Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into sup39
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 1043 additions and 600 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"[vue-html]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "octref.vetur"
"files.autoSave": "off",
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"editor.detectIndentation": true,
@ -428,26 +428,6 @@
042906AC 60000000
<!-- <code>
<title lang="en-US">Infinite Lives (Deprecated)</title>
<date>Jan 20, 2017</date>
<description lang="en-US">Locks life count at 99.</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
04578A04 00000063
<source version="GMSJ01">
04575227 00000063
<source version="GMSJ0A">
04569724 00000063
<source version="GMSP01">
04570967 00000063
</code> -->
@ -556,36 +536,6 @@
04016A90 FC210828
<title lang="en-US">Remove Save Boxes</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Speicher-Schaltfläche entfernen</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Supprimer les boîtes de sauvegarde</title>
<title lang="ja-JP">セーブ画面の削除</title>
<author>Psychonauter, Noki Doki</author>
<date>Feb 17, 2021</date>
<description lang="en-US">Removes all saveboxes.</description>
<description lang="de-CH">Entfernt alle Speicherschaltflächen.</description>
<description lang="fr-FR">Supprime toutes les boîtes de sauvegarde.</description>
<description lang="ja-JP">全てのセーブ画面を削除します。</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
04297CAC 60000000
04297CB8 60000000
<source version="GMSJ01">
040EB268 60000000
040EB274 60000000
<source version="GMSJ0A">
04277954 60000000
04277960 60000000
<source version="GMSP01">
0428FB44 60000000
0428FB50 60000000
@ -1285,413 +1235,6 @@
042AF040 49541081
<!-- <code>
<title lang="en-US">Shine Touch Timer</title>
<description lang="en-US">
Adds the ingame timer to every level, starting on the last black frame after the loading screen and ending when you touch a Shine.
<date>Nov 29, 2017</date>
<source version="GMSE01">
C2031F68 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A59710
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608034
606394D8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA08090
60A52B28 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21BD3D8 00000007
7DE802A6 3C608056
6063DD00 7FB0EB78
3FA08028 63BDE604
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE803A6 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
4E800020 00000000
C234802C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C2149148 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
60639710 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08028 63BDE998
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08028 63BDE82C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C228E90C 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A59710
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2171B6C 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F025C 00000000
C2031F6C 0000000A
3C60803E 60639710
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
3C808028 6084E604
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04348048 4E800020
0414A99C 60000000
0414D2E8 60000000
0428E9C8 60000000
0428E854 60000000
0428E624 60000000
0456DD00 00000000
0456DD04 00000000
0456DD18 00000003
0456DD1C 00000002
0456DD20 8056DD24
0456DD24 00000000
0456DD28 00000001
0456DD2C 00000000
0456DD30 000000B4
<source version="GMSJ01">
C23617C4 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A56010
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608009
60633DF8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA08090
60A57B08 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21953A8 00000007
7DE802A6 3C608074
60639F00 7FB0EB78
3FA0800E 63BD1B4C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE803A6 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
4E800020 00000000
C209294C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C220A5A0 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
60636010 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608074 60639F00
3FA0800E 63BD1EE0
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608074 60639F00
3FA0800E 63BD1D74
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C20E1E54 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A56010
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2232024 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F0268 00000000
C23617C8 0000000A
3C60803E 60636010
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 60639F00
3C80800E 60841B4C
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04092968 4E800020
0420BDF8 60000000
0420E8A4 60000000
040E1F10 60000000
040E1D9C 60000000
040E1B6C 60000000
04749F00 00000000
04749F04 00000000
04749F18 00000003
04749F1C 00000002
04749F20 80749F24
04749F24 00000000
04749F28 00000001
04749F2C 00000000
04749F30 000000B4
0420c074 4800006C
<source version="GMSP01">
C2032020 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A510D0
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608034
60631734 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA0808F
60A5CCE8 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21B5290 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800001 9083000C
