mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:14:54 +09:00
S2S & C2S: Switch from single-patch MR version to multi-patch bundle support
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 901 additions and 593 deletions
@ -450,8 +450,11 @@ TicketUnderProject
UniqueTicketUnderProjectProject project
UniqueTicketUnderProjectAuthor author
ticket TicketId
ticket TicketId
bundle BundleId
created UTCTime
content Text
@ -110,16 +110,17 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/d/!new RepoDevNewR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/d/#ShrIdent RepoDevR GET DELETE POST
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt RepoPatchesR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr RepoProposalsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid RepoPatchR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/d RepoPatchDiscussionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/deps RepoPatchDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/rdeps RepoPatchReverseDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/followers RepoPatchFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/events RepoPatchEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid RepoProposalR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/d RepoProposalDiscussionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/deps RepoProposalDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/rdeps RepoProposalReverseDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/followers RepoProposalFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/events RepoProposalEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/pt/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/v/#PatchKeyHashid RepoPatchVersionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/b/#BundleKeyHashid RepoProposalBundleR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/mr/#LocalTicketKeyHashid/b/#BundleKeyHashid/pt/#PatchKeyHashid RepoProposalBundlePatchR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/_darcs/+Texts DarcsDownloadR GET
@ -203,15 +204,16 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/t/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/team SharerTicketTeamR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/t/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/events SharerTicketEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt SharerPatchesR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr SharerProposalsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid SharerPatchR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/d SharerPatchDiscussionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/deps SharerPatchDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/rdeps SharerPatchReverseDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/followers SharerPatchFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/events SharerPatchEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid SharerProposalR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/d SharerProposalDiscussionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/deps SharerProposalDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/rdeps SharerProposalReverseDepsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/followers SharerProposalFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/events SharerProposalEventsR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/pt/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/v/#PatchKeyHashid SharerPatchVersionR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/b/#BundleKeyHashid SharerProposalBundleR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/mr/#TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid/b/#BundleKeyHashid/pt/#PatchKeyHashid SharerProposalBundlePatchR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/w/+Texts WikiPageR GET
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ticket TicketId
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
number Int Maybe
created UTCTime
title Text -- HTML
source Text -- Pandoc Markdown
description Text -- HTML
assignee PersonId Maybe
status Text
ticket TicketId
ticket TicketId
bundle BundleId
created UTCTime
content Text
@ -207,18 +207,18 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
NoteContextSharerTicket shr talid True ->
let talkhid = hashTAL talid
in [ -- LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchTeam shr talkhid
LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shr talkhid
in [ -- LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalTeam shr talkhid
LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shr talkhid
NoteContextProjectTicket shr prj ltid ->
let ltkhid = hashLT ltid
in [ -- LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketTeam shr prj ltkhid
LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketFollowers shr prj ltkhid
NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp ltid ->
NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp ltid ->
let ltkhid = hashLT ltid
in [ -- LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchTeam shr rp ltkhid
LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shr rp ltkhid
in [ -- LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalTeam shr rp ltkhid
LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shr rp ltkhid
Right _ -> []
commenter = [LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser]
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
(name <> " sharer ticket invalid talkhid")
SharerPatchR shr talkhid ->
SharerProposalR shr talkhid ->
flip (NoteContextSharerTicket shr) True <$>
@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
(name <> " project ticket invalid ltkhid")
RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid ->
NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp <$>
RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid ->
NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp <$>
(name <> " repo patch invalid ltkhid")
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
projectSet <- lookup prj $ localRecipProjectRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipProject $ localRecipProjectDirect projectSet
verifyContextRecip (Left (NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp _)) localRecips _ =
verifyContextRecip (Left (NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp _)) localRecips _ =
"Local context patch's hosting repo isn't listed as a recipient"
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
return (mproj, localTicketDiscuss lt)
NoteContextSharerTicket shr talid True -> do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, repo, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shr talid
fromMaybeE mticket "Note context no such local sharer-hosted patch"
mproj <-
case repo of
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ createNoteC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience note muTarge
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shr prj ltid
fromMaybeE mticket "Note context no such local project-hosted ticket"
return (Just $ Left (shr, prj), localTicketDiscuss lt)
NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp ltid -> do
NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp ltid -> do
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
fromMaybeE mticket "Note context no such local project-hosted ticket"
return (Just $ Right (shr, rp), localTicketDiscuss lt)
mmidParent <- for mparent $ \ parent ->
@ -491,14 +491,14 @@ checkFederation remoteRecips = do
throwE "Federation disabled, but remote recipients found"
verifyProjectRecip (Right _) _ = return ()
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WTTProject shr prj)) localRecips =
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WITProject shr prj)) localRecips =
fromMaybeE verify "Local context project isn't listed as a recipient"
verify = do
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
projectSet <- lookup prj $ localRecipProjectRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipProject $ localRecipProjectDirect projectSet
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _)) localRecips =
verifyProjectRecip (Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _)) localRecips =
fromMaybeE verify "Local context repo isn't listed as a recipient"
verify = do
@ -530,12 +530,12 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
(_talid, obiidCreate, docCreate, remotesHttpCreate, maybeAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
obiidCreate <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (personOutbox personUser) now
project <- prepareProject now tracker
(talid, mptid) <- lift $ insertTicket now pidUser title desc source obiidCreate project
docCreate <- lift $ insertCreateToOutbox shrUser blinded context title desc source now obiidCreate talid mptid
(talid, mbn) <- lift $ insertTicket now pidUser title desc source obiidCreate project
docCreate <- lift $ insertCreateToOutbox shrUser blinded context title desc source now obiidCreate talid mbn
remoteRecipsHttpCreate <- do
let sieve =
case context of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) ->
Left (WITProject shr prj) ->
[ LocalActorProject shr prj
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
Left (WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _) ->
Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _) ->
[ LocalActorRepo shr rp
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
( Host
, LocalURI
, LocalURI
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text)
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text)
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
:: AP.Ticket URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text))
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text))
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
@ -680,16 +680,16 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, PatchType
, Text
, NonEmpty Text
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget ebundle) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, typ, content)
(typ, diffs) <-
case ebundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (hBundle, bundle) -> checkBundle hBundle bundle
return (branch, typ, diffs)
:: Host
@ -712,21 +712,29 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
:: Host
-> AP.Patch URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( PatchType
, Text
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
verifyHostLocal h "Patch attributed to remote user"
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
unless (encodeRouteLocal (SharerR shr) == attrib) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) =
throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mlocal patches) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Bundle has 'id'"
(typ:|typs, diffs) <- NE.unzip <$> traverse (checkPatch h) patches
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (typ, diffs)
:: Host
-> AP.Patch URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( PatchType
, Text
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
verifyHostLocal h "Patch attributed to remote user"
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
unless (encodeRouteLocal (SharerR shr) == attrib) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
:: Either
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
@ -734,20 +742,20 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
-> Maybe
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, PatchType
, Text
, NonEmpty Text
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Host
, LocalURI
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text)
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text)
matchContextAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
matchContextAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WITProject shr prj
matchContextAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchContextAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchContextAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchContextAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
@ -760,56 +768,56 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
return $ Left $ WITRepo shr rp branch' vcs diffs
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchContextAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchContextAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchContextAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Ticket context repo mismatch"
let patch =
let bundle =
( if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch
, typ
, content
, diffs
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just bundle)
:: Either
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
-> Either
(Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text))
(Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text))
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Host
, LocalURI
, LocalURI
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text)
, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text)
checkTargetAndContext (Left _) (Right _) =
throwE "Create target is local but ticket context is remote"
checkTargetAndContext (Right _) (Left _) =
throwE "Create target is remote but ticket context is local"
checkTargetAndContext (Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget)) (Right (hContext, luContext, mpatch)) =
checkTargetAndContext (Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget)) (Right (hContext, luContext, mbundle)) =
if hTarget == hContext
then return $ Right (hContext, luTarget, luContext, mpatch)
then return $ Right (hContext, luTarget, luContext, mbundle)
else throwE "Create target and ticket context on different \
\remote hosts"
checkTargetAndContext (Left proj) (Left wit) =
case (proj, wit) of
(Left (shr, prj), WTTProject shr' prj')
(Left (shr, prj), WITProject shr' prj')
| shr == shr' && prj == prj' -> return $ Left wit
(Right (shr, rp), WTTRepo shr' rp' _ _ _)
(Right (shr, rp), WITRepo shr' rp' _ _ _)
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return $ Left wit
_ -> throwE "Create target and ticket context are different \
\local projects"
fetchTracker (h, luTarget, luContext, mpatch) = do
fetchTracker (h, luTarget, luContext, mbundle) = do
(iid, era) <- do
iid <- lift $ runDB $ either entityKey id <$> insertBy' (Instance h)
result <- lift $ fetchRemoteActor iid h luTarget
@ -819,16 +827,16 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
Right (Right mera) -> do
