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synced 2025-01-25 11:17:51 +09:00
Split recursive SQL query huge module into smaller modules
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7 changed files with 1567 additions and 1372 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Database.Persist.Sql.Graph.Connects
( -- * Checking for reachability, i.e. existence of path
-- $connects
-- ** Standard
, mconnects
, connectsm
, mconnectsm
, xconnects
, xmconnects
, xconnectsm
, xmconnectsm
-- ** Undirected
, uconnects
, umconnects
, uconnectsm
, umconnectsm
-- ** Reversed
, rconnects
, rmconnects
, rconnectsm
, rmconnectsm
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, intercalate)
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistEntityGraph
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistQueryForest
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql.Orphan.Common
-- $connects
-- Testing for existence of paths.
-- Names consist of:
-- 1. An optional direction parameter, specifying which nodes to visit next.
-- [(none)] forward: follow edge direction
-- [@u@] undirectional: ignore edge direction
-- [@r@] reversed: walk edges in reverse
-- [@x@] user defined: specify which paths to follow
-- 2. An optional source node parameter, specifying from which nodes to start
-- the search.
-- [(none)] one: start with a single specified node
-- [@m@] multi: start with a given list of nodes, or /all/ nodes
-- 3. Base name: @connects@.
-- 4. An optional destination node parameter, specifying which paths to pick
-- based on their destination nodes.
-- [(none)] one: start with a single specified node
-- [@m@] multi: start with a given list of nodes, or /all/ nodes
-- | It more-or-less looks like this:
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT 3, ARRAY[3], false
-- > SELECT edge.parent,
-- > temp.path || edge.parent,
-- > edge.parent = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.child = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > SELECT path
-- > FROM temp
-- > WHERE id = 8
-- > )
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int -- filter on path length max
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Single Int]
xmconnectsm' follow filter msource mdest mlen proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
filt = filterClause False conn filter
fvals = getFiltsValues conn filter
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, if T.null filt
then " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
else filt <> " AND NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sql = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, case msource of
Nothing -> " FROM " <> dbname (entityDB tNode)
Just _ -> mconcat
[ " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
, case follow of
FollowForward -> sqlStep fwd bwd
FollowBackward -> sqlStep bwd fwd
FollowBoth -> mconcat
[ "("
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, sqlStep bwd fwd
, ")"
, " ) SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT ", temp ^* tpath
, " FROM ", dbname temp
, case mdest of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " WHERE ", temp ^* tid, " IN ?"
, case mlen of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " AND array_length(", temp ^* tpath, ", 1) <= ?"
, " )"
toP = fmap toPersistValue
toPL = fmap $ PersistList . map toPersistValue
vals = toPL msource ?: fvals ++ toPL mdest ?: toP mlen ?: []
rawSql sql vals
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
connects = xconnects FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
mconnects = xmconnects FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
connectsm = xconnectsm FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
mconnectsm = xmconnectsm FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xconnects fw flt src dest = xmconnectsm fw flt (Just [src]) (Just [dest])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xmconnects fw flt msrc dest = xmconnectsm fw flt msrc (Just [dest])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xconnectsm fw flt src = xmconnectsm fw flt (Just [src])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xmconnectsm fw flt msrc mdest mlen p =
not . null <$> xmconnectsm' fw flt msrc mdest mlen p
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
uconnects = xconnects FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
umconnects = xmconnects FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
uconnectsm = xconnectsm FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
umconnectsm = xmconnectsm FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rconnects = xconnects FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rmconnects = xmconnects FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rconnectsm = xconnectsm FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rmconnectsm = xmconnectsm FollowBackward []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Database.Persist.Sql.Graph.Cyclic
( -- * Checking for cycle existence
-- $cyclic
-- ** Standard
, cyclicn
, xcyclic
, xcyclicn
-- ** Undirected
, ucyclic
, ucyclicn
-- ** Reversed
, rcyclic
, rcyclicn
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, intercalate)
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistEntityGraph
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistQueryForest
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql.Orphan.Common