4E800020 00000000
C228F870 0000000C
2C000003 40A20050
3C60817F 60630100
8083000C 2C040000
41A2003C 38800000
9083000C 7DE802A6
3C608056 6063DF00
7FB0EB78 3FA08028
63BD6390 7FA803A6
4E800021 7DE803A6
7E1D8378 39E00000
3A000000 3C60803A
60000000 00000000
C2340288 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C213DDD8 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
606310D0 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DF00
3FA08028 63BD6724
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DF00
3FA08028 63BD65B8
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C2286698 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A510D0
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2167984 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F084C 00000000
C2032024 0000000A
3C60803E 606310D0
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DF00
3C808028 60846390
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
043402A4 4E800020
0413F62C 60000000
04141F78 60000000
04286754 60000000
042865E0 60000000
042863B0 60000000
0456DF00 00000000
0456DF04 00000000
0456DF18 00000003
0456DF1C 00000002
0456DF20 8056DF24
0456DF24 00000000
0456DF28 00000001
0456DF2C 00000000
0456DF30 000000B4
0413f8a8 4800006C
<source version="GMSJ0A">
C2363E70 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803D 60A5A8F0
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608032
60638DD8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA0808F
60A5C788 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C219D160 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800001 9083000C
4E800020 00000000
C2277680 0000000C
2C000003 40A20050
3C60817F 60630100
8083000C 2C040000
41A2003C 38800000
9083000C 7DE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
7FB0EB78 3FA08026
63BDE354 7FA803A6
4E800021 7DE803A6
7E1D8378 39E00000
3A000000 3C608039
60000000 00000000
C232792C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C212A528 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803D
6063A8F0 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08026 63BDE6E8
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08026 63BDE57C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C226E65C 0000000A
3CA0803D 60A5A8F0
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C21528FC 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F0268 00000000
C2363E74 0000000A
3C60803D 6063A8F0
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
3C808026 6084E354
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04327948 4E800020
0412BD90 60000000
0412E6F8 60000000
0426E718 60000000
0426E5A4 60000000
0426E374 60000000
0456DD00 00000000
0456DD04 00000000
0456DD18 00000003
0456DD1C 00000002
0456DD20 8056DD24
0456DD24 00000000
0456DD28 00000001
0456DD2C 00000000
0456DD30 000000B4
0412C00C 4800006C
</code> -->
<title lang="en-US">Quarterframe Timer (Experimental)</title>
@ -3262,82 +2805,6 @@
0426659C 60000000
<title lang="en-US">Stage Randomizer (Experimental)</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Stage Randomizer (Experimentell)</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Randomiseur de niveaux (expérimental)</title>
<title lang="ja-JP">ステージランダマイザー(実験段階)</title>
<author>Noki Doki</author>
<description lang="en-US">
Loads stages in randomized order.
::: warning
This code is not compatible with the Level Select or Fast Any% code.
<description lang="de-CH">
Ladet die Level in einer zufälligen Reihenfolge.
::: warning WARNUNG
Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Level Select, Stage Loader oder Fast Any% code.
<description lang="fr-FR">
Charge des niveaux dans un ordre aléatoire.
::: warning Attention
Ce code n'est pas compatible avec le Sélecteur de niveaux, le Chargeur de liste ou Fast Any%.
<description lang="ja-JP">
::: warning 注意
このコードは「レベルセレクト」「Fast Any%」とは互換性がありません。
<date>Oct 11, 2017</date>
<source version="GMSE01">
C22A6710 00000023
3C60803E 60639710
88830002 2C04000E
418200D8 2C04000D
41820068 2C040001
418100EC 7C6C42E6
5464EF7E 70650007
38840002 2C040007
40A20028 38800014
2C050006 40A20008
68840003 2C050007
40A20008 54A5083C
7C842A14 38A00000
5484402E 7C842A78
48000008 7C884A14
3C60803E 60639710
90830000 48000090
39000D00 8083FFFC
2C040500 4082000C
39200000 4BFFFFD8
2C040502 4082000C
39200001 4BFFFFC8
2C040504 4082000C
39200002 4BFFFFB8
2C040505 4082000C
39200003 4BFFFFA8
2C040506 4082000C
39200004 4BFFFF98
2C040507 40A20030
39200005 4BFFFF88
3C60803E 60639710
8883FFF4 70850008
41A2000C 38800E01
4BFFFF70 38800E00
4BFFFF68 807F0020
60000000 00000000
<title lang="en-US">Replace Episode names with their ID</title>
@ -3393,7 +2860,7 @@
<title lang="en-US">Position/angle/speed display</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Position/Winkel/Geschw. Display</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Affichage de position/angle/vitesse</title>
@ -3401,8 +2868,20 @@
<author>Noki Doki</author>
<date>Oct 28, 2019</date>
<description lang="en-US">Shows Mario's position, angle and speed at any given time.</description>
<description lang="de-CH">Zeigt Mario's Position, Winkel und Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an.</description>
<description lang="en-US">
Shows Mario's position, angle and speed at any given time.