era <- fromMaybeE mera "target found to be a collection, not an actor"
return (iid, era)
return (iid, era, if luTarget == luContext then Nothing else Just luContext, mpatch)
return (iid, era, if luTarget == luContext then Nothing else Just luContext, mbundle)
prepareProject now (Left (WTTProject shr prj)) = Left <$> do
prepareProject now (Left (WITProject shr prj)) = Left <$> do
mej <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
ej@(Entity _ j) <- fromMaybeE mej "Local context: no such project"
obiidAccept <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem (projectOutbox j) now
return (shr, Left ej, obiidAccept)
prepareProject now (Left (WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff)) = Left <$> do
prepareProject now (Left (WITRepo shr rp mb vcs diff)) = Left <$> do
mer <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
@ -867,7 +875,7 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
, ticketAuthorLocalAuthor = pidUser
, ticketAuthorLocalOpen = obiidCreate
mptid <-
mbn <-
case project of
Left (_shr, ent, obiidAccept) -> do
tclid <- insert TicketContextLocal
@ -881,38 +889,60 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
, ticketProjectLocalProject = jid
return Nothing
Right (Entity rid _, mb, diff) -> Just <$> do
Right (Entity rid _, mb, diffs) -> Just <$> do
insert_ TicketRepoLocal
{ ticketRepoLocalContext = tclid
, ticketRepoLocalRepo = rid
, ticketRepoLocalBranch = mb
insert $ Patch tid now diff
Right (Entity raid _, mroid, mpatch) -> do
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
(bnid,) . toNE <$>
(NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now) diffs)
Right (Entity raid _, mroid, mbundle) -> do
insert_ TicketProjectRemote
{ ticketProjectRemoteTicket = talid
, ticketProjectRemoteTracker = raid
, ticketProjectRemoteProject = mroid
for mpatch $ \ (_typ, diff) -> insert $ Patch tid now diff
return (talid, mptid)
for mbundle $ \ (_typ, diffs) -> do
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
(bnid,) . toNE <$>
(NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now) diffs)
return (talid, mbn)
toNE = fromMaybe (error "No Patch IDs returned from DB") . NE.nonEmpty
insertCreateToOutbox shrUser blinded context title desc source now obiidCreate talid mptid = do
insertCreateToOutbox shrUser blinded context title desc source now obiidCreate talid mbn = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
talkhid <- encodeKeyHashid talid
mptkhid <- traverse encodeKeyHashid mptid
mkh <- for mbn $ \ (bnid, ptids) ->
(,) <$> encodeKeyHashid bnid
<*> traverse encodeKeyHashid ptids
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiidCreate
let luTicket = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerTicketR shrUser talkhid
luAttrib = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrUser
(uTarget, uContext, mmr) =
case context of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) ->
Left (WITProject shr prj) ->
let uProject = encodeRouteHome $ ProjectR shr prj
in (uProject, uProject, Nothing)
Left (WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff) ->
Left (WITRepo shr rp mb vcs diffs) ->
let uRepo = encodeRouteHome $ RepoR shr rp
(bnkhid, ptkhids) =
case mkh of
Nothing -> error "mkh is Nothing"
Just v -> v
luBundle =
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerProposalBundleR shrUser talkhid bnkhid
typ =
case vcs of
VCSDarcs -> PatchTypeDarcs
VCSGit -> error "createTicketC VCSGit"
mr = MergeRequest
{ mrOrigin = Nothing
, mrTarget =
@ -920,65 +950,90 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
case mb of
Nothing -> RepoR shr rp
Just b -> RepoBranchR shr rp b
, mrPatch = Right
, mrBundle = Right
( hLocal
, AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
, AP.BundleOffer
( hLocal
, PatchLocal
{ patchId =
case mptkhid of
Nothing -> error "mptkhid is Nothing"
Just ptkhid ->
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerPatchVersionR shrUser talkhid ptkhid
, patchContext = luTicket
, patchPrevVersions = []
, patchCurrentVersion = Nothing
, BundleLocal
{ bundleId = luBundle
, bundleContext = luTicket
, bundlePrevVersions = []
, bundleCurrentVersion = Nothing
, AP.patchAttributedTo = luAttrib
, AP.patchPublished = Just now
, AP.patchType =
case vcs of
VCSDarcs -> PatchTypeDarcs
VCSGit -> error "createTicketC VCSGit"
, AP.patchContent = diff
(\ (ptkhid, diff) -> AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
( hLocal
, PatchLocal
{ patchId =
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerProposalBundlePatchR shrUser talkhid bnkhid ptkhid
, patchContext = luBundle
, AP.patchAttributedTo = luAttrib
, AP.patchPublished = Just now
, AP.patchType = typ
, AP.patchContent = diff
(NE.zip ptkhids diffs)
in (uRepo, uRepo, Just (hLocal, mr))
Right (hContext, luTarget, luContext, mpatch) ->
let mr (mluBranch, typ, diff) = MergeRequest
{ mrOrigin = Nothing
, mrTarget = fromMaybe luContext mluBranch
, mrPatch = Right
( hLocal
, AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
Right (hContext, luTarget, luContext, mbundle) ->
let mr (mluBranch, typ, diffs) =
let (bnkhid, ptkhids) =
case mkh of
Nothing -> error "mkh is Nothing"
Just v -> v
luBundle =
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerProposalBundleR shrUser talkhid bnkhid
in MergeRequest
{ mrOrigin = Nothing
, mrTarget = fromMaybe luContext mluBranch
, mrBundle = Right
( hLocal
, PatchLocal
{ patchId =
case mptkhid of
Nothing -> error "mptkhid is Nothing"
Just ptkhid ->
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerPatchVersionR shrUser talkhid ptkhid
, patchContext = luTicket
, patchPrevVersions = []
, patchCurrentVersion = Nothing
, AP.BundleOffer
( hLocal
, BundleLocal
{ bundleId = luBundle
, bundleContext = luTicket
, bundlePrevVersions = []
, bundleCurrentVersion = Nothing
(\ (ptkhid, diff) -> AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
( hLocal
, PatchLocal
{ patchId =
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerProposalBundlePatchR shrUser talkhid bnkhid ptkhid
, patchContext = luBundle
, AP.patchAttributedTo = luAttrib
, AP.patchPublished = Just now
, AP.patchType = typ
, AP.patchContent = diff
(NE.zip ptkhids diffs)
, AP.patchAttributedTo = luAttrib
, AP.patchPublished = Just now
, AP.patchType = typ
, AP.patchContent = diff
in ( ObjURI hContext luTarget
, ObjURI hContext luContext
, (hContext,) . mr <$> mpatch
, (hContext,) . mr <$> mbundle
tlocal = TicketLocal
{ ticketId = luTicket
@ -1046,11 +1101,11 @@ createTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket muT
data Followee
= FolloweeSharer ShrIdent
| FolloweeSharerTicket ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| FolloweeSharerPatch ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| FolloweeSharerProposal ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| FolloweeProject ShrIdent PrjIdent
| FolloweeProjectTicket ShrIdent PrjIdent (KeyHashid LocalTicket)
| FolloweeRepo ShrIdent RpIdent
| FolloweeRepoPatch ShrIdent RpIdent (KeyHashid LocalTicket)
| FolloweeRepoProposal ShrIdent RpIdent (KeyHashid LocalTicket)
:: ShrIdent
@ -1109,20 +1164,20 @@ followC shrUser summary audience follow@(AP.Follow uObject muContext hide) = do
parseFollowee (SharerR shr) = Just $ FolloweeSharer shr
parseFollowee (SharerTicketR shr khid) = Just $ FolloweeSharerTicket shr khid
parseFollowee (SharerPatchR shr khid) = Just $ FolloweeSharerPatch shr khid
parseFollowee (SharerProposalR shr khid) = Just $ FolloweeSharerProposal shr khid
parseFollowee (ProjectR shr prj) = Just $ FolloweeProject shr prj
parseFollowee (ProjectTicketR shr prj num) = Just $ FolloweeProjectTicket shr prj num
parseFollowee (RepoR shr rp) = Just $ FolloweeRepo shr rp
parseFollowee (RepoPatchR shr rp khid) = Just $ FolloweeRepoPatch shr rp khid
parseFollowee (RepoProposalR shr rp khid) = Just $ FolloweeRepoProposal shr rp khid
parseFollowee _ = Nothing
followeeActor (FolloweeSharer shr) = LocalActorSharer shr
followeeActor (FolloweeSharerTicket shr _) = LocalActorSharer shr
followeeActor (FolloweeSharerPatch shr _) = LocalActorSharer shr
followeeActor (FolloweeSharerProposal shr _) = LocalActorSharer shr
followeeActor (FolloweeProject shr prj) = LocalActorProject shr prj
followeeActor (FolloweeProjectTicket shr prj _) = LocalActorProject shr prj
followeeActor (FolloweeRepo shr rp) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
followeeActor (FolloweeRepoPatch shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
followeeActor (FolloweeRepoProposal shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
getAuthor shr = do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
@ -1148,11 +1203,11 @@ followC shrUser summary audience follow@(AP.Follow uObject muContext hide) = do
fromMaybeE mticket "Follow object: No such sharer-ticket in DB"
p <- lift $ getJust $ ticketAuthorLocalAuthor tal
return (localTicketFollowers lt, personInbox p, True, personOutbox p)
getFollowee (FolloweeSharerPatch shr talkhid) = do
getFollowee (FolloweeSharerProposal shr talkhid) = do
(Entity _ tal, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
talid <- decodeKeyHashidM talkhid
MaybeT $ getSharerPatch shr talid
MaybeT $ getSharerProposal shr talid
fromMaybeE mticket "Follow object: No such sharer-patch in DB"
p <- lift $ getJust $ ticketAuthorLocalAuthor tal
return (localTicketFollowers lt, personInbox p, True, personOutbox p)
@ -1175,11 +1230,11 @@ followC shrUser summary audience follow@(AP.Follow uObject muContext hide) = do
MaybeT $ getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
repo <- fromMaybeE mrepo "Follow object: No such repo in DB"
return (repoFollowers repo, repoInbox repo, False, repoOutbox repo)
getFollowee (FolloweeRepoPatch shr rp ltkhid) = do
getFollowee (FolloweeRepoProposal shr rp ltkhid) = do
(_, Entity _ r, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
ltid <- decodeKeyHashidM ltkhid
MaybeT $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
MaybeT $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
fromMaybeE mticket "Follow object: No such repo-patch in DB"
return (localTicketFollowers lt, repoInbox r, False, repoOutbox r)
@ -1281,26 +1336,26 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
(obiidOffer, docOffer, remotesHttpOffer, maybeAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
mproject <-
case target of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) -> Just . Left <$> do
Left (WITProject shr prj) -> Just . Left <$> do
mproj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
Entity sid s <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueSharer shr
ej <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
return (s, ej)
fromMaybeE mproj "Offer target no such local project in DB"
Left (WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff) -> Just . Right <$> do
Left (WITRepo shr rp mb vcs diffs) -> Just . Right <$> do
mproj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
Entity sid s <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueSharer shr
er <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
return (s, er)
(s, er@(Entity _ r)) <- fromMaybeE mproj "Offer target no such local repo in DB"
unless (repoVcs r == vcs) $ throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
return (s, er, mb, diff)
return (s, er, mb, diffs)
Right _ -> return Nothing
(obiid, doc, luOffer) <- lift $ insertOfferToOutbox shrUser now (personOutbox personUser) blinded
remotesHttpOffer <- do
let sieve =
case target of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) ->
Left (WITProject shr prj) ->
[ LocalActorProject shr prj
@ -1308,7 +1363,7 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
, LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj
Left (WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _) ->
Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _) ->
[ LocalActorRepo shr rp
@ -1346,7 +1401,9 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
(tid, ltid) <- insertTicket pidUser now title desc source insertTXL obiid obiidAccept
case project of
Left _ -> return ()
Right (_, _, _, diff) -> insert_ $ Patch tid now diff
Right (_, _, _, diffs) -> do
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now) diffs
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept) <- insertAccept shrUser luOffer project obiidAccept ltid
let (actor, ibid) =
case project of
@ -1373,7 +1430,7 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
-> AP.Ticket URIMode
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text))
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text))
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
@ -1418,14 +1475,14 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
return (muContext, summary, content, source, mmr')
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget ebundle) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, typ, content)
(typ, diffs) <-
case ebundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (hBundle, bundle) -> checkBundle hBundle bundle
return (branch, typ, diffs)
checkBranch h lu = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
@ -1443,22 +1500,30 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
hl <- hostIsLocal h
shrAttrib <- do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal attrib) "Patch attrib not a valid route"
case route of
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Patch attrib not a sharer route"
unless (hl && shrAttrib == shrUser) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) =
throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mlocal patches) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Bundle has 'id'"
(typ:|typs, diffs) <- NE.unzip <$> traverse (checkPatch h) patches
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (typ, diffs)
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
hl <- hostIsLocal h
shrAttrib <- do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal attrib) "Patch attrib not a valid route"
case route of
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Patch attrib not a sharer route"
unless (hl && shrAttrib == shrUser) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WITProject shr prj
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
@ -1471,21 +1536,21 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
return $ Left $ WITRepo shr rp branch' vcs diffs
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
let patch =
let bundle =
( if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch
, typ
, content
, diffs
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just bundle)
