mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 13:56:46 +09:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main'
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 258 additions and 276 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ module Vervis.API
, createRepositoryC
, followC
--, offerDepC
, undoC
@ -1973,176 +1972,3 @@ insertAcceptOnTicketStatus shrUser wi (WorkItemDetail _ ctx author) obiidResolve
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
:: Entity Person
-> Actor
-> Maybe
(LocalActorBy Key, LocalActorBy KeyHashid, OutboxItemId)
-> RecipientRoutes
-> [(Host, NonEmpty LocalURI)]
-> [Host]
-> AP.Action URIMode
-> AP.Undo URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
undoC (Entity senderPersonID senderPerson) senderActor maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action (AP.Undo uObject) = do
-- Check input
undone <-
first (\ (actor, _, item) -> (actor, item)) <$>
parseActivityURI uObject
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid senderPersonID
(undoID, deliverHttpUndo, maybeDeliverHttpAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
-- Find the undone activity in our DB
undoneDB <- do
a <- getActivity undone
fromMaybeE a "Can't find undone in DB"
-- See if the undone activity is a Follow/Resolve on a local target
-- If it is, verify the relevant actor is addressed, verify
-- permissions, and perform the actual undoing in the DB
maybeUndoLocal <- do
maybeUndo <-
lift $ runMaybeT $
Left <$> MaybeT (tryUnfollow undoneDB) <|>
Right <$> MaybeT (tryUnresolve undoneDB)
case maybeUndo of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (Left (updateDB, actorID, Left followerSetID)) -> do
actorByKey <- lift $ getLocalActor actorID
unless (actorByKey == LocalActorPerson senderPersonID) $
throwE "Tryin to undo a Follow of someone else"
(fByKey, fActorID, _) <- do
followee <- lift $ getFollowee' followerSetID
getFollowee followee
fByHash <- hashLocalActor fByKey
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips fByHash) $
throwE "Followee's actor not addressed by the Undo"
lift updateDB
fActor <- lift $ getJust fActorID
return $ Just
( fByKey
, Entity fActorID fActor
, makeRecipientSet
[LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
, [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
, []
Just (Left (updateDB, actorID, Right uTarget)) -> do
actorByKey <- lift $ getLocalActor actorID
unless (actorByKey == LocalActorPerson senderPersonID) $
throwE "Trying to undo a Follow of someone else"
verifyRemoteAddressed remoteRecips uTarget
lift updateDB
return Nothing
Just (Right (updateDB, ticketID)) -> do
wiByKey <- lift $ getWorkItem ticketID
wiByHash <- lift $ lift $ VA2.runAct $ hashWorkItem wiByKey
let resource = workItemResource wiByKey
actorByKey = workItemActor wiByKey
actorByHash = workItemActor wiByHash
unless (actorIsAddressed localRecips actorByHash) $
throwE "Work item's actor not addressed by the Undo"
capID <- fromMaybeE maybeCap "No capability provided"
capability <-
case capID of
Left (capActor, _, capItem) -> return (capActor, capItem)
Right _ -> throwE "Capability is a remote URI, i.e. not authored by the local tracker"
verifyCapability capability (Left senderPersonID) resource RoleTriage
lift updateDB
actorID <- do
maybeActor <- lift $ getLocalActorEntity actorByKey
case localActorID <$> maybeActor of
Nothing -> error "Actor entity not in DB"
Just aid -> pure aid
actor <- lift $ getJust actorID
return $ Just
( actorByKey
, Entity actorID actor
, makeRecipientSet
[ localActorFollowers actorByHash
, workItemFollowers wiByHash
, LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
, [LocalActorPerson senderHash]
, [ localActorFollowers actorByHash
, workItemFollowers wiByHash
, LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash
-- Insert the Undo activity to author's outbox
undoID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox senderActor) now
