Fork 0
mirror of https://code.naskya.net/repos/ndqEd synced 2025-03-20 15:14:54 +09:00

Do inbox forwarding in project inbox handler

This commit is contained in:
fr33domlover 2019-05-03 21:04:53 +00:00
parent 5d5c56695e
commit b0a26722d3
7 changed files with 356 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -80,6 +80,16 @@ Delivery
UniqueDelivery recipient activity
recipient RemoteActorId
activity RemoteActivityId
activityRaw ByteString
sender ProjectId
signature ByteString
running Bool
UniqueForwarding recipient activity
ident LocalURI
instance InstanceId

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
recipient RemoteActorId
activity RemoteActivityId
activityRaw ByteString
sender ProjectId
signature ByteString
running Bool
UniqueForwarding recipient activity

View file

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import Yesod.Core hiding (logError, logWarn, logInfo)
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
@ -497,6 +498,81 @@ getLocalParentMessageId did shr lmid = do
throwE "Local parent belongs to a different discussion"
return mid
getPersonOrGroupId :: SharerId -> AppDB (Either PersonId GroupId)
getPersonOrGroupId sid = do
mpid <- getKeyBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid
mgid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueGroup sid
requireEitherM mpid mgid
"Found sharer that is neither person nor group"
"Found sharer that is both person and group"
getTicketTeam :: SharerId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getTicketTeam sid = do
id_ <- getPersonOrGroupId sid
(,[]) <$> case id_ of
Left pid -> return [pid]
Right gid ->
map (groupMemberPerson . entityVal) <$>
selectList [GroupMemberGroup ==. gid] []
getFollowers :: FollowerSetId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getFollowers fsid = do
local <- selectList [FollowTarget ==. fsid] []
remote <- E.select $ E.from $ \ (rf `E.InnerJoin` rs `E.InnerJoin` i) -> do
E.on $ rs E.^. RemoteActorInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
E.on $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowActor E.==. rs E.^. RemoteActorId
E.where_ $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowTarget E.==. E.val fsid
E.orderBy [E.asc $ i E.^. InstanceId]
( i E.^. InstanceId
, i E.^. InstanceHost
, rs E.^. RemoteActorId
, rs E.^. RemoteActorIdent
, rs E.^. RemoteActorInbox
, rs E.^. RemoteActorErrorSince
( map (followPerson . entityVal) local
, groupRemotes $
map (\ (E.Value iid, E.Value h, E.Value rsid, E.Value luActor, E.Value luInbox, E.Value msince) ->
(iid, h, rsid, luActor, luInbox, msince)
groupRemotes :: [(InstanceId, Text, RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime)] -> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
groupRemotes = groupWithExtractBy ((==) `on` fst) fst snd . map toTuples
toTuples (iid, h, rsid, luA, luI, ms) = ((iid, h), (rsid, luA, luI, ms))
-- | Merge 2 lists ordered on fst, concatenating snd values when
-- multiple identical fsts occur. The resulting list is ordered on fst,
-- and each fst value appears only once.
-- >>> mergeWith (+) [('a',3), ('a',1), ('b',5)] [('a',2), ('c',4)]
-- [('a',6), ('b',5), ('c',4)]
mergeConcat :: (Ord a, Semigroup b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
mergeConcat xs ys = map (second sconcat) $ groupWithExtract fst snd $ LO.mergeBy (compare `on` fst) xs ys
fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
fst3 (x, _, _) = x
fst4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst4 (x, _, _, _) = x
thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c
thd3 (_, _, z) = z
fourth4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> d
fourth4 (_, _, _, w) = w
insertMany' mk xs = zip' xs <$> insertMany (NE.toList $ mk <$> xs)
zip' x y =
case nonEmpty y of
Just y' | length x == length y' -> NE.zip x y'
_ -> error "insertMany' returned different length!"
:: UTCTime
-> ShrIdent
@ -621,10 +697,11 @@ handleProjectInbox
