mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 11:36:49 +09:00
C2S: addBundleC for adding a new patch bundle version to a Ticket
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 208 additions and 1 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
module Vervis.API
module Vervis.API
( noteC
( addBundleC
, noteC
, createNoteC
, createNoteC
, createTicketC
, createTicketC
, followC
, followC
@ -119,6 +120,207 @@ import Vervis.Patch
import Vervis.Ticket
import Vervis.Ticket
import Vervis.WorkItem
import Vervis.WorkItem
:: Entity Person
-> Sharer
-> Maybe TextHtml
-> Audience URIMode
-> NonEmpty (AP.Patch URIMode)
-> FedURI
-> ExceptT Text Handler OutboxItemId
addBundleC (Entity pidUser personUser) sharerUser summary audience patches uTarget = do
let shrUser = sharerIdent sharerUser
ticket <- do
t <- parseWorkItem "Target" uTarget
(\ wi ->
case wi of
WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid patch -> do
unless patch $ throwE "Target is a non-MR sharer-ticket"
return $ Left (shr, talid)
WorkItemProjectTicket _ _ _ ->
throwE "Target is a project-ticket"
WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid ->
return $ Right (shr, rp, ltid)
(typ, diffs) <- do
((typ, diff) :| rest) <-
for patches $ \ (AP.Patch mlocal attrib mpub typ content) -> do
verifyNothingE mlocal "Patch with 'id'"
shrAttrib <- do
route <- fromMaybeE (decodeRouteLocal attrib) "Patch attrib not a valid route"
case route of
SharerR shr -> return shr
_ -> throwE "Patch attrib not a sharer route"
unless (shrAttrib == shrUser) $
throwE "Add and Patch attrib mismatch"
verifyNothingE mpub "Patch has 'published'"
return (typ, content)
let (typs, diffs) = unzip rest
unless (all (== typ) typs) $ throwE "Patches of different media types"
return (typ, diff :| diffs)
ParsedAudience localRecips remoteRecips blinded fwdHosts <- do
mrecips <- parseAudience audience
fromMaybeE mrecips "Add Bundle with no recipients"
federation <- asksSite $ appFederation . appSettings
unless (federation || null remoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but remote recipients specified"
let ticketWI = first toWorkItem ticket
verifyHosterRecip localRecips "Ticket" ticketWI
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
ticketDetail <- runWorkerExcept $ getWorkItemDetail "Ticket" ticketWI
(obiidAdd, docAdd, remotesHttpAdd, maybeAccept) <- runDBExcept $ do
(obiid, doc, luAdd) <- lift $ insertAddToOutbox shrUser now (personOutbox personUser) blinded
remotesHttpAdd <- do
wiFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
let sieve =
let (ticketA, ticketC) =
workItemRecipSieve wiFollowers ticketDetail
in makeRecipientSet
(LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser :
moreRemoteRecips <-
lift $
(LocalActorSharer shrUser)
(personInbox personUser)
(localRecipSieve sieve False localRecips)
unless (federation || null moreRemoteRecips) $
throwE "Federation disabled, but recipient collection remote members found"
lift $ deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHosts obiid remoteRecips moreRemoteRecips
maccept <-
case widIdent ticketDetail of
Right _ -> return Nothing
Left (wi, ltid) -> Just <$> do
let local =
case ticket of
Left l -> l
Right _ -> error "Impossible wi"
mhoster <-
case local of
Left (shr, _) -> lift $ runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
p <- MaybeT (getValBy $ UniquePersonIdent sid)
return (personOutbox p, personInbox p)
Right (shr, rp, _) -> runMaybeT $ do
sid <- MaybeT $ lift $ getKeyBy $ UniqueSharer shr
r <- MaybeT (lift $ getValBy $ UniqueRepo rp sid)
unless (repoVcs r == patchMediaTypeVCS typ) $
lift $ throwE "Patch type and repo VCS mismatch"
return (repoOutbox r, repoInbox r)
(obidHoster, ibidHoster) <- fromMaybeE mhoster "Ticket hoster not in DB"
obiidAccept <- lift $ insertEmptyOutboxItem obidHoster now
tid <- lift $ localTicketTicket <$> getJust ltid
bnid <- lift $ insert $ Bundle tid
lift $ insertMany_ $ NE.toList $ NE.map (Patch bnid now typ) diffs
(docAccept, localRecipsAccept, remoteRecipsAccept, fwdHostsAccept) <-
lift $ insertAccept shrUser local ticketDetail obiid obiidAccept bnid
knownRemoteRecipsAccept <-
lift $
(workItemActor wi)
lift $ (obiidAccept,docAccept,fwdHostsAccept,) <$>