::: warning
This code is not compatible with the Speed Display code.
<description lang="de-CH">
Zeigt Mario's Position, Winkel und Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an.
::: warning
Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Geschwindigkeits-Display Code
<description lang="fr-FR">Affiche la position, l'angle et la vitesse de Mario à tout moment.</description>
<description lang="ja-JP">常に「マリオの位置」「マリオの角度」「マリオの速度」を表示します。</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
@ -3699,7 +3178,7 @@
<title lang="en-US">Speed display</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Geschwindigkeits-Display</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Affichage de vitesse</title>
@ -3707,8 +3186,20 @@
<author>Noki Doki</author>
<date>Nov 28, 2021</date>
<description lang="en-US">Shows Mario's speed at any given time.</description>
<description lang="de-CH">Zeigt Mario's Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an.</description>
<description lang="en-US">
Shows Mario's speed at any given time.
::: warning
This code is not compatible with the Position/Angle/Speed Display code.
<description lang="de-CH">
Zeigt Mario's Geschwindigkeit jederzeit auf dem Bildschirm an.
::: warning
Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Position/Winkel/Gewschw. Display Code
<description lang="fr-FR">Affiche la vitesse de Mario à tout moment.</description>
<description lang="ja-JP">常に「マリオの速度」を表示します。</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
@ -4601,4 +4092,26 @@
0424F324 7FE6FB78
<title lang="en-US">Shadow Mario HP Meter</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Barre de vie d'Antimario</title>
<date>Feb 20, 2022</date>
<description lang="en-US">Shows a health bar above Shadow Mario whenever he gets hit with water.</description>
<description lang="fr-FR">Affiche une barre de vie au-dessus d'Antimario quand il est touché par de l'eau.</description>
<source version="GMSJ01">
04253748 60000000
<source version="GMSE01">
0403FD94 60000000
<source version="GMSP01">
0403FBE4 60000000
<source version="GMSJ0A">
0402BF98 60000000
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Some codes store some states in the games memory starting from address 0x817F000
| ![](./docs/unallocated.svg) | `0x24` | `0x93` | Not Allocated |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0x94` | `0xA3` | QF Timer: Coordinates of the Text box (LTRB) |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xA4` | `0xB0` | QF Timer: Timer Format String |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB1` | `0xB1` | QF Timer: (Unused) |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB0` | `0xB1` | QF Timer: (Unused) |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB2` | `0xB2` | QF Timer: Stop at QFT Offset |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB3` | `0xB3` | QF Timer: Restart Flag |
| ![](./docs/reserved.svg) | `0xB4` | `0xB7` | QF Timer: Cumulative time of previous areas since last reset (QFT Offset) |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title lang="en-US">Infinite Lives (Deprecated)</title>
<date>Jan 20, 2017</date>
<description lang="en-US">Locks life count at 99.</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
04578A04 00000063
<source version="GMSJ01">
04575227 00000063
<source version="GMSJ0A">
04569724 00000063
<source version="GMSP01">
04570967 00000063
<title lang="en-US">Remove Save Boxes</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Speicher-Schaltfläche entfernen</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Supprimer les boîtes de sauvegarde</title>
<title lang="ja-JP">セーブ画面の削除</title>
<author>Psychonauter, Noki Doki</author>
<date>Feb 17, 2021</date>
<description lang="en-US">Removes all saveboxes.</description>
<description lang="de-CH">Entfernt alle Speicherschaltflächen.</description>
<description lang="fr-FR">Supprime toutes les boîtes de sauvegarde.</description>
<description lang="ja-JP">全てのセーブ画面を削除します。</description>
<source version="GMSE01">
04297CAC 60000000
04297CB8 60000000
<source version="GMSJ01">
040EB268 60000000
040EB274 60000000
<source version="GMSJ0A">
04277954 60000000
04277960 60000000
<source version="GMSP01">
0428FB44 60000000
0428FB50 60000000
<title lang="en-US">Shine Touch Timer</title>
<description lang="en-US">
Adds the ingame timer to every level, starting on the last black frame after the loading screen and ending when you touch a Shine.
