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{- This file is part of Vervis.
- Written in 2016, 2018 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Vervis.Darcs
( readSourceView
, readWikiView
, readChangesView
, lastChange
, readPatch
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT)
import Darcs.Util.Path
import Darcs.Util.Tree
import Darcs.Util.Tree.Hashed
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With, decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (strictDecode)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Hash.Codec
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Hash.Types
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Inventory.Parser
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Inventory.Read
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Inventory.Types
import Development.Darcs.Internal.Patch.Types
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.Email.Validate (emailAddress)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 (encode, decode)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (find)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack, takeWhile, stripEnd)
import qualified Data.Vector as V (empty)
import qualified Development.Darcs.Internal.Patch.Parser as P
import Darcs.Local.Repository
import Data.Either.Local (maybeRight)
import Data.EventTime.Local
import Data.List.Local
import Data.Text.UTF8.Local (decodeStrict)
import Data.Time.Clock.Local ()
import Vervis.Changes
import Vervis.Foundation (Widget)
import Vervis.Patch
import Vervis.Readme
import Vervis.SourceTree
import Vervis.Wiki (WikiView (..))
dirToAnchoredPath :: [EntryName] -> AnchoredPath
dirToAnchoredPath = AnchoredPath . map (decodeWhiteName . encodeUtf8)
matchType :: ItemType -> EntryType
matchType TreeType = TypeTree
matchType BlobType = TypeBlob
nameToText :: Name -> Text
nameToText = decodeUtf8With strictDecode . encodeWhiteName
itemToEntry :: Name -> TreeItem IO -> DirEntry
itemToEntry name item = DirEntry (matchType $ itemType item) (nameToText name)
findReadme :: [(Name, TreeItem IO)] -> IO (Maybe (Text, BL.ByteString))
findReadme pairs =
case F.find (isReadme . nameToText . fst) pairs of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (name, item) ->
case item of
File (Blob load _hash) -> do
content <- load
return $ Just (nameToText name, content)
_ -> return Nothing
itemToSourceView :: EntryName -> TreeItem IO -> IO (SourceView BL.ByteString)
itemToSourceView name (File (Blob load _hash)) = do
content <- load
return $ SourceFile $ FileView name content
itemToSourceView name (SubTree tree) = do
let items = listImmediate tree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Just name
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
itemToSourceView _name (Stub _load _hash) = error "supposed to be expanded"
readStubbedTree :: FilePath -> IO (Tree IO)
readStubbedTree path = do
let darcsDir = path </> "_darcs"
(msize, hash) <- readPristineRoot darcsDir
let pristineDir = darcsDir </> "pristine.hashed"
readDarcsHashed pristineDir (msize, hash)
:: FilePath
-- ^ Repository path
-> [EntryName]
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file or directory
-> IO (Maybe (SourceView Widget))
readSourceView path dir = do
stubbedTree <- readStubbedTree path
msv <- if null dir
then do
let items = listImmediate stubbedTree
mreadme <- findReadme items
return $ Just $ SourceDir DirectoryView
{ dvName = Nothing
, dvEntries = map (uncurry itemToEntry) items
, dvReadme = mreadme
else do
let anch = dirToAnchoredPath dir
expandedTree <- expandPath stubbedTree anch
let mitem = find expandedTree anch
for mitem $ itemToSourceView (last dir)
return $ renderSources dir <$> msv
:: (EntryName -> EntryName -> Maybe Text)
-- ^ Page name predicate. Returns 'Nothing' for a file which isn't a page.
-- For a page file, returns 'Just' the page name, which is the filename
-- with some parts possibly removed or added. For example, you may wish to
-- remove any extensions, replace underscores with spaces and so on.
-> (EntryName -> Bool)
-- ^ Main page predicate. This is used to pick a top-level page to display
-- as the wiki root page.
-> FilePath
-- ^ Repository path.
-> [EntryName]
-- ^ Path in the source tree pointing to a file. The last component doesn't
-- have to be the full name of the file though, but it much match the page
-- predicate for the actual file to be found.