luUndo <- lift $ updateOutboxItem (LocalActorPerson senderPersonID) undoID action
-- Deliver the Undo activity to local recipients, and schedule delivery
-- for unavailable remote recipients
deliverHttpUndo <- do
let sieve =
case maybeUndoLocal of
Nothing ->
[] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
Just (_, _, s, _, _) -> s
localRecipsFinal = localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips
(LocalActorPerson senderHash) (personActor senderPerson)
localRecipsFinal remoteRecips fwdHosts undoID action
maybeDeliverHttpAccept <- for maybeUndoLocal $ \ (actorByKey, Entity actorID actor, _, acceptActors, acceptStages) -> do
-- Verify the relevant actor has received the Undp
verifyActorHasItem actorID undoID "Actor didn't receive the Undo"
-- Insert an Accept activity to actor's outbox
acceptID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (actorOutbox actor) now
actionAccept <- prepareAccept luUndo acceptActors acceptStages
_luAccept <- lift $ updateOutboxItem actorByKey acceptID actionAccept
-- Deliver the Accept activity to local recipients, and schedule
-- delivery for unavailable remote recipients
let localRecipsAccept = makeRecipientSet acceptActors acceptStages
actorByHash <- hashLocalActor actorByKey
actorByHash actorID localRecipsAccept [] []
acceptID actionAccept
-- Return instructions for HTTP delivery to remote recipients
return (undoID, deliverHttpUndo, maybeDeliverHttpAccept)
-- Launch asynchronous HTTP delivery of Undo and Accept
lift $ do
forkWorker "undoC: async HTTP Undo delivery" deliverHttpUndo
for_ maybeDeliverHttpAccept $
forkWorker "undoC: async HTTP Accept delivery"
return undoID
prepareAccept luUndo actors stages = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
let recips =
map encodeRouteHome $
map renderLocalActor actors ++
map renderLocalStage stages
return AP.Action
{ AP.actionCapability = Nothing
, AP.actionSummary = Nothing
, AP.actionAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, AP.actionFulfills = []
, AP.actionSpecific = AP.AcceptActivity AP.Accept
{ AP.acceptObject = ObjURI hLocal luUndo
, AP.acceptResult = Nothing
@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ clientResolve
-> ActE OutboxItemId
clientResolve now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) (AP.Resolve uObject) = do
(actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, acceptID) <- withDBExcept $ do
(actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, resolveID) <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(personMe, actorMe) <- lift $ do
@ -1028,8 +1028,42 @@ clientResolve now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHos
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
fwdHosts acceptID action
return acceptID
fwdHosts resolveID action
return resolveID
-- Meaning: The human wants to unfollow or unresolve
-- Behavior:
-- * Insert the Undo to my inbox
-- * Asynchrnously deliver without filter
:: UTCTime
-> PersonId
-> ClientMsg
-> AP.Undo URIMode
-> ActE OutboxItemId
clientUndo now personMeID (ClientMsg maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action) (AP.Undo uObject) = do
(actorMeID, localRecipsFinal, undoID) <- withDBExcept $ do
-- Grab me from DB
(personMe, actorMe) <- lift $ do
p <- getJust personMeID
(p,) <$> getJust (personActor p)
-- Insert the Undo activity to my outbox
acceptID <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem' (actorOutbox actorMe) now
_luAccept <- lift $ updateOutboxItem' (LocalActorPerson personMeID) acceptID action
( personActor personMe
, localRecips
, acceptID
lift $ sendActivity
(LocalActorPerson personMeID) actorMeID localRecipsFinal remoteRecips
fwdHosts undoID action
return undoID
clientBehavior :: UTCTime -> PersonId -> ClientMsg -> ActE (Text, Act (), Next)
clientBehavior now personID msg =
@ -1042,4 +1076,5 @@ clientBehavior now personID msg =
AP.OfferActivity offer -> clientOffer now personID msg offer
AP.RemoveActivity remove -> clientRemove now personID msg remove
