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S2S: Refactor projectOfferTicketF to use the new utils

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2020-07-15 09:58:59 +00:00
parent 58e88d1e1b
commit 1a8ecb5995

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@ -238,108 +238,70 @@ projectOfferTicketF
-> AP.Ticket URIMode -> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI -> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text -> ExceptT Text Handler Text
projectOfferTicketF projectOfferTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do (target, summary, content, source) <- checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget
targetIsUs <- lift $ runExceptT checkTarget mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance target) $ \ () -> lift $ runDB $ do
case targetIsUs of Entity jid j <- do
Left t -> do sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
logWarn $ T.concat getBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
[ recip, " got Offer Ticket with target " mractid <- insertToInbox now author body (projectInbox j) luOffer False
, renderObjURI uTarget for mractid $ \ ractid -> do
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shrRecip prjRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shrRecip prjRecip
] ]
return t remoteRecips <-
Right () -> do insertRemoteActivityToLocalInboxes
hLocal <- getsYesod siteInstanceHost False ractid $
{-deps <- -} localRecipSieve'
checkOffer ticket hLocal shrRecip prjRecip sieve False False localRecips
let colls =
findRelevantCollections shrRecip prjRecip hLocal $
activityAudience $ actbActivity body
mremotesHttp <- runDBExcept $ do
(sid, jid, ibid, fsid{-, tids-}) <-
getProjectAndDeps shrRecip prjRecip {-deps-}
lift $ do
mticket <- do
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
insertTicket ra luOffer jid ibid {-tids-}
for mticket $ \ (ractid, obiidAccept, docAccept) -> do
msr <- for mfwd $ \ (_, sig) -> do
remoteRecips <- deliverFwdLocal ractid colls sid fsid
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jid sig remoteRecips (sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB_J (actbBL body) ractid jid sig remoteRecips
return (msr, obiidAccept, docAccept) (obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept) <- do
lift $ for_ mremotesHttp $ \ (msr, obiidAccept, docAccept) -> do obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox j) now
let handler e = logError $ "Project Accept sender: delivery failed! " <> T.pack (displayException e) ltid <- insertTicket now author jid summary content source ractid obiidAccept
for msr $ \ (sig, remotesHttp) -> do (docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
forkHandler handler $ insertAccept shrRecip prjRecip author luOffer ltid obiidAccept
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotesHttp knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
forkHandler handler $ publishAccept luOffer obiidAccept docAccept deliverLocal'
return $ recip <> " inserted new ticket" False
(LocalActorProject shrRecip prjRecip)
(projectInbox j)
(obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (mremotesHttpFwd, obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, recipsAccept)
case mmhttp of
Nothing -> return "Offer target isn't me, not using"
Just mhttp ->
case mhttp of
Nothing -> return "Activity already in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just (mremotesHttpFwd, obiid, doc, fwdHosts, remotes) -> do
for_ mremotesHttpFwd $ \ (sig, remotes) ->
forkWorker "projectOfferTicketF inbox-forwarding" $
deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotes
forkWorker "projectOfferTicketF Accept HTTP delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiid doc remotes
return $
case mremotesHttpFwd of
Nothing -> "Accepted new ticket, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted new ticket and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
where where
recip = T.concat ["/s/", shr2text shrRecip, "/p/", prj2text prjRecip] targetRelevance (Left (shr, prj))
checkTarget = do | shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
let ObjURI h lu = uTarget targetRelevance _ = Nothing
local <- hostIsLocal h insertTicket now author jid summary content source ractidOffer obiidAccept = do
unless local $
throwE $ recip <> " not using; target has different host"
route <-
case decodeRouteLocal lu of
Nothing ->
throwE $
recip <> " not using; local target isn't a valid route"
Just r -> return r
(shrTarget, prjTarget) <-
case route of
ProjectR shr prj -> return (shr, prj)
_ -> throwE $
recip <>
" not using; local target isn't a project route"
unless (shrTarget == shrRecip && prjTarget == prjRecip) $
throwE $ recip <> " not using; local target is a different project"
insertTicket ra luOffer jid ibid {-deps-} = do
let iidAuthor = remoteAuthorInstance author
roid <-
either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (RemoteObject iidAuthor luOffer)
let raidAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
ractid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' RemoteActivity
{ remoteActivityIdent = roid
, remoteActivityContent = persistJSONFromBL $ actbBL body
, remoteActivityReceived = now
ibiid <- insert $ InboxItem False
mibirid <- insertUnique $ InboxItemRemote ibid ractid ibiid
case mibirid of
Nothing -> do
delete ibiid
return Nothing
Just _ibirid -> do
next <-
((subtract 1) . projectNextTicket) <$>
updateGet jid [ProjectNextTicket +=. 1]
did <- insert Discussion did <- insert Discussion
fsid <- insert FollowerSet fsid <- insert FollowerSet
obiidAccept <- do
obidProject <- do
sid <- fromJust <$> getKeyBy (UniqueSharer shrRecip)
j <- fromJust <$> getValBy (UniqueProject prjRecip sid)
return $ projectOutbox j
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
insert OutboxItem
{ outboxItemOutbox = obidProject
, outboxItemActivity = persistJSONObjectFromDoc $ Doc hLocal emptyActivity
, outboxItemPublished = now
tid <- insert Ticket tid <- insert Ticket
{ ticketNumber = Nothing { ticketNumber = Nothing
, ticketCreated = now , ticketCreated = now
