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mirror of https://code.naskya.net/repos/ndqEd synced 2025-02-04 13:27:50 +09:00

Back to using the (updated) YesodHttpSig class

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2019-01-19 04:21:56 +00:00
parent 393cce0ede
commit 2a4dc345f4
2 changed files with 63 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Vervis.Foundation where
import Prelude (init, last)
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (logWarn)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Crypto.Error (CryptoFailable (..))
import Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 (publicKey, signature, verify)
@ -27,8 +28,8 @@ import Data.Time.Units (Second, Minute, Day)
import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, runSqlPool)
import Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont (PreparedFont)
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, HttpException, requestFromURI)
import Network.HTTP.Simple (httpJSONEither, getResponseBody)
import Network.URI (uriFragment, parseURI)
import Network.HTTP.Simple (httpJSONEither, getResponseBody, setRequestManager, addRequestHeader)
import Network.URI (URI (uriFragment), parseURI)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text (textFile)
import Text.Hamlet (hamletFile)
--import Text.Jasmine (minifym)
@ -560,72 +561,69 @@ unsafeHandler = Unsafe.fakeHandlerGetLogger appLogger
-- https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/wiki/Serve-static-files-from-a-separate-domain
-- https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/wiki/i18n-messages-in-the-scaffolding
instance YesodHttpSig App where
data HttpSigVerResult App = HttpSigVerResult Bool
data HttpSigVerResult App = HttpSigVerResult (Either String URI)
httpSigVerHeaders = const [HeaderTarget, HeaderName "Host"]
httpSigVerSeconds =
fromIntegral . toSeconds . appHttpSigTimeLimit . appSettings
toSeconds :: TimeInterval -> Second
toSeconds = toTimeUnit
httpVerifySig malgo (KeyId keyid) input (Signature sig) =
if algoSupported malgo
then case parseURI $ BC.unpack keyid of
Just u -> do
eres <- try $ httpJSONEither =<< requestFromURI u
case eres of
Left e -> do
logWarn $ "httpVerifySig got HTTP exception: " <> T.pack (displayException (e :: HttpException))
-- return HttpSigVerKeyNotFound
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
Right r ->
case getResponseBody r of
Left e -> do
logWarn $ "httpVerifySig got JSON exception: " <> T.pack (displayException e)
-- return HttpSigVerKeyNotFound
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
Right actor -> do
let uActor = u { uriFragment = "" }
if uActor == actorId actor
let pkey = actorPublicKey actor
in if publicKeyId pkey == u && publicKeyOwner pkey == actorId actor
then case publicKeyAlgo pkey of
Just AlgorithmEd25519 ->
case publicKey $ pemContent $ publicKeyPem pkey of
CryptoPassed k ->
case signature sig of
CryptoPassed s ->
return $ if verify k input s
then -- HttpSigVerValid
HttpSigVerResult True
else -- HttpSigVerInvalid
HttpSigVerResult False
CryptoFailed e -> -- TODO handle
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
CryptoFailed e -> -- TODO handle
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
_ -> case malgo of
Nothing -> -- return HttpSigVerAlgoNotSupported
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
Just _ -> -- return HttpSigVerAlgoMismatch
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
else -- TODO handle the mismatch
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
else -- TODO actor id doesn't match URL we accessed!
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
Nothing -> -- return HttpSigVerKeyNotFound
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
else -- return HttpSigVerAlgoNotSupported
return $ HttpSigVerResult False
algoSupported Nothing = True
algoSupported (Just a) =
case a of
S.AlgorithmEd25519 -> True
S.AlgorithmOther _ -> False
httpVerifySig (Verification malgo (KeyId keyid) input (Signature sig)) = fmap HttpSigVerResult $ runExceptT $ do
ExceptT . pure $ case malgo of
Nothing -> Right ()
Just algo ->
case algo of
S.AlgorithmEd25519 -> Right ()
S.AlgorithmOther _ -> Left "Unsupported algo in Sig header"
u <- ExceptT . pure $ case parseURI $ BC.unpack keyid of
Nothing -> Left "keyId in Sig header isn't a valid absolute URI"
Just uri -> Right uri
manager <- getsYesod appHttpManager
response <-
ExceptT $ first (displayException :: HttpException -> String) <$>
(try $
httpJSONEither .
addRequestHeader "Accept" "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"" .
setRequestManager manager
=<< requestFromURI u
ExceptT . pure $ do
actor <- first displayException $ getResponseBody response
let uActor = u { uriFragment = "" }
if uActor == actorId actor
then Right ()
else Left "Actor ID doesn't match the keyid URI we fetched"
let pkey = actorPublicKey actor
if publicKeyId pkey == u
then Right ()
else Left "Actor's publicKey's ID doesn't match the keyid URI"
if publicKeyOwner pkey == actorId actor
then Right ()
else Left "Actor's publicKey's owner doesn't match the actor's ID"
case publicKeyAlgo pkey of
Nothing ->
Left $
case malgo of
Nothing -> "Algo not given in Sig nor actor"
Just _ -> "Algo mismatch, Ed25519 in Sig but none in actor"
Just algo ->
case algo of
AlgorithmEd25519 -> Right ()
AlgorithmOther _ ->
Left $
case malgo of
Nothing -> "No algo in Sig, unsupported algo in actor"
Just _ -> "Algo mismatch, Ed25519 in Sig but unsupported algo in actor"
key <- case publicKey $ pemContent $ publicKeyPem pkey of
CryptoPassed k -> Right k
CryptoFailed e -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 public key failed"
signature <- case signature sig of
CryptoPassed s -> Right s
CryptoFailed e -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 signature failed"
if verify key input signature
then Right uActor
else Left "Ed25519 sig verification says not valid"
instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
breadcrumb route = return $ case route of

