"help": "Hilfe",
"download": "Herunterladen",
"codeinfo": {
"author": "Autor:",
"authors": "Autoren:",
"version": "Version:"
"generatorconfig": {
"gameversion": "Spiel-Version:",
"downloadformat": "Download Format:",
"usestageloader": "Stage Loader verwenden:"
"landingpage": {
"title": "Super Mario Sunshine Practice File Generator",
"summary": "This is a cheatfile generator for Super Mario Sunshine speedrun practice. If this is your first time using the generator we highly recommend to check out the guide first. Visit the the troubleshooting section if you encounter any issues.",
"community": "Die SMS Speedrunning Community",
"links": {
"discord": "Discord",
"twitter": "Twitter: @SMSCommunity",
"twitch": "Twitch: SunshineCommunity",
"src": "Speedrun.com Ranglisten"
"stageloader": {
"levelorder": {
"label": "Level Reihenfolge:",
"options": {}
"postgame": {
"label": "Nach der Route:",
"options": {}
"removedialogue": {
"label": "Dialoge entfernen:",
"options": {
"pv5": "Nicht in Pinna 5",
"yes": "Immer",
"no": "Nie"
"skippablefmvs": {
"label": "Überspringbare FMVs:",
"options": {}
"levelselectplaceholder": "Wähle ein Level..",
"loadpresetplaceholder": "Lade eine Vorlage..",
"route": "Route",
"clear": "Liste leeren"