name: Code Bug Report description: Codes doesn't work as expected title: '[BUG]: ' labels: - bug - codes assignees: - 'BitPatty' body: - type: textarea attributes: label: Describe the bug description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Enabled Codes description: List the codes you have enabled - type: textarea attributes: label: To Reproduce description: List the steps necessary to reproduce the behavior - type: dropdown attributes: label: Loader description: Which loader do you use to play the game options: - Nintendont - Dolphin - Other (specify in description above) - type: input attributes: label: Loader Version description: Which version of the loader do you use - type: dropdown attributes: label: Game Version description: Which version of the game do you use options: - NTSC-U (North America) - NTSC-J (Japan) - PAL (Europe) - NTSC-K (Korea) - type: dropdown attributes: label: Wii Region description: "If you're on Wii: Which region does your Wii have" options: - NTSC-U (North America) - NTSC-J (Japan) - PAL (Europe) - NTSC-K (Korea) - type: dropdown attributes: label: Game Source description: "If you're on Wii: How do you load the game" options: - Disc - SD-Card - HDD - type: dropdown attributes: label: Nintendont Source description: 'If you use Nintendont on Wii: Where is it located' options: - SD-Card - HDD