insertOfferToOutbox shrUser now obid blinded = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obiid <- insertEmptyOutboxItem obid now
@ -1555,7 +1620,7 @@ offerTicketC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience ticket uTar
, RepoOutboxItemR shr rp
, RepoR shr rp
, RepoPatchR shr rp
, RepoProposalR shr rp
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
@ -1594,7 +1659,7 @@ verifyHosterRecip localRecips name (Left wi) =
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
projectSet <- lookup prj $ localRecipProjectRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipProject $ localRecipProjectDirect projectSet
verify (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _) = do
verify (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _) = do
sharerSet <- lookup shr localRecips
repoSet <- lookup rp $ localRecipRepoRelated sharerSet
guard $ localRecipRepo $ localRecipRepoDirect repoSet
@ -1629,7 +1694,7 @@ workItemRecipSieve wiFollowers (WorkItemDetail ident context author) =
workItemActor (WorkItemSharerTicket shr _ _) = LocalActorSharer shr
workItemActor (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj _) = LocalActorProject shr prj
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
actorOutboxItem (LocalActorSharer shr) = SharerOutboxItemR shr
actorOutboxItem (LocalActorProject shr prj) = ProjectOutboxItemR shr prj
@ -1696,7 +1761,7 @@ offerDepC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience dep uTarget =
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
projectInbox <$>
MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueProject prj sid)
WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _ -> do
WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _ -> do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
repoInbox <$>
MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid)
@ -1723,7 +1788,7 @@ offerDepC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience dep uTarget =
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
j <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueProject prj sid)
return (projectOutbox j, projectInbox j)
WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _ -> do
WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _ -> do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
r <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid)
return (repoOutbox r, repoInbox r)
@ -1790,7 +1855,7 @@ offerDepC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience dep uTarget =
return tdid
workItemActor (WorkItemSharerTicket shr _ _) = LocalActorSharer shr
workItemActor (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj _) = LocalActorProject shr prj
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
insertAccept shrUser wiParent (WorkItemDetail _ parentCtx parentAuthor) (WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) obiidOffer obiidAccept tdid = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
@ -1944,7 +2009,7 @@ resolveC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience (Resolve uObjec
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
j <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueProject prj sid)
return (projectOutbox j, projectInbox j)
WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _ -> do
WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _ -> do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
r <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid)
return (repoOutbox r, repoInbox r)
@ -2062,7 +2127,7 @@ undoC (Entity _pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience undo@(Undo uObjec
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
j <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueProject prj sid)
return (projectOutbox j, projectInbox j)
WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _ -> do
WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _ -> do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
r <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid)
return (repoOutbox r, repoInbox r)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ import Vervis.Widget.Sharer
data NoteContext
= NoteContextSharerTicket ShrIdent TicketAuthorLocalId Bool
| NoteContextProjectTicket ShrIdent PrjIdent LocalTicketId
| NoteContextRepoPatch ShrIdent RpIdent LocalTicketId
| NoteContextRepoProposal ShrIdent RpIdent LocalTicketId
deriving Eq
@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ parseContext uContext = do
SharerTicketR shr talkhid ->
flip (NoteContextSharerTicket shr) False <$>
decodeKeyHashidE talkhid "Note context invalid talkhid"
SharerPatchR shr talkhid ->
SharerProposalR shr talkhid ->
flip (NoteContextSharerTicket shr) True <$>
decodeKeyHashidE talkhid "Note context invalid talkhid"
ProjectTicketR shr prj ltkhid ->
NoteContextProjectTicket shr prj <$>
decodeKeyHashidE ltkhid "Note context invalid ltkhid"
RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid ->
NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp <$>
RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid ->
NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp <$>
decodeKeyHashidE ltkhid "Note context invalid ltkhid"
_ -> throwE "Local context isn't a ticket/patch route"
else return $ Right uContext
@ -1032,12 +1032,12 @@ insertActivityToLocalInboxes makeInboxItem requireOwner mauthor mibidAuthor reci
let rpsP =
if requireOwner
[ (rp, localRecipRepoPatchRelated r)
[ (rp, localRecipRepoProposalRelated r)
| (rp, r) <- repos
, localRecipRepo (localRecipRepoDirect r) || isAuthor (LocalActorRepo shr rp)
map (second localRecipRepoPatchRelated) repos
map (second localRecipRepoProposalRelated) repos
fsidssP <- for rpsP $ \ (rp, patches) -> do
mrid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
case mrid of
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ data LocalPersonCollection
= LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers ShrIdent
| LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketTeam ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers ShrIdent (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal)
| LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam ShrIdent PrjIdent
| LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers ShrIdent PrjIdent
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ data LocalPersonCollection
| LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam ShrIdent RpIdent
| LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers ShrIdent RpIdent
| LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers ShrIdent RpIdent (KeyHashid LocalTicket)
| LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers ShrIdent RpIdent (KeyHashid LocalTicket)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ parseLocalPersonCollection (SharerTicketTeamR shr talkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketTeam shr talkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection (SharerTicketFollowersR shr talkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers shr talkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection (SharerPatchFollowersR shr talkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shr talkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection (SharerProposalFollowersR shr talkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shr talkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection (ProjectTeamR shr prj) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj
parseLocalPersonCollection (ProjectFollowersR shr prj) =
@ -141,22 +141,22 @@ parseLocalPersonCollection (RepoTeamR shr rp) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp
parseLocalPersonCollection (RepoFollowersR shr rp) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp
parseLocalPersonCollection (RepoPatchFollowersR shr rp ltkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shr rp ltkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection (RepoProposalFollowersR shr rp ltkhid) =
Just $ LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shr rp ltkhid
parseLocalPersonCollection _ = Nothing
renderLocalPersonCollection :: LocalPersonCollection -> Route App
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shr) = SharerFollowersR shr
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketTeam shr talkhid) = SharerTicketTeamR shr talkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers shr talkhid) = SharerTicketFollowersR shr talkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shr talkhid) = SharerPatchFollowersR shr talkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shr talkhid) = SharerProposalFollowersR shr talkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj) = ProjectTeamR shr prj
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionProjectFollowers shr prj) = ProjectFollowersR shr prj
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketTeam shr prj ltkhid) = ProjectTicketTeamR shr prj ltkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketFollowers shr prj ltkhid) = ProjectTicketParticipantsR shr prj ltkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shr rp) = RepoTeamR shr rp
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shr rp) = RepoFollowersR shr rp
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shr rp ltkhid) = RepoPatchFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
renderLocalPersonCollection (LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shr rp ltkhid) = RepoProposalFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
:: Route App -> Maybe (Either LocalActor LocalPersonCollection)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ data LocalRepoRecipientDirect
data LocalRepoRecipient
= LocalRepoDirect LocalRepoRecipientDirect
| LocalRepoPatchRelated (KeyHashid LocalTicket) LocalPatchRecipientDirect
| LocalRepoProposalRelated (KeyHashid LocalTicket) LocalPatchRecipientDirect
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data LocalSharerRecipientDirect
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ data LocalSharerRecipientDirect
data LocalSharerRecipient
= LocalSharerDirect LocalSharerRecipientDirect
| LocalSharerTicketRelated (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal) LocalTicketRecipientDirect
| LocalSharerPatchRelated (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal) LocalPatchRecipientDirect
| LocalSharerProposalRelated (KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal) LocalPatchRecipientDirect
| LocalProjectRelated PrjIdent LocalProjectRecipient
| LocalRepoRelated RpIdent LocalRepoRecipient
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ groupedRecipientFromCollection
LocalSharerRelated shr $
LocalSharerTicketRelated talkhid LocalTicketFollowerz
(LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shr talkhid) =
(LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shr talkhid) =
LocalSharerRelated shr $
LocalSharerPatchRelated talkhid LocalPatchFollowers
LocalSharerProposalRelated talkhid LocalPatchFollowers
(LocalPersonCollectionProjectTeam shr prj) =
LocalSharerRelated shr $ LocalProjectRelated prj $
@ -265,9 +265,9 @@ groupedRecipientFromCollection
LocalSharerRelated shr $ LocalRepoRelated rp $
LocalRepoDirect LocalRepoFollowers
(LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shr rp ltkhid) =
(LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shr rp ltkhid) =
LocalSharerRelated shr $ LocalRepoRelated rp $
LocalRepoPatchRelated ltkhid LocalPatchFollowers
LocalRepoProposalRelated ltkhid LocalPatchFollowers
-- Recipient set types
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ data LocalRepoDirectSet = LocalRepoDirectSet
data LocalRepoRelatedSet = LocalRepoRelatedSet
{ localRecipRepoDirect
:: LocalRepoDirectSet
, localRecipRepoPatchRelated
, localRecipRepoProposalRelated
:: [(KeyHashid LocalTicket, LocalPatchDirectSet)]
deriving Eq
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ data LocalSharerRelatedSet = LocalSharerRelatedSet
:: LocalSharerDirectSet
, localRecipSharerTicketRelated
:: [(KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal, LocalTicketDirectSet)]
, localRecipSharerPatchRelated
, localRecipSharerProposalRelated
:: [(KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal, LocalPatchDirectSet)]
, localRecipProjectRelated
:: [(PrjIdent, LocalProjectRelatedSet)]
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ groupLocalRecipients
(d:ds, ts, ps, js, rs)
LocalSharerTicketRelated talkhid ltr ->
(ds, (talkhid, ltr):ts, ps, js, rs)
LocalSharerPatchRelated talkhid lpr ->
LocalSharerProposalRelated talkhid lpr ->
(ds, ts, (talkhid, lpr):ps, js, rs)
LocalProjectRelated prj ljr ->
(ds, ts, ps, (prj, ljr):js, rs)
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ groupLocalRecipients
lrr2set = uncurry mk . partitionEithers . map lrr2e . NE.toList
lrr2e (LocalRepoDirect d) = Left d
lrr2e (LocalRepoPatchRelated num ltrs) = Right (num, ltrs)
lrr2e (LocalRepoProposalRelated num ltrs) = Right (num, ltrs)
mk ds ps =
(lrrs2set ds)
@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ sharerCreateNoteF now shrRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
if patch
then do
(Entity _ tal, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shr talid
fromMaybeE mticket "Context: No such sharer-patch"
return (tal, lt, LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers)
return (tal, lt, LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers)
else do
(Entity _ tal, Entity _ lt, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shr talid
@ -297,12 +297,12 @@ sharerCreateNoteF now shrRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
case mractid of
Nothing -> "I already have this activity in my inbox, doing nothing"
Just _ -> "Context is a project-ticket, so just inserting to my inbox"
Left (NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp ltid) -> runDBExcept $ do
Left (NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp ltid) -> runDBExcept $ do
personRecip <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getValBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
fromMaybeE mticket "Context: No such repo-patch"
let did = localTicketDiscuss lt
_ <- traverse (getParent did) mparent
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ projectCreateNoteF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
Right (sig, remotesHttp) -> do
forkWorker "projectCreateNoteF inbox forwarding by http" $ deliverRemoteHTTP_J now shrRecip prjRecip (actbBL body) sig remotesHttp
return "Stored to inbox, cached comment, and did inbox forwarding"
Left (NoteContextRepoPatch _ _ _) -> return "Context is a repo-patch, ignoring activity"