-> InstanceId
-> Text
-> RemoteActorId
-> BL.ByteString
-> Object
-> Activity
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activity =
handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender body raw activity =
case activitySpecific activity of
CreateActivity (Create note) ->
handleNote (activityAudience activity) note
@ -648,16 +725,51 @@ handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activi
if shr /= shrRecip || prj /= prjRecip
then return $ recip <> " not using; context is a different project"
else do
msig <- checkForward
hLocal <- getsYesod $ appInstanceHost . appSettings
let colls = findRelevantCollections hLocal num audience
runDBExcept $ do
(did, meparent) <- getContextAndParent num mparent
lift $ do
mremotesHttp <- runDBExcept $ do
(sid, fsid, jid, did, meparent) <- getContextAndParent num mparent
lift $ join <$> do
mmid <- insertToDiscussion luNote published did meparent
for mmid $ updateOrphans luNote did
-- TODO CONTINUE inbox forwarding!!!
return $ recip <> " inserted new ticket comment"
for mmid $ \ (ractid, mid) -> do
updateOrphans luNote did mid
for msig $ \ sig -> do
remoteRecips <- deliverLocal ractid colls sid fsid
(sig,) <$> deliverRemoteDB ractid jid sig remoteRecips
lift $ for_ mremotesHttp $ \ (sig, remotesHttp) -> do
let handler e = logError $ "Project inbox handler: delivery failed! " <> T.pack (displayException e)
forkHandler handler $ deliverRemoteHttp sig remotesHttp
return $ recip <> " inserted new ticket comment"
checkForward = join <$> do
let hSig = hForwardingSignature
msig <- maybeHeader hSig
for msig $ \ sig -> do
_proof <- withExceptT (T.pack . displayException) $ ExceptT $
let requires = [hDigest, hActivityPubForwarder]
in prepareToVerifyHttpSigWith hSig False requires [] Nothing
forwarder <- requireHeader hActivityPubForwarder
renderUrl <- getUrlRender
let project = renderUrl $ ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip
return $
if forwarder == encodeUtf8 project
then Just sig
else Nothing
maybeHeader n = do
let n' = decodeUtf8 $ CI.original n
hs <- lookupHeaders n
case hs of
[] -> return Nothing
[h] -> return $ Just h
_ -> throwE $ n' <> " multiple headers found"
requireHeader n = do
let n' = decodeUtf8 $ CI.original n
mh <- maybeHeader n
case mh of
Nothing -> throwE $ n' <> " header not found"
Just h -> return h
findRelevantCollections hLocal numCtx = nub . mapMaybe decide . concatRecipients
decide u = do
@ -677,8 +789,8 @@ handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activi
mt <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
jid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueProject prjRecip sid
getValBy $ UniqueTicket jid num
t <- fromMaybeE mt "Context: No such local ticket"
fmap (jid,sid,) <$> getValBy (UniqueTicket jid num)
(jid, sid, t) <- fromMaybeE mt "Context: No such local ticket"
let did = ticketDiscuss t
meparent <- for mparent $ \ parent ->
case parent of
@ -695,7 +807,7 @@ handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activi
throwE "Remote parent belongs to a different discussion"
return mid
Nothing -> return $ Right $ l2f hParent luParent
return (did, meparent)
return (sid, ticketFollowers t, jid, did, meparent)
insertToDiscussion luNote published did meparent = do
ractid <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy' RemoteActivity
{ remoteActivityInstance = iidSender
@ -727,7 +839,7 @@ handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activi
Nothing -> do
delete mid
return Nothing
Just _ -> return $ Just mid
Just _ -> return $ Just (ractid, mid)
updateOrphans luNote did mid = do
let uNote = l2f hSender luNote
related <- selectOrphans uNote (E.==.)
@ -757,6 +869,88 @@ handleProjectInbox now shrRecip prjRecip iidSender hSender raidSender raw activi
rm E.^. RemoteMessageLostParent E.==. E.just (E.val uNote) E.&&.
m E.^. MessageRoot `op` E.val did
return (rm E.^. RemoteMessageId, m E.^. MessageId)