AP.ResolveActivity resolve -> clientResolve now personID msg resolve
AP.UndoActivity undo -> clientUndo now personID msg undo
_ -> throwE "Unsupported activity type for C2S"
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ module Vervis.Client
--, followRepo
, offerIssue
, resolve
, unresolve
--, undoFollowSharer
--, undoFollowProject
--, undoFollowTicket
--, undoFollowRepo
--, unresolve
, offerPatches
, offerMerge
, applyPatches
@ -92,10 +92,13 @@ import Vervis.Data.Ticket
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Recipient
import Vervis.Persist.Actor
import Vervis.Recipient (Aud (..), LocalStageBy (..), collectAudience, renderLocalActor, localActorFollowers)
import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Ticket
import qualified Vervis.Recipient as VR
:: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> Maybe FedURI
@ -365,33 +368,32 @@ offerIssue senderHash title desc uTracker = do
return (Nothing, audience, ticket)
:: KeyHashid Person
:: PersonId
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.Resolve URIMode)
resolve senderHash uObject = do
resolve senderID uObject = do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
AP.Doc _ t <- withExceptT T.pack $ fetchAP manager (Left uObject)
uTracker <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketContext t) "Ticket without context"
audFollowers <- do
(hFollowers, tl) <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketLocal t) "Ticket without id"
let luFollowers = AP.ticketParticipants tl
routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld $ ObjURI hFollowers luFollowers
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid senderID
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
(uTracker, audFollowers) <- do
routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld uObject
case routeOrRemote of
Left route ->
case route of
TicketFollowersR d t ->
return $
[LocalStageTicketFollowers d t]
ClothFollowersR l c ->
return $
[LocalStageClothFollowers l c]
_ -> throwE "Not a tickets followers route"
Right u@(ObjURI h lu) -> return $ AudRemote h [] [lu]
Left route -> do
wih <- fromMaybeE (parseWorkItem route) "Not a work item route"
wi <- runActE $ unhashWorkItemE wih "Work item invalid keyhashid"
let uTracker =
encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor $ workItemActor wih
audFollowers = AudLocal [] [workItemFollowers wih]
return (uTracker, audFollowers)
Right u -> do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
AP.Doc _ t <- withExceptT T.pack $ fetchAP manager (Left u)
uTracker <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketContext t) "Ticket without context"
audFollowers <- do
(hFollowers, tl) <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketLocal t) "Ticket without id"
let luFollowers = AP.ticketParticipants tl
return $ AudRemote hFollowers [] [luFollowers]
return (uTracker, audFollowers)
tracker <- do
tracker <- runActE $ checkTracker uTracker
@ -428,6 +430,116 @@ resolve senderHash uObject = do
return (Nothing, audience, AP.Resolve uObject)
:: KeyHashid Person
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Maybe HTML, [Aud URIMode], AP.Undo URIMode)
unresolve senderHash uTicket = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
(uTracker, audFollowers, uResolve) <- do
routeOrRemote <- parseFedURIOld uTicket
case routeOrRemote of
Left route -> do
wih <- fromMaybeE (parseWorkItem route) "Not a work item route"
wi <- runActE $ unhashWorkItemE wih "Work item invalid keyhashid"
let uTracker =
encodeRouteHome $ renderLocalActor $ workItemActor wih
audFollowers = AudLocal [] [workItemFollowers wih]
resolved <- runDBExcept $ do
mresolved <-
case wi of
WorkItemTicket d t -> do
(_, _, _, _, mresolved) <- do
mt <- lift $ getTicket d t
fromMaybeE mt "No such ticket in DB"
return mresolved
WorkItemCloth l c -> do
(_, _, _, _, mresolved, _) <- do
mc <- lift $ getCloth l c