<date>Nov 29, 2017</date>
<source version="GMSE01">
C2031F68 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A59710
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608034
606394D8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA08090
60A52B28 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21BD3D8 00000007
7DE802A6 3C608056
6063DD00 7FB0EB78
3FA08028 63BDE604
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE803A6 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
4E800020 00000000
C234802C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C2149148 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
60639710 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08028 63BDE998
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08028 63BDE82C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C228E90C 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A59710
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2171B6C 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F025C 00000000
C2031F6C 0000000A
3C60803E 60639710
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
3C808028 6084E604
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04348048 4E800020
0414A99C 60000000
0414D2E8 60000000
0428E9C8 60000000
0428E854 60000000
0428E624 60000000
0456DD00 00000000
0456DD04 00000000
0456DD18 00000003
0456DD1C 00000002
0456DD20 8056DD24
0456DD24 00000000
0456DD28 00000001
0456DD2C 00000000
0456DD30 000000B4
<source version="GMSJ01">
C23617C4 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A56010
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608009
60633DF8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA08090
60A57B08 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21953A8 00000007
7DE802A6 3C608074
60639F00 7FB0EB78
3FA0800E 63BD1B4C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE803A6 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
4E800020 00000000
C209294C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C220A5A0 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
60636010 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608074 60639F00
3FA0800E 63BD1EE0
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608074 60639F00
3FA0800E 63BD1D74
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C20E1E54 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A56010
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2232024 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F0268 00000000
C23617C8 0000000A
3C60803E 60636010
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 60639F00
3C80800E 60841B4C
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04092968 4E800020
0420BDF8 60000000
0420E8A4 60000000
040E1F10 60000000
040E1D9C 60000000
040E1B6C 60000000
04749F00 00000000
04749F04 00000000
04749F18 00000003
04749F1C 00000002
04749F20 80749F24
04749F24 00000000
04749F28 00000001
04749F2C 00000000
04749F30 000000B4
0420c074 4800006C
<source version="GMSP01">
C2032020 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803E 60A510D0
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608034
60631734 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA0808F
60A5CCE8 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C21B5290 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800001 9083000C
4E800020 00000000
C228F870 0000000C
2C000003 40A20050
3C60817F 60630100
8083000C 2C040000
41A2003C 38800000
9083000C 7DE802A6
3C608056 6063DF00
7FB0EB78 3FA08028
63BD6390 7FA803A6
4E800021 7DE803A6
7E1D8378 39E00000
3A000000 3C60803A
60000000 00000000
C2340288 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C213DDD8 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803E
606310D0 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DF00
3FA08028 63BD6724
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DF00
3FA08028 63BD65B8
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C2286698 0000000A
3CA0803E 60A510D0
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C2167984 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F084C 00000000
C2032024 0000000A
3C60803E 606310D0
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DF00
3C808028 60846390
