<template> <ButtonComponent label="Download" :onClick="onClick" :disabled="(!codes || codes.length === 0) && !stageLoaderCode" /> </template> <script> // Components import ButtonComponent from './ButtonComponent'; // Data import gameVersions from '../data/gameVersions.json'; // Util import { translateCode } from '../i18n/localeHelper'; export default { props: { codes: { type: Array }, stageLoaderCode: { type: String }, format: { type: String }, versionIdentifier: { type: String }, }, methods: { onClick() { if (!(this.codes || this.codes.length === 0) && !this.stageLoaderCode) { return; } const c = [...(this.codes ?? [])]; if (this.stageLoaderCode) c.push({ title: 'Stage List Loader', author: 'Noki Doki', date: '-', version: '', source: this.stageLoaderCode, }); try { window._paq.push([ 'trackEvent', 'GCT Generator', 'Code Download', JSON.stringify({ gameVersion: this.versionIdentifier, format: this.format, codes: c.map((code) => ({ title: code.title, version: code.version, })), }), ]); } catch {} console.log(`Preparing download for ${this.format}`); const fileName = gameVersions.find((v) => v.identifier === this.versionIdentifier).version; switch (this.format) { case 'gct': this.generateGCT(c, fileName); break; case 'dolphin': this.generateDolphinINI(c, fileName); break; case 'gcm': this.generateCheatManagerTXT(c, fileName); break; } }, generateGCT(codes, version) { let code = '00D0C0DE00D0C0DE'; codes.forEach((c) => (code += c.source)); code += 'F000000000000000'; let rawData = new Uint8Array(code.length / 2); for (let x = 0; x < rawData.length; x++) { rawData[x] = parseInt(code.substr(x * 2, 2), 16); } this.downloadFile(rawData, `${version}.gct`); }, generateDolphinINI(codes, version) { let data = 'Paste the following on top of your games .ini file:\r\n[Gecko]'; codes.forEach((code) => { const codeTitle = typeof code.title === 'string' ? code.title : translateCode(code, this.$lang).title; data += `\r\n$${codeTitle} (${code.date}) [${code.author}]\r\n`; data += code.source .match(/.{8}/g) .join(' ') .replace(/(.{17})./g, '$1\r\n'); }); this.downloadFile(data, `${version}.txt`); }, generateCheatManagerTXT(codes, version) { let data = `${version}\r\nSuper Mario Sunshine`; codes.forEach((code) => { const codeTitle = typeof code.title === 'string' ? code.title : translateCode(code, this.$lang).title; data += `\r\n\r\n${codeTitle} (${code.date}) [${code.author}]\r\n`; data += code.source .match(/.{8}/g) .join(' ') .replace(/(.{17})./g, '$1\r\n'); }); this.downloadFile(data, `${version}.txt`); }, downloadFile(data, filename) { var file = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/octet-stream', }); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename); else { var a = document.createElement('a'), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; a.download = filename; a.click(); setTimeout(function () { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 500); } }, }, }; </script>