:: RemoteActivityId
-> [LocalTicketRecipient]
-> SharerId
-> FollowerSetId
-> AppDB [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
deliverLocal ractid recips sid fsid = do
(teamPids, teamRemotes) <-
if LocalTicketTeam `elem` recips
then getTicketTeam sid
else return ([], [])
(fsPids, fsRemotes) <-
if LocalTicketParticipants `elem` recips
then getFollowers fsid
else return ([], [])
let pids = union teamPids fsPids
-- TODO inefficient, see the other TODOs about mergeConcat
remotes = map (second $ NE.nubBy ((==) `on` fst4)) $ mergeConcat teamRemotes fsRemotes
for_ pids $ \ pid -> insertUnique_ $ InboxItemRemote pid ractid
return remotes
:: RemoteActivityId
-> ProjectId
-> ByteString
-> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
-> AppDB
[((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, ForwardingId))]
deliverRemoteDB ractid jid sig recips = do
let body' = BL.toStrict body
deliv raid msince = Forwarding raid ractid body' jid sig $ isNothing msince
fetchedDeliv <- for recips $ \ (i, rs) ->
(i,) <$> insertMany' (\ (raid, _, _, msince) -> deliv raid msince) rs
return $ takeNoError4 fetchedDeliv
takeNoError noError = mapMaybe $ \ (i, rs) -> (i,) <$> nonEmpty (mapMaybe noError $ NE.toList rs)
takeNoError4 = takeNoError noError
noError ((ak, luA, luI, Nothing), dlk) = Just (ak, luA, luI, dlk)
noError ((_ , _ , _ , Just _ ), _ ) = Nothing
:: ByteString
-> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, ForwardingId))]
-> Handler ()
deliverRemoteHttp sig fetched = do
let deliver h inbox = do
forwardActivity (l2f h inbox) sig (ProjectR shrRecip prjRecip) body
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
traverse_ (fork . deliverFetched deliver now) fetched
fork = forkHandler $ \ e -> logError $ "Project inbox handler: delivery failed! " <> T.pack (displayException e)
deliverFetched deliver now ((_, h), recips@(r :| rs)) = do
let (raid, _luActor, luInbox, fwid) = r
e <- deliver h luInbox
let e' = case e of
Left err ->
if isInstanceErrorP err
then Nothing
else Just False
Right _resp -> Just True
case e' of
Nothing -> runDB $ do
let recips' = NE.toList recips
updateWhere [RemoteActorId <-. map fst4 recips', RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
updateWhere [ForwardingId <-. map fourth4 recips'] [ForwardingRunning =. False]
Just success -> do
runDB $
if success
then delete fwid
else do
updateWhere [RemoteActorId ==. raid, RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
update fwid [ForwardingRunning =. False]
for_ rs $ \ (raid, _luActor, luInbox, fwid) ->
fork $ do
e <- deliver h luInbox
runDB $
case e of
Left _err -> do
updateWhere [RemoteActorId ==. raid, RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
update fwid [ForwardingRunning =. False]
Right _resp -> delete fwid
fixRunningDeliveries :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, IsSqlBackend backend) => ReaderT backend m ()
fixRunningDeliveries = do
@ -772,6 +966,12 @@ fixRunningDeliveries = do
, T.pack (show c)
, " unlinked deliveries"
c'' <- updateWhereCount [ForwardingRunning ==. True] [ForwardingRunning =. False]
unless (c' == 0) $ logWarn $ T.concat
[ "fixRunningDeliveries fixed "
, T.pack (show c)
, " forwarding deliveries"
data LocalTicketRecipient = LocalTicketParticipants | LocalTicketTeam
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -827,7 +1027,7 @@ deliverHttp
-> LocalURI
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
deliverHttp doc mfwd h luInbox =
postActivity (l2f h luInbox) (Left . l2f h <$> mfwd) doc
deliverActivity (l2f h luInbox) (l2f h <$> mfwd) doc
isInstanceErrorHttp (InvalidUrlException _ _) = False
isInstanceErrorHttp (HttpExceptionRequest _ hec) =
@ -1165,27 +1365,6 @@ handleOutboxNote host (Note mluNote luAttrib aud muParent muContext mpublished c
update obid [OutboxItemActivity =. PersistJSON doc]
return (lmid, obid, doc)
-- | Merge 2 lists ordered on fst, concatenating snd values when