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
043402A4 4E800020
0413F62C 60000000
04141F78 60000000
04286754 60000000
042865E0 60000000
042863B0 60000000
0456DF00 00000000
0456DF04 00000000
0456DF18 00000003
0456DF1C 00000002
0456DF20 8056DF24
0456DF24 00000000
0456DF28 00000001
0456DF2C 00000000
0456DF30 000000B4
0413f8a8 4800006C
<source version="GMSJ0A">
C2363E70 0000000F
3CC0817F 60C60100
88860000 2C040001
4182002C 88860001
2C040001 40A20050
3CA0803D 60A5A8F0
88850002 2C040007
4182003C 2C040009
41810034 3C608032
60638DD8 7C6803A6
4E800021 3CA0808F
60A5C788 90650028
90660004 9085002C
90860008 38600000
98660000 80010024
60000000 00000000
C219D160 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800001 9083000C
4E800020 00000000
C2277680 0000000C
2C000003 40A20050
3C60817F 60630100
8083000C 2C040000
41A2003C 38800000
9083000C 7DE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
7FB0EB78 3FA08026
63BDE354 7FA803A6
4E800021 7DE803A6
7E1D8378 39E00000
3A000000 3C608039
60000000 00000000
C232792C 00000007
3DE0817F 61EF0100
8A0F0000 2C100001
4182000C 806F0004
808F0008 3A000000
9A0F0000 906F0004
908F0008 909F002C
39E00000 00000000
C212A528 00000012
7C6F1B78 7FB0EB78
3C60817F 60630100
88830001 2C040001
40A20060 38800000
98830001 3C60803D
6063A8F0 A0630002
2C030805 41820044
2C030605 4182003C
2C031E00 41820034
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08026 63BDE6E8
7FA803A6 4E800021
3C608056 6063DD00
3FA08026 63BDE57C
7FA803A6 4E800021
7DE37B78 7E1D8378
39E00000 3A000000
800100CC 00000000
C226E65C 0000000A
3CA0803D 60A5A8F0
A0A50002 2C051E00
41820034 2C050404
4182002C 2C050801
41820024 2C050904
4182001C 2C050605
41820014 2C050805
4182000C 38800000
38600000 909E00CC
60000000 00000000
C21528FC 00000003
3C60817F 60630100
38800101 B0830000
807F0268 00000000
C2363E74 0000000A
3C60803D 6063A8F0
A083FFFE 2C043C00
40A20038 A0830002
2C040FFF 40A2002C
7C1E0378 7FE802A6
3C608056 6063DD00
3C808026 6084E354
7C8803A6 4E800021
7FE803A6 7FC0F378
83E1001C 00000000
04327948 4E800020
0412BD90 60000000
0412E6F8 60000000
0426E718 60000000
0426E5A4 60000000
0426E374 60000000
0456DD00 00000000
0456DD04 00000000
0456DD18 00000003
0456DD1C 00000002
0456DD20 8056DD24
0456DD24 00000000
0456DD28 00000001
0456DD2C 00000000
0456DD30 000000B4
0412C00C 4800006C
<title lang="en-US">Stage Randomizer (Experimental)</title>
<title lang="de-CH">Stage Randomizer (Experimentell)</title>
<title lang="fr-FR">Randomiseur de niveaux (expérimental)</title>
<title lang="ja-JP">ステージランダマイザー(実験段階)</title>
<author>Noki Doki</author>
<description lang="en-US">
Loads stages in randomized order.
::: warning
This code is not compatible with the Level Select or Fast Any% code.
<description lang="de-CH">
Ladet die Level in einer zufälligen Reihenfolge.
::: warning WARNUNG
Dieser Code ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Level Select, Stage Loader oder Fast Any% code.
<description lang="fr-FR">
Charge des niveaux dans un ordre aléatoire.
::: warning Attention
Ce code n'est pas compatible avec le Sélecteur de niveaux, le Chargeur de liste ou Fast Any%.
<description lang="ja-JP">
::: warning 注意
このコードは「レベルセレクト」「Fast Any%」とは互換性がありません。
<date>Oct 11, 2017</date>
<source version="GMSE01">
C22A6710 00000023
3C60803E 60639710
88830002 2C04000E
418200D8 2C04000D
41820068 2C040001
418100EC 7C6C42E6
5464EF7E 70650007
38840002 2C040007
40A20028 38800014
2C050006 40A20008
68840003 2C050007
40A20008 54A5083C
7C842A14 38A00000
5484402E 7C842A78
48000008 7C884A14
3C60803E 60639710
90830000 48000090
39000D00 8083FFFC
2C040500 4082000C
39200000 4BFFFFD8
2C040502 4082000C
39200001 4BFFFFC8
2C040504 4082000C
39200002 4BFFFFB8
2C040505 4082000C
39200003 4BFFFFA8
2C040506 4082000C
39200004 4BFFFF98
2C040507 40A20030
39200005 4BFFFF88
3C60803E 60639710
8883FFF4 70850008
41A2000C 38800E01
4BFFFF70 38800E00
4BFFFF68 807F0020
60000000 00000000
@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
# Changelog
## Mar 13, 2022
### Added 'Metadata Display' category
- Moved speed display codes from misc to metadata display
- Made codes in the category exclusive
## Feb 22, 2022
### Added Option to define custom Gecko codes
## Feb 20, 2022
### Added 'Shadow Mario HP Meter'
Displays a health bar above Shadow Mario.