-- | The actual SQL query for checking for cycles. It's a bit hard to figure
-- out the structure of the query from the code, so here's what it more-or-less
-- looks like, to help navigate the code:
-- > start (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT node.id, ARRAY[node.id], false
-- > FROM node LEFT OUTER JOIN edge
-- > ON node.id = edge.parent
-- > WHERE edge.parent IS NULL
-- > ),
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT * from start
-- > SELECT edge.parent,
-- > temp.path || edge.parent,
-- > edge.parent = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.child = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > ( SELECT 1
-- > FROM node LEFT OUTER JOIN temp
-- > ON node.id = temp.id
-- > WHERE temp.id IS NULL
-- > SELECT 1
-- > FROM temp
-- > WHERE cycle = true
-- > )
-- > LIMIT 1
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Single Int]
xcyclicn' follow filter minitials proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
start = DBName "temp_start_cte"
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
sqlStartFrom forward = mconcat
[ " FROM ", entityDB tNode <# entityDB tEdge
, " ON "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " = "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward
, " WHERE "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward
, " IS NULL"
sqlStart = mconcat
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, case minitials of
Nothing -> case follow of
FollowForward -> sqlStartFrom fwd
FollowBackward -> sqlStartFrom bwd
FollowBoth -> " FROM " <> dbname (entityDB tNode)
Just initials -> mconcat
[ " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
filt = filterClause False conn filter
fvals = getFiltsValues conn filter
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, if T.null filt
then " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
else filt <> " AND NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sqlCycles = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " WHERE ", dbname tcycle, " = TRUE"
sql = mconcat
, dbname start
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( "
, sqlStart
, " ), "
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, "* FROM "
, dbname start
, case follow of
FollowForward -> sqlStep fwd bwd
FollowBackward -> sqlStep bwd fwd
FollowBoth -> mconcat
[ "("
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, sqlStep bwd fwd
, ")"
, " ) "
, case follow of
FollowBoth -> sqlCycles <> " LIMIT 1"
_ -> case minitials of
Just _ -> sqlCycles <> " LIMIT 1"
Nothing -> mconcat
[ "(", sqlCycles, " UNION ALL "
, "SELECT 1"
, " FROM ", entityDB tNode <# temp
, " ON "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " = "
, temp ^* tid
, " WHERE ", temp ^* tid, " IS NULL"
, ") LIMIT 1"
msval = PersistList . map toPersistValue <$> minitials
vals = maybe id (:) msval fvals
rawSql sql vals
-- $cyclic
-- Testing for and detecting cycles in graphs.
-- Names consist of:
-- 1. An optional direction parameter, specifying which nodes to visit next.
-- [@u@] undirectional: ignore edge direction
-- [@r@] reversed: walk edges in reverse
-- [@x@] user defined: specify which paths to follow
-- 2. Base name.
-- [@cyclic@] checks for existence of cycles
-- [@cycles@] returns the cyclic paths, if any exist
-- 3. An optional @n@, in which case a user-given subset of the graph's nodes
-- will be visited, instead of visiting /all/ the nodes.
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
cyclic = xcyclic FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
cyclicn = xcyclicn FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xcyclic fw flt = fmap (not . null) . xcyclicn' fw flt Nothing
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> [Key node]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
xcyclicn fw flt ns = fmap (not . null) . xcyclicn' fw flt (Just ns)
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
ucyclic = xcyclic FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
ucyclicn = xcyclicn FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rcyclic = xcyclic FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
rcyclicn = xcyclicn FollowBackward []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Database.Persist.Sql.Graph.Path
( -- * Finding paths
-- $path
-- ** Standard
, mpath
, pathm
, mpathm
, xpath
, xmpath
, xpathm
, xmpathm
-- ** Undirected
, upath
, umpath
, upathm
, umpathm
-- ** Reversed
, rpath
, rmpath
, rpathm
, rmpathm
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, intercalate)
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistEntityGraph
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistQueryForest
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql.Orphan.Common
-- $path
-- Findings paths between graph nodes.
-- Names consist of:
-- 1. An optional direction parameter, specifying which nodes to visit next.
-- [(none)] forward: follow edge direction
-- [@u@] undirectional: ignore edge direction
-- [@r@] reversed: walk edges in reverse
-- [@x@] user defined: specify which paths to follow
-- 2. An optional source node parameter, specifying from which nodes to start
-- the search.
-- [(none)] one: start with a single specified node
-- [@m@] multi: start with a given list of nodes, or /all/ nodes
-- 3. Base name: @path@.
-- 4. An optional destination node parameter, specifying which paths to pick
-- based on their destination nodes.