-- multiple identical fsts occur. The resulting list is ordered on fst,
-- and each fst value appears only once.
-- >>> mergeWith (+) [('a',3), ('a',1), ('b',5)] [('a',2), ('c',4)]
-- [('a',6), ('b',5), ('c',4)]
mergeConcat :: (Ord a, Semigroup b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
mergeConcat xs ys = map (second sconcat) $ groupWithExtract fst snd $ LO.mergeBy (compare `on` fst) xs ys
fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
fst3 (x, _, _) = x
fst4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst4 (x, _, _, _) = x
thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c
thd3 (_, _, z) = z
fourth4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> d
fourth4 (_, _, _, w) = w
-- Deliver to local recipients. For local users, find in DB and deliver.
-- For local collections, expand them, deliver to local users, and return a
-- list of remote actors found in them.
@ -1250,13 +1429,6 @@ handleOutboxNote host (Note mluNote luAttrib aud muParent muContext mpublished c
lift $ for_ (union recipPids morePids) $ \ pid -> insert_ $ InboxItemLocal pid obid
return remotes
getPersonOrGroupId :: SharerId -> AppDB (Either PersonId GroupId)
getPersonOrGroupId sid = do
mpid <- getKeyBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid
mgid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueGroup sid
requireEitherM mpid mgid
"Found sharer that is neither person nor group"
"Found sharer that is both person and group"
getPersonId :: ShrIdent -> ExceptT Text AppDB PersonId
getPersonId shr = do
msid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
@ -1265,42 +1437,6 @@ handleOutboxNote host (Note mluNote luAttrib aud muParent muContext mpublished c
case id_ of
Left pid -> return pid
Right _gid -> throwE "Local Note addresses a local group"
groupRemotes :: [(InstanceId, Text, RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime)] -> [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))]
groupRemotes = groupWithExtractBy ((==) `on` fst) fst snd . map toTuples
toTuples (iid, h, rsid, luA, luI, ms) = ((iid, h), (rsid, luA, luI, ms))
getTicketTeam :: SharerId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getTicketTeam sid = do
id_ <- getPersonOrGroupId sid
(,[]) <$> case id_ of
Left pid -> return [pid]
Right gid ->
map (groupMemberPerson . entityVal) <$>
selectList [GroupMemberGroup ==. gid] []
getFollowers :: FollowerSetId -> AppDB ([PersonId], [((InstanceId, Text), NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime))])
getFollowers fsid = do
local <- selectList [FollowTarget ==. fsid] []
remote <- E.select $ E.from $ \ (rf `E.InnerJoin` rs `E.InnerJoin` i) -> do
E.on $ rs E.^. RemoteActorInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
E.on $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowActor E.==. rs E.^. RemoteActorId
E.where_ $ rf E.^. RemoteFollowTarget E.==. E.val fsid
E.orderBy [E.asc $ i E.^. InstanceId]
( i E.^. InstanceId
, i E.^. InstanceHost
, rs E.^. RemoteActorId
, rs E.^. RemoteActorIdent
, rs E.^. RemoteActorInbox
, rs E.^. RemoteActorErrorSince
( map (followPerson . entityVal) local
, groupRemotes $
map (\ (E.Value iid, E.Value h, E.Value rsid, E.Value luActor, E.Value luInbox, E.Value msince) ->
(iid, h, rsid, luActor, luInbox, msince)
-- Deliver to a local sharer, if they exist as a user account
deliverToLocalSharer :: OutboxItemId -> ShrIdent -> ExceptT Text AppDB ()
@ -1375,13 +1511,6 @@ handleOutboxNote host (Note mluNote luAttrib aud muParent muContext mpublished c
groupByHost :: [FedURI] -> [(Text, NonEmpty LocalURI)]
groupByHost = groupAllExtract furiHost (snd . f2l)
insertMany' mk xs = zip' xs <$> insertMany (NE.toList $ mk <$> xs)
zip' x y =
case nonEmpty y of
Just y' | length x == length y' -> NE.zip x y'
_ -> error "insertMany' returned different length!"
takeNoError noError = mapMaybe $ \ (i, rs) -> (i,) <$> nonEmpty (mapMaybe noError $ NE.toList rs)