deliverRemoteDB'' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept remoteRecipsAccept knownRemoteRecipsAccept
return (obiid, doc, remotesHttpAdd, maccept)
lift $ do
forkWorker "addBundleC: async HTTP Offer delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHosts obiidAdd docAdd remotesHttpAdd
for_ maybeAccept $ \ (obiidAccept, docAccept, fwdHostsAccept, remotesHttpAccept) ->
forkWorker "addBundleC: async HTTP Accept delivery" $
deliverRemoteHttp' fwdHostsAccept obiidAccept docAccept remotesHttpAccept
return obiidAdd
toWorkItem (Left (shr, talid)) = WorkItemSharerTicket shr talid True
toWorkItem (Right (shr, rp, ltid)) = WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp ltid
insertAddToOutbox shrUser now obid blinded = do
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obiid <- insertEmptyOutboxItem obid now
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
obikhid <- encodeKeyHashid obiid
let luAct = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerOutboxItemR shrUser obikhid
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId = Just luAct
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ SharerR shrUser
, activitySummary = summary
, activityAudience = blinded
, activitySpecific =
AddActivity $ AP.Add (Right $ AddBundle patches) uTarget
update obiid [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (obiid, doc, luAct)
workItemActor (WorkItemSharerTicket shr _ _) = LocalActorSharer shr
workItemActor (WorkItemProjectTicket shr prj _) = LocalActorProject shr prj
workItemActor (WorkItemRepoProposal shr rp _) = LocalActorRepo shr rp
insertAccept shrUser local (WorkItemDetail _ ctx ticketAuthor) obiidAdd obiidAccept bnid = do
let wi = toWorkItem local
encodeRouteLocal <- getEncodeRouteLocal
encodeRouteHome <- getEncodeRouteHome
wiFollowers <- askWorkItemFollowers
wiBundleRoute <- getWiBundleRoute
hLocal <- asksSite siteInstanceHost
obikhidAdd <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAdd
obikhidAccept <- encodeKeyHashid obiidAccept
bnkhid <- encodeKeyHashid bnid
let audAuthor =
[LocalActorSharer shrUser]
[LocalPersonCollectionSharerFollowers shrUser]
audTicketContext = contextAudience ctx
audTicketAuthor = authorAudience ticketAuthor
audTicketFollowers = AudLocal [] [wiFollowers wi]
(recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts, audLocal, audRemote) =
collectAudience $
audAuthor :
audTicketAuthor :
audTicketFollowers :
actor = workItemActor wi
recips = map encodeRouteHome audLocal ++ audRemote
doc = Doc hLocal Activity
{ activityId =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $
actorOutboxItem actor obikhidAccept
, activityActor = encodeRouteLocal $ renderLocalActor actor
, activitySummary = Nothing
, activityAudience = Audience recips [] [] [] [] []
, activitySpecific = AcceptActivity Accept
{ acceptObject =
encodeRouteHome $ SharerOutboxItemR shrUser obikhidAdd
, acceptResult =
Just $ encodeRouteLocal $ wiBundleRoute local bnkhid
update obiidAccept [OutboxItemActivity =. persistJSONObjectFromDoc doc]
return (doc, recipientSet, remoteActors, fwdHosts)
getWiBundleRoute = do
hashLTID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
hashTALID <- getEncodeKeyHashid
return $ \ wi ->
case wi of
Left (shr, talid) ->
SharerProposalBundleR shr $ hashTALID talid
Right (shr, rp, ltid) ->
RepoProposalBundleR shr rp $ hashLTID ltid
parseComment :: LocalURI -> ExceptT Text Handler (ShrIdent, LocalMessageId)
parseComment :: LocalURI -> ExceptT Text Handler (ShrIdent, LocalMessageId)
parseComment luParent = do
parseComment luParent = do
route <- case decodeRouteLocal luParent of
route <- case decodeRouteLocal luParent of
@ -375,6 +375,11 @@ postSharerOutboxR shr = do
Just (SharerR shr') | shr' == shr -> return ()
Just (SharerR shr') | shr' == shr -> return ()
_ -> throwE "Can't post activity sttributed to someone else"
_ -> throwE "Can't post activity sttributed to someone else"
case specific of
case specific of
AddActivity (AP.Add obj target) ->
case obj of
Right (AddBundle patches) ->
addBundleC eperson sharer summary audience patches target
_ -> throwE "Unsupported Add 'object' type"
CreateActivity (Create obj mtarget) ->
CreateActivity (Create obj mtarget) ->
case obj of
case obj of
CreateNote note ->
CreateNote note ->
Reference in a new issue