fromMaybeE mc "No such MR in DB"
return mresolved
(_, etrx) <- fromMaybeE mresolved "Ticket not resolved"
lift $ bitraverse
(\ (Entity _ trl) -> do
let obiid = ticketResolveLocalActivity trl
obid <- outboxItemOutbox <$> getJust obiid
actorID <- do
maybeActorID <- getKeyBy $ UniqueActorOutbox obid
case maybeActorID of
Nothing -> error "Found outbox not used by any actor"
Just a -> return a
actor <- getLocalActor actorID
return (actor, obiid)
(\ (Entity _ trr) -> do
roid <-
remoteActivityIdent <$>
getJust (ticketResolveRemoteActivity trr)
ro <- getJust roid
i <- getJust $ remoteObjectInstance ro
return (i, ro)
hashItem <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashActor <- VR.getHashLocalActor
let uResolve =
case resolved of
Left (actor, obiid) ->
encodeRouteHome $
activityRoute (hashActor actor) (hashItem obiid)
Right (i, ro) ->
ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
return (uTracker, audFollowers, uResolve)
Right u -> do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
AP.Doc _ t <- withExceptT T.pack $ fetchAP manager (Left u)
uTracker <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketContext t) "Ticket without context"
audFollowers <- do
(hFollowers, tl) <- fromMaybeE (AP.ticketLocal t) "Ticket without id"
let luFollowers = AP.ticketParticipants tl
return $ AudRemote hFollowers [] [luFollowers]
uResolve <-
case AP.ticketResolved t of
Just (Just u, _) -> return u
_ -> throwE "No ticket resolve URI specified"
return (uTracker, audFollowers, uResolve)
tracker <- do
tracker <- runActE $ checkTracker uTracker
case tracker of
TrackerDeck deckID -> Left . Left <$> encodeKeyHashid deckID
TrackerLoom loomID -> Left . Right <$> encodeKeyHashid loomID
TrackerRemote (ObjURI hTracker luTracker) -> Right <$> do
instanceID <- lift $ runDB $ either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (Instance hTracker)
result <- ExceptT $ first (T.pack . displayException) <$> fetchRemoteActor instanceID hTracker luTracker
case result of
Left Nothing -> throwE "Tracker @id mismatch"
Left (Just err) -> throwE $ T.pack $ displayException err
Right Nothing -> throwE "Tracker isn't an actor"
Right (Just actor) -> return (entityVal actor, uTracker)
let audAuthor =
AudLocal [] [LocalStagePersonFollowers senderHash]
audTracker =
case tracker of
Left (Left deckHash) ->
[LocalActorDeck deckHash]
[LocalStageDeckFollowers deckHash]
Left (Right loomHash) ->
[LocalActorLoom loomHash]
[LocalStageLoomFollowers loomHash]
Right (remoteActor, ObjURI hTracker luTracker) ->
AudRemote hTracker
(maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers remoteActor)
audience = [audAuthor, audTracker, audFollowers]
return (Nothing, audience, AP.Undo uResolve)
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
@ -568,73 +680,6 @@ undoFollowRepo shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee rpFollowee =
repoFollowers <$>
fromMaybeE mr "Unfollow target no such local repo"
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> FedURI
-> m (Either Text (Maybe TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
unresolve shrUser uTicket = runExceptT $ do
error "Temporarily disabled"
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
wiFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
ticket <- parseWorkItem "Ticket" uTicket
WorkItemDetail ident context author <- runWorkerExcept $ getWorkItemDetail "Ticket" ticket
uResolve <-
case ident of
Left (_, ltid) -> runSiteDBExcept $ do
mtrid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueTicketResolve ltid
trid <- fromMaybeE mtrid "Ticket already isn't resolved"
trx <-
lift $
(getValBy $ UniqueTicketResolveLocal trid)
(getValBy $ UniqueTicketResolveRemote trid)
"No TRX"
"Both TRL and TRR"
case trx of
Left trl -> lift $ do
let obiid = ticketResolveLocalActivity trl
obid <- outboxItemOutbox <$> getJust obiid
ent <- getOutboxActorEntity obid
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
encodeRouteHome . flip outboxItemRoute obikhid <$>
