2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
{- This file is part of Vervis.
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support
New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface.
Advantages over previous interface:
* When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a
parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString
* Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward
* Support for per-actor keys
* Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed
* Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making
handler code more concise and clear
Also added in this patch:
* Foundation for per-actor key support
* 1 key per actor allowed in DB
* Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity
* Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers
* Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client
builder functions
* Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the
last piece to complete per-actor key support
* No moderation and anti-spam tools yet
* Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g.
activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will
be improved in the next iteration
* Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it
simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next
* Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a
1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the
big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done
currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal)
* No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been
fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be
just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later
2022-10-13 01:50:11 +09:00
- Written 2019, 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
2019-04-11 22:44:44 +09:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
module Network.FedURI
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
( Authority (..)
, renderAuthority
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
, LocalURI (..)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
, topLocalURI
, LocalSubURI (..)
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
, LocalPageURI (..)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
, LocalRefURI (..)
, UriMode ()
, Fed ()
, Dev ()
, ObjURI (..)
, parseObjURI
, uriFromObjURI
, renderObjURI
, SubURI (..)
, uriFromSubURI
, PageURI (..)
, RefURI (..)
, parseRefURI
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support
New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface.
Advantages over previous interface:
* When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a
parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString
* Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward
* Support for per-actor keys
* Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed
* Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making
handler code more concise and clear
Also added in this patch:
* Foundation for per-actor key support
* 1 key per actor allowed in DB
* Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity
* Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers
* Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client
builder functions
* Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the
last piece to complete per-actor key support
* No moderation and anti-spam tools yet
* Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g.
activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will
be improved in the next iteration
* Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it
simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next
* Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a
1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the
big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done
currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal)
* No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been
fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be
just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later
2022-10-13 01:50:11 +09:00
, renderRefURI
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
import Control.Monad
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
import Data.Aeson
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
import Data.Bifunctor
2019-04-28 18:47:32 +09:00
import Data.Char
2019-04-11 22:44:44 +09:00
import Data.Hashable
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
import Data.Maybe
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
import Data.Text (Text)
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
import Data.Text.Encoding
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
import Data.Word
import Database.Persist.Class
import Database.Persist.Sql
2019-04-11 22:44:44 +09:00
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
import Text.Read
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI
import Network.URI hiding (scheme, path, query, fragment)
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
import qualified Data.Text as T
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
data Scheme = Plain | Secure deriving Eq
data Full
data Authority t = Authority
{ authorityHost :: Text
, authorityPort :: Maybe Word16
2023-05-25 07:17:14 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => Hashable (Authority t)
parseAuthority :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (Authority t)
parseAuthority t = do
FullObjURI s a l <- toFullObjURI =<< parseFullURI ("https://" <> t)
unless (s == Secure && l == topLocalURI) $
Left "parseAuthority: Unexpected FullObjURI"
let s' = case authorityPort a of
Nothing -> Secure
Just _ -> Plain
checkAuthority s' a
renderAuthority :: Authority t -> Text
renderAuthority (Authority h Nothing) = h
renderAuthority (Authority h (Just p)) = T.concat [h, ":", T.pack $ show p]
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (Authority t) where
parseJSON = withText "Authority" $ either fail return . parseAuthority
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (Authority t) where
toJSON = toJSON . renderAuthority
toEncoding = toEncoding . renderAuthority
instance UriMode t => PersistField (Authority t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderAuthority
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . parseAuthority <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (Authority t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap renderAuthority
data FullURI = FullURI
{ fullUriScheme :: Scheme
, fullUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, fullUriPath :: Text
, fullUriQuery :: Text
, fullUriFragment :: Text
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-04-11 22:44:44 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
parseFullURI :: Text -> Either String FullURI
parseFullURI t = do
uri <-
case parseURI $ T.unpack t of
Nothing -> Left "Invalid absolute URI"
Just u -> Right u
scheme <-
case uriScheme uri of
"http:" -> Right Plain
"https:" -> Right Secure
_ -> Left "URI scheme isn't http/s"
URIAuth userInfo host port <-
case uriAuthority uri of
Nothing -> Left "URI has empty authority"
Just a -> Right a
unless (userInfo == "") $
Left "URI has non-empty userinfo"
portNumber <-
case port of
[] -> Right Nothing
c:p ->
case (c, readMaybe p) of
(':', Just n) ->
if n == 80 || n == 443
then Left "Unexpected port number"
else Right $ Just n
_ -> Left "Unexpected port number format"
when (any (== ':') host) $
Left "Host contains a colon"
unless (any isAsciiLetter host) $
Left "Host doesn't contain ASCII letters"
Right FullURI
{ fullUriScheme = scheme
, fullUriAuthority = Authority
{ authorityHost = T.pack host
, authorityPort = portNumber
, fullUriPath = T.pack $ uriPath uri
, fullUriQuery = T.pack $ uriQuery uri
, fullUriFragment = T.pack $ uriFragment uri
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-04-28 18:47:32 +09:00
isAsciiLetter c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
fromFullURI :: FullURI -> URI
fromFullURI (FullURI scheme (Authority host mport) path query fragment) = URI
{ uriScheme =
case scheme of
Plain -> "http:"
Secure -> "https:"
, uriAuthority = Just URIAuth
{ uriUserInfo = ""
, uriRegName = T.unpack host
, uriPort = maybe "" ((':' :) . show) mport
, uriPath = T.unpack path
, uriQuery = T.unpack query
, uriFragment = T.unpack fragment
renderFullURI :: FullURI -> Text
renderFullURI = T.pack . flip (uriToString id) "" . fromFullURI
instance FromJSON FullURI where
parseJSON = withText "FullURI" $ either fail return . parseFullURI
instance ToJSON FullURI where
toJSON = error "toJSON FullURI"
toEncoding = toEncoding . renderFullURI
instance PersistField FullURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderFullURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . parseFullURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap renderFullURI
data LocalURI = LocalURI
{ localUriPath :: Text
2023-05-25 07:17:14 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance Hashable LocalURI
dummyAuthority :: Authority Fed
dummyAuthority = Authority "h.h" Nothing
dummyPrefix :: Text
dummyPrefix = renderObjURI $ ObjURI dummyAuthority topLocalURI
instance PersistField LocalURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderLocalURI
= fromJust
. T.stripPrefix dummyPrefix
. renderObjURI
. ObjURI dummyAuthority
= bimap T.pack objUriLocal . parseObjURI' . (dummyPrefix <>)
<=< fromPersistValue
parseObjURI' :: Text -> Either String (ObjURI Fed)
parseObjURI' = parseObjURI
instance PersistFieldSql LocalURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap localUriPath
topLocalURI :: LocalURI
topLocalURI = LocalURI ""
data FullObjURI = FullObjURI
{ _fullObjUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullObjUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullObjUriLocal :: LocalURI
2019-02-08 08:08:28 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
toFullObjURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullObjURI
toFullObjURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
unless (q == "") $
Left "URI query is non-empty"
unless (f == "") $
Left "URI fragment is non-empty"
Right $ FullObjURI s a $ LocalURI p
fromFullObjURI :: FullObjURI -> FullURI
fromFullObjURI (FullObjURI s a (LocalURI p)) = FullURI s a p "" ""
instance FromJSON FullObjURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullObjURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullObjURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullObjURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullObjURI
2019-02-20 16:40:25 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance PersistField FullObjURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullObjURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullObjURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullObjURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullObjURI
data LocalSubURI = LocalSubURI
{ localSubUriResource :: LocalURI
, localSubUriFragment :: Text
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Generic)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance Hashable LocalSubURI
instance PersistField LocalSubURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . renderLocalSubURI
= fromJust
. T.stripPrefix dummyPrefix
. renderSubURI
. SubURI dummyAuthority
renderSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> Text
renderSubURI = renderFullURI . fromFullSubURI . fromSubURI
= bimap T.pack subUriLocal . parseSubURI' . (dummyPrefix <>)
<=< fromPersistValue
parseSubURI' :: Text -> Either String (SubURI Fed)
parseSubURI' = parseSubURI
parseSubURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (SubURI t)
parseSubURI = toSubURI <=< toFullSubURI <=< parseFullURI
instance PersistFieldSql LocalSubURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap localSubUriResource
data FullSubURI = FullSubURI
{ _fullSubUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullSubUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullSubUriLocal :: LocalSubURI
toFullSubURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullSubURI
toFullSubURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
unless (T.null q) $
Left "URI query is non-empty"
case T.uncons f of
Nothing -> Left "No URI fragment"
Just ('#', f') ->
when (T.null f') $
Left "URI fragment is empty"
_ -> Left "URI fragment unexpectedly doesn't start with a '#'"
when (T.null f) $
Left "URI fragment is empty"
Right $ FullSubURI s a $ LocalSubURI (LocalURI p) f
fromFullSubURI :: FullSubURI -> FullURI