-- [(none)] one: start with a single specified node
-- [@m@] multi: start with a given list of nodes, or /all/ nodes
-- | It more-or-less looks like this:
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT 3, ARRAY[3], false
-- > SELECT edge.parent,
-- > temp.path || edge.parent,
-- > edge.parent = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.child = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > SELECT path
-- > FROM temp
-- > WHERE id = 8
-- > ORDER BY array_length(path, 1)
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int -- filter on path length max
-> Maybe Int -- limit number of results
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Single [Key node]]
xmpathm' follow filter msource mdest mlen mlim proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
filt = filterClause False conn filter
fvals = getFiltsValues conn filter
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, if T.null filt
then " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
else filt <> " AND NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sql = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, case msource of
Nothing -> " FROM " <> dbname (entityDB tNode)
Just _ -> mconcat
[ " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
, case follow of
FollowForward -> sqlStep fwd bwd
FollowBackward -> sqlStep bwd fwd
FollowBoth -> mconcat
[ "("
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, sqlStep bwd fwd
, ")"
, " ) SELECT ", temp ^* tpath
, " FROM ", dbname temp
, case mdest of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " WHERE ", temp ^* tid, " IN ?"
, case mlen of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " AND array_length(", temp ^* tpath, ", 1) <= ?"
, " ORDER BY array_length(", temp ^* tpath, ", 1)"
, case mlim of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " LIMIT ?"
toP = fmap toPersistValue
toPL = fmap $ PersistList . map toPersistValue
vals =
toPL msource ?: fvals ++ toPL mdest ?: toP mlen ?: toP mlim ?: []
rawSql sql vals
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
path = xpath FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
mpath = xmpath FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
pathm = xpathm FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
mpathm = xmpathm FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
xpath fw flt src dest = xmpathm fw flt (Just [src]) (Just [dest])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
xmpath fw flt msrc dest = xmpathm fw flt msrc (Just [dest])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
xpathm fw flt src = xmpathm fw flt (Just [src])
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
xmpathm fw flt msrc mdest mlen mlim p =
map unSingle <$> xmpathm' fw flt msrc mdest mlen mlim p
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
upath = xpath FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
umpath = xmpath FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
upathm = xpathm FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
umpathm = xmpathm FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
rpath = xpath FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Key node
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
rmpath = xmpath FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Key node
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
rpathm = xpathm FollowBackward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [[Key node]]
rmpathm = xmpathm FollowBackward []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Database.Persist.Sql.Graph.Reachable
( -- * Finding the nodes reachable from a given node or set of nodes
-- $reachable
-- ** Standard
, xreachable
-- ** Undirected
, ureachable
-- ** Reversed
, rreachable
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, intercalate)
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistEntityGraph
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistQueryForest
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql.Orphan.Common
-- $reachable
-- Finding the nodes reachable from a given set of starting nodes.
-- Names consist of:
-- 1. An optional direction parameter, specifying which nodes to visit next.
-- [(none)] forward: follow edge direction
-- [@u@] undirectional: ignore edge direction
-- [@r@] reversed: walk edges in reverse
-- [@x@] user defined: specify which paths to follow
-- 2. Base name: @reachable@.
-- | It more-or-less looks like this:
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT edge.parent,
-- > temp.path || edge.parent,
-- > edge.parent = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.child = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > FROM temp
-- > WHERE NOT cycle
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> [Key node]
-> Maybe Int -- filter on path length max
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Key node]
xreachable' follow filter initials mlen proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
filt = filterClause False conn filter
fvals = getFiltsValues conn filter
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, if T.null filt
then " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
else filt <> " AND NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sql = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
, case follow of
FollowForward -> sqlStep fwd bwd
FollowBackward -> sqlStep bwd fwd
FollowBoth -> mconcat
[ "("
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, sqlStep bwd fwd
, ")"
, " ) SELECT DISTINCT ", temp ^* tid
, " FROM ", dbname temp
, " WHERE NOT ", temp ^* tcycle
, case mlen of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> " AND array_length(", temp ^* tpath, ", 1) <= ?"
