mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 13:27:50 +09:00
Refactor HTTP sig verification DB update code
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 168 additions and 174 deletions
@ -603,7 +603,20 @@ actorRoom rsid =
(count [VerifKeySharedUsageUser ==. rsid])
(count [VerifKeySharer ==. Just rsid])
-- | Given a shared key we have in our DB, verify that the given actor lists
-- this key, and update the DB accordingly.
-- * If we know the actor and we have a record that it lists the key, return
-- success, otherwise no action
-- * If we know the actor but we don't have a record of usage, fetch the
-- actor and verify usage. If the actor already has 2 known keys, return
-- error, otherwise store usage in DB.
-- * If we don't know the actor, fetch actor, verify usage, store actor and
-- usage in DB.
-- If we get success, that means the actor lists the key, and both the actor
-- and the usage exist in our DB now.
:: Manager
-> InstanceId
-> VerifKeyId
@ -611,7 +624,7 @@ keyListedByActor'
-> LocalURI
-> LocalURI
-> Handler (Either String ())
keyListedByActor' manager iid vkid host luKey luActor = do
keyListedByActorShared manager iid vkid host luKey luActor = do
mresult <- do
ments <- runDB $ do
mrs <- getBy $ UniqueRemoteSharer iid luActor
@ -640,92 +653,15 @@ keyListedByActor' manager iid vkid host luKey luActor = do
return $ Right ()
else return $ Left "Actor already has at least 2 keys"
data AddVerifKey = AddVerifKey
{ addvkHost :: Text
, addvkKeyId :: LocalURI
, addvkExpires :: Maybe UTCTime
, addvkKey :: PublicKey
, addvkActorId :: LocalURI
, addvkActorInbox :: LocalURI
addSharedKey :: AddVerifKey -> AppDB (Maybe String)
addSharedKey (AddVerifKey host luKey mexpires key luActor luInbox) = do
(iid, rsid, inew) <- instanceAndActor host luActor luInbox
room <-
case inew of
Nothing -> pure True
Just rsnew -> do
iRoom <- instanceRoom iid
if iRoom
then if rsnew
then pure True
else actorRoom rsid
else return False
if room
then do
vkid <- insert $ VerifKey luKey iid mexpires key Nothing
insert_ $ VerifKeySharedUsage vkid rsid
return Nothing
else return $ Just "We already store 2 keys"
instanceRoom iid =
(< 2) <$> count [VerifKeyInstance ==. iid, VerifKeySharer ==. Nothing]
addPersonalKey :: AddVerifKey -> AppDB (Maybe String)
addPersonalKey (AddVerifKey host luKey mexpires key luActor luInbox) = do
(iid, rsid, inew) <- instanceAndActor host luActor luInbox
room <-
if inew == Just False
then actorRoom rsid
else pure True
if room
then do
insert_ $ VerifKey luKey iid mexpires key (Just rsid)
return Nothing
else return $ Just "We already store 2 keys"
data UpdateVerifKey = UpdateVerifKey
{ updvkId :: VerifKeyId
, updvkExpires :: Maybe UTCTime
, updvkKey :: PublicKey
updateVerifKey :: UpdateVerifKey -> AppDB (Maybe String)
updateVerifKey (UpdateVerifKey vkid mexpires key) = do
update vkid [VerifKeyExpires =. mexpires, VerifKeyPublic =. key]
return Nothing
data VerifKeyUpdate
= VKUAddSharedKey AddVerifKey
| VKUAddPersonalKey AddVerifKey
| VKUUpdateKey UpdateVerifKey
updateVerifKeyInDB :: VerifKeyUpdate -> AppDB (Maybe String)
updateVerifKeyInDB (VKUAddSharedKey avk) = addSharedKey avk
updateVerifKeyInDB (VKUAddPersonalKey avk) = addPersonalKey avk
updateVerifKeyInDB (VKUUpdateKey uvk) = updateVerifKey uvk
data VerifKeyDetail = VerifKeyDetail
{ vkdKeyId :: LocalURI
, vkdInboxOrId :: Either LocalURI VerifKeyId
-- , vkdInboxOrId :: Either LocalURI VerifKeyId
, vkdKey :: PublicKey
, vkdExpires :: Maybe UTCTime
, vkdActorId :: LocalURI
, vkdShared :: Bool
makeVerifKeyUpdate :: Text -> VerifKeyDetail -> VerifKeyUpdate
host (VerifKeyDetail luKey iori key mexpires luActor shared) =
case iori of
Left luInbox ->
let avk = AddVerifKey host luKey mexpires key luActor luInbox
in if shared
then VKUAddSharedKey avk
else VKUAddPersonalKey avk
Right vkid -> VKUUpdateKey $ UpdateVerifKey vkid mexpires key
instance YesodHttpSig App where
data HttpSigVerResult App = HttpSigVerResult (Either String FedURI)
httpSigVerHeaders = const [hRequestTarget, hHost, hActivityPubActor]
@ -735,32 +671,11 @@ instance YesodHttpSig App where