Left (NoteContextRepoProposal _ _ _) -> return "Context is a repo-patch, ignoring activity"
getProjectRecip404 = do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ repoCreateNoteF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
mremotesHttp <- runDBExcept $ do
(rid, ibid) <- lift getRepoRecip404
(_, _, _, repo, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shr talid
fromMaybeE mticket "Context: No such sharer-ticket"
case repo of
Left (_, Entity _ trl)
@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ repoCreateNoteF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
return "Stored to inbox and did inbox forwarding"
Left (NoteContextProjectTicket _ _ _) ->
return "Context is a project-ticket, ignoring activity"
Left (NoteContextRepoPatch shr rp ltid) -> do
Left (NoteContextRepoProposal shr rp ltid) -> do
mremotesHttp <- runDBExcept $ do
(rid, ibid) <- lift getRepoRecip404
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, Entity _ trl, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
fromMaybeE mticket "Context: No such repo-patch"
if ticketRepoLocalRepo trl == rid
then do
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ repoCreateNoteF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate note = do
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
--, LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketTeam shrRecip prjRecip ltkhid
remoteRecips <- insertRemoteActivityToLocalInboxes False ractid $ localRecipSieve' sieve False False localRecips
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ sharerAcceptF shr now author body mfwd luAccept (Accept (ObjURI hOffer luOffer)
let collections =
[ let coll =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in coll shr talkhid
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ sharerFollowF shr =
| shr == shr' = Just Nothing
objRoute (SharerTicketR shr' talkhid)
| shr == shr' = Just $ Just (talkhid, False)
objRoute (SharerPatchR shr' talkhid)
objRoute (SharerProposalR shr' talkhid)
| shr == shr' = Just $ Just (talkhid, True)
objRoute _ = Nothing
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ sharerFollowF shr =
talid <- decodeKeyHashidM talkhid
if patch
then do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ getSharerPatch shr talid
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ getSharerProposal shr talid
return lt
else do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ getSharerTicket shr talid
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ repoFollowF shr rp =
objRoute (RepoR shr' rp')
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' = Just Nothing
objRoute (RepoPatchR shr' rp' ltkhid)
objRoute (RepoProposalR shr' rp' ltkhid)
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' = Just $ Just ltkhid
objRoute _ = Nothing
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ repoFollowF shr rp =
r <- getValBy404 $ UniqueRepo rp sid
mmt <- for mltkhid $ \ ltkhid -> runMaybeT $ do
ltid <- decodeKeyHashidM ltkhid
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
return lt
return $
case mmt of
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ sharerUndoF shrRecip now author body mfwd luUndo (Undo uObj) = do
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
ticketFollowers =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shrRecip talkhid
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shrRecip talkhid
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers shrRecip talkhid
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ repoUndoF shrRecip rpRecip now author body mfwd luUndo (Undo uObj) = do
Just _ -> "Sent Accept"
return $ msg <> "; " <> fwdMsg <> "; " <> acceptMsg
myWorkItem (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid)
myWorkItem (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid)
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just ltid
myWorkItem _ = Nothing
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ repoUndoF shrRecip rpRecip now author body mfwd luUndo (Undo uObj) = do
ra <- getJust $ remoteAuthorId author
let ObjURI hAuthor luAuthor = remoteAuthorURI author
ticketFollowers =
LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
audAuthor =
AudRemote hAuthor [luAuthor] (maybeToList $ remoteActorFollowers ra)
audTicket =
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ checkOfferTicket
-> ExceptT
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, Text))
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe (Maybe LocalURI, PatchType, NonEmpty Text))
, TextHtml
, TextHtml
, TextPandocMarkdown
@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget = do
return (muContext, summary, content, source, mmr')
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget ebundle) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, typ, content)
(typ, diffs) <-
case ebundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (hBundle, bundle) -> checkBundle hBundle bundle
return (branch, typ, diffs)
checkBranch h lu = do
hl <- hostIsLocal h
@ -172,17 +172,25 @@ checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget = do
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) =
throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mlocal patches) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Bundle with 'id'"
(typ:|typs, diffs) <- NE.unzip <$> traverse (checkPatch h) patches
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (typ, diffs)
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WITProject shr prj
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchTargetAndMR (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
@ -195,21 +203,21 @@ checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget = do
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
return $ Left $ WITRepo shr rp branch' vcs diffs
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, content)) = do
matchTargetAndMR (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, diffs)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
let patch =
let bundle =
( if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch
, typ
, content
, diffs
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just bundle)
:: UTCTime
@ -228,12 +236,12 @@ sharerOfferTicketF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
personInbox <$> getValBy404 (UniquePersonIdent sid)
case target of
Left (WTTProject shr prj) -> do
Left (WITProject shr prj) -> do
mjid <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
void $ fromMaybeE mjid "Offer target: No such local project"
Left (WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _) -> do
Left (WITRepo shr rp _ _ _) -> do
mrid <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
@ -337,7 +345,7 @@ projectOfferTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarge
Nothing -> "Accepted new ticket, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted new ticket and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
targetRelevance (Left (WTTProject shr prj))
targetRelevance (Left (WITProject shr prj))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
insertAccept shr prj author luOffer ltid obiidAccept = do
@ -394,7 +402,7 @@ repoOfferTicketF
-> ExceptT Text Handler Text
repoOfferTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget = do
(target, summary, content, source) <- checkOfferTicket author ticket uTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance target) $ \ (mb, vcs, diff) -> runDBExcept $ do
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance target) $ \ (mb, vcs, diffs) -> runDBExcept $ do
Entity rid r <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
@ -418,7 +426,8 @@ repoOfferTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget =
obiidAccept <- insertEmptyOutboxItem (repoOutbox r) now
let makeTRL tclid = TicketRepoLocal tclid rid mb
(tid, ltid) <- insertLocalTicket now author makeTRL summary content source ractid obiidAccept
insert_ $ Patch tid now diff
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now) diffs
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
insertAccept shrRecip rpRecip author luOffer ltid obiidAccept
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
@ -447,8 +456,8 @@ repoOfferTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget =
Nothing -> "Accepted new patch, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted new patch and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
targetRelevance (Left (WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diff)
targetRelevance (Left (WITRepo shr rp mb vcs diffs))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diffs)
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
insertAccept shr rp author luOffer ltid obiidAccept = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
@ -485,29 +494,29 @@ repoOfferTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer ticket uTarget =
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject = ObjURI hAuthor luOffer
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
data RemotePatch = RemotePatch
{ rpBranch :: Maybe LocalURI
, rpType :: PatchType
, rpContent :: Text
data RemoteBundle = RemoteBundle
{ rpBranch :: Maybe LocalURI
, rpType :: PatchType
, rpDiffs :: NonEmpty Text
data RemoteWorkItem = RemoteWorkItem
{ rwiHost :: Host
, rwiTarget :: Maybe LocalURI
, rwiContext :: LocalURI
, rwiPatch :: Maybe RemotePatch
, rwiBundle :: Maybe RemoteBundle
data RemoteWorkItem' = RemoteWorkItem'
{ rwiHost' :: Host
, rwiContext' :: LocalURI
, rwiPatch' :: Maybe RemotePatch
, rwiBundle' :: Maybe RemoteBundle
data ParsedCreateTicket = ParsedCreateTicket
@ -559,7 +568,7 @@ checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
:: AP.Ticket URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch)
( Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemoteBundle)
, TicketLocal
, UTCTime
, TextHtml
@ -583,29 +592,28 @@ checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
verifyNothingE muAssigned "Ticket has 'assignedTo'"
when (isJust mresolved) $ throwE "Ticket is resolved"
mmr' <- traverse (uncurry checkMR) mmr
mmr' <- traverse (uncurry $ checkMR $ ticketId tlocal) mmr
context' <- matchTicketAndMR (AP.ticketId tlocal) pub context mmr'
return (context', tlocal, pub, summary, content, source)
:: Host
:: LocalURI
-> Host
-> MergeRequest URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
, NonEmpty (Maybe LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime, Text)
checkMR h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget epatch) = do
checkMR luTicket h (MergeRequest muOrigin luTarget ebundle) = do
verifyNothingE muOrigin "MR with 'origin'"
branch <- checkBranch h luTarget
(mlocal, mpub, typ, content) <-
case epatch of
Left _ -> throwE "MR patch specified as a URI"
Right (hPatch, patch) -> checkPatch hPatch patch
return (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)
(typ, patches) <-
case ebundle of
Left _ -> throwE "MR bundle specified as a URI"
Right (hBundle, bundle) -> checkBundle hBundle bundle
return (branch, typ, patches)
:: Host
@ -628,29 +636,48 @@ checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
"MR target is a valid local route, but isn't a \
\repo or branch route"
else return $ Right $ ObjURI h lu
:: Host
-> AP.Patch URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
mlocal' <-
for mlocal $
\ (h', PatchLocal luId luContext versions mcurr) -> do
unless (h == h') $
throwE "Patch & its author on different hosts"
unless (null versions) $
throwE "Patch has versions"
unless (isNothing mcurr) $
throwE "Patch has 'currentVersion'"
return (luId, luContext)
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket & Patch attrib mismatch"
return (mlocal', mpub, typ, content)
checkBundle _ (AP.BundleHosted _ _) =
throwE "Patches specified as URIs"
checkBundle h (AP.BundleOffer mblocal patches) = do
for_ mblocal $ \ (h', BundleLocal _luId luCtx prevs mcurr) -> do
unless (h == h') $
throwE "Bundle and author hosts differ"
unless (luCtx == luTicket) $
throwE "Bundle 'context' doesn't match Ticket 'id'"
unless (null prevs) $
throwE "Bundle has previous versions"
unless (isNothing mcurr) $
throwE "Bundle has a more recent version"
(mlocal, mpub, typ, diff) :| patches' <- traverse (checkPatch h) patches
patches'' <- for patches' $ \ (mlocal', mpub', typ', diff') -> do
mluId <- for mlocal' $ \ (luId', luContext') -> do
for_ mlocal $ \ (_, luContext) ->
unless (luContext == luContext') $
throwE "Patches have different context"
return luId'
unless (typ == typ') $ throwE "Different patch types"
return (mluId, mpub', diff')
return (typ, (fst <$> mlocal, mpub, diff) :| patches'')
:: Host
-> AP.Patch URIMode
-> ExceptT Text Handler
( Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
checkPatch h (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) = do
mlocal' <-
for mlocal $
\ (h', PatchLocal luId luContext) -> do
unless (h == h') $
throwE "Patch & its author on different hosts"
return (luId, luContext)
unless (ObjURI h attrib == remoteAuthorURI author) $
throwE "Ticket & Patch attrib mismatch"
return (mlocal', mpub, typ, content)
:: LocalURI
-> UTCTime
@ -659,27 +686,18 @@ checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
-> Maybe
( Either (ShrIdent, RpIdent, Maybe Text) FedURI
, Maybe (LocalURI, LocalURI)
, Maybe UTCTime
, PatchType
, Text
, NonEmpty (Maybe LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime, Text)
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch))
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WTTProject shr prj
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemoteBundle))
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Left (shr, prj))) Nothing = return $ Left $ WITProject shr prj
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Left (shr, prj))) (Just _) = throwE "Patch offered to project"
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Left (Right (shr, rp))) Nothing = throwE "Issue offered to repo"
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)) = do
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Left (Right (shr, rp))) (Just (branch, typ, patches)) = do
branch' <-
case branch of
Left (shr', rp', mb) | shr == shr' && rp == rp' -> return mb
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
_mluPatch <- for mlocal $ \ (luPatch, luPatchContext) -> do
unless (luPatchContext == luTicket) $
throwE "Patch 'context' != Ticket 'id'"
return luPatch
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
let vcs = typ2vcs typ
case vcs of
VCSDarcs ->
@ -688,58 +706,61 @@ checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget = do
VCSGit ->