takeNoError3 = takeNoError noError
@ -1490,7 +1619,7 @@ handleOutboxNote host (Note mluNote luAttrib aud muParent muContext mpublished c
retryOutboxDelivery :: Worker ()
retryOutboxDelivery = do
now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
(udls, dls) <- runSiteDB $ do
(udls, dls, fws) <- runSiteDB $ do
-- Get all unlinked deliveries which aren't running already in outbox
-- post handlers
unlinked' <- E.select $ E.from $ \ (udl `E.InnerJoin` ob `E.InnerJoin` ura `E.InnerJoin` i `E.LeftOuterJoin` ra) -> do
@ -1549,12 +1678,37 @@ retryOutboxDelivery = do
let (linkedOld, linkedNew) = partitionEithers $ map (decideBySinceDL dropAfter now . adaptLinked) linked
deleteWhere [DeliveryId <-. linkedOld]
return (groupUnlinked lonelyNew, groupLinked linkedNew)
-- Same for forwarding deliveries, which are always linked
forwarding <- E.select $ E.from $ \ (fw `E.InnerJoin` ra `E.InnerJoin` i `E.InnerJoin` j `E.InnerJoin` s) -> do
E.on $ j E.^. ProjectSharer E.==. s E.^. SharerId
E.on $ fw E.^. ForwardingSender E.==. j E.^. ProjectId
E.on $ ra E.^. RemoteActorInstance E.==. i E.^. InstanceId
E.on $ fw E.^. ForwardingRecipient E.==. ra E.^. RemoteActorId
E.where_ $ fw E.^. ForwardingRunning E.==. E.val False
E.orderBy [E.asc $ ra E.^. RemoteActorInstance, E.asc $ ra E.^. RemoteActorId]
( i E.^. InstanceId
, i E.^. InstanceHost
, ra E.^. RemoteActorId
, ra E.^. RemoteActorInbox
, ra E.^. RemoteActorErrorSince
, fw E.^. ForwardingId
, fw E.^. ForwardingActivityRaw
, j E.^. ProjectIdent
, s E.^. SharerIdent
, fw E.^. ForwardingSignature
let (forwardingOld, forwardingNew) = partitionEithers $ map (decideBySinceFW dropAfter now . adaptForwarding) forwarding
deleteWhere [ForwardingId <-. forwardingOld]
return (groupUnlinked lonelyNew, groupLinked linkedNew, groupForwarding forwardingNew)
let deliver = deliverHttp
waitsDL <- traverse (fork . deliverLinked deliver now) dls
waitsFW <- traverse (fork . deliverForwarding now) fws
waitsUDL <- traverse (fork . deliverUnlinked deliver now) udls
resultsDL <- sequence waitsDL
unless (and resultsDL) $ logError "Periodic delivery DL error"
resultsFW <- sequence waitsFW
unless (and resultsFW) $ logError "Periodic delivery FW error"
resultsUDL <- sequence waitsUDL
unless (and resultsUDL) $ logError "Periodic delivery UDL error"
@ -1597,6 +1751,23 @@ retryOutboxDelivery = do
= map (second $ groupWithExtractBy1 ((==) `on` fst) fst snd)
. groupWithExtractBy ((==) `on` fst) fst snd
(E.Value iid, E.Value h, E.Value raid, E.Value inbox, E.Value since, E.Value fwid, E.Value body, E.Value prj, E.Value shr, E.Value sig) =
( ( (iid, h)
, ((raid, inbox), (fwid, BL.fromStrict body, ProjectR shr prj, sig))
, since
decideBySinceFW dropAfter now (fw@(_, (_, (fwid, _, _, _))), msince) =
case msince of
Nothing -> Right fw
Just since ->
if relevant dropAfter now since
then Right fw
else Left fwid
= map (second $ groupWithExtractBy1 ((==) `on` fst) fst snd)
. groupWithExtractBy ((==) `on` fst) fst snd
fork action = do
wait <- asyncSite action
return $ do
@ -1658,3 +1829,24 @@ retryOutboxDelivery = do
unless (and results) $
logError $ "Periodic UDL delivery error for host " <> h
return True
deliverForwarding now ((_, h), recips) = do
waitsR <- for recips $ \ ((raid, inbox), delivs) -> fork $ do
waitsD <- for delivs $ \ (fwid, body, sender, sig) -> fork $ do
e <- forwardActivity (l2f h inbox) sig sender body
case e of
Left _err -> return False
Right _resp -> do
runSiteDB $ delete fwid
return True
results <- sequence waitsD
runSiteDB $
if and results
then update raid [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Nothing]
else if or results
then update raid [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
else updateWhere [RemoteActorId ==. raid, RemoteActorErrorSince ==. Nothing] [RemoteActorErrorSince =. Just now]
return True
results <- sequence waitsR
unless (and results) $
logError $ "Periodic FW delivery error for host " <> h
return True