fromFullSubURI (FullSubURI s a (LocalSubURI (LocalURI p) f)) =
FullURI s a p "" f
instance FromJSON FullSubURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullSubURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullSubURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullSubURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullSubURI
instance PersistField FullSubURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullSubURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullSubURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullSubURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullSubURI
data LocalPageURI = LocalPageURI
{ localPageUriResource :: LocalURI
, localPageUriParam :: Text
, localPageUriPage :: Int
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalPageURI
data FullPageURI = FullPageURI
{ _fullPageUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullPageUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullPageUriLocal :: LocalPageURI
toFullPageURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullPageURI
toFullPageURI (FullURI s a p q f) = do
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
(param, mval) <-
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
case parseQueryText $ encodeUtf8 q of
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
[] -> Left "URI query is empty"
[qp] -> Right qp
_ -> Left "URI has multiple query parameters"
val <-
case mval of
Nothing -> Left "URI query parameter doesn't have a value"
Just v -> Right v
page <-
case readMaybe $ T.unpack val of
Nothing -> Left "URI query param value isn't an integer"
Just n -> Right n
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
unless (page >= 1) $
Left "URI page number isn't positive"
unless (f == "") $
Left "URI fragment is non-empty"
Right $ FullPageURI s a $ LocalPageURI (LocalURI p) param page
fromFullPageURI :: FullPageURI -> FullURI
fromFullPageURI (FullPageURI s a (LocalPageURI (LocalURI p) param page)) =
FullURI s a p q ""
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
q = T.concat ["?", param, "=", T.pack $ show page]
instance FromJSON FullPageURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullPageURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullPageURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullPageURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullPageURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance PersistField FullPageURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullPageURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullPageURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullPageURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullPageURI
newtype LocalRefURI = LocalRefURI (Either LocalURI LocalSubURI)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LocalRefURI
instance PersistField LocalRefURI where
toPersistValue (LocalRefURI u) = either toPersistValue toPersistValue u
fromPersistValue v =
LocalRefURI <$>
aor (Left <$> fromPersistValue v) (Right <$> fromPersistValue v)
aor :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b
aor (Left _) y = y
aor a@(Right _) _ = a
instance PersistFieldSql LocalRefURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap f
f (LocalRefURI u) = either id localSubUriResource u
data FullRefURI = FullRefURI
{ _fullRefUriScheme :: Scheme
, _fullRefUriAuthority :: Authority Full
, _fullRefUriLocal :: LocalRefURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
toFullRefURI :: FullURI -> Either String FullRefURI
toFullRefURI fu =
case toFullObjURI fu of
Left _ -> sub2ref <$> toFullSubURI fu
Right ou -> Right $ obj2ref ou
obj2ref (FullObjURI s a l) = FullRefURI s a $ LocalRefURI $ Left l
sub2ref (FullSubURI s a l) = FullRefURI s a $ LocalRefURI $ Right l
fromFullRefURI :: FullRefURI -> FullURI
fromFullRefURI (FullRefURI s a (LocalRefURI e)) =
case e of
Left l -> fromFullObjURI $ FullObjURI s a l
Right l -> fromFullSubURI $ FullSubURI s a l
instance FromJSON FullRefURI where
parseJSON = either fail return . toFullRefURI <=< parseJSON
instance ToJSON FullRefURI where
toJSON = toJSON . fromFullRefURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromFullRefURI
instance PersistField FullRefURI where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromFullRefURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toFullRefURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance PersistFieldSql FullRefURI where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromFullRefURI
class UriMode a where
checkAuthority :: Scheme -> Authority Full -> Either String (Authority a)
authorityScheme :: Authority a -> Scheme
toFull :: UriMode a => Authority a -> Authority Full
toFull (Authority h mp) = Authority h mp
data Fed
instance UriMode Fed where
checkAuthority s (Authority h mp)
| s /= Secure = Left "Scheme isn't HTTPS"
| isJust mp = Left "Port number present"
| T.all (/= '.') h = Left "Host doesn't contain periods"
| otherwise = Right $ Authority h mp
authorityScheme _ = Secure
data Dev
instance UriMode Dev where
checkAuthority s (Authority h mp)
| s /= Plain = Left "Scheme isn't HTTP"
| isNothing mp = Left "Port number missing"
| T.any (== '.') h = Left "Host contains periods"
| otherwise = Right $ Authority h mp
authorityScheme _ = Plain
data ObjURI t = ObjURI
{ objUriAuthority :: Authority t
, objUriLocal :: LocalURI
2023-05-25 07:17:14 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => Hashable (ObjURI t)
toObjURI :: UriMode t => FullObjURI -> Either String (ObjURI t)
toObjURI (FullObjURI s a l) = flip ObjURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> FullObjURI
fromObjURI (ObjURI a l) = FullObjURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
parseObjURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (ObjURI t)
parseObjURI = toObjURI <=< toFullObjURI <=< parseFullURI
uriFromObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> URI
uriFromObjURI = fromFullURI . fromFullObjURI . fromObjURI
renderObjURI :: UriMode t => ObjURI t -> Text
renderObjURI = renderFullURI . fromFullObjURI . fromObjURI