-> IO (Maybe WikiView)
readWikiView isPage isMain path dir = do
stubbedTree <- readStubbedTree path
let (parent, ispage, mfile) =
if null dir
( []
, bool Nothing (Just Nothing) . isMain
, Nothing
( init dir
, maybe Nothing (Just . Just) . isPage lst
, Just $ decodeWhiteName $ encodeUtf8 lst
lst = last dir
anch = dirToAnchoredPath parent
matchBlob f (n, (File (Blob load _))) = f (nameToText n) load
matchBlob _ _ = Nothing
matchBlob' f (File (Blob load _)) = Just $ f load
matchBlob' _ _ = Nothing
page name load = (,) load . Just <$> ispage name
matchP = listToMaybe . mapMaybe (matchBlob page) . listImmediate
matchF t = mfile >>= lookup t >>= matchBlob' (flip (,) Nothing)
expandedTree <- expandPath stubbedTree anch
let mpage = case find expandedTree anch of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (File _) -> Nothing
Just (Stub _ _) -> error "supposed to be expanded"
Just (SubTree tree) -> matchP tree <|> matchF tree
mkview Nothing b = WikiViewRaw b
mkview (Just mt) b = WikiViewPage mt b
for mpage $ \ (load, mmtitle) -> mkview mmtitle <$> load
:: FilePath
-- ^ Repository path
-> Int
-- ^ Offset, i.e. latest patches to skip
-> Int
-- ^ Limit, i.e. how many latest patches to take after the offset
-> IO (Maybe (Int, [LogEntry]))
-- ^ Total number of changes, and view of the chosen subset
readChangesView path off lim = fmap maybeRight $ runExceptT $ do
total <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path latestInventorySizeP
let off' = total - off - lim
ps <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path $ latestInventoryPageP off' lim
now <- lift getCurrentTime
let toLE (pi, h, _) = LogEntry
{ leAuthor =
T.stripEnd $ T.takeWhile (/= '<') $ piAuthor pi
, leHash = decodeStrict $ encodePatchInfoHash h
, leMessage = piTitle pi
, leTime =
( piTime pi
, intervalToEventTime $
FriendlyConvert $
now `diffUTCTime` piTime pi
return (total, map toLE $ reverse $ snd ps)
lastChange :: FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO (Maybe EventTime)
lastChange path now = fmap maybeRight $ runExceptT $ do
total <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path latestInventorySizeP
let lim = 1
off = total - lim
(_, l) <- ExceptT $ readLatestInventory path $ latestInventoryPageP off lim
return $ case reverse l of
[] -> Never
(pi, _ih, _ch) : _ ->
intervalToEventTime $
FriendlyConvert $
now `diffUTCTime` piTime pi
-- | Group hunks by filename, assuming all the hunks for a given file are
-- placed together in the patch file, and in increasing line number order.
:: [P.Hunk] -> [(ByteString, NonEmpty (Int, [ByteString], [ByteString]))]
groupHunksByFile = groupMap P.hunkFile rest
rest h = (P.hunkLine h, P.hunkRemove h, P.hunkAdd h)
-- | Find groups of consecutive sequences of removes and adds, and turn each
-- such group into a single hunk. This may not actually be necessary, because
-- the small consecutive hunks would be joined later anyway when adding context
-- lines, but I'm still doing this here for consistency. In the "Vervis.Git"
-- module, the hunks are joined like this too.
:: NonEmpty (Int, [ByteString], [ByteString])
-> NonEmpty (Bool, Int, Hunk)
joinHunks =
N.map (mkHunk . second groupPairs) .
groupMapBy1 consecutive lineNumber lines
consecutive (n1, r1, _) (n2, _, _) = n1 + length r1 == n2
lineNumber (n, _, _) = n
lines (_, rs, as) = (map decodeUtf8 rs, map decodeUtf8 as)
mkHunk (line, (adds, pairs, rems)) = (False, line, Hunk adds pairs rems)
-- | Read patch content, both metadata and the actual diff, from a given Darcs
-- repository. Preconditions:
-- * The repo's existence has been verified against the DB
-- * The repo dir is assumed to exist. If it doesn't, an exception is thrown.
-- * The repository is assumed to be in a consistent state, all the expected
-- inventory files and patch files and so on are assumed to exist and have
-- the expected format. If not, an exception is thrown.
-- * The hash may or may not be found in the repo. If there's no patch in the
-- repo with the given hash, 'Nothing' is returned.
readPatch :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe Patch)
readPatch path hash = do
let pih = PatchInfoHash $ fst $ B16.decode $ encodeUtf8 hash
li <- handle =<< readLatestInventory path latestInventoryAllP
mp <- loop pih (liPatches li) (fst <$> liPrevTag li)
for mp $ \ (pi, pch) -> do
(_pir, hunks) <-
handle =<< readCompressedPatch path pch (P.patch <* A.endOfInput)
let (an, ae) =
either error id $
A.parseOnly (author <* A.endOfInput) $ piAuthor pi
return Patch
{ patchAuthorName = an
, patchAuthorEmail = ae
, patchTime = piTime pi
, patchTitle = piTitle pi
, patchDescription = fromMaybe "" $ piDescription pi
, patchDiff =
map (mkedit . second joinHunks) $ groupHunksByFile hunks
handle = either (const $ fail "readPatch failed") pure
lookup' pih ps = case F.find (\ (_pi, pih', _pch) -> pih' == pih) ps of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (pi, _pih, pch) -> Just (pi, pch)
loop pih ps mih = case lookup' pih ps of
Just p -> return $ Just p
Nothing -> case mih of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ih -> do
i <- handle =<< readCompressedInventory path ih earlyInventoryAllP
case i of
Left ei -> loop pih (eiPatches ei) Nothing
Right mi -> loop pih (miPatches mi) (Just $ miPrevious mi)
email = maybe (fail "invalid email") pure . emailAddress . encodeUtf8
author = (,)
<$> (T.stripEnd <$> A.takeWhile1 (/= '<'))
<* A.skip (== '<')
<*> (A.takeWhile1 (/= '>') >>= email)
<* A.skip (== '>')
mkedit (file, hunks) =
EditTextFile (T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 file) V.empty hunks 0 0