mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:14:54 +09:00
Make the DB migrations not depend on current model
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 108 additions and 68 deletions
@ -75,6 +75,20 @@ Instance
UniqueInstance host
person PersonId
target FollowerSetId
UniqueFollow person target
actor RemoteSharerId
target FollowerSetId
UniqueRemoteFollow actor target
ident KyIdent
person PersonId
@ -209,9 +223,11 @@ Ticket
closed UTCTime
closer PersonId
discuss DiscussionId
followers FollowerSetId
UniqueTicket project number
UniqueTicketDiscussion discuss
UniqueTicketFollowers followers
parent TicketId
@ -230,11 +246,9 @@ TicketClaimRequest
actor RemoteSharerId Maybe
instance InstanceId
ident LocalURI
discuss DiscussionId
unlinkedActor FedURI Maybe
instance InstanceId
ident LocalURI
discuss DiscussionId
UniqueRemoteDiscussionIdent instance ident
UniqueRemoteDiscussion discuss
@ -1,21 +1,6 @@
-- This is in a separate file from the rest of the entities added on the same
-- day because it is used for creating a dummy public workflow for DB
-- migrations. Since each project is required to have a workflow, and initially
-- there's none, we make a dummy one.
-- Since the 'Sharer' entity isn't defined here, using the Workflow entity
-- below with the @persistent@ model parser will probably create an 'EntityDef'
-- in which the sharer field does NOT have a foreign key constraint into the
-- 'Sharer' table, because the parser won't recognize that 'SharerId' is an
-- entity ID and not just some other existing type.
-- However that is okay because we're just using this entity for insertion
-- once, where we make sure to use a real existing sharer ID, and we also of
-- course use it for adding the entity to the database schema, but that
-- mechanism has its own way to detect the foreign keys.
sharer SharerId
ident WflIdent
ident Text
name Text Maybe
desc Text Maybe
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-- This is in a separate file from the rest of the entities added on the same
-- day because it is used for creating a dummy public workflow for DB
-- migrations. Since each project is required to have a workflow, and initially
-- there's none, we make a dummy one.
sharer SharerId
ident Text
name Text Maybe
desc Text Maybe
UniqueWorkflow sharer ident
@ -2,17 +2,11 @@ RemoteRawObject
content PersistJSONValue
received UTCTime
person PersonId
activity PersistJSONValue
published UTCTime
actor RemoteSharerId Maybe
sharer RemoteSharerId
instance InstanceId
ident Text
discuss DiscussionId
unlinkedActor Text Maybe
UniqueRemoteDiscussionIdent instance ident
UniqueRemoteDiscussion discuss
@ -20,7 +14,6 @@ RemoteDiscussion
author PersonId
rest MessageId
unlinkedParent Text Maybe
UniqueLocalMessage rest
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
person PersonId
activity PersistJSONValue
published UTCTime
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file is used only for adding the ticketFollowers field, initially
-- inserting a single temporary FollowerSet, and later creating unique ones,
-- and finally deleting the temporary one.
followers FollowerSetId
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ editTicketContentAForm ticket = Ticket
<*> pure (ticketClosed ticket)
<*> pure (ticketCloser ticket)
<*> pure (ticketDiscuss ticket)
<*> pure (ticketFollowers ticket)
:: TicketTextParam
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ getDiscussionMessage shr lmid = selectRep $ provideAP $ runDB $ do
unless (localMessageAuthor lm == pid) notFound
m <- getJust $ localMessageRest lm
route2fed <- getEncodeRouteFed
(uRecip, uContext) <- do
uContext <- do
let did = messageRoot m
mt <- getValBy $ UniqueTicketDiscussion did
mrd <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteDiscussion did
@ -118,32 +118,10 @@ getDiscussionMessage shr lmid = selectRep $ provideAP $ runDB $ do
s <- getJust $ projectSharer j
let shr = sharerIdent s
prj = projectIdent j
( route2fed $ ProjectR shr prj
, route2fed $ TicketR shr prj $ ticketNumber t
return $ route2fed $ TicketR shr prj $ ticketNumber t
(Nothing, Just rd) -> do
let iid = remoteDiscussionInstance rd
i <- getJust iid
let hInstance = instanceHost i
mrs <- traverse getJust $ remoteDiscussionActor rd
let muActor = f2l <$> remoteDiscussionUnlinkedActor rd
luActor <-
case (mrs, muActor) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "RemoteDiscussion actor and unlinkedActor both unset"
(Just _, Just _) -> fail "RemoteDiscussion actor and unlinkedActor both set"
(Just rs, Nothing) -> do
unless (iid == remoteSharerInstance rs) $
fail "RemoteDiscussion and its actor on different hosts"
return $ remoteSharerIdent rs
(Nothing, Just (h, lu)) -> do
unless (hInstance == h) $
fail "RemoteDiscussion and its unlinked actor on different hosts"
return lu
( l2f hInstance luActor
, l2f hInstance (remoteDiscussionIdent rd)