View file

@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ changes =
, addFieldPrimRequired "UnlinkedDelivery" True "forwarding"
-- 65
, addFieldPrimRequired "Delivery" True "forwarding"
-- 66
, addEntities model_2019_05_03
migrateDB :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Either Text (Int, Int))

View file

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module Vervis.Migration.Model
, model_2019_04_11
, model_2019_04_12
, model_2019_04_22
, model_2019_05_03
@ -102,3 +103,6 @@ model_2019_04_12 = $(schema "2019_04_12")
model_2019_04_22 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2019_04_22 = $(schema "2019_04_22")
model_2019_05_03 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2019_05_03 = $(schema "2019_05_03")

View file

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
, hForwardingSignature
, hForwardedSignature
, httpPostAP
, httpPostAPBytes
, Fetched (..)
, fetchAPID
, fetchAPID'
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Client.Signature
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M (lookup)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
@ -668,10 +670,25 @@ httpPostAP
-> a
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
httpPostAP manager uri headers keyid sign uSender mfwd value =
httpPostAPBytes manager uri headers keyid sign uSender mfwd $ encode value
-- | Like 'httpPostAP', except it takes the object as a raw lazy
-- 'BL.ByteString'. It's your responsibility to make sure it's valid JSON.
:: MonadIO m
=> Manager
-> FedURI
-> NonEmpty HeaderName
-> S.KeyId
-> (ByteString -> S.Signature)
-> Text
-> Maybe (Either FedURI ByteString)
-> BL.ByteString
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
httpPostAPBytes manager uri headers keyid sign uSender mfwd body =
liftIO $ runExceptT $ do
req <- requestFromURI $ toURI uri
let body = encode value
digest = formatHttpBodyDigest SHA256 "SHA-256" $ hashlazy body
let digest = formatHttpBodyDigest SHA256 "SHA-256" $ hashlazy body
req' =
setRequestCheckStatus $
consHeader hContentType typeActivityStreams2LD $

View file

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
module Yesod.ActivityPub
( YesodActivityPub (..)
, postActivity
, deliverActivity
, forwardActivity
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Yesod.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Signature
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
@ -35,23 +38,47 @@ import Web.ActivityPub
import Yesod.MonadSite
class Yesod site => YesodActivityPub site where
sitePostSignedHeaders :: site -> NonEmpty HeaderName
siteGetHttpSign :: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ site)
=> m (KeyId, ByteString -> Signature)
sitePostSignedHeaders :: site -> NonEmpty HeaderName
siteGetHttpSign :: (MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ site)
=> m (KeyId, ByteString -> Signature)
siteSigVerRequiredHeaders :: site -> [HeaderName]
siteSigVerWantedHeaders :: site -> [HeaderName]
siteSigVerSeconds :: site -> Int
:: ( MonadSite m
, SiteEnv m ~ site
, HasHttpManager site
, YesodActivityPub site
=> FedURI
-> Maybe (Either FedURI ByteString)
-> Maybe FedURI
-> Doc Activity
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
postActivity inbox mfwd doc@(Doc hAct activity) = do
deliverActivity inbox mfwd doc@(Doc hAct activity) = do
manager <- asksSite getHttpManager
headers <- asksSite sitePostSignedHeaders
(keyid, sign) <- siteGetHttpSign
let sender = renderFedURI $ l2f hAct (activityActor activity)
httpPostAP manager inbox headers keyid sign sender mfwd doc
httpPostAP manager inbox headers keyid sign sender (Left <$> mfwd) doc
:: ( MonadSite m
, SiteEnv m ~ site
, HasHttpManager site
, YesodActivityPub site
=> FedURI
-> ByteString
-> Route site
-> BL.ByteString
-> m (Either APPostError (Response ()))
forwardActivity inbox sig rSender body = do
manager <- asksSite getHttpManager
headers <- asksSite sitePostSignedHeaders
(keyid, sign) <- siteGetHttpSign
renderUrl <- askUrlRender
let sender = renderUrl rSender
httpPostAPBytes manager inbox headers keyid sign sender (Just $ Right sig) body