mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:14:54 +09:00
Implement C2S unfollowing, using Undo{Follow}
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 384 additions and 53 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/outbox/#OutboxItemKeyHashid SharerOutboxItemR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/followers SharerFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/follow SharerFollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/unfollow SharerUnfollowR POST
/p PeopleR GET
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/followers RepoFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/edit RepoEditR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/follow RepoFollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/unfollow RepoUnfollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/s/+Texts RepoSourceR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/c RepoHeadChangesR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/r/#RpIdent/b/#Text RepoBranchR GET
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/followers ProjectFollowersR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/edit ProjectEditR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/follow ProjectFollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/unfollow ProjectUnfollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/d ProjectDevsR GET POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/d/!new ProjectDevNewR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/d/#ShrIdent ProjectDevR GET DELETE POST
@ -153,6 +156,7 @@
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/assign TicketAssignR GET POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/unassign TicketUnassignR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/follow TicketFollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/unfollow TicketUnfollowR POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/tcr ClaimRequestsProjectR GET
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/cr ClaimRequestsTicketR GET POST
/s/#ShrIdent/p/#PrjIdent/t/#Int/cr/new ClaimRequestNewR GET
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Vervis.API
( createNoteC
, followC
, offerTicketC
, undoC
, pushCommitsC
, getFollowersCollection
@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.ActorKey
import Vervis.API.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
@ -883,6 +884,85 @@ offerTicketC shrUser summary audience offer@(Offer ticket uTarget) = runExceptT
insert_ $ InboxItemLocal ibid obiid ibiid
return remotes
:: ShrIdent
-> TextHtml
-> Audience URIMode
-> Undo URIMode
-> Handler (Either Text OutboxItemId)
undoC shrUser summary audience undo@(Undo luObject) = runExceptT $ do
(localRecips, remoteRecips) <- do
mrecips <- parseAudience audience
fromMaybeE mrecips "Follow with no recipients"
federation <- asksSite $ appFederation . appSettings
unless (federation || null remoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but remote recipients specified"
route <-
(decodeRouteLocal luObject)
"Undo object isn't a valid route"
obiidOriginal <- case route of
SharerOutboxItemR shr obikhid
| shr == shrUser ->
decodeKeyHashidE obikhid "Undo object invalid obikhid"
_ -> throwE "Undo object isn't actor's outbox item route"
let dont = Authority "dont-do.any-forwarding" Nothing
(obiidUndo, doc, remotesHttp) <- runDBExcept $ do
Entity _pidAuthor personAuthor <- lift $ getAuthor shrUser
obi <- do
mobi <- lift $ get obiidOriginal
fromMaybeE mobi "Undo object obiid doesn't exist in DB"
unless (outboxItemOutbox obi == personOutbox personAuthor) $
throwE "Undo object obiid belongs to different actor"
lift $ do
deleteFollow obiidOriginal
deleteFollowRemote obiidOriginal
deleteFollowRemoteRequest obiidOriginal
let obidAuthor = personOutbox personAuthor
(obiidUndo, doc, luUndo) <- insertUndoToOutbox obidAuthor
let ibidAuthor = personInbox personAuthor
fsidAuthor = personFollowers personAuthor
knownRemotes <- deliverLocal shrUser ibidAuthor fsidAuthor obiidUndo localRecips
remotesHttp <- deliverRemoteDB' dont obiidUndo remoteRecips knownRemotes
return (obiidUndo, doc, remotesHttp)
lift $ forkWorker "undoC: Outbox POST handler: async HTTP delivery" $ deliverRemoteHttp dont obiidUndo doc remotesHttp
return obiidUndo
getAuthor shr = do
sid <- getKeyBy404 $ UniqueSharer shr
getBy404 $ UniquePersonIdent sid
deleteFollow obiid = do
mfid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueFollowFollow obiid
traverse_ delete mfid