i <- getJust $ remoteDiscussionInstance rd
return $ l2f (instanceHost i) (remoteDiscussionIdent rd)
muParent <- for (messageParent m) $ \ midParent -> do
mlocal <- getBy $ UniqueLocalMessage midParent
mremote <- getValBy $ UniqueRemoteMessage midParent
@ -166,7 +144,7 @@ getDiscussionMessage shr lmid = selectRep $ provideAP $ runDB $ do
return $ Doc host Note
{ noteId = Just $ route2local $ MessageR shr lmhid
, noteAttrib = route2local $ SharerR shr
, noteAudience = deliverTo uRecip
, noteAudience = error "TODO noteAudience"
, noteReplyTo = Just $ fromMaybe uContext muParent
, noteContext = Just uContext
, notePublished = Just $ messageCreated m
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ postTicketsR shar proj = do
tnum <- runDB $ do
update pid [ProjectNextTicket +=. 1]
did <- insert Discussion
fsid <- insert FollowerSet
let ticket = Ticket
{ ticketProject = pid
, ticketNumber = projectNextTicket project
@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ postTicketsR shar proj = do
, ticketClosed = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
, ticketCloser = author
, ticketDiscuss = did
, ticketFollowers = fsid
tid <- insert ticket
let mktparam (fid, v) = TicketParamText
@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified Database.Persist.Schema as U (addEntity, unsetFieldDefault)
import Vervis.Migration.Model
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Workflow
instance PersistDefault ByteString where
pdef = def
@ -65,6 +62,9 @@ defaultTime = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
withPrepare :: Monad m => Mig m -> Apply m -> Mig m
withPrepare (validate, apply) prepare = (validate, prepare >> apply)
withPrePost :: Monad m => Apply m -> Mig m -> Apply m -> Mig m
withPrePost pre (validate, apply) post = (validate, pre >> apply >> post)
changes :: MonadIO m => [Mig m]
changes =
[ -- 1
@ -94,15 +94,14 @@ changes =
) $ do
noProjects <- lift $
null <$> selectKeysList [] [LimitTo 1 :: SelectOpt Project]
null <$> selectKeysList [] [LimitTo 1 :: SelectOpt Project2016]
unless noProjects $ lift $ do
msid <-
listToMaybe <$>
selectKeysList [] [Asc SharerId, LimitTo 1]
for_ msid $ \ sid -> do
let ident = text2wfl "dummy"
w = Workflow2016 sid ident Nothing Nothing
insertKey key w
selectKeysList [] [Asc Sharer2016Id, LimitTo 1]
for_ msid $ \ sid ->
insertKey key $
Workflow2016 sid "dummy" Nothing Nothing
-- 11
, addFieldPrimRequired "Workflow" ("WSSharer" :: Text) "scope"
-- 12
@ -210,6 +209,34 @@ changes =
, removeField "Message" "author"
-- 49
, addUnique "Ticket" $ Unique "UniqueTicketDiscussion" ["discuss"]
-- 50
, addEntities model_2019_03_30
-- 51
, let fsidTemp = fromBackendKey defaultBackendKey :: Key FollowerSet2019
in withPrePost
(lift $ insertKey fsidTemp FollowerSet2019)
(toBackendKey fsidTemp)
(lift $ do
tids <- selectKeysList ([] :: [Filter Ticket2019]) []
for_ tids $ \ tid -> do
fsid <- insert FollowerSet2019
update tid [Ticket2019Followers =. fsid]
delete fsidTemp
-- 52
, addUnique "Ticket" $ Unique "UniqueTicketFollowers" ["followers"]
-- 53
, removeField "RemoteDiscussion" "sharer"
-- 54
, addFieldPrimOptional
(Nothing :: Maybe Text)
migrateDB :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either Text (Int, Int))
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module Vervis.Migration.Model
( EntityField (..)
, model_2016_08_04
, model_2016_09_01_just_workflow
, Sharer2016
, Project2016
, Workflow2016Generic (..)
, Workflow2016
, model_2016_09_01_rest
@ -30,12 +32,15 @@ module Vervis.Migration.Model
, LocalMessage2019Generic (..)
, LocalMessage2019
, model_2019_03_19
, model_2019_03_30
, FollowerSet2019Generic (..)
, FollowerSet2019
, Ticket2019
import Prelude
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
@ -52,7 +57,6 @@ import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Repo
import Vervis.Model.Role
import Vervis.Model.TH (modelFile, makeEntitiesMigration)
import Vervis.Model.Ticket
import Vervis.Model.Workflow
model_2016_08_04 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ model_2016_09_01_just_workflow :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2016_09_01_just_workflow = $(schema "2016_09_01_just_workflow")
makeEntitiesMigration "2016"
$(modelFile "migrations/2016_09_01_just_workflow.model")
$(modelFile "migrations/2016_09_01_just_workflow_prepare.model")
model_2016_09_01_rest :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2016_09_01_rest = $(schema "2016_09_01_rest")
@ -81,3 +85,9 @@ makeEntitiesMigration "2019"
model_2019_03_19 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2019_03_19 = $(schema "2019_03_19")
model_2019_03_30 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2019_03_30 = $(schema "2019_03_30")
makeEntitiesMigration "2019"
$(modelFile "migrations/2019_03_30_follower_set.model")
Add table
Reference in a new issue