unless (isJust branch') $
throwE "Git MR doesn't specify the branch"
return $ Left $ WTTRepo shr rp branch' vcs content
diffs <- for patches $ \ (_mluId, mpub, diff) -> do
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
return diff
return $ Left $ WITRepo shr rp branch' vcs diffs
typ2vcs PatchTypeDarcs = VCSDarcs
matchTicketAndMR _ _ (Right (ObjURI h lu)) Nothing = return $ Right (h, lu, Nothing)
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, mlocal, mpub, typ, content)) = do
matchTicketAndMR luTicket pub (Right (ObjURI h lu)) (Just (branch, typ, patches)) = do
luBranch <-
case branch of
Right (ObjURI h' lu') | h == h' -> return lu
_ -> throwE "MR target repo/branch and Offer target repo mismatch"
_mluPatch <- for mlocal $ \ (luPatch, luPatchContext) -> do
unless (luPatchContext == luTicket) $
throwE "Patch 'context' != Ticket 'id'"
return luPatch
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
let patch =
diffs <- for patches $ \ (_mluId, mpub, diff) -> do
for_ mpub $ \ pub' ->
unless (pub == pub') $
throwE "Ticket & Patch 'published' differ"
return diff
let bundle =
(if lu == luBranch then Nothing else Just luBranch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just patch)
return $ Right (h, lu, Just bundle)
:: Maybe
( Either
(Either (ShrIdent, PrjIdent) (ShrIdent, RpIdent))
-> Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemotePatch)
-> Either WorkItemTarget (Host, LocalURI, Maybe RemoteBundle)
-> ExceptT Text Handler (Either (Bool, WorkItemTarget) RemoteWorkItem)
checkTargetAndContext Nothing context =
return $
case context of
Left wit -> Left (False, wit)
Right (h, luCtx, mpatch) -> Right $ RemoteWorkItem h Nothing luCtx mpatch
Right (h, luCtx, mbundle) -> Right $ RemoteWorkItem h Nothing luCtx mbundle
checkTargetAndContext (Just target) context =
case (target, context) of
(Left _, Right _) ->
throwE "Create target is local but ticket context is remote"
(Right _, Left _) ->
throwE "Create target is remote but ticket context is local"
(Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget), Right (hContext, luContext, mpatch)) ->
(Right (ObjURI hTarget luTarget), Right (hContext, luContext, mbundle)) ->
if hTarget == hContext
then return $ Right $ RemoteWorkItem hTarget (Just luTarget) luContext mpatch
then return $ Right $ RemoteWorkItem hTarget (Just luTarget) luContext mbundle
else throwE "Create target and ticket context on \
\different remote hosts"
(Left proj, Left wit) ->
case (proj, wit) of
(Left (shr, prj), WTTProject shr' prj')
(Left (shr, prj), WITProject shr' prj')
| shr == shr' && prj == prj' ->
return $ Left (True, wit)
(Right (shr, rp), WTTRepo shr' rp' _ _ _)
(Right (shr, rp), WITRepo shr' rp' _ _ _)
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' ->
return $ Left (True, wit)
_ -> throwE
@ -769,12 +790,12 @@ sharerCreateTicketF now shrRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
Nothing -> "Activity already exists in my inbox"
Just _ -> "Activity inserted to my inbox"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WTTProject shr prj)) = do
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WITProject shr prj)) = do
mj <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueProject prj sid
unless (isJust mj) $ throwE "Local context: No such project"
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WTTRepo shr rp _ _ _)) = do
checkTargetAndContextDB (Left (_, WITRepo shr rp _ _ _)) = do
mr <- lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
@ -966,7 +987,7 @@ projectCreateTicketF now shrRecip prjRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTa
Nothing -> "Accepted and listed ticket, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted and listed ticket and ran inbox-forwarding of the Create"
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTProject shr prj))
targetRelevance (Left (_, WITProject shr prj))
| shr == shrRecip && prj == prjRecip = Just ()
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
@ -984,7 +1005,7 @@ repoCreateTicketF
repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget = do
ParsedCreateTicket targetAndContext tlocal published title desc src <-
checkCreateTicket author ticket muTarget
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance targetAndContext) $ \ (mb, vcs, diff) -> runDBExcept $ do
mmhttp <- for (targetRelevance targetAndContext) $ \ (mb, vcs, diffs) -> runDBExcept $ do
Entity rid r <- lift $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shrRecip
getBy404 $ UniqueRepo rpRecip sid
@ -996,7 +1017,8 @@ repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget
result <- insertRemoteTicket mkTRL author (AP.ticketId tlocal) published title desc src ractid obiidAccept
unless (isRight result) $ delete obiidAccept
for result $ \ tid -> do
insert_ $ Patch tid published diff
bnid <- insert $ Bundle tid
insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid published) diffs
mremotesHttpFwd <- for mfwd $ \ (localRecips, sig) -> do
let sieve =
@ -1041,8 +1063,8 @@ repoCreateTicketF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luCreate ticket muTarget
Nothing -> "Accepted and listed MR, no inbox-forwarding to do"
Just _ -> "Accepted and listed MR and ran inbox-forwarding of the Create"
targetRelevance (Left (_, WTTRepo shr rp mb vcs diff))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diff)
targetRelevance (Left (_, WITRepo shr rp mb vcs diffs))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just (mb, vcs, diffs)
targetRelevance _ = Nothing
@ -1076,7 +1098,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
if patch
then do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, context, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
context' <-
lift $
@ -1170,7 +1192,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
if patch
then do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
return ltid
else do
@ -1189,7 +1211,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
followers hashTALID (talid, patch) =
let coll =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in coll shrRecip (hashTALID talid)
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid (talid, patch, _, parentCtx, WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) = do
@ -1247,7 +1269,7 @@ sharerOfferDepF now shrRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
return $ \ talid patch ->
let coll =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in coll shrRecip (hashTALID talid)
@ -1469,7 +1491,7 @@ repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
for (ticketRelevance shrRecip rpRecip parent) $ \ parentLtid -> do
parentAuthor <- runSiteDBExcept $ do
(_, _, _, _, _, _, author, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip parentLtid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shrRecip rpRecip parentLtid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Parent" <> ": No such repo-patch"
lift $ getWorkItemAuthorDetail author
childDetail <- getWorkItemDetail "Child" child
@ -1522,14 +1544,14 @@ repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
(Just _, Nothing) -> "Accepted new ticket dep, no inbox-forwarding to do"
(Just _, Just _) -> "Accepted new ticket dep and ran inbox-forwarding of the Offer"
ticketRelevance shr rp (Left (WorkItemRepoPatch shr' rp' ltid))
ticketRelevance shr rp (Left (WorkItemRepoProposal shr' rp' ltid))
| shr == shr' && rp == rp' = Just ltid
ticketRelevance _ _ _ = Nothing
insertDepOffer _ (Left _) _ = return ()
insertDepOffer ibiidOffer (Right _) child =
for_ (ticketRelevance shrRecip rpRecip child) $ \ ltid -> do
_ <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip ltid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shrRecip rpRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Child" <> ": No such repo-patch"
lift $ insert_ TicketDependencyOffer
{ ticketDependencyOfferOffer = ibiidOffer
@ -1541,7 +1563,7 @@ repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
\ shr rp wi -> followers hashLTID <$> ticketRelevance shr rp wi
followers hashLTID ltid =
shrRecip rpRecip (hashLTID ltid)
insertAccept luOffer obiidAccept tdid ltid parentAuthor (WorkItemDetail childId childCtx childAuthor) = do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
@ -1606,20 +1628,20 @@ repoOfferDepF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luOffer dep uTarget = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $
\ ltid ->
shrRecip rpRecip (hashLTID ltid)
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid False) = do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerTicket shr talid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-ticket"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shr talid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getProjectTicket shr prj ltid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such project-ticket"
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
verifyWorkItemExists (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
verifyNothingE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such repo-patch"
insertResolve author ltid ractid obiidAccept = do
@ -1665,7 +1687,7 @@ sharerResolveF now shrRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
let followers =
let collection =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in collection shrRecip $ hashTALID talid
sieve =
@ -1725,7 +1747,7 @@ sharerResolveF now shrRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
getObjectLtid talid True = do
(_, Entity ltid _, Entity tid _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shrRecip talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shrRecip talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such sharer-patch"
return (ltid, tid)
getObjectLtid talid False = do
@ -1749,7 +1771,7 @@ sharerResolveF now shrRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) = do
audTicket =
let followers =
if patch
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers
then LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers
else LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers
in AudLocal [] [followers shrRecip talkhid]
@ -1932,7 +1954,7 @@ repoResolveF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) =
let sieve =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
@ -1981,13 +2003,13 @@ repoResolveF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) =
then "Ticket is mine, now resolved, did inbox-forwarding"
else "Ticket is mine, now resolved, no inbox-forwarding to do"
relevantObject (Left (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid))
relevantObject (Left (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid))
| shr == shrRecip && rp == rpRecip = Just ltid
relevantObject _ = Nothing
getObjectLtid ltid = do
(_, _, Entity tid _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shrRecip rpRecip ltid
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shrRecip rpRecip ltid
fromMaybeE mticket $ "Object" <> ": No such repo-patch"
return tid
@ -2006,7 +2028,7 @@ repoResolveF now shrRecip rpRecip author body mfwd luResolve (Resolve uObject) =
audTicket =
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
[ LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shrRecip rpRecip ltkhid
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoTeam shrRecip rpRecip
, LocalPersonCollectionRepoFollowers shrRecip rpRecip
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Signature as S (Algorithm (..))
import Crypto.PublicVerifKey
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityAccess
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket, TicketDependency, Patch)
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket, TicketDependency, Bundle, Patch)
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ type LocalMessageKeyHashid = KeyHashid LocalMessage
type LocalTicketKeyHashid = KeyHashid LocalTicket
type TicketAuthorLocalKeyHashid = KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
type TicketDepKeyHashid = KeyHashid LocalTicketDependency
type BundleKeyHashid = KeyHashid Bundle
type PatchKeyHashid = KeyHashid Patch
-- This is where we define all of the routes in our application. For a full
@ -14,23 +14,25 @@
module Vervis.Handler.Patch
( getSharerPatchesR
, getSharerPatchR
, getSharerPatchDiscussionR
, getSharerPatchDepsR
, getSharerPatchReverseDepsR
, getSharerPatchFollowersR
, getSharerPatchEventsR
, getSharerPatchVersionR
( getSharerProposalsR
, getSharerProposalR
, getSharerProposalDiscussionR
, getSharerProposalDepsR
, getSharerProposalReverseDepsR
, getSharerProposalFollowersR
, getSharerProposalEventsR
, getSharerProposalBundleR
, getSharerProposalBundlePatchR
, getRepoPatchesR
, getRepoPatchR
, getRepoPatchDiscussionR
, getRepoPatchDepsR
, getRepoPatchReverseDepsR
, getRepoPatchFollowersR
, getRepoPatchEventsR
, getRepoPatchVersionR
, getRepoProposalsR
, getRepoProposalR
, getRepoProposalDiscussionR
, getRepoProposalDepsR
, getRepoProposalReverseDepsR
, getRepoProposalFollowersR
, getRepoProposalEventsR
, getRepoProposalBundleR
, getRepoProposalBundlePatchR
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Function
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..), Patch (..))
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Ticket (..), Patch (..), Bundle (..))
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
@ -73,9 +75,9 @@ import Vervis.Paginate
import Vervis.Patch
import Vervis.Ticket
getSharerPatchesR :: ShrIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchesR =
getSharerWorkItems SharerPatchesR SharerPatchR countPatches selectPatches
getSharerProposalsR :: ShrIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerProposalsR =
getSharerWorkItems SharerProposalsR SharerProposalR countPatches selectPatches
countPatches pid = fmap toOne $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (tal `E.InnerJoin` lt `E.LeftOuterJoin` tup) -> do
@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ getSharerPatchesR =
tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor E.==. E.val pid E.&&.
E.isNothing (tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectId) E.&&.
(E.from $ \ pt ->
E.where_ $ lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket E.==. pt E.^. PatchTicket
(E.from $ \ bn ->
E.where_ $ lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket E.==. bn E.^. BundleTicket
return $ E.count $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId
@ -101,20 +103,20 @@ getSharerPatchesR =
tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor E.==. E.val pid E.&&.
E.isNothing (tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectId) E.&&.