deleteFollowRemote obiid = do
mfrid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueFollowRemoteFollow obiid
traverse_ delete mfrid
deleteFollowRemoteRequest obiid = do
mfrrid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueFollowRemoteRequestActivity obiid
traverse_ delete mfrrid
insertUndoToOutbox obid = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
let activity mluAct = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = mluAct
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrUser
, activitySummary = Just summary
, activityAudience = audience
, activitySpecific = UndoActivity undo
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
obiid <- insert OutboxItem
{ outboxItemOutbox = obid
, outboxItemActivity =
persistJSONObjectFromDoc $ activity Nothing
, outboxItemPublished = now
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
let luAct = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerOutboxItemR shrUser obikhid
doc = activity $ Just luAct
update obiid [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (obiid, doc, luAct)
:: (Entity Person, Sharer)
-> Html
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module Vervis.ActivityPub
, parseParent
, runDBExcept
, getLocalParentMessageId
, concatRecipients
, getPersonOrGroupId
, getTicketTeam
, getProjectTeam
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ module Vervis.ActivityPub
, deliverRemoteDB'
, deliverRemoteHttp
, serveCommit
, deliverLocal
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty.Local
import Data.Tuple.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
@ -190,9 +192,6 @@ getLocalParentMessageId did shr lmid = do
throwE "Local parent belongs to a different discussion"
return mid
concatRecipients :: Audience u -> [ObjURI u]
concatRecipients (Audience to bto cc bcc gen _) = concat [to, bto, cc, bcc, gen]
getPersonOrGroupId :: SharerId -> AppDB (Either PersonId GroupId)
getPersonOrGroupId sid = do
mpid <- getKeyBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid
@ -693,3 +692,74 @@ serveCommit shr rp ref patch parents = do
makeAuthor encodeRouteHome (Just sharer) _ =
Right $ encodeRouteHome $ SharerR $ sharerIdent sharer
-- | Given a list of local recipients, which may include actors and
-- collections,
-- * Insert activity to inboxes of actors
-- * If the author's follower collection is listed, insert activity to the
-- local members and return the remote members
-- * Ignore other collections
:: ShrIdent
-> InboxId
-> FollowerSetId
-> Key OutboxItem
-> [(ShrIdent, LocalSharerRelatedSet)]
-> AppDB
[ ( (InstanceId, Host)
, NonEmpty (RemoteActorId, LocalURI, LocalURI, Maybe UTCTime)
deliverLocal shrAuthor ibidAuthor fsidAuthor obiid recips = do
(pidsFollowers, remotesFollowers) <-
if authorFollowers shrAuthor recips
then getFollowers fsidAuthor
else return ([], [])
ibidsFollowers <-
map (personInbox . entityVal) <$>
selectList [PersonId <-. pidsFollowers] [Asc PersonInbox]
ibidsSharer <- L.delete ibidAuthor <$> getSharerInboxes recips
ibidsOther <- concat <$> traverse getOtherInboxes recips
let ibids = LO.union ibidsFollowers ibidsSharer ++ ibidsOther
ibiids <- insertMany $ replicate (length ibids) $ InboxItem True
insertMany_ $
map (\ (ibid, ibiid) -> InboxItemLocal ibid obiid ibiid)
(zip ibids ibiids)
return remotesFollowers
getSharerInboxes sharers = do
let shrs =
[shr | (shr, s) <- sharers
, localRecipSharer $ localRecipSharerDirect s
sids <- selectKeysList [SharerIdent <-. shrs] []
map (personInbox . entityVal) <$> selectList [PersonIdent <-. sids] [Asc PersonInbox]
getOtherInboxes (shr, LocalSharerRelatedSet _ projects repos) = do
msid <- getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
case msid of
Nothing -> return []
Just sid ->
<$> getProjectInboxes sid projects
<*> getRepoInboxes sid repos
getProjectInboxes sid projects =
let prjs =
[prj | (prj, j) <- projects
, localRecipProject $ localRecipProjectDirect j
in map (projectInbox . entityVal) <$>
selectList [ProjectSharer ==. sid, ProjectIdent <-. prjs] []
getRepoInboxes sid repos =
let rps =
[rp | (rp, r) <- repos
, localRecipRepo $ localRecipRepoDirect r
in map (repoInbox . entityVal) <$>
selectList [RepoSharer ==. sid, RepoIdent <-. rps] []
authorFollowers shr lrset =
case lookup shr lrset of
Just s
| localRecipSharerFollowers $ localRecipSharerDirect s -> True
_ -> False
@ -13,14 +13,17 @@
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.API.Recipient
module Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
( LocalActor (..)
