{ "ja-JP": { "h3": "見た目", "location": "位置:", "fontSize": "文字サイズ:", "fgColor": "文字色:", "fgColorGrad": "グラデーション", "fgColor1": "文字色(上):", "fgColor2": "文字色(下):", "bgColor": "背景色:", "alpha": "不透明度=", "preview": "プレビュー", "previewNote": "※ x座標の範囲は0~600、y座標の範囲は16~464です", "freeze": { "h3": "一時停止", "duration": "長さ:", "frame": "(フレーム)", "sec": "(秒)", "rows": { "yellowCoin": "黄コインを取った時", "redCoin": "赤コインを取った時", "blueCoin": "青コインを取った時", "item": "アイテム(ノズル等)を取った時", "talk": "会話開始時", "demo": "カットシーン開始時", "cleaned": "NPCを洗った時", "bowser": "クッパ戦の足場を破壊した時" } } }, "en-US": { "h3": "Appearance", "location": "Location: ", "fontSize": "Font size: ", "fgColor": "Font color: ", "fgColorGrad": "Gradient", "fgColor1": "Font color (top): ", "fgColor2": "Font color (bottom): ", "bgColor": "Background color: ", "alpha": "Alpha=", "preview": "Preview", "previewNote": "※ x ranges from 0 to 600, and y ranges from 16 to 464.", "freeze": { "h3": "Freezing the timer", "duration": "Duration: ", "frame": "(frames)", "sec": "(sec)", "rows": { "yellowCoin": "When a yellow coin is collected", "redCoin": "When a red coin is collected", "blueCoin": "When a blue coin is collected", "item": "When an item (e.g. nozzle) is collected", "talk": "When dialogue starts", "demo": "When a cutscene starts", "cleaned": "When an NPC is cleaned", "bowser": "When a platform is destroyed in the Bowser fight" } } } }