# Values formatted like "_env:ENV_VAR_NAME:default_value" can be overridden by
# the specified environment variable. See the Yesod wiki, Configuration page.

# Static files

static-dir:     "_env:STATIC_DIR:static"

# HTTP server

# any IPv4 host
host:           "_env:HOST:*4"

# The port `yesod devel` uses is distinct from this value. Set the
# `yesod devel` port from the command line.
http-port:      "_env:PORT:3000"

ip-from-header: "_env:IP_FROM_HEADER:false"

# The instance's host (e.g. "dev.angeley.es"). Used for determining which
# requests are federated and which are for this instance, and for generating
# URLs. The database relies on this value, and you shouldn't change it once
# you deploy an instance.
instance-host:  "_env:INSTANCE_HOST:localhost"

# Encryption key file for encrypting the session cookie sent to clients
client-session-key:     config/client_session_key.aes

# How much time after the last request it takes for the session cookie to
# expire
  amount:               2
  unit:                 hours

# Maximal accepted time difference between request date and current time, when
# performing this check during HTTP signature verification
  amount:               5
  unit:                 minutes

# How often to generate a new actor key for HTTP-signing requests
  amount:               1
  unit:                 days

# Development

# Optional values with the following production defaults.
# In development, they default to the inverse.
# development: false
# detailed-logging: false
# should-log-all: false
# reload-templates: false
# mutable-static: false
# skip-combining: false

# load-font-from-lib-data: false

# SQL database

# If you need a numeric value (e.g. 123) to parse as a String, wrap it in
# single quotes (e.g. "_env:PGPASS:'123'"). See the Yesod wiki, Configuration
# page.

  user:     "_env:PGUSER:vervis_dev"
  password: "_env:PGPASS:vervis_dev_password"
  host:     "_env:PGHOST:localhost"
  port:     "_env:PGPORT:5432"
  database: "_env:PGDATABASE:vervis_dev"
  poolsize: "_env:PGPOOLSIZE:10"

max-instance-keys:  2
max-actor-keys:     2

# Version control repositories

repo-dir:           repos
diff-context-lines: 5

# SSH server

ssh-port:     5022
ssh-key-file: config/ssh-host-key

# Accounts

registration: false
max-accounts: 3

# Whether to verify users' email addresses by sending them email with a
# verification link. If not set below, the default is not to verify in
# development, and to verify otherwise.
#email-verification: true

# Mail

# Optional SMTP server settings for sending email. If not provided, no email
# will be sent. The login field is optional, provide if you need SMTP
# authentication.

# mail:
#   smtp:
#     login:
#       user:     "_env:SMTPUSER:vervis_dev"
#       password: "_env:SMTPPASS:vervis_dev_password"
#     host:       "_env:SMTPHOST:localhost"
#     port:       "_env:SMTPPORT:587"
#   sender:
#     name:       "_env:SENDERNAME:vervis"
#     email:      "_env:SENDEREMAIL:vervis@vervis.vervis"
#   allow-reply:  false

# Federation

# Whether to support federation. This includes:
# * Accept activities from other servers in the inbox
# * Accept activities from users in the outbox
# * Deliver local activities to other servers
federation:             false

# Signing key file for signing object capabilities sent to remote users
capability-signing-key: config/capability_signing_key

# Salt file for encoding and decoding hashids
hashids-salt-file:      config/hashids_salt

# Whether to reject an HTTP signature when we want to insert a new key or usage
# record but reached the limit setting
reject-on-max-keys:     true

# The duration of time during which a remote actor is unreachable and we
# periodically retry to deliver them activities. After that period of time, we
# stop trying to deliver and we remove them from follower lists of local
# actors.
  amount:               25
  unit:                 weeks

# How often to retry failed deliveries
  amount:               1
  unit:                 hours

# How many activities to remember in the debug report list, showing latest
# activities received in local inboxes and the result of their processing.
# 'null' means disable the report page entirely.
#activity-debug-reports: 10