, LocalTicketDirectSet (..)
, LocalProjectDirectSet (..)
, LocalProjectRelatedSet (..)
, LocalRepoDirectSet (..)
, LocalRepoRelatedSet (..)
, LocalSharerDirectSet (..)
, LocalSharerRelatedSet (..)
, LocalRecipientSet
, concatRecipients
, parseAudience
, actorRecips
@ -49,11 +52,14 @@ import Yesod.MonadSite
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model.Ident
concatRecipients :: Audience u -> [ObjURI u]
concatRecipients (Audience to bto cc bcc gen _) =
concat [to, bto, cc, bcc, gen]
-- Actor and collection-of-persons types
@ -22,11 +22,17 @@ module Vervis.Client
, followTicket
, followRepo
, offerTicket
, undoFollowSharer
, undoFollowProject
, undoFollowTicket
, undoFollowRepo
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Blaze.Html (preEscapedToHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
@ -40,6 +46,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Network.FedURI
import Web.ActivityPub hiding (Follow)
import Yesod.ActivityPub
import Yesod.FedURI
import Yesod.Hashids
import Yesod.MonadSite
@ -47,8 +54,10 @@ import Yesod.RenderSource
import qualified Web.ActivityPub as AP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
@ -242,3 +251,120 @@ offerTicket shrAuthor (TextHtml title) (TextPandocMarkdown desc) shr prj = runEx
, audienceNonActors = map encodeRouteHome recipsC
return (summary, audience, offer)
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> PersonId
-> ExceptT Text (ReaderT SqlBackend m) FollowerSetId
-> Text
-> Route App
-> Route App
-> m (Either Text (TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
undoFollow shrAuthor pidAuthor getFsid typ objRoute recipRoute = runExceptT $ do
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
obiidFollow <- runDBExcept $ do
fsid <- getFsid
mf <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueFollow pidAuthor fsid
followFollow <$> fromMaybeE mf ("Not following this " <> typ)
obikhidFollow <- encodeKeyHashid obiidFollow
summary <- do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
TextHtml . TL.toStrict . renderHtml <$>
<a href=@{SharerR shrAuthor}>
#{shr2text shrAuthor}
\ unfollowed #
<a href=@{objRoute}>
#{renderAuthority hLocal}#{localUriPath $ encodeRouteLocal objRoute}
let undo = Undo
{ undoObject =
encodeRouteLocal $ SharerOutboxItemR shrAuthor obikhidFollow
audience = Audience [encodeRouteHome recipRoute] [] [] [] [] []
return (summary, audience, undo)
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> PersonId
-> ShrIdent
-> m (Either Text (TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
undoFollowSharer shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee =
undoFollow shrAuthor pidAuthor getFsid "sharer" objRoute objRoute
objRoute = SharerR shrFollowee
getFsid = do
sidFollowee <- do
msid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shrFollowee
fromMaybeE msid "No such local sharer"
mp <- lift $ getValBy $ UniquePersonIdent sidFollowee
personFollowers <$>
fromMaybeE mp "Unfollow target local sharer isn't a person"
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> PersonId
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> m (Either Text (TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
undoFollowProject shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee prjFollowee =
undoFollow shrAuthor pidAuthor getFsid "project" objRoute objRoute
objRoute = ProjectR shrFollowee prjFollowee
getFsid = do
sidFollowee <- do
msid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shrFollowee
fromMaybeE msid "No such local sharer"
mj <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueProject prjFollowee sidFollowee
projectFollowers <$>
fromMaybeE mj "Unfollow target no such local project"
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> PersonId
-> ShrIdent
-> PrjIdent
-> Int
-> m (Either Text (TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
undoFollowTicket shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee prjFollowee numFollowee =
undoFollow shrAuthor pidAuthor getFsid "project" objRoute recipRoute
objRoute = TicketR shrFollowee prjFollowee numFollowee
recipRoute = ProjectR shrFollowee prjFollowee
getFsid = do
sid <- do
msid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shrFollowee
fromMaybeE msid "No such local sharer"
jid <- do
mjid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueProject prjFollowee sid
fromMaybeE mjid "No such local project"
mt <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueTicket jid numFollowee
ticketFollowers <$>
fromMaybeE mt "Unfollow target no such local ticket"
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App, MonadSite m, SiteEnv m ~ App)
=> ShrIdent
-> PersonId
-> ShrIdent
-> RpIdent
-> m (Either Text (TextHtml, Audience URIMode, Undo URIMode))
undoFollowRepo shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee rpFollowee =
undoFollow shrAuthor pidAuthor getFsid "repo" objRoute objRoute
objRoute = RepoR shrFollowee rpFollowee
getFsid = do
sidFollowee <- do
msid <- lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shrFollowee
fromMaybeE msid "No such local sharer"
mr <- lift $ getValBy $ UniqueRepo rpFollowee sidFollowee
repoFollowers <$>
fromMaybeE mr "Unfollow target no such local repo"
@ -19,85 +19,54 @@ module Vervis.Federation.Discussion
--import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Concurrent.MVar
--import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception hiding (Handler, try)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
--import Crypto.Hash
--import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
--import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.List (sort, deleteBy, nub, union, unionBy, partition)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe
--import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Time.Clock
--import Data.Time.Units
import Data.Traversable
--import Data.Tuple
import Database.Persist
--import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (deleteBy)
--import Network.HTTP.Client
--import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
--import Network.HTTP.Types.URI
--import Network.TLS hiding (SHA256)
--import UnliftIO.Exception (try)
import Yesod.Core hiding (logError, logWarn, logInfo, logDebug)
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
--import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
--import qualified Data.List.Ordered as LO
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
--import qualified Network.Wai as W
--import Data.Time.Interval
--import Network.HTTP.Signature hiding (requestHeaders)
import Yesod.HttpSignature
--import Crypto.PublicVerifKey
import Database.Persist.JSON
import Network.FedURI
import Network.HTTP.Digest
import Web.ActivityPub
import Yesod.ActivityPub
--import Yesod.Auth.Unverified
import Yesod.FedURI
--import Yesod.Hashids
--import Yesod.MonadSite
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
--import Data.Aeson.Local
--import Data.Either.Local
--import Data.List.Local
--import Data.List.NonEmpty.Local
--import Data.Maybe.Local
import Data.Tuple.Local
import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
--import Vervis.ActorKey
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Federation.Auth
import Vervis.Foundation
import Vervis.Model
import Vervis.Model.Ident
--import Vervis.RemoteActorStore
import Vervis.Settings
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Database.Persist.Local
import Yesod.Persist.Local
import Vervis.ActivityPub
import Vervis.ActivityPub.Recipient
import Vervis.FedURI
import Vervis.Federation.Auth
import Vervis.Foundation
@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
(NotificationsR shr , _ ) -> person shr
(SharerOutboxR shr , True) -> person shr
(SharerFollowR shr , True) -> personAny
(SharerUnfollowR shr , True) -> personAny
(GroupsR , True) -> personAny
(GroupNewR , _ ) -> personAny
@ -324,6 +325,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
(RepoR shar _ , True) -> person shar
(RepoEditR shr _rp , _ ) -> person shr
(RepoFollowR _shr _rp , True) -> personAny
(RepoUnfollowR _shr _rp , True) -> personAny
(RepoDevsR shr _rp , _ ) -> person shr
(RepoDevNewR shr _rp , _ ) -> person shr
(RepoDevR shr _rp _dev , _ ) -> person shr
@ -333,6 +335,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
(ProjectR shr _prj , True) -> person shr
(ProjectEditR shr _prj , _ ) -> person shr
(ProjectFollowR _shr _prj , _ ) -> personAny
(ProjectUnfollowR _shr _prj , _ ) -> personAny
(ProjectDevsR shr _prj , _ ) -> person shr
(ProjectDevNewR shr _prj , _ ) -> person shr
(ProjectDevR shr _prj _dev , _ ) -> person shr
@ -366,6 +369,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
(TicketAssignR s j _ , _ ) -> projOp ProjOpAssignTicket s j
(TicketUnassignR s j _ , _ ) -> projOp ProjOpUnassignTicket s j
(TicketFollowR _ _ _ , True) -> personAny
(TicketUnfollowR _ _ _ , True) -> personAny
(ClaimRequestsTicketR s j _, True) -> projOp ProjOpRequestTicket s j
(ClaimRequestNewR s j _ , _ ) -> projOp ProjOpRequestTicket s j
(TicketDiscussionR _ _ _ , True) -> personAny
@ -16,12 +16,20 @@
module Vervis.Handler.Client
( getPublishR
, postSharerOutboxR
, postSharerFollowR
, postProjectFollowR
, postTicketFollowR
, postRepoFollowR
, postSharerUnfollowR
, postProjectUnfollowR
, postTicketUnfollowR
, postRepoUnfollowR
, getNotificationsR
, postNotificationsR
, postTicketsR
@ -199,11 +207,14 @@ activityWidget shr widget1 enctype1 widget2 enctype2 widget3 enctype3 =
<input type=submit>
getUserShrIdent :: Handler ShrIdent
getUserShrIdent = do
Entity _ p <- requireVerifiedAuth
getUser :: Handler (ShrIdent, PersonId)
getUser = do
Entity pid p <- requireVerifiedAuth
s <- runDB $ getJust $ personIdent p
return $ sharerIdent s
return (sharerIdent s, pid)
getUserShrIdent :: Handler ShrIdent
getUserShrIdent = fst <$> getUser
getPublishR :: Handler Html
getPublishR = do
@ -389,6 +400,57 @@ postRepoFollowR shrObject rpObject = do
setFollowMessage shrAuthor eid
redirect $ RepoR shrObject rpObject
setUnfollowMessage :: ShrIdent -> Either Text OutboxItemId -> Handler ()
setUnfollowMessage _ (Left err) = setMessage $ toHtml err
setUnfollowMessage shr (Right obiid) = do
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
setMessage =<<
<a href=@{SharerOutboxItemR shr obikhid}>
Unfollow request published!
postSharerUnfollowR :: ShrIdent -> Handler ()
postSharerUnfollowR shrFollowee = do
(shrAuthor, pidAuthor) <- getUser
eid <- runExceptT $ do
(summary, audience, undo) <-
ExceptT $ undoFollowSharer shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee
ExceptT $ undoC shrAuthor summary audience undo
setUnfollowMessage shrAuthor eid
redirect $ SharerR shrFollowee
postProjectUnfollowR :: ShrIdent -> PrjIdent -> Handler ()
postProjectUnfollowR shrFollowee prjFollowee = do
(shrAuthor, pidAuthor) <- getUser
eid <- runExceptT $ do
(summary, audience, undo) <-
ExceptT $ undoFollowProject shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee prjFollowee
ExceptT $ undoC shrAuthor summary audience undo
setUnfollowMessage shrAuthor eid
redirect $ ProjectR shrFollowee prjFollowee
postTicketUnfollowR :: ShrIdent -> PrjIdent -> Int -> Handler ()
postTicketUnfollowR shrFollowee prjFollowee numFollowee = do
(shrAuthor, pidAuthor) <- getUser
eid <- runExceptT $ do
(summary, audience, undo) <-
ExceptT $ undoFollowTicket shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee prjFollowee numFollowee
ExceptT $ undoC shrAuthor summary audience undo
setUnfollowMessage shrAuthor eid
redirect $ TicketR shrFollowee prjFollowee numFollowee
postRepoUnfollowR :: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> Handler ()
postRepoUnfollowR shrFollowee rpFollowee = do
(shrAuthor, pidAuthor) <- getUser
eid <- runExceptT $ do
(summary, audience, undo) <-
ExceptT $ undoFollowRepo shrAuthor pidAuthor shrFollowee rpFollowee
ExceptT $ undoC shrAuthor summary audience undo
setUnfollowMessage shrAuthor eid
redirect $ RepoR shrFollowee rpFollowee
notificationForm :: Maybe (Maybe (InboxItemId, Bool)) -> Form (Maybe (InboxItemId, Bool))
notificationForm defs = renderDivs $ mk
<$> aopt hiddenField (name "Inbox Item ID#") (fmap fst <$> defs)
@ -148,4 +148,7 @@ getPerson shr sharer person = do
provideHtmlAndAP personAP $(widgetFile "person")
followButton =
followW (SharerFollowR shr) (return $ personFollowers person)
(SharerFollowR shr)
(SharerUnfollowR shr)
(return $ personFollowers person)
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ getProjectR shar proj = do
followButton =
(ProjectFollowR shar proj)
(ProjectUnfollowR shar proj)
(return $ projectFollowers project)
provideHtmlAndAP projectAP $(widgetFile "project/one")
@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ getDarcsRepoSource repository user repo dir = do
$(widgetFile "repo/source-darcs")
followButton =
followW (RepoFollowR user repo) (return $ repoFollowers repository)
(RepoFollowR user repo)
(RepoUnfollowR user repo)
(return $ repoFollowers repository)
getDarcsRepoHeadChanges :: ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getDarcsRepoHeadChanges shar repo = do
@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ getGitRepoSource repository user repo ref dir = do
$(widgetFile "repo/source-git")
followButton =
followW (RepoFollowR user repo) (return $ repoFollowers repository)
(RepoFollowR user repo)
(RepoUnfollowR user repo)
(return $ repoFollowers repository)
getGitRepoHeadChanges :: Repo -> ShrIdent -> RpIdent -> Handler TypedContent
getGitRepoHeadChanges repository shar repo =
@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ getTicketR shar proj num = do
let followButton =
(TicketFollowR shar proj num)
(TicketUnfollowR shar proj num)
(return $ ticketFollowers ticket)
in $(widgetFile "ticket/one")
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ sharerLinkFedW (Right (inztance, actor)) =
uActor = ObjURI (instanceHost inztance) (remoteActorIdent actor)
followW :: Route App -> AppDB FollowerSetId -> Widget
followW followRoute getFsid = do
followW :: Route App -> Route App -> AppDB FollowerSetId -> Widget
followW followRoute unfollowRoute getFsid = do
mpid <- maybeVerifiedAuthId
for_ mpid $ \ pid -> do
mfollow <- handlerToWidget $ runDB $ do
@ -68,7 +68,4 @@ followW followRoute getFsid = do
getValBy $ UniqueFollow pid fsid
case mfollow of
Nothing -> buttonW POST "Follow" followRoute
Just _ ->
Just _ -> buttonW POST "Unfollow" unfollowRoute
@ -1155,6 +1155,7 @@ instance ActivityPub Activity where
activityType (OfferActivity _) = "Offer"
activityType (PushActivity _) = "Push"
activityType (RejectActivity _) = "Reject"
activityType (UndoActivity _) = "Undo"
encodeSpecific h _ (AcceptActivity a) = encodeAccept h a
encodeSpecific h u (CreateActivity a) = encodeCreate h u a
encodeSpecific _ _ (FollowActivity a) = encodeFollow a
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ library
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