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Much richer set of Darcs rev TH splices

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2016-05-18 07:00:19 +00:00
parent e76c1f7206
commit 1b1e4b978d
3 changed files with 322 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Data.Revision.Local
( Change (..)
, Revision (..)
, Version (..)
import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-- | A recorded patch or tag.
data Change = Change
{ -- | When it was recorded.
cgTime :: UTCTime
-- | Lowercase hex representation of its SHA1 info hash.
, cgHash :: Text
-- | Single-line title.
, cgTitle :: Text
-- | Given a non-empty repo, this refers to a point in its history.
data Revision
-- | The last change is a tag.
= RevTag Change
-- | The last change isn't a tag, but a tag exists earlier in the history.
-- Specifies details of the last tag, the number of patches after that tag,
-- and details of the last patch.
| RevTagPlus Change Int Change
-- | There are no recorded tags. Specifies the last patch.
| RevPatch Change
data Version = Version
{ verSharer :: Text
, verRepo :: Text
, verChanges :: Int
, verRevision :: Revision

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@ -16,18 +16,40 @@
module Development.DarcsRev
( darcsLastPatchHash
( -- * Simple literals
-- ** Last patch
, darcsLastPatchHash_
, darcsLastPatchTime
, darcsLastPatchTime_
, darcsLastPatchTitle
, darcsLastPatchTitle_
, darcsLastPatchIsTag
, darcsLastPatchIsTag_
-- ** Last tag
, darcsTagExists
, darcsLastTagHash
, darcsLastTagHash_
, darcsLastTagTime
, darcsLastTagTime_
, darcsLastTagName
, darcsLastTagName_
-- ** Other revision info
, darcsPatchesSinceLastTag
, darcsBranchSharer
, darcsBranchRepo
, darcsTotalPatches
, darcsTreeDirty
-- * Records
-- ** Last patch
, darcsLastPatch
, darcsLastPatch_
-- ** Last tag
, darcsLastTag
, darcsLastTag_
-- ** Revision
, darcsRevision
, darcsRevision_
@ -35,6 +57,9 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Data.Time
import Language.Haskell.TH
@ -48,6 +73,7 @@ import Darcs.Local.Patch.Types
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Parser
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Read
import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Types
import Data.Revision.Local
@ -56,11 +82,15 @@ import Darcs.Local.Inventory.Types
-- which "darcs branch" is being used
-- * Whether there are unrecorded changes to tracked files
-- Utils
repoPath :: FilePath
repoPath = "."
readLatestInv :: IO [(PatchInfo, PatchHash)]
readLatestInv = do
readLatestInv :: Q [(PatchInfo, PatchHash)]
readLatestInv = runIO $ do
einv <- readLatestInventory repoPath latestInventoryAllP
case einv of
Left err -> error $ "Failed to parse Darcs inventory file: " ++ err
@ -69,28 +99,34 @@ readLatestInv = do
Nothing -> liPatches inv
Just (tag, h) -> (tagToPatch tag, h) : liPatches inv
readLastPatch :: IO (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
readLastPatch = do
pis <- readLatestInv
if null pis
then error "No patches found"
else return $ last pis
readLastPatch :: Q (Maybe (PatchInfo, PatchHash))
readLastPatch = listToMaybe . sortOn (Down . piTime . fst) <$> readLatestInv
readLastTag :: IO (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
readLastTag = do
pis <- readLatestInv
if null pis
then error "No patches found"
else case find (piTag . fst) $ reverse pis of
Nothing -> error "No tags found"
Just tag -> return tag
readLastPatch_ :: Q (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
readLastPatch_ = do
mp <- readLastPatch
case mp of
Nothing -> fail "Couldn't read last patch, repo seems empty"
Just p -> return p
darcsHash :: IO PatchHash -> Q Exp
darcsHash readHash = runIO readHash >>= stringE . BC.unpack . encodePatchHash
readLastTag :: Q (Maybe (PatchInfo, PatchHash))
readLastTag =
listToMaybe . sortOn (Down . piTime . fst) . filter (piTag . fst) <$>
darcsTime :: IO PatchInfo -> Q Exp
readLastTag_ :: Q (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
readLastTag_ = do
mp <- readLastTag
case mp of
Nothing -> fail "Couldn't read last tag, repo seems to have no tags"
Just p -> return p
darcsHash :: Q PatchHash -> Q Exp
darcsHash readHash = readHash >>= stringE . BC.unpack . encodePatchHash
darcsTime :: Q PatchInfo -> Q Exp
darcsTime readPI = do
pi <- runIO readPI
pi <- readPI
let UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay day) diff' = piTime pi
