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Catch sig generation error when sending signed HTTP POST

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2019-03-05 08:26:41 +00:00
parent 97594dc945
commit 6e721797e9

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
, provideAP
, APGetError (..)
, httpGetAP
, APPostError (..)
, httpPostAP
, Fetched (..)
, fetchAPID
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (Proxy, proxy)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit.ActivityPub (httpAPEither)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Signature (signRequest)
import Network.HTTP.Signature (KeyId, Signature)
import Network.HTTP.Signature (KeyId, Signature, HttpSigGenError)
import Network.HTTP.Simple (JSONException)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (HeaderName, hContentType)
import Network.URI
@ -430,6 +431,13 @@ httpGetAP manager uri =
else Left $ APGetErrorContentType $ "Non-AP Content-Type: " <> decodeUtf8 b
_ -> Left $ APGetErrorContentType "Multiple Content-Type"
data APPostError
= APPostErrorSig HttpSigGenError
| APPostErrorHTTP HttpException
deriving Show
instance Exception APPostError
-- | Perform an HTTP POST request to submit an ActivityPub object.
-- * Verify the URI scheme is _https:_ and authority part is present
@ -446,22 +454,23 @@ httpPostAP
-> (ByteString -> (KeyId, Signature))
-> Text
-> a
-> m (Either HttpException (Response ()))
httpPostAP manager uri headers sign uActor value =
liftIO $ try $ do
req <- requestFromURI $ toURI uri
let req' =
setRequestCheckStatus $
consHeader hContentType typeActivityStreams2LD $
consHeader hActivityPubActor (encodeUtf8 uActor) $
req { method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode value
sign' b =
let (k, s) = sign b
in (Nothing, k, s)
req'' <- signRequest headers sign' Nothing req'
httpNoBody req'' manager
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
httpPostAP manager uri headers sign uActor value = liftIO $ do
req <- requestFromURI $ toURI uri
let req' =
setRequestCheckStatus $
consHeader hContentType typeActivityStreams2LD $
consHeader hActivityPubActor (encodeUtf8 uActor) $
req { method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode value
sign' b =
let (k, s) = sign b
in (Nothing, k, s)
ereq <- try $ signRequest headers sign' Nothing req'
case ereq of
Left sigErr -> return $ Left $ APPostErrorSig sigErr
Right req'' -> first APPostErrorHTTP <$> try (httpNoBody req'' manager)
consHeader n b r = r { requestHeaders = (n, b) : requestHeaders r }