(E.from $ \ pt ->
E.where_ $ lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket E.==. pt E.^. PatchTicket
(E.from $ \ bn ->
E.where_ $ lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket E.==. bn E.^. BundleTicket
E.orderBy [E.desc $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId]
E.offset $ fromIntegral off
E.limit $ fromIntegral lim
return $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchR shr talkhid = do
(ticket, ptid, repo, massignee) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid t, tp, _, ptid :| _) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
(,,,) t ptid
getSharerProposalR shr talkhid = do
(ticket, bnid, repo, massignee) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid t, tp, _, bnid :| _) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
(,,,) t bnid
<$> bitraverse
(\ (_, Entity _ trl) -> do
r <- getJust $ ticketRepoLocalRepo trl
@ -140,24 +142,24 @@ getSharerPatchR shr talkhid = do
hLocal <- getsYesod siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodePatchId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let patchAP = AP.Ticket
encodeBundleId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let ticketAP = AP.Ticket
{ AP.ticketLocal = Just
( hLocal
, AP.TicketLocal
{ AP.ticketId =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketReplies =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchDiscussionR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalDiscussionR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketParticipants =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchFollowersR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalFollowersR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketTeam = Nothing
, AP.ticketEvents =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchEventsR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalEventsR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketDeps =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchDepsR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalDepsR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketReverseDeps =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchReverseDepsR shr talkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalReverseDepsR shr talkhid
, AP.ticketAttributedTo = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shr
@ -196,95 +198,143 @@ getSharerPatchR shr talkhid = do
RepoBranchR (sharerIdent s) (repoIdent r) b
Right (_, ro) ->
remoteObjectIdent ro
, mrPatch =
, mrBundle =
Left $ encodeRouteHome $
SharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid $
encodePatchId ptid
SharerProposalBundleR shr talkhid $
encodeBundleId bnid
provideHtmlAndAP patchAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
provideHtmlAndAP ticketAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = SharerPatchR shr talkhid
here = SharerProposalR shr talkhid
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchDiscussionR shr talkhid =
getRepliesCollection (SharerPatchDiscussionR shr talkhid) $ do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
getSharerProposalDiscussionR shr talkhid =
getRepliesCollection (SharerProposalDiscussionR shr talkhid) $ do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
return $ localTicketDiscuss lt
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchDepsR shr talkhid =
getSharerProposalDepsR shr talkhid =
getDependencyCollection here getTicket404
here = SharerPatchDepsR shr talkhid
here = SharerProposalDepsR shr talkhid
getTicket404 = do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
return ltid
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchReverseDepsR shr talkhid =
getSharerProposalReverseDepsR shr talkhid =
getReverseDependencyCollection here getTicket404
here = SharerPatchDepsR shr talkhid
here = SharerProposalDepsR shr talkhid
getTicket404 = do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
(_, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
return ltid
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchFollowersR shr talkhid = getFollowersCollection here getFsid
getSharerProposalFollowersR shr talkhid = getFollowersCollection here getFsid
here = SharerPatchFollowersR shr talkhid
here = SharerProposalFollowersR shr talkhid
getFsid = do
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
(_, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
return $ localTicketFollowers lt
:: ShrIdent -> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal -> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchEventsR shr talkhid = do
_ <- runDB $ getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
getSharerProposalEventsR shr talkhid = do
_ <- runDB $ getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
(SharerPatchEventsR shr talkhid)
(SharerProposalEventsR shr talkhid)
:: ShrIdent
-> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
-> KeyHashid Bundle
-> Handler TypedContent
getSharerProposalBundleR shr talkhid bnkhid = do
(ptids, prevs, mcurr) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid _, _, _, v :| vs) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
bnid <- decodeKeyHashid404 bnkhid
bn <- get404 bnid
unless (bundleTicket bn == tid) notFound
ptids <- selectKeysList [PatchBundle ==. bnid] [Desc PatchId]
ptidsNE <-
case nonEmpty ptids of
Nothing -> error "Bundle without any Patches in DB"
Just ne -> return ne
let (prevs, mcurr) =
if bnid == v
then (vs, Nothing)
else ([], Just v)
return (ptidsNE, prevs, mcurr)
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeBNID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
encodePTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let versionRoute = SharerProposalBundleR shr talkhid . encodeBNID
local = BundleLocal
{ bundleId = encodeRouteLocal here
, bundleContext =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerProposalR shr talkhid
, bundlePrevVersions =
map (encodeRouteLocal . versionRoute) prevs
, bundleCurrentVersion = encodeRouteLocal . versionRoute <$> mcurr
bundleAP =
(Just local)
( encodeRouteLocal
. SharerProposalBundlePatchR shr talkhid bnkhid
. encodePTID
provideHtmlAndAP bundleAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = SharerProposalBundleR shr talkhid bnkhid
:: ShrIdent
-> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
-> KeyHashid Bundle
-> KeyHashid Patch
-> Handler TypedContent
getSharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid ptkhid = do
(vcs, patch, (versions, mcurr)) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid _, repo, _, v :| vs) <- getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid
getSharerProposalBundlePatchR shr talkhid bnkhid ptkhid = do
(vcs, patch) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, _, repo, _, vers) <- getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid
bnid <- decodeKeyHashid404 bnkhid
unless (bnid `elem` vers) notFound
ptid <- decodeKeyHashid404 ptkhid
(,,) <$> case repo of
Left (_, Entity _ trl) ->
repoVcs <$> getJust (ticketRepoLocalRepo trl)
Right _ ->
error "TODO determine mediaType of patch of remote repo"
<*> do pt <- get404 ptid
unless (patchTicket pt == tid) notFound
return pt
<*> pure (if ptid == v then (vs, Nothing) else ([], Just v))
pt <- get404 ptid
unless (patchBundle pt == bnid) notFound
vcs <-
case repo of
Left (_, Entity _ trl) ->
repoVcs <$> getJust (ticketRepoLocalRepo trl)
Right _ ->
error "TODO determine mediaType of patch of remote repo"
return (vcs, pt)
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodePatchId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hLocal <- getsYesod siteInstanceHost
let versionUrl = SharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid . encodePatchId
versionAP = AP.Patch
let patchAP = AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
( hLocal
, AP.PatchLocal
{ AP.patchId = encodeRouteLocal here
, AP.patchContext =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerPatchR shr talkhid
, AP.patchPrevVersions =
map (encodeRouteLocal . versionUrl) versions
, AP.patchCurrentVersion =
encodeRouteLocal . versionUrl <$> mcurr
encodeRouteLocal $
SharerProposalBundleR shr talkhid bnkhid
, AP.patchAttributedTo = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shr
@ -295,12 +345,12 @@ getSharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid ptkhid = do
VCSGit -> error "TODO add PatchType for git patches"
, AP.patchContent = patchContent patch
provideHtmlAndAP versionAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
provideHtmlAndAP patchAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = SharerPatchVersionR shr talkhid ptkhid
here = SharerProposalBundlePatchR shr talkhid bnkhid ptkhid
getRepoPatchesR :: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchesR shr rp = do
getRepoProposalsR :: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoProposalsR shr rp = do
(total, pages, mpage) <- runDB $ do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
rid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueRepo rp sid
@ -309,16 +359,16 @@ getRepoPatchesR shr rp = do
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRoutePageLocal <- getEncodeRoutePageLocal
let here = RepoPatchesR shr rp
let here = RepoProposalsR shr rp
pageUrl = encodeRoutePageLocal here
encodeLT <- getEncodeKeyHashid
encodeTAL <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let patchUrl (Left (E.Value ltid, E.Value mtalid, E.Value mshr, E.Value mtupid)) =
encodeRouteHome $
case (mtalid, mshr, mtupid) of
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> RepoPatchR shr rp $ encodeLT ltid
(Just talid, Just shrA, Nothing) -> SharerPatchR shrA $ encodeTAL talid
(Just _, Just _, Just _) -> RepoPatchR shr rp $ encodeLT ltid
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> RepoProposalR shr rp $ encodeLT ltid
(Just talid, Just shrA, Nothing) -> SharerProposalR shrA $ encodeTAL talid
(Just _, Just _, Just _) -> RepoProposalR shr rp $ encodeLT ltid
_ -> error "Impossible"
patchUrl (Right (E.Value h, E.Value lu)) = ObjURI h lu
@ -401,12 +451,12 @@ getRepoPatchesR shr rp = do
(map (second Left) locals)
(map (second Right) remotes)
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid = do
(ticket, ptid, trl, author, massignee, mresolved) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid t, _, _, Entity _ trl, ta, tr, ptid :| _) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
(,,,,,) t ptid trl
getRepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid = do
(ticket, bnid, trl, author, massignee, mresolved) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid t, _, _, Entity _ trl, ta, tr, bnid :| _) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
(,,,,,) t bnid trl
<$> bitraverse
(\ (Entity _ tal, _) -> do
p <- getJust $ ticketAuthorLocalAuthor tal
@ -445,29 +495,29 @@ getRepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid = do
hLocal <- getsYesod siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodePatchId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
encodeBundleId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
encodeObiid <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let host =
case author of
Left _ -> hLocal
Right (i, _) -> instanceHost i
patchAP = AP.Ticket
ticketAP = AP.Ticket
{ AP.ticketLocal = Just
( hLocal
, AP.TicketLocal
{ AP.ticketId =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketReplies =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketParticipants =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketTeam = Nothing
, AP.ticketEvents =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchEventsR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalEventsR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketDeps =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchDepsR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalDepsR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketReverseDeps =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.ticketAttributedTo =
@ -500,74 +550,128 @@ getRepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid = do
case ticketRepoLocalBranch trl of
Nothing -> RepoR shr rp
Just b -> RepoBranchR shr rp b
, mrPatch =
, mrBundle =
Left $ encodeRouteHome $
RepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid $
encodePatchId ptid
RepoProposalBundleR shr rp ltkhid $
encodeBundleId bnid
provideHtmlAndAP' host patchAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
provideHtmlAndAP' host ticketAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid
here = RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid =
getRepliesCollection (RepoPatchDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid) $ do
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
getRepoProposalDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid =
getRepliesCollection (RepoProposalDiscussionR shr rp ltkhid) $ do
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
return $ localTicketDiscuss lt
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchDepsR shr rp ltkhid =
getRepoProposalDepsR shr rp ltkhid =
getDependencyCollection here getTicketId404
here = RepoPatchDepsR shr rp ltkhid
here = RepoProposalDepsR shr rp ltkhid
getTicketId404 = do
(_, _, _, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
(_, _, _, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
return ltid
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid =
getRepoProposalReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid =
getReverseDependencyCollection here getTicketId404
here = RepoPatchReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid
here = RepoProposalReverseDepsR shr rp ltkhid
getTicketId404 = do
(_, _, _, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
(_, _, _, Entity ltid _, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
return ltid
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchFollowersR shr rp ltkhid = getFollowersCollection here getFsid
getRepoProposalFollowersR shr rp ltkhid = getFollowersCollection here getFsid
here = RepoPatchFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
here = RepoProposalFollowersR shr rp ltkhid
getFsid = do
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
(_, _, _, Entity _ lt, _, _, _, _, _) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
return $ localTicketFollowers lt
:: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> KeyHashid LocalTicket -> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchEventsR shr rp ltkhid = do
_ <- runDB $ getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
getRepoProposalEventsR shr rp ltkhid = do
_ <- runDB $ getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
(RepoPatchEventsR shr rp ltkhid)
(RepoProposalEventsR shr rp ltkhid)
:: ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> KeyHashid LocalTicket
-> KeyHashid Bundle
-> Handler TypedContent
getRepoProposalBundleR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid = do
(ptids, prevs, mcurr) <- runDB $ do
(_, _, Entity tid _, _, _, _, _, _, v :| vs) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
bnid <- decodeKeyHashid404 bnkhid
bn <- get404 bnid
unless (bundleTicket bn == tid) notFound
ptids <- selectKeysList [PatchBundle ==. bnid] [Desc PatchId]
ptidsNE <-
case nonEmpty ptids of
Nothing -> error "Bundle without any Patches in DB"
Just ne -> return ne
let (prevs, mcurr) =
if bnid == v
then (vs, Nothing)
else ([], Just v)
return (ptidsNE, prevs, mcurr)
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeBNID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
encodePTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let versionRoute = RepoProposalBundleR shr rp ltkhid . encodeBNID
local = BundleLocal
{ bundleId = encodeRouteLocal here
, bundleContext =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid
, bundlePrevVersions =
map (encodeRouteLocal . versionRoute) prevs
, bundleCurrentVersion = encodeRouteLocal . versionRoute <$> mcurr
bundleAP =
(Just local)
( encodeRouteLocal
. RepoProposalBundlePatchR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid
. encodePTID
provideHtmlAndAP bundleAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = RepoProposalBundleR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid
:: ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> KeyHashid LocalTicket
-> KeyHashid Bundle
-> KeyHashid Patch
-> Handler TypedContent
getRepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid ptkhid = do
(vcs, patch, author, (versions, mcurr)) <- runDB $ do
(_, Entity _ repo, Entity tid _, _, _, _, ta, _, v :| vs) <- getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid
ptid <- decodeKeyHashid404 ptkhid
(repoVcs repo,,,)
<$> do pt <- get404 ptid
unless (patchTicket pt == tid) notFound
getRepoProposalBundlePatchR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid ptkhid = do
(vcs, patch, author) <- runDB $ do
(_, Entity _ repo, _, _, _, _, ta, _, vers) <- getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid
<$> pure (repoVcs repo)
<*> do bnid <- decodeKeyHashid404 bnkhid
unless (bnid `elem` vers) notFound
ptid <- decodeKeyHashid404 ptkhid
pt <- get404 ptid
unless (patchBundle pt == bnid) notFound
return pt
<*> bitraverse
(\ (Entity _ tal, _) -> do
@ -581,27 +685,22 @@ getRepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid ptkhid = do
return (i, ro)
<*> pure (if ptid == v then (vs, Nothing) else ([], Just v))
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
encodePatchId <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hLocal <- getsYesod siteInstanceHost
let versionUrl = RepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid . encodePatchId
host =
let host =
case author of
Left _ -> hLocal
Right (i, _) -> instanceHost i
versionAP = AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
patchAP = AP.Patch
{ AP.patchLocal = Just
( hLocal
, AP.PatchLocal
{ AP.patchId = encodeRouteLocal here
, AP.patchContext =
encodeRouteLocal $ RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid
, AP.patchPrevVersions =
map (encodeRouteLocal . versionUrl) versions
, AP.patchCurrentVersion =
encodeRouteLocal . versionUrl <$> mcurr
{ AP.patchId = encodeRouteLocal here
, AP.patchContext =
encodeRouteLocal $
RepoProposalBundleR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid
, AP.patchAttributedTo =
@ -616,6 +715,6 @@ getRepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid ptkhid = do
VCSGit -> error "TODO add PatchType for git patches"
, AP.patchContent = patchContent patch
provideHtmlAndAP' host versionAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
provideHtmlAndAP' host patchAP $ redirectToPrettyJSON here
here = RepoPatchVersionR shr rp ltkhid ptkhid
here = RepoProposalBundlePatchR shr rp ltkhid bnkhid ptkhid
@ -1043,28 +1043,28 @@ getSharerTicketsR =
getSharerWorkItems SharerTicketsR SharerTicketR countTickets selectTickets
countTickets pid = fmap toOne $
E.select $ E.from $ \ (tal `E.InnerJoin` lt `E.LeftOuterJoin` tup `E.LeftOuterJoin` pt) -> do
E.on $ E.just (lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket) E.==. pt E.?. PatchTicket
E.select $ E.from $ \ (tal `E.InnerJoin` lt `E.LeftOuterJoin` tup `E.LeftOuterJoin` bn) -> do
E.on $ E.just (lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket) E.==. bn E.?. BundleTicket
E.on $ E.just (tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId) E.==. tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectAuthor
E.on $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalTicket E.==. lt E.^. LocalTicketId
E.where_ $
tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor E.==. E.val pid E.&&.