## Nov 28, 2021
### Updated 'Speed display'
@ -8,24 +25,24 @@ Fixed a crash when leaving certain levels.
### Updated 'Quarterframe Timer (Experimental)'
* The timer now freezes upon grabbing blue or red coins.
* The timer now rounds to the frame for end times, entry times and blue coin grabs, as more precision in those cases would be meaningless.
- The timer now freezes upon grabbing blue or red coins.
- The timer now rounds to the frame for end times, entry times and blue coin grabs, as more precision in those cases would be meaningless.
## Nov 15, 2021
### Updated 'Quarterframe Timer (Experimental)'
* Revamped reset behavior; this code is now fully compatible with Shine Get Timer, and no longer depends on any loader code.
* The timer now freezes upon hitting a loading zone (similarly to Shine Get Timer) or exiting area.
* Fixed possible overflows when entering a loading zone after staying in the same area for a very long time.
- Revamped reset behavior; this code is now fully compatible with Shine Get Timer, and no longer depends on any loader code.
- The timer now freezes upon hitting a loading zone (similarly to Shine Get Timer) or exiting area.
- Fixed possible overflows when entering a loading zone after staying in the same area for a very long time.
## Oct 22, 2021
### Updated 'Quarterframe Timer (Experimental)'
* Adjusted speed to match real time on 30fps. The timer will run slightly faster than real time on 25fps PAL, just as the game itself does.
* Fixed the ability for the timer to eventually roll back to 0:00.000; it will now stop at 99:59.994 (the highest achievable time below 100 minutes).
* Fixed the ability for the timer to eventually resume while waiting on a Shine textbox; it will now keep displaying the end time forever (well, until the next area transition).
- Adjusted speed to match real time on 30fps. The timer will run slightly faster than real time on 25fps PAL, just as the game itself does.
- Fixed the ability for the timer to eventually roll back to 0:00.000; it will now stop at 99:59.994 (the highest achievable time below 100 minutes).
- Fixed the ability for the timer to eventually resume while waiting on a Shine textbox; it will now keep displaying the end time forever (well, until the next area transition).
## Oct 10, 2021
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@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
<div :class="disabled ? 'button-wrapper disabled' : 'button-wrapper'">
<button @click="onClick" :disabled="disabled">{{ label }}</button>
? `button-wrapper disabled ${className ? className : ''}`
: `button-wrapper ${className ? className : ''}`
<button :class="small ? 'small' : ''" @click="handleClick" :disabled="disabled">
{{ label }}
export default {
props: {
small: { type: Boolean, required: false },
className: { type: String, required: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean },
onClick: { type: Function },
label: { type: String },
methods: {
handleClick(e) {
@ -28,6 +44,10 @@ export default {
cursor: not-allowed;
.small {
padding: 3px 7px;
button {
border: none;
outline: none;
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
<div class="preset-select">
@ -9,16 +17,37 @@
<div v-for="category in codeCategories" v-bind:key="category.identifier" class="code-group">
<div class="category-title">{{ getCategoryTitle(category) }}</div>
<div class="category-title">
<span>{{ getCategoryTitle(category) }}</span>
v-if="category.identifier === 'custom'"
v-for="(code, idx) in availableCodes.filter((c) => c.category === category.identifier)"
v-bind:key="code.identifier ? code.identifier : idx"
:class="code.selected ? 'checked' : code.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''"
{{ getCodeTitle(code) }}
{{ getCodeTitle(code) }}
<div class="code-menu">
v-if="code.identifier != null && code.category === 'custom'"
@click="(e) => deleteCustomCode(e, code.identifier)"
v-if="category.identifier === 'loader'"
@ -40,6 +69,7 @@ import presetCategories from '../data/presetCategories.json';
export default {
props: {
version: { type: String },
codes: { type: Array },
onSelectionChanged: { type: Function },
onInspect: { type: Function },
@ -57,6 +87,8 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