toP = fmap toPersistValue
toPL = PersistList . map toPersistValue
vals = toPL initials : fvals ++ toP mlen ?: []
rawSql sql vals
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Key node]
reachable = xreachable FollowForward []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> FollowDirection
-> [Filter edge]
-> [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Key node]
xreachable = xreachable'
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Key node]
ureachable = xreachable FollowBoth []
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> [Key node]
-> Maybe Int
-> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Key node]
rreachable = xreachable FollowBackward []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Database.Persist.Sql.Graph.TransitiveReduction
( -- * Transitive reduction of DAGs
, trrApply
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, intercalate)
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistEntityGraph
import Database.Persist.Local.Class.PersistQueryForest
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql
import Database.Persist.Local.Sql.Orphan.Common
-- | It more-or-less looks like this:
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT node.id, ARRAY[node.id], FALSE
-- > FROM node
-- > SELECT edge.dest,
-- > temp.path || edge.dest,
-- > edge.dest = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.source = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > SELECT *
-- > FROM edge
-- >
-- >
-- > SELECT e.*
-- > FROM edge AS pre
-- > INNER JOIN temp ON pre.dest = temp.path[1]
-- > INNER JOIN edge AS e ON e.source = pre.source AND e.dest = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity edge]
trrSelect proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
edgeP = DBName "pre"
edgeE = DBName "e"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
ecols = T.intercalate ", " $ entityColumnNames tEdge conn
qecols name =
T.intercalate ", " $
map ((dbname name <>) . ("." <>)) $
entityColumnNames tEdge conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sql = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, " )"
, " SELECT ", ecols
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge
, " EXCEPT "
, " SELECT ", qecols edgeE
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge, " AS ", dbname edgeP
, " INNER JOIN ", dbname temp
, " ON ", edgeP ^* fieldDB fwd, " = ", temp ^* tpath, "[1]"
, " INNER JOIN ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge, " AS ", dbname edgeE
, " ON ", edgeE ^* fieldDB bwd, " = ", edgeP ^* fieldDB bwd
, " AND ", edgeE ^* fieldDB fwd, " = ", temp ^* tid
, " WHERE NOT ", temp ^* tcycle
rawSql sql []
-- | It more-or-less looks like this:
-- > temp (id, path, cycle) AS (
-- > SELECT node.id, ARRAY[node.id], FALSE
-- > FROM node
-- > SELECT edge.dest,
-- > temp.path || edge.dest,
-- > edge.dest = ANY(temp.path)
-- > FROM edge INNER JOIN temp
-- > ON edge.source = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
-- > DELETE FROM edge
-- > WHERE id IN (
-- > SELECT e.id
-- > FROM edge AS pre
-- > INNER JOIN temp ON pre.dest = temp.path[1]
-- > INNER JOIN edge AS e ON e.source = pre.source AND e.dest = temp.id
-- > WHERE NOT temp.cycle
-- > )
:: ( MonadIO m
, PersistEntityGraph node edge
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend node
, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend edge
=> Proxy (node, edge)
-> ReaderT SqlBackend m Int64
trrApply proxy = do
conn <- ask
let tNode = entityDef $ dummyFromFst proxy
tEdge = entityDef $ dummyFromSnd proxy
fwd = persistFieldDef $ destFieldFromProxy proxy
bwd = persistFieldDef $ sourceFieldFromProxy proxy
temp = DBName "temp_hierarchy_cte"
tid = DBName "id"
tpath = DBName "path"
tcycle = DBName "cycle"
edgeP = DBName "pre"
edgeE = DBName "e"
dbname = connEscapeName conn
t ^* f = dbname t <> "." <> dbname f
t <#> s = dbname t <> " INNER JOIN " <> dbname s
t <# s = dbname t <> " LEFT OUTER JOIN " <> dbname s
sqlStep forward backward = mconcat
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, temp ^* tpath, " || ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, ", "
, entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB forward, " = ANY(", temp ^* tpath, ")"
, " FROM ", entityDB tEdge <#> temp
, " ON ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB backward, " = ", temp ^* tid
, " WHERE NOT " <> temp ^* tcycle
sql = mconcat
, dbname temp
, " ("
, T.intercalate "," $ map dbname [tid, tpath, tcycle]
, ") AS ( SELECT "
, entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), ", "
, "ARRAY[", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode), "], "
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tNode
, " WHERE ", entityDB tNode ^* fieldDB (entityId tNode)
, " IN ?"
, sqlStep fwd bwd
, " ) DELETE FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge
, " WHERE ", entityDB tEdge ^* fieldDB (entityId tEdge), " IN ("
, " SELECT ", edgeE ^* fieldDB (entityId tEdge)
, " FROM ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge, " AS ", dbname edgeP
, " INNER JOIN ", dbname temp
, " ON ", edgeP ^* fieldDB fwd, " = ", temp ^* tpath, "[1]"
, " INNER JOIN ", dbname $ entityDB tEdge, " AS ", dbname edgeE
, " ON ", edgeE ^* fieldDB bwd, " = ", edgeP ^* fieldDB bwd
, " AND ", edgeE ^* fieldDB fwd, " = ", temp ^* tid
, " WHERE NOT ", temp ^* tcycle
, " )"
rawExecuteCount sql []
@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ library
Add table
Reference in a new issue