toSeconds :: TimeInterval -> Second
toSeconds = toTimeUnit
httpVerifySig (Verification malgo (KeyId keyid) input (Signature sig)) = fmap HttpSigVerResult $ runExceptT $ do
ExceptT . pure $ case malgo of
Nothing -> Right ()
Just algo ->
case algo of
S.AlgorithmEd25519 -> Right ()
S.AlgorithmOther _ -> Left "Unsupported algo in Sig header"
(host, luKey) <- ExceptT . pure $ case parseFedURI =<< (first displayException . decodeUtf8') keyid of
Left e -> Left $ "keyId in Sig header isn't a valid FedURI: " ++ e
Right uri -> Right $ f2l uri
signature <- ExceptT . pure $ do
case signature sig of
CryptoPassed s -> Right s
CryptoFailed e -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 signature failed"
mluActorHeader <- do
bs <- lookupHeaders hActivityPubActor
case bs of
[] -> return Nothing
[b] -> fmap Just . ExceptT . pure $ do
t <- first displayException $ decodeUtf8' b
(h, lu) <- f2l <$> parseFedURI t
if h == host
then Right ()
else Left "Key and actor have different hosts"
Right lu
_ -> throwE "Multiple ActivityPub-Actor headers"
vkd <- do
verifySigAlgo malgo
(host, luKey) <- f2l <$> parseKeyId keyid
signature <- parseSig sig
mluActorHeader <- getActorHeader host
(inboxOrVkid, vkd) <- do
ments <- lift $ runDB $ do
mvk <- runMaybeT $ do
Entity iid _ <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueInstance host
@ -785,33 +700,37 @@ instance YesodHttpSig App where
Just u -> return u
manager <- getsYesod appHttpManager
let iid = verifKeyInstance vk
ExceptT $
keyListedByActor' manager iid vkid host luKey ua
ExceptT $ keyListedByActorShared manager iid vkid host luKey ua
return (ua, True)
return VerifKeyDetail
( Right vkid
, VerifKeyDetail
{ vkdKeyId = luKey
, vkdInboxOrId = Right vkid
, vkdKey = verifKeyPublic vk
, vkdExpires = verifKeyExpires vk
, vkdActorId = ua
, vkdShared = s
Nothing -> fetched2vkd luKey <$> fetchKey' host mluActorHeader luKey
let verify' k = verify k input signature
errSig = throwE "Ed25519 sig verification says not valid"
errTime = throwE "Key expired"
existsInDB = isRight $ vkdInboxOrId vkd
-- existsInDB = isRight $ vkdInboxOrId vkd
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let stillValid Nothing = True
stillValid (Just expires) = expires > now
mvkd <-
if verify' (vkdKey vkd) && stillValid (vkdExpires vkd)
then return $ if existsInDB
then Nothing
else Just vkd
else if existsInDB
then do
then case inboxOrVkid of
Left uinb -> ExceptT $ runDB $ addVerifKey host uinb vkd
Right _vkid -> return ()
else case inboxOrVkid of
Left _uinb ->
if stillValid $ vkdExpires vkd
then errSig
else errTime
Right vkid -> do
Fetched newKey newExp newActor _newInbox s <- fetchKey' host mluActorHeader luKey
if vkdShared vkd == s
then return ()
@ -824,29 +743,90 @@ instance YesodHttpSig App where
then return ()
else errTime
if verify' newKey
then return $ Just vkd
then lift $ runDB $ updateVerifKey vkid vkd
{ vkdKey = newKey
, vkdExpires = newExp
else errSig
else if stillValid $ vkdExpires vkd
then errSig
else errTime
for_ mvkd $ ExceptT . fmap (maybe (Right ()) Left) . runDB . updateVerifKeyInDB . makeVerifKeyUpdate host
return $ l2f host $ vkdActorId vkd
verifySigAlgo = traverse_ $ \ algo ->
case algo of
S.AlgorithmEd25519 -> return ()
S.AlgorithmOther _ -> throwE "Unsupported algo in Sig header"
parseKeyId k =
case parseFedURI =<< (first displayException . decodeUtf8') k of
Left e -> throwE $ "keyId in Sig header isn't a valid FedURI: " ++ e
Right u -> return u
parseSig b =
case signature b of
CryptoPassed s -> return s
CryptoFailed e -> throwE "Parsing Ed25519 signature failed"
getActorHeader host = do
bs <- lookupHeaders hActivityPubActor
case bs of
[] -> return Nothing
[b] -> fmap Just . ExceptT . pure $ do
t <- first displayException $ decodeUtf8' b
(h, lu) <- f2l <$> parseFedURI t
if h == host
then Right ()
else Left "Key and actor have different hosts"
Right lu
_ -> throwE "Multiple ActivityPub-Actor headers"
fetchKey' h mua uk = do
manager <- getsYesod appHttpManager
ExceptT $ fetchKey manager (isJust malgo) h mua uk
fetched2vkd uk (Fetched k mexp ua uinb s) = VerifKeyDetail
fetched2vkd uk (Fetched k mexp ua uinb s) =
( Left uinb
, VerifKeyDetail
{ vkdKeyId = uk
, vkdInboxOrId = Left uinb
, vkdKey = k
, vkdExpires = mexp
, vkdActorId = ua
, vkdShared = s
addVerifKey h uinb vkd =
if vkdShared vkd
then addSharedKey h uinb vkd
else addPersonalKey h uinb vkd
addSharedKey host luInbox (VerifKeyDetail luKey key mexpires luActor _) = do
(iid, rsid, inew) <- instanceAndActor host luActor luInbox
room <-
case inew of
Nothing -> pure True
Just rsnew -> do
iRoom <- instanceRoom iid
if iRoom
then if rsnew
then pure True
else actorRoom rsid
else return False
if room
then do
vkid <- insert $ VerifKey luKey iid mexpires key Nothing
insert_ $ VerifKeySharedUsage vkid rsid
return $ Right ()
else return $ Left "We already store 2 keys"
instanceRoom iid =
(< 2) <$> count [VerifKeyInstance ==. iid, VerifKeySharer ==. Nothing]
addPersonalKey host luInbox (VerifKeyDetail luKey key mexpires luActor _) = do
(iid, rsid, inew) <- instanceAndActor host luActor luInbox
room <-
if inew == Just False
then actorRoom rsid
else pure True
if room
then do
insert_ $ VerifKey luKey iid mexpires key (Just rsid)
return $ Right ()
else return $ Left "We already store 2 keys"
updateVerifKey vkid vkd =
update vkid [VerifKeyExpires =. vkdExpires vkd, VerifKeyPublic =. vkdKey vkd]
instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
breadcrumb route = return $ case route of
@ -545,23 +545,34 @@ fetchKey
-> m (Either String Fetched)
fetchKey manager sigAlgo host mluActor luKey = runExceptT $ do
obj <- fetchAPIDOrH manager publicKeyId host luKey
(actor, pkey) <-
(pem, mkFetched, malgo) <-
case obj of
Left pkey -> do
luActor <-
(oi, luActor) <-
case publicKeyOwner pkey of
OwnerInstance ->
case mluActor of
Nothing -> throwE "Key is shared but actor header not specified!"
Just u -> return u
Just u -> return (True, u)
OwnerActor owner -> do
for_ mluActor $ \ lu ->
if owner == lu
then return ()
else throwE "Key's owner doesn't match actor header"
return owner
actor <- ExceptT $ keyListedByActor manager host luKey luActor
return (actor, pkey)
return (False, owner)
inbox <- actorInbox <$> ExceptT (keyListedByActor manager host luKey luActor)
( publicKeyPem pkey
, \ k ->
{ fetchedPublicKey = k
, fetchedKeyExpires = publicKeyExpires pkey
, fetchedActorId = luActor
, fetchedActorInbox = inbox
, fetchedKeyShared = oi
, publicKeyAlgo pkey
Right actor -> do
if actorId actor == luKey { luriFragment = "" }
then return ()
@ -581,15 +592,24 @@ fetchKey manager sigAlgo host mluActor luKey = runExceptT $ do
Just pk ->
case publicKeyOwner pk of
OwnerInstance -> throwE "Actor's publicKey is shared, but embedded in actor document! We allow shared keys only if they're in a separate document"
OwnerActor _ -> return (actor, pk)
ExceptT . pure $ do
case publicKeyOwner pkey of
OwnerInstance -> Right ()
OwnerActor owner ->
OwnerActor owner -> do
if owner == actorId actor
then Right ()
else Left "Actor's publicKey's owner doesn't match the actor's ID"
case publicKeyAlgo pkey of
then return ()
else throwE "Actor's publicKey's owner doesn't match the actor's ID"
( publicKeyPem pk
, \ k ->
{ fetchedPublicKey = k
, fetchedKeyExpires = publicKeyExpires pk
, fetchedActorId = owner
, fetchedActorInbox = actorInbox actor
, fetchedKeyShared = False
, publicKeyAlgo pk
ExceptT . pure $ do
case malgo of
Nothing ->
Left $
if sigAlgo
@ -603,12 +623,6 @@ fetchKey manager sigAlgo host mluActor luKey = runExceptT $ do
if sigAlgo
then "Algo mismatch, Ed25519 in Sig but unsupported algo in actor"
else "No algo in Sig, unsupported algo in actor"
case E.publicKey $ pemContent $ publicKeyPem pkey of
CryptoPassed k -> Right Fetched
{ fetchedPublicKey = k
, fetchedKeyExpires = publicKeyExpires pkey
, fetchedActorId = actorId actor
, fetchedActorInbox = actorInbox actor
, fetchedKeyShared = ownerShared $ publicKeyOwner pkey
case E.publicKey $ pemContent pem of
CryptoPassed k -> Right $ mkFetched k
CryptoFailed _ -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 public key failed"
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