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,6,0)
diff = diffTimeToPicoseconds diff'
@ -99,61 +135,182 @@ darcsTime readPI = do
let MkFixed pico = realToFrac diff' :: Pico
in pico
return $ RecConE 'UTCTime
[ ( 'utctDay
, AppE (VarE 'ModifiedJulianDay) (LitE $ IntegerL day)
, ( 'utctDayTime
, AppE (VarE 'picosecondsToDiffTime) (LitE $ IntegerL diff)
recConE 'UTCTime
[ fieldExp
(appE (conE 'ModifiedJulianDay) (litE $ integerL day))
, fieldExp
(appE (varE 'picosecondsToDiffTime) (litE $ integerL diff))
darcsTitle :: IO PatchInfo -> Q Exp
darcsTitle readPI = runIO readPI >>= stringE . T.unpack . piTitle
darcsTitle :: Q PatchInfo -> Q Exp
darcsTitle readPI = readPI >>= stringE . T.unpack . piTitle
darcsIsTag :: IO PatchInfo -> Q Exp
darcsIsTag :: Q PatchInfo -> Q Exp
darcsIsTag readPI = do
pi <- runIO readPI
return $ ConE $ if piTag pi then 'True else 'False
pi <- readPI
conE $ if piTag pi then 'True else 'False
darcsPatch :: Q (PatchInfo, PatchHash) -> Q Exp
darcsPatch readPH = do
(pi, h) <- readPH
recConE 'Change
[ fieldExp 'cgTime (darcsTime $ return pi)
, fieldExp 'cgHash (darcsHash $ return h)
, fieldExp 'cgTitle (darcsTitle $ return pi)
darcsRev :: (PatchInfo, PatchHash) -> [(PatchInfo, PatchHash)] -> Q Exp
darcsRev piLast piRest =
case break (piTag . fst) (piLast : piRest) of
(_, []) -> appE (conE 'RevPatch) (darcsPatch $ return piLast)
([], (tag:_)) -> appE (conE 'RevTag) (darcsPatch $ return tag)
(after, (tag:_)) ->
[ conE 'RevTagPlus
, darcsPatch $ return tag
, litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length after
, darcsPatch $ return piLast
fmapMaybeTH :: (Q a -> Q Exp) -> Q (Maybe a) -> Q Exp
fmapMaybeTH f a = do
mr <- a
case mr of
Nothing -> conE 'Nothing
Just r -> appE (conE 'Just) (f $ return r)
-- Simple literals
-- -- Last patch
-- | The ASCII lowercase hexadecimal representation of the hash of the last
-- recorded patch, as a string literal. This the SHA256 patch hash, i.e. a hash
-- of the patch info, not content. This is what @darcs log@ displays.
-- If the repository is empty, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just' the
-- string literal.
darcsLastPatchHash :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchHash = darcsHash $ snd <$> readLastPatch
darcsLastPatchHash = fmapMaybeTH darcsHash $ fmap snd <$> readLastPatch
-- | The ASCII lowercase hexadecimal representation of the hash of the last
-- recorded patch, as a string literal. This the SHA256 patch hash, i.e. a hash
-- of the patch info, not content. This is what @darcs log@ displays.
-- If the repository is empty, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastPatchHash_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchHash_ = darcsHash $ snd <$> readLastPatch_
-- | The time of the last recorded patch, as a 'UTCTime' value.
-- If the repository is empty, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just' the
-- 'UTCTime' value.
darcsLastPatchTime :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchTime = darcsTime $ fst <$> readLastPatch
darcsLastPatchTime = fmapMaybeTH darcsTime $ fmap fst <$> readLastPatch
-- | The time of the last recorded patch, as a 'UTCTime' value.
-- If the repository is empty, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastPatchTime_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchTime_ = darcsTime $ fst <$> readLastPatch_
-- | The title of the last recorded patch, as a string literal.
-- If the repository is empty, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just' the
-- string literal.
darcsLastPatchTitle :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchTitle = darcsTitle $ fst <$> readLastPatch
darcsLastPatchTitle = fmapMaybeTH darcsTitle $ fmap fst <$> readLastPatch
-- | The title of the last recorded patch, as a string literal.
-- If the repository is empty, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastPatchTitle_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchTitle_ = darcsTitle $ fst <$> readLastPatch_
-- | A 'Bool' saying whether the last recorded patch is actually a tag.
-- If the repository is empty, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just' the
-- 'Bool' value.
darcsLastPatchIsTag :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchIsTag = darcsIsTag $ fst <$> readLastPatch
darcsLastPatchIsTag = fmapMaybeTH darcsIsTag $ fmap fst <$> readLastPatch
-- | A 'Bool' saying whether the last recorded patch is actually a tag.