actorEntityPath ent
Right trr -> lift $ do
roid <-
remoteActivityIdent <$>
getJust (ticketResolveRemoteActivity trr)
ro <- getJust roid
i <- getJust $ remoteObjectInstance ro
return $ ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
Right (u, _) -> do
manager <- asksSite appHttpManager
Doc _ t <- withExceptT T.pack $ AP.fetchAP manager $ Left u
case ticketResolved t of
Nothing -> throwE "Ticket already isn't resolved"
Just (muBy, _) -> fromMaybeE muBy "Ticket doesn't specify 'resolvedBy'"
let audAuthor =
[LocalActorSharer shrUser]
[LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser]
audTicketContext = contextAudience context
audTicketAuthor = authorAudience author
audTicketFollowers =
case ident of
Left (wi, _ltid) -> AudLocal [] [wiFollowers wi]
Right (ObjURI h _, luFollowers) -> AudRemote h [] [luFollowers]
(_, _, _, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience $
audAuthor :
audTicketAuthor :
audTicketFollowers :
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
return (Nothing, Audience recips [] [] [] [] [], Undo uResolve)
@ -1315,7 +1360,7 @@ acceptProjectInvite personID component project uInvite = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
theater <- asksSite appTheater
env <- asksSite appEnv
component' <- Vervis.Recipient.hashLocalActor component
component' <- VR.hashLocalActor component
project' <- bitraverse encodeKeyHashid pure project
let activity = AP.Accept uInvite Nothing
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ module Vervis.Federation.Offer
--, repoFollowF
, repoUndoF
@ -854,6 +854,7 @@ instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
PublishMergeR -> ("Apply MR", Just HomeR)
PublishInviteR -> ("Invite someone to a resource", Just HomeR)
PublishRemoveR -> ("Remove someone from a resource", Just HomeR)
PublishResolveR -> ("Close a ticket", Just HomeR)
PersonR p -> ("Person ~" <> keyHashidText p, Just HomeR)
PersonInboxR p -> ("Inbox", Just $ PersonR p)
@ -951,6 +952,7 @@ instance YesodBreadcrumbs App where
TicketNewR d -> ("New Ticket", Just $ DeckR d)
TicketCloseR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
TicketOpenR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
TicketFollowR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
TicketUnfollowR _ _ -> ("", Nothing)
TicketReplyR d t -> ("Reply", Just $ TicketR d t)
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Client
, getPublishRemoveR
, postPublishRemoveR
, getPublishResolveR
, postPublishResolveR
@ -1268,3 +1271,42 @@ postPublishRemoveR = do
Right _ -> do
setMessage "Remove activity sent"
redirect HomeR
resolveForm = renderDivs $ (,)
<$> areq fedUriField "(URI) Ticket to close" Nothing
<*> areq capField "(URI) Grant activity to use for authorization" Nothing
getPublishResolveR :: Handler Html
getPublishResolveR = do
((_, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost resolveForm
<h1>Close a ticket
<form method=POST action=@{PublishResolveR} enctype=#{enctype}>
<input type=submit>
postPublishResolveR :: Handler ()
postPublishResolveR = do
federation <- getsYesod $ appFederation . appSettings
unless federation badMethod
(uTicket, (uCap, cap)) <- runFormPostRedirect PublishResolveR resolveForm
(ep@(Entity pid _), a) <- getSender
senderHash <- encodeKeyHashid pid
result <- runExceptT $ do
(maybeSummary, audience, r) <- resolve pid uTicket
(localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
makeServerInput (Just uCap) maybeSummary audience (AP.ResolveActivity r)
handleViaActor pid (Just cap) localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
Left err -> do
setMessage $ toHtml err
redirect PublishResolveR
Right _ -> do
setMessage "Resolve activity sent"
redirect HomeR
@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ postPersonOutboxR personHash = do
offerDepC eperson sharer summary audience dep target
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Offer 'object' type"
AP.UndoActivity undo -> run undoC undo
_ ->
(entityKey eperson) maybeCap localRecips remoteRecips
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module Vervis.Handler.Ticket
, getTicketNewR
, postTicketNewR
, postTicketCloseR
, postTicketOpenR
, postTicketFollowR
, postTicketUnfollowR
@ -496,11 +497,10 @@ postTicketCloseR deckHash taskHash = do
taskID <- decodeKeyHashid404 taskHash
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
let uTicket = encodeRouteHome $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
result <- runExceptT $ do
(maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.resolve personHash uTicket
(maybeSummary, audience, detail) <- C.resolve personID uTicket
grantID <- do
maybeItem <- lift $ runDB $ getGrant CollabTopicDeckCollab CollabTopicDeckDeck deckID personID
fromMaybeE maybeItem "You need to be a collaborator in the Deck to close tickets"
@ -520,6 +520,36 @@ postTicketCloseR deckHash taskHash = do
setMessage "Resolve activity sent"
redirect $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
postTicketOpenR :: KeyHashid Deck -> KeyHashid TicketDeck -> Handler ()
postTicketOpenR deckHash taskHash = do
deckID <- decodeKeyHashid404 deckHash
taskID <- decodeKeyHashid404 taskHash
personEntity@(Entity personID person) <- requireAuth
personHash <- encodeKeyHashid personID
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
let uTicket = encodeRouteHome $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
result <- runExceptT $ do
(maybeSummary, audience, undo) <- C.unresolve personHash uTicket
grantID <- do
maybeItem <- lift $ runDB $ getGrant CollabTopicDeckCollab CollabTopicDeckDeck deckID personID
fromMaybeE maybeItem "You need to be a collaborator in the Deck to reopen tickets"
grantHash <- encodeKeyHashid grantID
let uCap = encodeRouteHome $ DeckOutboxItemR deckHash grantHash
(localRecips, remoteRecips, fwdHosts, action) <-
C.makeServerInput (Just uCap) maybeSummary audience $ AP.UndoActivity undo
let cap =
Left (LocalActorDeck deckID, LocalActorDeck deckHash, grantID)
handleViaActor personID (Just cap) localRecips remoteRecips fwdHosts action
case result of
Left e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
Right resolveID -> do
setMessage "Undo activity sent"
redirect $ TicketR deckHash taskHash
postTicketFollowR :: KeyHashid Deck -> KeyHashid TicketDeck -> Handler ()
postTicketFollowR _ = error "Temporarily disabled"
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ $# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
$# <li>
$# <a href=@{PublishCommentR}>
$# Comment on a ticket or merge request
<a href=@{PublishResolveR}>
Close a ticket or MR
<a href=@{PublishMergeR}>
Merge a merge request
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $# .
Status: #
$maybe (closed, closer) <- resolved
Closed on #{showDate closed} by ^{personLinkFedW closer}
$# ^{buttonW POST "Reopen this ticket" (ProjectTicketOpenR deckHash ticketHash)}
^{buttonW POST "Reopen this ticket" (TicketOpenR deckHash ticketHash)}
^{buttonW POST "Close this ticket" (TicketCloseR deckHash ticketHash)}
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
/publish/merge PublishMergeR GET POST
/publish/invite PublishInviteR GET POST
/publish/remove PublishRemoveR GET POST
/publish/resolve PublishResolveR GET POST
---- Person ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/edit TicketEditR GET POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/delete TicketDeleteR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/close TicketCloseR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/open TicketOpenR POST
/decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/open TicketOpenR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/claim TicketClaimR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/unclaim TicketUnclaimR POST
-- /decks/#DeckKeyHashid/tickets/#TicketDeckKeyHashid/assign TicketAssignR GET POST
Reference in a new issue