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (ObjURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toObjURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (ObjURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromObjURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromObjURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (ObjURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromObjURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toObjURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (ObjURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromObjURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
data SubURI t = SubURI
{ subUriAuthority :: Authority t
, subUriLocal :: LocalSubURI
2019-02-20 16:40:25 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Generic)
2019-02-20 16:40:25 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => Hashable (SubURI t)
2019-02-20 16:40:25 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
toSubURI :: UriMode t => FullSubURI -> Either String (SubURI t)
toSubURI (FullSubURI s a l) = flip SubURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
fromSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> FullSubURI
fromSubURI (SubURI a l) = FullSubURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
uriFromSubURI :: UriMode t => SubURI t -> URI
uriFromSubURI = fromFullURI . fromFullSubURI . fromSubURI
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (SubURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toSubURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (SubURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromSubURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromSubURI
instance UriMode t => PersistField (SubURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromSubURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toSubURI <=< fromPersistValue
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (SubURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromSubURI
data PageURI t = PageURI
{ pageUriAuthority :: Authority t
, pageUriLocal :: LocalPageURI
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Generic)
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => Hashable (PageURI t)
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
toPageURI :: UriMode t => FullPageURI -> Either String (PageURI t)
toPageURI (FullPageURI s a l) = flip PageURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
fromPageURI :: UriMode t => PageURI t -> FullPageURI
fromPageURI (PageURI a l) = FullPageURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (PageURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toPageURI <=< parseJSON
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (PageURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromPageURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromPageURI
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => PersistField (PageURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromPageURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toPageURI <=< fromPersistValue
2019-02-22 08:59:53 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (PageURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromPageURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
data RefURI t = RefURI
{ refUriAuthority :: Authority t
, refUriLocal :: LocalRefURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance UriMode t => Hashable (RefURI t)
toRefURI :: UriMode t => FullRefURI -> Either String (RefURI t)
toRefURI (FullRefURI s a l) = flip RefURI l <$> checkAuthority s a
fromRefURI :: UriMode t => RefURI t -> FullRefURI
fromRefURI (RefURI a l) = FullRefURI (authorityScheme a) (toFull a) l
parseRefURI :: UriMode t => Text -> Either String (RefURI t)
parseRefURI = toRefURI <=< toFullRefURI <=< parseFullURI
uriFromRefURI :: UriMode t => RefURI t -> URI
uriFromRefURI = fromFullURI . fromFullRefURI . fromRefURI
Improve the AP async HTTP delivery API and per-actor key support
New iteration of the ActivityPub delivery implementation and interface.
Advantages over previous interface:
* When sending a ByteString body, the sender is explicitly passed as a
parameter instead of JSON-parsing it out of the ByteString
* Clear 3 operations provided: Send, Resend and Forward
* Support for per-actor keys
* Actor-type-specific functions (e.g. deliverRemoteDB_D) removed
* Only the most high-level API is exposed to Activity handler code, making
handler code more concise and clear
Also added in this patch:
* Foundation for per-actor key support
* 1 key per actor allowed in DB
* Disabled C2S and S2S handlers now un-exported for clarity
* Audience and capability parsing automatically done for all C2S handlers
* Audience and activity composition automatically done for Vervis.Client
builder functions
* Actor documents still don't link to their per-actor keys; that should be the
last piece to complete per-actor key support
* No moderation and anti-spam tools yet
* Delivery API doesn't yet have good integration of persistence layer, e.g.
activity is separately encoded into bytestring for DB and for HTTP; this will
be improved in the next iteration
* Periodic delivery now done in 3 separate steps, running sequentially; it
simplifies the code, but may be changed for efficiency/robustness in the next
* Periodic delivery collects per-actor keys in a
1-DB-transaction-for-each-delivery fashion, rather than grabbing them in the
big Esqueleto query (or keeping the signed output in the DB; this isn't done
currently to allow for smooth actor key renewal)
* No support yet in the API for delivery where the actor key has already been
fetched, rather than doing a DB transaction to grab it; such support would be
just an optimization, so it's low-priority, but will be added in later
2022-10-13 01:50:11 +09:00
renderRefURI :: UriMode t => RefURI t -> Text
renderRefURI = renderFullURI . fromFullRefURI . fromRefURI
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => FromJSON (RefURI t) where
parseJSON = either fail return . toRefURI <=< parseJSON
instance UriMode t => ToJSON (RefURI t) where
toJSON = toJSON . fromRefURI
toEncoding = toEncoding . fromRefURI
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => PersistField (RefURI t) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . fromRefURI
fromPersistValue = first T.pack . toRefURI <=< fromPersistValue
2019-05-21 08:51:06 +09:00
2019-07-23 22:59:48 +09:00
instance UriMode t => PersistFieldSql (RefURI t) where
sqlType = sqlType . fmap fromRefURI