customCodes: [],
customCodeInEditMode: null,
availableCodes: [],
@ -71,6 +103,10 @@ export default {
value: c.identifier,
emitChangeEvent() {
const selectedCodes = this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.selected);
loadPreset(identifier) {
if (
(this.stageLoaderSelected || this.availableCodes.find((c) => c.selected)) &&
@ -86,7 +122,7 @@ export default {
this.onSelectionChanged(this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.selected));
getPresetPlaceholder() {
@ -116,7 +152,7 @@ export default {
this.stageLoaderSelected = newState;
this.onSelectionChanged(this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.selected));
refreshDisabledCodes() {
for (const code of this.availableCodes) {
@ -134,6 +170,64 @@ export default {
initCustomCodeModal() {
this.customCodeInEditMode = {
identifier: btoa(new Date().toISOString()),
title: undefined,
value: undefined,
closeCustomClodeModal() {
this.customCodeInEditMode = null;
deleteCustomCode(e, identifier) {
this.customCodes = this.customCodes.filter((c) => c.identifier !== identifier);
localStorage.setItem('custom-codes', JSON.stringify(this.customCodes));
this.availableCodes = this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.identifier !== identifier);
saveCustomCode(identifier, title, value) {
const updatedCode = {
author: '-',
title: [
lang: 'en-US',
content: title,
description: [
lang: 'en-US',
content: '-',
html: '<p>-</p>',
version: '-',
date: new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', {
month: 'short',
day: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',
source: value,
presets: [],
category: 'custom',
dependsOn: null,
createdOnVersion: this.version,
this.customCodes = [
...this.customCodes.filter((c) => c.identifier !== identifier),
localStorage.setItem('custom-codes', JSON.stringify(this.customCodes));
this.availableCodes = [
...this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.identifier !== identifier),
{ ...updatedCode, selected: false },
toggle(code) {
if (!code.selected && codeCategories.find((c) => c.identifier === code.category).exclusive) {
for (const availableCode of this.availableCodes.filter(
@ -150,10 +244,27 @@ export default {
code.selected = code.disabled ? false : !code.selected;
this.onSelectionChanged(this.availableCodes.filter((c) => c.selected));
populate() {
this.availableCodes = => ({ ...c, selected: false }));
const storedCustomCodes = localStorage.getItem('custom-codes');
if (storedCustomCodes) {
try {
const parsedCodes = JSON.parse(storedCustomCodes);
this.customCodes = parsedCodes;
} catch (err) {
this.customCodes = [];
} else {
this.customCodes = [];
this.availableCodes = [
|||| => ({ ...c, selected: false })),
|||| => ({ ...c, selected: false })),
inspect(code) {
@ -168,13 +279,29 @@ export default {
<style scoped>
.category-title {
position: relative;
color: white;
font-weight: 500;
text-align: center;
background: #383838b5;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto min-content;
.btn-add-custom-code {
min-width: unset;
width: auto;
.btn-edit-custom-code {
background: transparent;
border: none;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
cursor: pointer;
.category-title ~ ul {
@ -209,10 +336,20 @@ ul li {
user-select: none;
outline: none;
display: block;
min-width: 280px;
white-space: nowrap;
padding-right: 15px;
overflow: hidden;
padding-right: 5px;
min-width: 260px;
max-width: 260px;
text-align: left;
position: relative;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto min-content min-content;
ul li > span {
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
ul li:nth-child(odd) {
@ -271,9 +408,9 @@ li.checked::before {
background-color: #d85e55;
@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1100px) {
ul li {
min-width: 180px;
max-width: 100%;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
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<span @click="confirmCancel" class="btn-close">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">
{{ getLabel('codeeditor.fields.title.label') }}
<label> {{ getLabel('codeeditor.fields.value.label') }}* </label>
:class="touched && !isCodeValid() ? 'invalid' : ''"
// Util
import { translate } from '../i18n/localeHelper';
export default {