E.isNothing (tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectId) E.&&.
E.isNothing (pt E.?. PatchId)
E.isNothing (bn E.?. BundleId)
return $ E.count $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId
toOne [x] = E.unValue x
toOne [] = error "toOne = 0"
toOne _ = error "toOne > 1"
selectTickets pid off lim =
E.select $ E.from $ \ (tal `E.InnerJoin` lt `E.LeftOuterJoin` tup `E.LeftOuterJoin` pt) -> do
E.on $ E.just (lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket) E.==. pt E.?. PatchTicket
E.select $ E.from $ \ (tal `E.InnerJoin` lt `E.LeftOuterJoin` tup `E.LeftOuterJoin` bn) -> do
E.on $ E.just (lt E.^. LocalTicketTicket) E.==. bn E.?. BundleTicket
E.on $ E.just (tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId) E.==. tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectAuthor
E.on $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalTicket E.==. lt E.^. LocalTicketId
E.where_ $
tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalAuthor E.==. E.val pid E.&&.
E.isNothing (tup E.?. TicketUnderProjectId) E.&&.
E.isNothing (pt E.?. PatchId)
E.isNothing (bn E.?. BundleId)
E.orderBy [E.desc $ tal E.^. TicketAuthorLocalId]
E.offset $ fromIntegral off
E.limit $ fromIntegral lim
@ -1752,6 +1752,27 @@ changes hLocal ctx =
, removeField "Ticket" "closed"
-- 278
, removeField "Ticket" "closer"
-- 279
, addEntities model_2020_08_10
-- 280
, addFieldRefRequired''
(do tid <- insert $ Ticket280 Nothing defaultTime "" "" "" Nothing "TSNew"
insertEntity $ Bundle280 tid
(Just $ \ (Entity bnidTemp bnTemp) -> do
pts <- selectList ([] :: [Filter Patch280]) []
for_ pts $ \ (Entity ptid pt) -> do
bnid <- insert $ Bundle280 $ patch280Ticket pt
update ptid [Patch280Bundle =. bnid]
delete bnidTemp
delete $ bundle280Ticket bnTemp
-- 281
, removeField "Patch" "ticket"
@ -238,6 +238,11 @@ module Vervis.Migration.Model
, OutboxItem276Generic (..)
, TicketProjectLocal276Generic (..)
, Project276Generic (..)
, model_2020_08_10
, Ticket280Generic (..)
, Bundle280Generic (..)
, Patch280
, Patch280Generic (..)
@ -465,3 +470,9 @@ model_2020_07_27 = $(schema "2020_07_27_ticket_resolve")
makeEntitiesMigration "276"
$(modelFile "migrations/2020_07_27_ticket_resolve_mig.model")
model_2020_08_10 :: [Entity SqlBackend]
model_2020_08_10 = $(schema "2020_08_10_bundle")
makeEntitiesMigration "280"
$(modelFile "migrations/2020_08_10_bundle_mig.model")
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
module Vervis.Patch
( getSharerPatch
, getSharerPatch404
, getRepoPatch
, getRepoPatch404
( getSharerProposal
, getSharerProposal404
, getRepoProposal
, getRepoProposal404
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ getResolved ltid = do
"No TRX"
"Both TRL and TRR"
:: MonadIO m
=> ShrIdent
-> TicketAuthorLocalId
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ getSharerPatch
(Entity TicketResolveLocal)
(Entity TicketResolveRemote)
, NonEmpty PatchId
, NonEmpty BundleId
getSharerPatch shr talid = runMaybeT $ do
getSharerProposal shr talid = runMaybeT $ do
pid <- do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ getSharerPatch shr talid = runMaybeT $ do
lt <- lift $ getJust ltid
let tid = localTicketTicket lt
t <- lift $ getJust tid
ptids <-
bnids <-
MaybeT $
nonEmpty <$> selectKeysList [PatchTicket ==. tid] [Desc PatchId]
nonEmpty <$> selectKeysList [BundleTicket ==. tid] [Desc BundleId]
repo <-
(do mtcl <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketContextLocal tid
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ getSharerPatch shr talid = runMaybeT $ do
"MR doesn't have context"
"MR has both local and remote context"
mresolved <- lift $ getResolved ltid
return (Entity talid tal, Entity ltid lt, Entity tid t, repo, mresolved, ptids)
return (Entity talid tal, Entity ltid lt, Entity tid t, repo, mresolved, bnids)
:: ShrIdent
-> KeyHashid TicketAuthorLocal
-> AppDB
@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ getSharerPatch404
(Entity TicketResolveLocal)
(Entity TicketResolveRemote)
, NonEmpty PatchId
, NonEmpty BundleId
getSharerPatch404 shr talkhid = do
getSharerProposal404 shr talkhid = do
talid <- decodeKeyHashid404 talkhid
mpatch <- getSharerPatch shr talid
mpatch <- getSharerProposal shr talid
case mpatch of
Nothing -> notFound
Just patch -> return patch
:: MonadIO m
=> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ getRepoPatch
(Entity TicketResolveLocal)
(Entity TicketResolveRemote)
, NonEmpty PatchId
, NonEmpty BundleId
getRepoPatch shr rp ltid = runMaybeT $ do
getRepoProposal shr rp ltid = runMaybeT $ do
es@(Entity sid _) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueSharer shr
er@(Entity rid _) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid
lt <- MaybeT $ get ltid
@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid = runMaybeT $ do
etcl@(Entity tclid _) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueTicketContextLocal tid
etrl@(Entity _ trl) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueTicketRepoLocal tclid
guard $ ticketRepoLocalRepo trl == rid
ptids <-
bnids <-
MaybeT $
nonEmpty <$> selectKeysList [PatchTicket ==. tid] [Desc PatchId]
nonEmpty <$> selectKeysList [BundleTicket ==. tid] [Desc BundleId]
author <-
(do mtal <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketAuthorLocal ltid
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid = runMaybeT $ do
"MR doesn't have author"
"MR has both local and remote author"
mresolved <- lift $ getResolved ltid
return (es, er, Entity tid t, Entity ltid lt, etcl, etrl, author, mresolved, ptids)
return (es, er, Entity tid t, Entity ltid lt, etcl, etrl, author, mresolved, bnids)
:: ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> KeyHashid LocalTicket
@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ getRepoPatch404
(Entity TicketResolveLocal)
(Entity TicketResolveRemote)
, NonEmpty PatchId
, NonEmpty BundleId
getRepoPatch404 shr rp ltkhid = do
getRepoProposal404 shr rp ltkhid = do
ltid <- decodeKeyHashid404 ltkhid
mpatch <- getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
mpatch <- getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
case mpatch of
Nothing -> notFound
Just patch -> return patch
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ getSharerTicket shr talid = runMaybeT $ do
lt <- lift $ getJust ltid
let tid = localTicketTicket lt
t <- lift $ getJust tid
npatches <- lift $ count [PatchTicket ==. tid]
guard $ npatches <= 0
mbn <- lift $ selectFirst [BundleTicket ==. tid] []
guard $ isNothing mbn
project <-
(do mtcl <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketContextLocal tid
@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ getProjectTicket shr prj ltid = runMaybeT $ do
etcl@(Entity tclid _) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueTicketContextLocal tid
etpl@(Entity _ tpl) <- MaybeT $ getBy $ UniqueTicketProjectLocal tclid
guard $ ticketProjectLocalProject tpl == jid
npatches <- lift $ count [PatchTicket ==. tid]
guard $ npatches <= 0
mbn <- lift $ selectFirst [BundleTicket ==. tid] []
guard $ isNothing mbn
author <-
(do mtal <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketAuthorLocal ltid
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ getReverseDependencyCollection here getLocalTicketId404 = do
data WorkItem
= WorkItemSharerTicket ShrIdent TicketAuthorLocalId Bool
| WorkItemProjectTicket ShrIdent PrjIdent LocalTicketId
| WorkItemRepoPatch ShrIdent RpIdent LocalTicketId
| WorkItemRepoProposal ShrIdent RpIdent LocalTicketId
deriving Eq
@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ askWorkItemRoute = do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let route (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid False) = SharerTicketR shr (hashTALID talid)
route (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = SharerPatchR shr (hashTALID talid)
route (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = SharerProposalR shr (hashTALID talid)
route (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid) = ProjectTicketR shr prj (hashLTID ltid)
route (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid) = RepoPatchR shr rp (hashLTID ltid)
route (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid) = RepoProposalR shr rp (hashLTID ltid)
return route
getWorkItem :: MonadIO m => LocalTicketId -> ReaderT SqlBackend m WorkItem
@ -790,20 +790,20 @@ getWorkItem ltid = (either error return =<<) $ runExceptT $ do
Just (Entity talid _) -> lift $ do
metcr <- getBy (UniqueTicketProjectRemote talid)
for metcr $ \ etcr ->
(etcr,) . (> 0) <$> count [PatchTicket ==. tid]
(etcr,) . (> 0) <$> count [BundleTicket ==. tid]
mlocalContext <- do
metcl <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketContextLocal tid
for metcl $ \ etcl@(Entity tclid _) -> do
npatches <- lift $ count [PatchTicket ==. tid]
mbn <- lift $ selectFirst [BundleTicket ==. tid] []
metpl <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketProjectLocal tclid
metrl <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketRepoLocal tclid
case (metpl, metrl) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> throwE "TCL but no TPL and no TRL"
(Just etpl, Nothing) -> do
when (npatches > 0) $ throwE "TPL but patches attached"
when (isJust mbn) $ throwE "TPL but patches attached"
return (etcl, Left etpl)
(Nothing, Just etrl) -> do
when (npatches < 1) $ throwE "TRL but no patches attached"
when (isNothing mbn) $ throwE "TRL but no patches attached"
return (etcl, Right etrl)
(Just _, Just _) -> throwE "Both TPL and TRL"
metar <-
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ getWorkItem ltid = (either error return =<<) $ runExceptT $ do
contextHosted (Right (Entity _ trl)) = do
r <- getJust $ ticketRepoLocalRepo trl
s <- getJust $ repoSharer r
return $ WorkItemRepoPatch (sharerIdent s) (repoIdent r) ltid
return $ WorkItemRepoProposal (sharerIdent s) (repoIdent r) ltid
authorHosted (Entity talid tal) patch = do
p <- getJust $ ticketAuthorLocalAuthor tal
s <- getJust $ personIdent p
@ -875,15 +875,15 @@ parseWorkItem name u@(ObjURI h lu) = do
SharerTicketR shr talkhid -> do
talid <- decodeKeyHashidE talkhid $ name <> ": Invalid talkhid"
return $ WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid False
SharerPatchR shr talkhid -> do
SharerProposalR shr talkhid -> do
talid <- decodeKeyHashidE talkhid $ name <> ": Invalid talkhid"
return $ WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True
ProjectTicketR shr prj ltkhid -> do
ltid <- decodeKeyHashidE ltkhid $ name <> ": Invalid ltkhid"
return $ WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid
RepoPatchR shr rp ltkhid -> do
RepoProposalR shr rp ltkhid -> do
ltid <- decodeKeyHashidE ltkhid $ name <> ": Invalid ltkhid"
return $ WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid
return $ WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid
_ -> throwE $ name <> ": not a work item route"
else return $ Right u
@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ checkDepAndTarget
workItemActor (WorkItemSharerTicket shr _ _) = LocalActorSharer shr
workItemActor (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj _) = LocalActorProject shr prj
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
checkParentAndTarget (Left _) (Right _) = throwE "Local parent but remote target"
checkParentAndTarget (Right _) (Left _) = throwE "Local target but remote parent"
checkParentAndTarget (Right _) (Right _) = return ()
@ -28,22 +28,15 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
-- import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
-- import Data.Either
-- import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
-- import Yesod.Core (notFound)
-- import Yesod.Core.Content
-- import Yesod.Persist.Core
-- import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.FedURI
@ -56,10 +49,6 @@ import Yesod.MonadSite
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
-- import Data.Either.Local
-- import Data.Paginate.Local
-- import Database.Persist.Local
-- import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
@ -67,11 +56,8 @@ import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
import Vervis.Model.Repo
-- import Vervis.Model.Workflow
-- import Vervis.Paginate
import Vervis.Patch
import Vervis.Ticket
-- import Vervis.Widget.Ticket (TicketSummary (..))