-- If the repository is empty, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastPatchIsTag_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatchIsTag_ = darcsIsTag $ fst <$> readLastPatch_
-- -- Last tag
-- | Whether the repo history contains any tags, as a 'Bool' value.
darcsTagExists :: Q Exp
darcsTagExists = do
pis <- readLatestInv
conE $ if any (piTag . fst) pis
then 'True
else 'False
-- | The ASCII lowercase hexadecimal representation of the hash of the last
-- recorded tag (i.e. the last patch that is a tag).
-- If the repository has no tags, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just'
-- the string literal.
darcsLastTagHash :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagHash = darcsHash $ snd <$> readLastTag
darcsLastTagHash = fmapMaybeTH darcsHash $ fmap snd <$> readLastTag
-- | The ASCII lowercase hexadecimal representation of the hash of the last
-- recorded tag (i.e. the last patch that is a tag).
-- If the repository has no tags, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastTagHash_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagHash_ = darcsHash $ snd <$> readLastTag_
-- | The time of the last recorded tag, as a 'UTCTime' value.
-- If the repository has no tags, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just'
-- the 'UTCTime' value.
darcsLastTagTime :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagTime = darcsTime $ fst <$> readLastTag
darcsLastTagTime = fmapMaybeTH darcsTime $ fmap fst <$> readLastTag
-- | The time of the last recorded tag, as a 'UTCTime' value.
-- If the repository has no tags, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastTagTime_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagTime_ = darcsTime $ fst <$> readLastTag_
-- | The name of the last recorded tag, as a string literal. This is a result
-- of taking the title of the tag and dropping the @"TAG "@ prefix.
-- If the repository has no tags, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just'
-- the string literal.
darcsLastTagName :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagName = darcsTitle $ fst <$> readLastTag
darcsLastTagName = fmapMaybeTH darcsTitle $ fmap fst <$> readLastTag
-- | Number of patches recorded after the last tag, as a number literal.
-- | The name of the last recorded tag, as a string literal. This is a result
-- of taking the title of the tag and dropping the @"TAG "@ prefix.
-- If the repository has no tags, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastTagName_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastTagName_ = darcsTitle $ fst <$> readLastTag_
-- -- Other revision info
-- | Number of patches recorded after the last tag, as a number literal. If
-- there's no tag found, the number is (-1).
darcsPatchesSinceLastTag :: Q Exp
darcsPatchesSinceLastTag = do
pisAll <- runIO readLatestInv
case break (piTag . fst) $ reverse pisAll of
(_, []) -> fail "No tag found"
pisAll <- sortOn (Down . piTime . fst) <$> readLatestInv
case break (piTag . fst) pisAll of
(_, []) -> litE $ integerL (-1)
(pisAfter, (_tag : _pisBefore)) ->
litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length pisAfter
@ -184,3 +341,69 @@ darcsTotalPatches = do
-- | Not implemented yet
darcsTreeDirty :: Q Exp
darcsTreeDirty = undefined
-- Records
-- -- Last patch
-- | The time, hash and title of the last patch, as a 'Change' value.
-- If the repository is empty, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just' the
-- 'Change' value.
darcsLastPatch :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatch = fmapMaybeTH darcsPatch readLastPatch
-- | The time, hash and title of the last patch, as a 'Change' value.
-- If the repository is empty, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastPatch_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastPatch_ = darcsPatch readLastPatch_
-- -- Last tag
-- | The time, hash and title of the last tag, as a 'Change' value.
-- If the repository has no tags, this generates 'Nothing', otherwise 'Just'
-- the 'Change' value.
darcsLastTag :: Q Exp
darcsLastTag = fmapMaybeTH darcsPatch readLastTag
-- | The time, hash and title of the last tag, as a 'Change' value.
-- If the repository has no tags, this will fail during compilation.
darcsLastTag_ :: Q Exp
darcsLastTag_ = darcsPatch readLastTag_
-- -- Revision
-- | Representation of the current revision as a 'Revision' value. Generates
-- 'Nothing' if the repo is empty, otherwise 'Just' the value.
-- * If there are no tags in the repo, it gives you the last patch details.
-- * If the last patch is a tag, it gives you its details.
-- * If there is a tag but it isn't the last patch, it gives you details of the
-- last lag, the last patch, and how many patches there are after the last
-- tag.
darcsRevision :: Q Exp
darcsRevision = do
pis <- sortOn (Down . piTime . fst) <$> readLatestInv
case pis of
[] -> conE 'Nothing
(l:r) -> appE (conE 'Just) $ darcsRev l r
-- | Representation of the current revision as a 'Revision' value. If the
-- repo is empty, fails during compilation.
darcsRevision_ :: Q Exp
darcsRevision_ = do
pis <- sortOn (Down . piTime . fst) <$> readLatestInv
case pis of
[] -> fail "Repo has no patches, can't determine revision"
(l:r) -> darcsRev l r

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@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ library