Vervis is still in early development. These instructions may be incomplete
and/or slightly outdated. At the time of writing, you can get a running Vervis
instance if you follow the steps below.

Install Darcs, GHC 7.10.3 and a recent `stack` version.

Download the Vervis repo:

    $ darcs get
    $ cd vervis

Download fr33domlover's modified `ssh` package:

    $ darcs get

Update `stack.yaml` to specify that path in the `packages` section:

    $ vim stack.yml

Generate a new SSH key with a blank password:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f config/ssh-host-key

Install PostgreSQL. You'll need the server and the client library development

    $ sudo apt-get install postgresql # TODO see exactly which pages are needed

Create a new PostgreSQL user and a new database.

    $ #TODO take this from the vervis ticket I wrote...

Update `stack.yaml` to specify correct database connection details.

    $ vim stack.yaml


    $ stack build --flag vervis:dev


    $ stack exec vervis

Browse to `http://localhost:3000` and have fun.