diff --git a/src/Vervis/Handler/Inbox.hs b/src/Vervis/Handler/Inbox.hs
index da525a3..c7b8a03 100644
--- a/src/Vervis/Handler/Inbox.hs
+++ b/src/Vervis/Handler/Inbox.hs
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ postInboxR = do
         Left _ -> notAuthenticated
     liftE = ExceptT . pure
-    getActivity :: UTCTime -> ExceptT String Handler (ContentType, HashMap Text Value)
+    getActivity :: UTCTime -> ExceptT String Handler (ContentType, Activity)
     getActivity now = do
         contentType <- do
             ctypes <- lookupHeaders "Content-Type"
@@ -138,34 +138,15 @@ postInboxR = do
                 _ -> Left "More than one Content-Type given"
         HttpSigVerResult result <- ExceptT . fmap (first displayException) $ verifyRequestSignature now
         uActor <- liftE result
-        o <- requireJsonBody
-        activityActor <-
-            liftE $
-            case M.lookup "actor" o of
-                Nothing -> Left "Activity has no actor member"
-                Just v -> case v of
-                    String t -> case parseFedURI t of
-                        Left e -> Left $ "Activity actor URI parsing failed: " ++ e
-                        Right uri -> Right uri
-                    _ -> Left "Activity actor isn't a JSON string"
-        liftE $ if activityActor == uActor
-            then Right ()
-            else Left "Activity's actor != Signature key's actor"
-        liftE $ case M.lookup "object" o of
-            Nothing -> Right ()
-            Just v -> case v of
-                Object obj -> case M.lookup "actor" obj <|> M.lookup "attributedTo" obj of
-                    Nothing -> Right ()
-                    Just v' -> case v' of
-                        String t -> case parseFedURI t of
-                            Left e -> Left $ "Activity actor URI parsing failed: " ++ e
-                            Right uri ->
-                                if uri == uActor
-                                    then Right ()
-                                    else Left "Activity object's actor doesn't match activity's actor"
-                        _ -> Left "Activity actor isn't a JSON string"
-                _ -> Left "Activity's object isn't a JSON object"
-        return (contentType, o)
+        a@(CreateActivity c) <- requireJsonBody
+        liftE $ do
+            if createActor c == uActor
+                then Right ()
+                else Left "Activity's actor != Signature key's actor"
+            if noteAttrib (createObject c) == uActor
+                then Right ()
+                else Left "Activity object's actor doesn't match activity's actor"
+        return (contentType, a)
 jsonField :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Field Handler a