props: {
identifier: { type: String, required: false },
initialTitle: { type: String, required: false },
initialValue: { type: String, required: false },
onCancel: { type: Function },
onSave: { type: Function },
data() {
return {
title: this.initialTitle,
customCode: this.initialValue,
touched: this.initialValue != null,
methods: {
getLabel(key) {
return translate(key, this.$lang);
isCodeValid() {
if (!this.customCode) return false;
const formattedCode = this.customCode.replace(/(?:\r|\n|\s)/g, '');
return /^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/.test(formattedCode) && formattedCode.length % 16 === 0;
onTouch() {
this.touched = true;
confirmCancel() {
if (!confirm(translate('common.discard', this.$lang))) return;
onSubmit() {
this.title ? this.title : 'N/A',
this.customCode.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '').toUpperCase(),
onPaste(e) {
const pasteContent =
e.clipboardData?.getData?.('text') || window.clipboardData?.getData?.('text');
if (!pasteContent) return;
const newCode = `${this.customCode ? this.customCode : ''} ${pasteContent}`
.replace(/(?:\t|\s)/g, '')
.replace(/(.{8})(.{8})/g, '$1 $2\r\n');
this.customCode = newCode;
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@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
<br />
<hr />
<div v-if="codes && codes.length > 0">
<h3>{{ getLabel('headers.codelist') }}</h3>
@ -216,7 +215,12 @@ section > div:not(:first-child) {
.config {
position: relative;
position: sticky;
top: 58px;
z-index: 999;
padding: 16px 0px;
background: white;
border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
.config span {
@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ section > div:not(:first-child) {
.help {
position: sticky;
top: 80px;
top: 90px;
text-align: left;
align-self: flex-start;
width: 100%;
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ export default {
console.log('Generating new Stageloader-Code');
@ -14,6 +14,11 @@
"i18nKey": "generatorconfig.categories.timer",
"exclusive": false
"identifier": "metadata",
"i18nKey": "generatorconfig.categories.metadata",
"exclusive": true
"identifier": "misc",
"i18nKey": "generatorconfig.categories.misc",
@ -28,5 +33,10 @@
"identifier": "cosmetic",
"i18nKey": "generatorconfig.categories.cosmetic",
"exclusive": false
"identifier": "custom",
"i18nKey": "generatorconfig.categories.custom",
"exclusive": false
@ -8,7 +8,21 @@
"GMSJ0A": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.1)",
"GMSP01": "GMSP01 (PAL)",
"loadpresetplaceholder": "Lade eine Vorlage..",
"selectionreset": "Deine Auswahl wird zurückgesetzt. Fortfahren?"
"selectionreset": "Deine Auswahl wird zurückgesetzt. Fortfahren?",
"discard": "Deine Änderungen werden zurückgesetzt, fortfahren?"
"codeeditor": {
"fields": {
"title": {
"label": "Titel",
"placeholder": "N/A"
"value": {
"label": "Gecko Code",
"placeholder": "Dein Gecko Code.."
"save": "Speichern"
"headers": {
"help": "Hilfe",
@ -39,7 +53,9 @@
"timer": "Timer",
"misc": "Misc",
"memcardpatch": "Memory Card Patches",
"cosmetic": "Kosmetisch"
"cosmetic": "Kosmetisch",
"custom": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"metadata": "Metadaten Anzeige"
"presets": {
"standard": "Standard",
@ -8,7 +8,21 @@
"GMSJ0A": "GMSJ01 (NTSC-J 1.1)",
"GMSP01": "GMSP01 (PAL)",
"loadpresetplaceholder": "Load a preset..",
"selectionreset": "This will reset your selection, continue?"
"selectionreset": "This will reset your selection, continue?",
"discard": "This will discard all your changes, continue?"
"codeeditor": {
"fields": {
"title": {
"label": "Title",
"placeholder": "N/A"
"value": {
"label": "Gecko Code",
"placeholder": "Your Gecko Code.."
"save": "Save"
"headers": {
"codelist": "Available Codes",
@ -39,7 +53,9 @@
"timer": "Timers",
"misc": "Misc",
"memcardpatch": "Memory Card Patches",
"cosmetic": "Cosmetic"
"cosmetic": "Cosmetic",
"custom": "Custom",
"metadata": "Metadata Display"
"presets": {
"standard": "Standard",
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
min-height: 120vh;
font-size: 15px;
transform: rotateY(-180deg);
@ -23,4 +24,8 @@
max-width: 80%;
z-index: 18;
z-index: 1000;
z-index: 9991 !important;
height: 58px !important;
Add table
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