, ticketTitle = unTextHtml $ AP.ticketSummary ticket , ticketTitle = unTextHtml summary
, ticketSource = , ticketSource = unTextPandocMarkdown source
unTextPandocMarkdown $ AP.ticketSource ticket , ticketDescription = unTextHtml content
, ticketDescription = unTextHtml $ AP.ticketContent ticket
, ticketAssignee = Nothing , ticketAssignee = Nothing
, ticketStatus = TSNew , ticketStatus = TSNew
, ticketClosed = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0 , ticketClosed = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
@ -360,96 +322,50 @@ projectOfferTicketF
} }
insert_ TicketAuthorRemote insert_ TicketAuthorRemote
{ ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid { ticketAuthorRemoteTicket = tclid
, ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = raidAuthor , ticketAuthorRemoteAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
, ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractid , ticketAuthorRemoteOpen = ractidOffer
} }
docAccept <- insertAccept ra luOffer ltid obiidAccept return ltid
-- insertMany_ $ map (TicketDependency tid) deps insertAccept shr prj author luOffer ltid obiidAccept = do
--insert_ $ RemoteFollow raidAuthor fsid False True
return $ Just (ractid, obiidAccept, docAccept)
insertAccept ra luOffer ltid obiid = do
let uAuthor@(ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor) = remoteAuthorURI author
ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
summary <-
TextHtml . TL.toStrict . renderHtml <$>
<a href="#{renderObjURI uAuthor}">
$maybe name <- remoteActorName ra
#{renderAuthority hAuthor}#{localUriPath luAuthor}
\'s ticket accepted by project #
<a href=@{ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip}>
./s/#{shr2text shrRecip}/p/#{prj2text prjRecip}
\: #
<a href=@{ProjectTicketR shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid}>
#{preEscapedToHtml $ unTextHtml $ AP.ticketSummary ticket}.
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
let recips = hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
remoteAuthorURI author :
map encodeRouteHome obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
[ ProjectTeamR shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid <- encodeKeyHashid ltid
, ProjectFollowersR shrRecip prjRecip
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audProject =
AudLocal []
[ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
] ]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience [audAuthor, audProject]
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = { activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
ProjectOutboxItemR shrRecip prjRecip obikhid ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj obikhidAccept
, activityActor = , activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shr prj
encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip , activitySummary = Nothing
, activitySummary = Just summary
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] [] , activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept , activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = { acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
(objUriAuthority $ remoteAuthorURI author)
, acceptResult = , acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectTicketR shr prj ltkhid
ProjectTicketR shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid
} }
} }
update obiid [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc] update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return doc return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
publishAccept luOffer obiid doc = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let dont = Authority "dont-do.any-forwarding" Nothing
remotesHttp <- runDB $ do
(sid, project) <- do
sid <- fromJust <$> getKeyBy (UniqueSharer shrRecip)
j <- fromJust <$> getValBy (UniqueProject prjRecip sid)
return (sid, j)
moreRemotes <- deliverLocal now sid (projectFollowers project) obiid
let raidAuthor = remoteAuthorId author
ra <- getJust raidAuthor
ro <- getJust $ remoteActorIdent ra
let raInfo = RemoteRecipient raidAuthor (remoteObjectIdent ro) (remoteActorInbox ra) (remoteActorErrorSince ra)
iidAuthor = remoteAuthorInstance author
hAuthor = objUriAuthority $ remoteAuthorURI author
hostSection = ((iidAuthor, hAuthor), raInfo :| [])
remotes = unionRemotes [hostSection] moreRemotes
deliverRemoteDB' dont obiid [] remotes
site <- askSite
liftIO $ runWorker (deliverRemoteHttp dont obiid doc remotesHttp) site
deliverLocal now sid fsid obiid = do
(pidsTeam, remotesTeam) <- getProjectTeam sid
(pidsFollowers, remotesFollowers) <- getFollowers fsid
let pids = LO.union pidsTeam pidsFollowers
remotes = unionRemotes remotesTeam remotesFollowers
for_ pids $ \ pid -> do
ibid <- personInbox <$> getJust pid
ibiid <- insert $ InboxItem True
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal ibid obiid ibiid
return remotes
checkCreateTicket checkCreateTicket
:: RemoteAuthor :: RemoteAuthor
@ -1159,7 +1075,7 @@ projectOfferDepF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
doc = Doc hLocal Activity doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = { activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
SharerOutboxItemR shrRecip obikhidAccept ProjectOutboxItemR shrRecip prjRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip , activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing , activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] [] , activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
@ -1320,7 +1236,7 @@ repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
doc = Doc hLocal Activity doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = { activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
SharerOutboxItemR shrRecip obikhidAccept RepoOutboxItemR shrRecip rpRecip obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ RepoR shrRecip rpRecip , activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ RepoR shrRecip rpRecip
, activitySummary = Nothing , activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] [] , activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []