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Implement topsort for commits and apply to graph

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2016-03-01 22:16:01 +00:00
parent 7a76703d25
commit 4b0c444bcb
3 changed files with 124 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,15 @@
-- | Git repo tools using the @hit@ package.
module Data.Git.Local
( loadCommits
, NodeLabel
, EdgeLabel
, CommitGraph
, rootN
, loadCommitGraphByRef
, loadCommitGraphByNameMaybe
, loadCommitGraphByName
, loadCommitsTopsort
, loadCommitsTopsortList
@ -25,14 +33,20 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable (foldl', foldlM)
import Data.Git.Ref (Ref, toBinary)
import Data.Git.Repository (getCommit)
import Data.Git.Repository (getCommit, resolveRevision)
import Data.Git.Revision (Revision (..))
import Data.Git.Storage (Git)
import Data.Git.Types (Commit (..))
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (Graph (mkGraph))
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (Graph (mkGraph), Node)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import qualified Data.DList as D
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Local
instance Hashable Ref where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . toBinary
hash = hash . toBinary
@ -83,18 +97,29 @@ loadCommits git func val ref mcmt = readCommitMaybe ref mcmt >>= go val ref
--ps <- mapM readRefCommit rs
--foldlM (step (r, c)) v rs
-- | Each node in the commit graph represents a commit.
type NodeLabel = (Ref, Commit)
type EdgeLabel = ()
-- | Edges are tagged by numbers defining the order of parents of a commit. For
-- each commit, the out-edges pointing to its parents are numbered according to
-- the order in which the parents were specified in the 'commitParents' field.
-- The 'Down' wrapper reverses the comparison (the 'Ord' instance), so that
-- merged-from branches are inserted earlier into the sorted list than
-- merged-to branches.
type EdgeLabel = Down Int
type CommitGraph g = g NodeLabel EdgeLabel
-- | The node number of the root node in loaded commit graphs.
rootN :: Node
rootN = 1
-- | Use 'loadCommits' to build a directed acyclic graph of commits. There is a
-- single root node, which is the ref passed to this function.
loadCommitGraphByRef :: Graph g => Git -> Ref -> IO (CommitGraph g)
loadCommitGraphByRef git ref = do
let rootN = 1
visit (_rChild, _cChild) rParent v@(nextNode, commits) =
let visit (_rChild, _cChild) rParent v@(nextNode, commits) =
if rParent `M.member` commits
then return (v, Nothing)
else do
@ -107,7 +132,54 @@ loadCommitGraphByRef git ref = do
nodeOf r = maybe (error "ref has no node") snd $ M.lookup r commits'
mkNode l r (c, n) = (n, (r, c)) : l
nodes = M.foldlWithKey' mkNode [] commits'
mkEdge n l r = (n, nodeOf r, ()) : l
mkEdges l (c, n) = foldl' (mkEdge n) l $ commitParents c
mkEdge n l (r, e) = (n, nodeOf r, e) : l
edgeNums = map Down [1..]
mkEdges l (c, n) = foldl' (mkEdge n) l $ zip (commitParents c) edgeNums
edges = M.foldl' mkEdges [] commits'
return $ mkGraph nodes edges
-- | Like 'loadCommitGraphByRef', but lets you specify a named ref, such as a
-- branch or tag name. Returns 'Nothing' if ref isn't found.
loadCommitGraphByNameMaybe ::
Graph g => Git -> String -> IO (Maybe (CommitGraph g))
loadCommitGraphByNameMaybe git name = do
mref <- resolveRevision git $ Revision name []
case mref of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ref -> Just <$> loadCommitGraphByRef git ref
-- | Like 'loadCommitGraphByNameMaybe', but throws an exception if the ref name
-- can't be resolved.
loadCommitGraphByName :: Graph g => Git -> String -> IO (CommitGraph g)
loadCommitGraphByName git name = do
mg <- loadCommitGraphByNameMaybe git name
case mg of
Nothing -> error ""
Just g -> return g
-- | Load a commit graph and topsort the commits. The resulting list starts
-- with the last commit in the repo and ends with the initial commit.
:: (ResultList l, Functor l)
=> Git
-> String
-> IO (l (Ref, Commit))
loadCommitsTopsort git name = do
let load :: IO (CommitGraph Gr)
load = loadCommitGraphByName git name
graph <- load
let mnodes = topsortUnmixOrder graph (NodeStack [rootN])
nodes = case mnodes of
Nothing -> error "commit graph contains a cycle"
Just ns -> ns
return $ fmap (nodeLabel graph) nodes
instance ResultList D.DList where
emptyList = D.empty
appendItem = flip D.snoc
-- | Runs 'loadCommitsTopsort' with a 'D.DList', then converts to list and
-- returns it. At least at the time of writing, DList mapping and folding goes
-- through a regular list anyway.
loadCommitsTopsortList :: Git -> String -> IO [(Ref, Commit)]
loadCommitsTopsortList git name = D.toList <$> loadCommitsTopsort git name

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@ -15,10 +15,14 @@
-- | Graph tools for use with the @fgl@ package.
module Data.Graph.Inductive.Local
( NodeSet (..)
( nodeLabel
, NodeSet (..)
, TraversalOrder (..)
, ResultList (..)
, topsortKahn
, NodeStack (..)
, topsortUnmix
, topsortUnmixOrder
@ -28,6 +32,14 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List (sortBy)
-- | Find the label for a 'Node', assuming you know the node exists in the
-- graph. If the node isn't found, an exception is thrown.
nodeLabel :: Graph g => g a b -> Node -> a
nodeLabel g n =
case lab g n of
Nothing -> error "node not found in graph"
Just l -> l
-- | A graph node container to be used with Kanh's topsort algorithm.
class NodeSet s where
-- | Take a graph node and a container, insert the node into it and return
@ -131,3 +143,34 @@ topsortKahn graph set order = f graph set emptyList
children = map fst $ sort $ lsuc g n
(g', s'') = foldl' (visit n) (g, s') children
in f g' s'' l'
newtype NodeStack = NodeStack [Node]
instance NodeSet NodeStack where
insertNode n (NodeStack l) = NodeStack $ n : l
extractNode (NodeStack l) =
case l of
[] -> Nothing
(n:ns) -> Just (n, NodeStack ns)
-- | Topologically sort commits so that parallel lines of work, e.g. a master
-- branch and a short topic branch merged into it, don't get their commits
-- mixed in the sorted order.
:: (DynGraph g, ResultList l)
=> g a b
-> NodeStack
-> TraversalOrder b
-> Maybe (l Node)
topsortUnmix = topsortKahn
-- | Adds an additioal constraint to 'topsortUnmix': When traversing a node's
-- outgoing edges, do so using the 'Ord' instance of the labels of the edges.
:: (Ord b, DynGraph g, ResultList l)
=> g a b
-> NodeStack
-> Maybe (l Node)
topsortUnmixOrder graph stack =
let order (_, i) (_, j) = compare i j
in topsortUnmix graph stack (SortedOrder order)

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@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ library
, containers
, data-default
, directory >= 1.1 && < 1.3
, dlist
, esqueleto
, fast-logger >= 2.2 && < 2.5
, fgl