data WorkItemDetail = WorkItemDetail
{ widIdent :: Either (WorkItem, LocalTicketId) (FedURI, LocalURI)
@ -105,9 +91,9 @@ askWorkItemFollowers = do
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
let workItemFollowers (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid False) = LocalPersonCollectionSharerTicketFollowers shr $ hashTALID talid
workItemFollowers (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = LocalPersonCollectionSharerPatchFollowers shr $ hashTALID talid
workItemFollowers (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = LocalPersonCollectionSharerProposalFollowers shr $ hashTALID talid
workItemFollowers (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj ltid) = LocalPersonCollectionProjectTicketFollowers shr prj $ hashLTID ltid
workItemFollowers (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid) = LocalPersonCollectionRepoPatchFollowers shr rp $ hashLTID ltid
workItemFollowers (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid) = LocalPersonCollectionRepoProposalFollowers shr rp $ hashLTID ltid
return workItemFollowers
@ -198,7 +184,7 @@ getWorkItemDetail name v = do
return (ltid, context', Left shr)
getWorkItem name (WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True) = do
(_, Entity ltid _, _, context, _, _) <- do
mticket <- lift $ getSharerPatch shr talid
mticket <- lift $ getSharerProposal shr talid
fromMaybeE mticket $ name <> ": No such sharer-patch"
context' <-
lift $
@ -227,8 +213,8 @@ getWorkItemDetail name v = do
fromMaybeE mticket $ name <> ": No such project-ticket"
author' <- lift $ getWorkItemAuthorDetail author
return (ltid, Left $ Left (sharerIdent s, projectIdent j), author')
getWorkItem name (WorkItemRepoPatch shr rp ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoPatch shr rp ltid
getWorkItem name (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid) = do
mticket <- lift $ getRepoProposal shr rp ltid
(Entity _ s, Entity _ r, _, _, _, _, author, _, _) <-
fromMaybeE mticket $ name <> ": No such repo-patch"
author' <- lift $ getWorkItemAuthorDetail author
@ -255,5 +241,5 @@ getWorkItemDetail name v = do
mkuri (i, ro) = ObjURI (instanceHost i) (remoteObjectIdent ro)
data WorkItemTarget
= WTTProject ShrIdent PrjIdent
| WTTRepo ShrIdent RpIdent (Maybe Text) VersionControlSystem Text
= WITProject ShrIdent PrjIdent
| WITRepo ShrIdent RpIdent (Maybe Text) VersionControlSystem (NonEmpty Text)
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ module Web.ActivityPub
, PatchType (..)
, PatchLocal (..)
, Patch (..)
, BundleLocal (..)
, Bundle (..)
, TicketLocal (..)
, MergeRequest (..)
, Ticket (..)
@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ newtype TextPandocMarkdown = TextPandocMarkdown
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON)
data PatchType = PatchTypeDarcs
data PatchType = PatchTypeDarcs deriving Eq
instance FromJSON PatchType where
parseJSON = withText "PatchType" parse
@ -841,10 +843,8 @@ instance ToJSON PatchType where
render PatchTypeDarcs = "application/x-darcs-patch" :: Text
data PatchLocal = PatchLocal
{ patchId :: LocalURI
, patchContext :: LocalURI
, patchPrevVersions :: [LocalURI]
, patchCurrentVersion :: Maybe LocalURI
{ patchId :: LocalURI
, patchContext :: LocalURI
@ -854,16 +854,12 @@ parsePatchLocal o = do
case mid of
Nothing -> do
verifyNothing "context"
verifyNothing "previousVersions"
verifyNothing "currentVersion"
return Nothing
Just (ObjURI a id_) ->
fmap (Just . (a,)) $
<$> pure id_
<*> withAuthorityO a (o .: "context")
<*> (traverse (withAuthorityO a . return) =<< o .:? "previousVersions" .!= [])
<*> withAuthorityMaybeO a (o .:? "currentVersion")
verifyNothing t =
if t `M.member` o
@ -871,11 +867,9 @@ parsePatchLocal o = do
else return ()
encodePatchLocal :: UriMode u => Authority u -> PatchLocal -> Series
encodePatchLocal a (PatchLocal id_ context versions mcurrent)
encodePatchLocal a (PatchLocal id_ context)
= "id" .= ObjURI a id_
<> "context" .= ObjURI a context
<> "previousVersions" .= map (ObjURI a) versions
<> "currentVersion" .=? (ObjURI a <$> mcurrent)
data Patch u = Patch
{ patchLocal :: Maybe (Authority u, PatchLocal)
@ -911,6 +905,89 @@ instance ActivityPub Patch where
<> "mediaType" .= typ
<> "content" .= content
data BundleLocal = BundleLocal
{ bundleId :: LocalURI
, bundleContext :: LocalURI
, bundlePrevVersions :: [LocalURI]
, bundleCurrentVersion :: Maybe LocalURI
:: UriMode u => Object -> Parser (Maybe (Authority u, BundleLocal))
parseBundleLocal o = do
mid <- o .:? "id"
case mid of
Nothing -> do
verifyNothing "context"
verifyNothing "previousVersions"
verifyNothing "currentVersion"
return Nothing
Just (ObjURI a id_) ->
fmap (Just . (a,)) $
<$> pure id_
<*> withAuthorityO a (o .: "context")
<*> (traverse (withAuthorityO a . return) =<< o .:? "previousVersions" .!= [])
<*> withAuthorityMaybeO a (o .:? "currentVersion")
verifyNothing t =
if t `M.member` o
then fail $ T.unpack t ++ " field found, expected none"
else return ()
encodeBundleLocal :: UriMode u => Authority u -> BundleLocal -> Series
encodeBundleLocal a (BundleLocal id_ context versions mcurrent)
= "id" .= ObjURI a id_
<> "context" .= ObjURI a context
<> "previousVersions" .= map (ObjURI a) versions
<> "currentVersion" .=? (ObjURI a <$> mcurrent)
data Bundle u
= BundleHosted (Maybe BundleLocal) (NonEmpty LocalURI)
| BundleOffer (Maybe (Authority u, BundleLocal)) (NonEmpty (Patch u))
instance ActivityPub Bundle where
jsonldContext _ = [as2Context, forgeContext]
parseObject o = do
typ <- o .: "type"
unless (typ == ("OrderedCollection" :: Text)) $
fail "type isn't OrderedCollection"
mlocal <- parseBundleLocal o
mtotal <- o .:? "totalItems"
items <- toEither <$> o .: "orderedItems" <|> o .: "items"
case items of
Left (ObjURI h lu :| us) -> do
for_ mlocal $ \ (h', _) ->
unless (h == h') $
fail "Patches in bundle not on the same host as bundle"
unless (all (== h) $ map objUriAuthority us) $
fail "Patches in bundle on different hosts"
for_ mtotal $ \ total ->
unless (length us + 1 == total) $
fail "Incorrect totalItems"
return (h, BundleHosted (snd <$> mlocal) $ lu :| map objUriLocal us)
Right (Doc h p :| ps) -> do
unless (all (== h) $ map docAuthority ps) $
fail "Patches in bundle have different authors"
for_ mtotal $ \ total ->
unless (length ps + 1 == total) $
fail "Incorrect totalItems"
return (h, BundleOffer mlocal $ p :| map docValue ps)
toSeries hBundle (BundleHosted mlocal lus)
= maybe mempty (encodeBundleLocal hBundle) mlocal
<> "type" .= ("OrderedCollection" :: Text)
<> "totalItems" .= length lus
<> "orderedItems" .= NE.map (ObjURI hBundle) lus
toSeries hAttrib (BundleOffer mlocal patches)
= maybe mempty (uncurry encodeBundleLocal) mlocal
<> "type" .= ("OrderedCollection" :: Text)
<> "totalItems" .= length patches
<> "orderedItems" .= NE.map (Doc hAttrib) patches
data TicketLocal = TicketLocal
{ ticketId :: LocalURI
, ticketReplies :: LocalURI
@ -964,7 +1041,7 @@ encodeTicketLocal
data MergeRequest u = MergeRequest
{ mrOrigin :: Maybe (ObjURI u)
, mrTarget :: LocalURI
, mrPatch :: Either (ObjURI u) (Authority u, Patch u)
, mrBundle :: Either (ObjURI u) (Authority u, Bundle u)
instance ActivityPub MergeRequest where
@ -985,11 +1062,11 @@ instance ActivityPub MergeRequest where
fromDoc (Doc h v) = (h, v)
toSeries h (MergeRequest morigin target patch)
toSeries h (MergeRequest morigin target bundle)
= "type" .= ("Offer" :: Text)
<> "origin" .=? morigin
<> "target" .= ObjURI h target
<> "object" .= fromEither (second (uncurry Doc) patch)
<> "object" .= fromEither (second (uncurry Doc) bundle)
data Ticket u = Ticket
{ ticketLocal :: Maybe (Authority u, TicketLocal)
Add table
Reference in a new issue