View file

@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V (length, cons, init)
import qualified Network.Wai as W (requestMethod, rawPathInfo, requestHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Signature hiding (Algorithm (..))
import Yesod.HttpSignature (verifyRequestSignature)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Signature as S (Algorithm (..))
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.Foundation (App (..), Handler)
import Vervis.Foundation (App (..), HttpSigVerResult (..), Handler)
import Vervis.Settings (AppSettings (appHttpSigTimeLimit))
getInboxR :: Handler Html
@ -127,79 +128,6 @@ postInboxR = do
Left _ -> notAuthenticated
liftE = ExceptT . pure
verifyActivity :: UTCTime -> ExceptT String Handler URI
verifyActivity now = do
site <- getYesod
wr <- waiRequest
let request = Request
{ requestMethod = CI.mk $ W.requestMethod wr
, requestPath = W.rawPathInfo wr
, requestHeaders = W.requestHeaders wr
toSeconds :: TimeInterval -> Second
toSeconds = toTimeUnit
(malgo, KeyId keyid, input, Signature sig) <-
liftE $
first show $
[HeaderTarget, HeaderName "Host"]
(fromIntegral . toSeconds . appHttpSigTimeLimit . appSettings $ site)
liftE $ case malgo of
Nothing -> Right ()
Just algo ->
case algo of
S.AlgorithmEd25519 -> Right ()
S.AlgorithmOther _ -> Left "Unsupported algo in Sig header"
u <- liftE $ case parseURI $ BC.unpack keyid of
Nothing -> Left "keyId in Sig header isn't a valid absolute URI"
Just uri -> Right uri
manager <- getsYesod appHttpManager
response <-
ExceptT $ first (displayException :: HttpException -> String) <$>
(try $
httpJSONEither .
addRequestHeader "Accept" "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"" .
setRequestManager manager
=<< requestFromURI u
liftE $ do
actor <- first displayException $ getResponseBody response
let uActor = u { uriFragment = "" }
if uActor == actorId actor
then Right ()
else Left "Actor ID doesn't match the keyid URI we fetched"
let pkey = actorPublicKey actor
if publicKeyId pkey == u
then Right ()
else Left "Actor's publicKey's ID doesn't match the keyid URI"
if publicKeyOwner pkey == actorId actor
then Right ()
else Left "Actor's publicKey's owner doesn't match the actor's ID"
case publicKeyAlgo pkey of
Nothing ->
Left $
case malgo of
Nothing -> "Algo not given in Sig nor actor"
Just _ -> "Algo mismatch, Ed25519 in Sig but none in actor"
Just algo ->
case algo of
AlgorithmEd25519 -> Right ()
AlgorithmOther _ ->
Left $
case malgo of
Nothing -> "No algo in Sig, unsupported algo in actor"
Just _ -> "Algo mismatch, Ed25519 in Sig but unsupported algo in actor"
key <- case publicKey $ pemContent $ publicKeyPem pkey of
CryptoPassed k -> Right k
CryptoFailed e -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 public key failed"
signature <- case signature sig of
CryptoPassed s -> Right s
CryptoFailed e -> Left "Parsing Ed25519 signature failed"
if verify key input signature
then Right uActor
else Left "Ed25519 sig verification says not valid"
getActivity :: UTCTime -> ExceptT String Handler (ContentType, HashMap Text Value)
getActivity now = do
contentType <- do
@ -211,7 +139,8 @@ postInboxR = do
"application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"" -> Right x
_ -> Left "Unknown Content-Type"
_ -> Left "More than one Content-Type given"
uActor <- verifyActivity now
HttpSigVerResult result <- ExceptT . fmap (first displayException) $ verifyRequestSignature now
uActor <- liftE result
o <- requireJsonBody
activityActor <-
liftE $