ByteString)
itemToSourceView name (File (Blob load _hash)) = do
content <- load
return $ SourceFile $ FileView name content
itemToSourceView name (SubTree tree) = do
let items = listImmediate tree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Just name
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
itemToSourceView _name (Stub _load _hash) = error "supposed to be expanded"
readStubbedTree :: FilePath -> IO (Tree IO)
readStubbedTree path = do
let darcsDir = path </> "_darcs"
(msize, hash) <- readPristineRoot darcsDir
let pristineDir = darcsDir </> "pristine.hashed"
readDarcsHashed pristineDir (msize, hash)
:: FilePath
-- ^ Repository path
-> [EntryName]
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file or directory
-> IO (Maybe (SourceView Widget))
readSourceView path dir = do
stubbedTree <- readStubbedTree path
msv <- if null dir
then do
let items = listImmediate stubbedTree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ Just $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Nothing
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
else do
let anch = dirToAnchoredPath dir
expandedTree <- expandPath stubbedTree anch
let mitem = find expandedTree anch
for mitem $ itemToSourceView (last dir)
return $ renderSources dir <$> msv
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
:: (EntryName -> EntryName -> Maybe Text)
-- ^ Page name predicate. Returns 'Nothing' for a file which isn't a page.
-- For a page file, returns 'Just' the page name, which is the filename
-- with some parts possibly removed or added. For example, you may wish to
-- remove any extensions, replace underscores with spaces and so on.
-> (EntryName -> Bool)
-- ^ Main page predicate. This is used to pick a top-level page to display
-- as the wiki root page.
-> FilePath
-- ^ Repository path.
-> [EntryName]
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file. The last component doesn't
-- have to be the full name of the file though, but it much match the page
-- predicate for the actual file to be found.
-> IO (Maybe WikiView)
readWikiView isPage isMain path dir = do
stubbedTree <- readStubbedTree path
let (parent, ispage, mfile) =
if null dir
( []
, bool Nothing (Just Nothing) . isMain
, Nothing
( init dir
, maybe Nothing (Just . Just) . isPage lst
, Just $ Name $ encodeUtf8 lst
lst = last dir
anch = dirToAnchoredPath parent
matchBlob f (n, (File (Blob load _))) = f (nameToText n) load
matchBlob _ _ = Nothing
matchBlob' f (File (Blob load _)) = Just $ f load
matchBlob' _ _ = Nothing
page name load = (,) load . Just <$> ispage name
matchP = listToMaybe . mapMaybe (matchBlob page) . listImmediate
matchF t = mfile >>= lookup t >>= matchBlob' (flip (,) Nothing)
expandedTree <- expandPath stubbedTree anch
let mpage = case find expandedTree anch of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (File _) -> Nothing
Just (Stub _ _) -> error "supposed to be expanded"
Just (SubTree tree) -> matchP tree <|> matchF tree
mkview Nothing b = WikiViewRaw b
mkview (Just mt) b = WikiViewPage mt b
for mpage $ \ (load, mmtitle) -> mkview mmtitle <$> load
2016-05-08 23:28:03 +09:00
:: FilePath
-- ^ Repository path
-> Int
-- ^ Offset, i.e. latest patches to skip
-> Int
-- ^ Limit, i.e. how many latest patches to take after the offset
-> IO (Maybe (Int, [LogEntry]))
-- ^ Total number of changes, and view of the chosen subset
readChangesView path off lim = fmap maybeRight $ runExceptT $ do
total <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path latestInventorySizeP
let off' = total - off - lim
ps <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path $ latestInventoryPageP off' lim
now <- lift getCurrentTime
let toLE pi h = LogEntry
{ leAuthor =
T.stripEnd $ T.takeWhile (/= '<') $ piAuthor pi
, leHash = decodeStrict $ encodePatchHash h
, leMessage = piTitle pi
, leTime =
intervalToEventTime $
FriendlyConvert $
now `diffUTCTime` piTime pi
return (total, map (uncurry toLE) $ reverse $ snd ps)